Friday, December 27, 2019

Cognitive Development And Social Development - 1753 Words

This essay will concentrate on cognitive development as opposed to physical, language or social development. There are two schools of thought which aim to explain cognitive development, namely continuous cognitive development, through the behaviourist account, and stage-like development, through the organismic account (Smith, 1997). We will explore Piaget’s contributions to the field with his account of cognitive development happening through concrete stages, namely the sensorimotor, the pre-operational, concrete operational and the formal operational stages. The experiments he developed to prove his theories will also be examined, as well as the criticisms that more contemporary literature have put forth about these. By the end of this†¦show more content†¦Piaget believed shematas to be of essential importance for children’s cognitive development, and assumed that these are stored and expanded. Schematas are patterns of behaviour learned, stored and then used when confronted with similar situation, for example a person may have a schema about getting on a plane: get their boarding pass, go through security, wait in the lounge, go to their gate, get on the plane (this type of schema is called a script) and whenever they are in an airport ready to travel they will â€Å"retrieve the schema from memory and apply it to the situation†. For infants schemas tend to be a lot simpler and it is in their course of their cognitive development that these expand and multiply. According to Piaget, some schemas are innate for newborns. Units of knowledge stored in their brains at a neonatal stage, for example the â€Å"sucking schema† (Brain Mukherji, 2005) where no one had to teach the infant how to feed from his mum, or his thumb (Freud accounts for this stage of development as well, yet he does not class it as cognitive development but rather a stage in a child’s â€Å"psychosexual† development (Stone, 1991)- it is worth noting that despite the disparity between the kind of development, both theorists agreed on child development occurring in stages). Assimilation, therefore, flows on naturally from schemas as this is the process by which a learned

Thursday, December 19, 2019

Spreading Of Hiv / Aids - 1734 Words

Gregory Lewis Professor Zeller International Relations 17 April 2017 The Spreading of HIV/AIDS What is AIDS and how it is spreading throughout the world? Throughout the 20th-21st Century, AIDS has been a top primary concern for many people and how it can spread numerous ways through any physical contact. AIDS, which stands for Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome, has a set of symptoms that has caused by the Human Immunodeficiency Virus, or HIV. This type of virus is considered to be when a person’s immune system is too weak to defend advanced HIV infections and how it develops certain symptoms and illnesses that will destroy the immune system. Most of the infections are harmless to healthy people, but the ones that have AIDS†¦show more content†¦Prominent to known in most parts of the world, HIV is mostly transmitted through heterosexual sex. In 2014, 87 percent of women were involved in new cases that would risk them to spread the virus and be â€Å"attributed to heterosexual sex† ( During that year, only 62 percent of African-Americans were diagnosed, making it the highest risk factor of this virus. The symptoms that are primarily affecting this case are body rash, fever, sore throat, and severe headaches. It will take 2-4 weeks to experience these symptoms if they know they are infected. However, the remaining 80 percent of people will mistake the transmission by having flu-like symptoms including night sweats, fatigue, muscle aches, and mouth. Where was HIV/AIDS diagnosed at first? In 1920 in a land called Kinshasa in the Democratic Republic of Congo, many scientists identified a chimpanzee that was considered to be the primary effect of how HIV/AIDS infected to humans. They also believed that â€Å"the chimpanzee version of the immunodeficiency virus (called simian immunodeficiency virus or SIV) most likely was transmitted to humans and mutated into HIV when humans hunted these chimpanzees for meat and came into contact with their infected blood† (AIDS Institute). When it happened, the virus became known as HIV-1 as the first case with other primary groups such as M, N, O, P, which has a genetically make-up. Group M was theShow MoreRelatedEssay on The Spreading of HIV/AIDS684 Words   |  3 Pagesdiseases such as HIV/AIDS. This disease have developed into an international issue as it has been spreading rapidly throughout the world. The government are having difficulties to maintain the development of HIV/AIDS because it is administered through body fluids and this is especially deadly for those who are involved in promiscuity, such as sex workers. HIV/AIDS is initially derived from African continent but it has spread out world-widely and became a global phenomenon. AIDS (Acquired ImmuneRead MoreAn Evaluation of Hiv-Aids Care and Prevention Strategies in Uk1067 Words   |  5 PagesO N An Overall View of HIV/AIDS Statistics in UK: According to the Bureau of Hygiene and Tropical Diseases, in the early 1980s, the number of people diagnosed with HIV was a increasing steadily. From 1987 to 1990 the cumulative number of HIV diagnoses reported was almost doubled (from 8,016 to 15,166) (1, 2). Between 1990 and 1997 there were between 2,000 and 2,700 HIV diagnoses reported annually.(3) From 1999 there was a huge rate of increase in the number of annual HIV Infected people, peak periodRead MoreHistory Of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome1272 Words   |  6 PagesThe history of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome in the United States starts in 1981, the year it became recognized by country as an official new strange disease. By 1982 it was recognized as Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS). It started in San Francisco, with five young homosexual men, they were presented with Pneumonia (PCP). As the year went on there were more reports of homosexual men presenting PCP and some of them were diagnosed with PCP and Kaposi ´s Sarcoma (KS). Others reportsRead MoreEssay on HIV/AIDS and Modern Medical Inventions1399 Words   |  6 Pagesadvancement in medical inventions, still the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) is the most challenging virus that will drag the human lives to the deadly disease acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS). It spreads its wings all over. HIV cannot be cured, but it can be prevented. It has become the greatest life threatening disease and affects unbelievably high percent of human beings. Nowadays, besides other deadly diseases, HIV/AIDS becomes more complex and crucial health issue that challenges severalRead MoreThe Epidemic Of The Hiv Virus1747 Words   |  7 PagesStephan Ziccardi Professor Becher ENC 1101 October 24th, 2015 Since the discovery of the HIV virus in 1983, there have been many precautions taken to control and prevent the spreading of this deadly disease. Helen Epstein, who is the author of â€Å"AIDS Inc,† informs her readers about the sexually transmitted disease known as the Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS). Epstein enlightens her audience with crucial information in regards to the ruthless disease that is devouring the lives of innocentRead MoreAnglo American Plc Case Study1709 Words   |  7 Pages Kamlesh Bind PGDM –IB ( 08) 1. What are the pros and cons of Anglo American’s adoptions of a strategy in combating HIV/AIDS among its South African workforce ? What recommendation would you give the company concerning its HIV / AIDS policy ? Ans :- Anglo American had a huge investment in South Africa and was hard hit by the HIV / AIDS epidemic . It was one of the first corporation to develop a comprehensive, proactive strategy to combat the ravages of the disease on itsRead Moreessay on hiv-aids1669 Words   |  7 Pages2000 words essay on: HIV-AIDS AIDS, The full form is Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome is caused by a virus called HIV (Human Immune Deficiency Virus). It is a condition in which the built in defence system of the body breaks down completely. This phenomenon is gradual but ultimately leads to total depletion of a very important cell component of the immune mechanism. Thus those who are affected are unable to combat with common diseases including even mildRead MoreDiscrimination of Hiv/Aids1466 Words   |  6 Pages1 Discrimination of HIV/AIDS Discrimination of HIV/AIDS-positive people in medical field and in society is morally wrong In the rural area of Nigeria, an AIDS patient cut his hand and, when he went to the closest hospital to bandage it, the doctors kept transferring him from one outpatient department to another medical ward, then to another one because they did not want to get infectedRead MoreMary Fisher Speech Summary846 Words   |  4 PagesDuring the late 1990s, the HIV virus spread to different parts of the world affecting millions of people and causing the death of many people. The spread of the virus brought fear to many people, especially those in America. Negative attitudes toward those with HIV or AIDS grew which made those with the virus feel ashamed of being exposed to the virus. Mary Fisher argues that raising awareness of HIV/AIDS is necessary to not only prevent the spread of the virus but to also help support those, notRead MoreAids ( Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome )1249 Words   |  5 PagesHIV, the virus which develops into AIDS (acquired immunodeficiency syndrome), is on e of the world’s largest health concerns. The first cases were discovered in 1981. Now, about 35 years later, there are over 36.9 million people living with the disease (UNAIDS 1). Cases have been reported in all regions of the world. The majority of those living with HIV/AIDS, and those at greatest risk for contracting the disease, have limited to no access to education, prevention, care and treatment. There also

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Overcoming challenges free essay sample

It’s good to overcome and face challenges for many obvious reasons, but there may be risks and results and in the end you will probably learn something very valuable in the near to far future. In every day life we have challenges. For example sitting in class everyday to go to school and having the strength to push through to the next day. If you have the courage to take on challenges there may be risk involve. If you strive to excel in your challenge and fail you will think it’s a big waste of time but you can learn from what you did. One situation where I had a huge risk was in the in state Basketball Championship when I was a freshman. I had to have the courage step up in front of thousands as the youngest guy on the court. The risk of playing in that game was if I failed then all the people would see it. We will write a custom essay sample on Overcoming challenges or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Another risk is that I would do something embarrassing, like trip over my own foot. One more situation were I had a risk was on my second semester English final. English is one of my hardest classes and I had a B in the class and I needed. a C to pass with a B. I could have studied for hours the night before just to get a C+ in the class I needed a B in. After you have the courage to take a risk you will get a result weather its good or bad. You can learn a lot about the result of the challenge. In the situation where I had to go into a huge game as a freshman I learn more things than I could have if I didn’t have the boldness to play. I learned that if you have great friends and leaders around you that they can help you through anything. In my English final it was a different way of looking at it. I didn’t get the grade I wanted and I though I studied enough but I learned that you can always be over prepared for a test or anything in life. Most people don’t have enough bravery to except a challenge and push through, but those who do have huge benefits. If you meet a challenge it builds inner strength and allows you to face greater challenges in the future. Confronting challenges makes for a smaller ego and therefore you learn that there is still more to be learned. Facing challenges also helps build self-responsibility so you don’t have to rely on others and you cannot drop the blame on other people. Also you can learn from all your challenges and the mistakes you’ve made. In the artist Adel’s song â€Å"Stronger† she explains â€Å"What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger. † Facing different challenges could be the hardest thing you do in life but if you push through to the end there will be serious learning points and several benefits. In conclusion its valuable to face challenges, have the true grit to risk facing it but in the end there will either be a good or bad result and you will have the benefit of learning from it.

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Wuthering Heights and The Color Purple Essay Example

Wuthering Heights and The Color Purple Essay Outsiders is a big theme in both novels Wuthering Heights and The Color Purple. Wuthering Heights is described as a gothic novel and outsider is a key figure in the Gothic novel. An outsider lives beyond the bounds of conventional society or on the borderlands of it, he or she is seen as a suspicious and threatening entity, someone who must be excluded for the safety of society at large. Bront? s Wuthering height explores outsiders in three different ways. The first and obvious example is of Heathcliff, the character that was an outsider until his death. The second is of Isabella Linton, whom has been taken from Thrushcross Grange to be become an outsider in Wuthering Heights. Finally but not least the third main outsider is Hareton, where Bront? here explores how a character being an outsider could transform into an insider. From the moment Heathcliff was introduced to the Earnshaw family, as an orphan that was found in the streets of Liverpool, Heathcliff was claimed to be an outsider and treated as one. In her description of Heathcliff, Nelly Dean, narrating Heathcliffs story to Mr. Lockwood the new tenant of Thrushcross grange, she refers to him with the personal pronoun it. We will write a custom essay sample on Wuthering Heights and The Color Purple specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Wuthering Heights and The Color Purple specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Wuthering Heights and The Color Purple specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer This is deliberately done to emphasize how much Heathcliff was unwanted in the house, to the point where Mrs. Earnshaw was ready to fling it out of doors, and Heathcliff was also degraded him to the status of a thing. In his first night the poor child was not accepted by the two children to sleep, or even share their rooms. Nelly, not being any kinder let Heathcliff sleeps on the landing of the stairs. During the remaining life of Mr. Earnshaw, Heathcliff was treated as an outsider by Hindley and named the gypsy, but he enjoyed the protection of the old master. When Mr. Earnshaw died, Hindley became the master of the house and because of his hatred of Heathcliff; he started the process of degrading him. Hindley drove him from their company to the servants, depriving him of the instructions of the curate, and insisted that he should labour out of doors instead. This goes on to show that outsiders to Hindley are just like servants compelling him to do so, as hard as any other lad on the farm. During this stage Heathcliff was close to Catherine Earnshaw and she taught him what she learnt, and worked or played with him in the fields. When Heathcliff and Catherine were at Thrushcross Grange they laughed together at the spoilt behaviour of the Linton children, and at this point they are social outsiders together to Thrushcross Grange. The residence of the Grange lunched their bull-dog at them, which caught Catherines ankle. Although Catherine suffers physically, being attached by the dog, the Lintons realise their mistakes, and take Catherine in to attend on her, because Catherine is no social outsider to them, they have seen her at church. Heathcliff on the other hand is kicked off. In this point we see clearly how cruelly and unjust outsider are treated. Mr. Linton described him as a little Lascar, or an American or Spanish castaway. This shows that even Heathcliff is their neighbour, Mr. Linton still thinks of him worse because he was just found in the streets instead of being born in Wuthering heights. Heathcliff was convicted of robbery, even thought he was just amusing himself with Catherine. Isabella Linton describes him as a son of the fortune-teller, that stole my tame pheasant. And is still carried on by the servants whom describe him to the master as foulmouthed thief and murder, even though he has no proof, he just made those assumptions because Heathcliff to him is out-and-outer or an outsider. If it wasnt for Catherine not being an outsider, Heathcliff would of had suffered the fate of the gallows which is death. After Catherine returns from the Grange, she counters on Heathcliff and unconsciously treats him as an outsider, because compared to living in the Grange she sees him as one. Catherine insults Heathcliff although she then goes on describes how she loves him by saying it would degrade me to marry Heathcliff now. now in this quote shows that Catherine sees Heathcliff from a different vantage point. Before that she treats him infernally describing him as so dirty in their first meeting after the Grange incident. She even states that Im used to Edgar and Isabella Linton, which could hint that she might share the same view of the Lintons on Heathcliff. The effect of that is that Catherine started to share her days greater with the Lintons and much less with Heathcliff, and she hints to him that she does not want his company anymore, And should I always be sitting with you, she demanded growing more irritated. A reverse social outsider situation occurs in the case of Isabella Linton who has been delicately brought up. After eloping with Heathcliff and marrying him, Isabella became an outsider to her own home. Because she conceived Edgar and left him, Edgar became resolved not to help her return or even invite her to the Grange. Edgar does want any relationship with her from his statement Hereafter she is only my sister in name; not because I disown her, but because she has disowned me. So basically Isabella once was one of the residents of Thrushcross Grange has been transformed to an outsider by eloping marrying an outsider, Heathcliff. She is also an outsider in her new home and suffers harsh and brutal life in her marriage. She was not welcomed to her new home as a just married wife, but rather like a stranger or an outsider. Young Hareton refuses to shake hands with her or even become acquainted to her. Hindley was not any more welcoming and his first speech was Whats your business here? rather than a welcoming introduction. Heathcliff does not share with her their bedroom and she is left isolated in her new home. Bront? uses Hareton as an example to show how an outsider could be healed through care, education, and most significantly love, something which never happened to Heathcliff. Hareton is the result of Heathcliffs revenge on Hindley. As it was done to him, Heathcliff degraded Hareton to be in the status of servants. He lacked education and gentleness, and was an isolated outsider. Young Catherine the daughter of Edgar Linton and Catherine Earnshaw could not accept that fact that an outsider such as Hareton could become her cousin, when they first met. She treats him as a servant and is quiet cruel to him, Mustnt he be made to do as I ask him? When Catherine marries Linton and stays in Wuthering Heights she treats Hareton infernally, laughing at his lack of education, and not desiring his company even he sometimes tries to be nice to her. Because of this ill treatment Hareton becomes uncivil and is described occasionally as a clown, even by Mr. Lockwood one of the narrators of the novel when he first meets him. When Catherine learns to love her cousin, Hareton transforms into an insider. She helps him to become literate and his manners improve. Importantly he becomes more accept in society with the love and aid of Catherine Linton. The color purple is set in another country at a very different time. The novel is set in South America, after the slave abolition act. Alice Walker, the author of the novel, presents the reader with the voice of the social outsider through Celie, the female protagonist of the novel. The novel opens with Celies voice, clearly that of a victim, isolated, with no one to turn to, except of God. You better not never tell anybody but God. Itd kill your mammy. This first sentence of the novel illustrates this. Celie, in the time of the novel, is an outsider in every aspect. The reasons is told quiet clear by her husband Mr. , you black, you pore, you ugly, you a woman. Goddam, you nothing at all. Each word here is delivered as an insult, growing in intensity, the crowning insult being that she is a woman. That is how black woman where treated. Men at those times wanted woman to be like their slaves, and this is reflected on Harpo, Mr-s son when he tries to make Sophia, his wife, mind by beating her. The funny part is that Sofia is much stronger than him and wins most of the fights. In this novel outsiders are often treated badly because of false impressions or false ideas on them. For example when Shug Avery became sick nobody in this town wants to take the Queen Honeybee in. Everyone is afraid of her because they believe that Shug has the nasty woman disease. This false statement was lead to be believed because everyone believed that Shug was a slut, hussy, heifer and streetcleaner. But still in the meantime the men love Shug because of her singing, but could not dare to take in a social outsider when she wanted help fearing of the shame that will fall on their family if they did. Again Celie is an outsider in her new home. She spent her wedding day running from the oldest boy, who laid my [Celies] head open. She has a brutal wedding life, being constantly in torment from Mr. , until Shug saves her from him. Social outsider were often black, and if you where a woman it would be worse. Sofia was brutally abused in prison because she punched the mayor and because she was a black woman. No one cared about the insult she received from the mayors wife, ordering her to be her maid. Blacks were treated infernally even with Mr. . Mr. is in good terms with the Sheriff because his son Bub if often on prison. Still because Mr. is back he is has a lower status just long as Mr. know he colored. . Another example of black infernality is Mary Agnes. She is raped by the warden because she was black, and no one could do anything about it. Another example of outsider is the Olinka tribe in Africa. The white people living there treats the Olinka as if they where outsider from a different world. They stole their lands and killed many of the people there. Tashi did not want to marry Adam because she feared when she goes to America she will be treated infernally because she thinks she is an outsider to them, and that the scares on her face will be her source of embracement. Both novels put emphasis on economic independence. Both novels find love as a powerful force and end with conquering and banishing the idea of outsiders, and the remaining character live in harmony learning from the mistakes of the older generation about treating outsiders cruelly. However, a lasting impression of both novels is a vivid sense of the cruelty and injustice suffered by social outsiders.