Friday, December 27, 2019

Cognitive Development And Social Development - 1753 Words

This essay will concentrate on cognitive development as opposed to physical, language or social development. There are two schools of thought which aim to explain cognitive development, namely continuous cognitive development, through the behaviourist account, and stage-like development, through the organismic account (Smith, 1997). We will explore Piaget’s contributions to the field with his account of cognitive development happening through concrete stages, namely the sensorimotor, the pre-operational, concrete operational and the formal operational stages. The experiments he developed to prove his theories will also be examined, as well as the criticisms that more contemporary literature have put forth about these. By the end of this†¦show more content†¦Piaget believed shematas to be of essential importance for children’s cognitive development, and assumed that these are stored and expanded. Schematas are patterns of behaviour learned, stored and then used when confronted with similar situation, for example a person may have a schema about getting on a plane: get their boarding pass, go through security, wait in the lounge, go to their gate, get on the plane (this type of schema is called a script) and whenever they are in an airport ready to travel they will â€Å"retrieve the schema from memory and apply it to the situation†. For infants schemas tend to be a lot simpler and it is in their course of their cognitive development that these expand and multiply. According to Piaget, some schemas are innate for newborns. Units of knowledge stored in their brains at a neonatal stage, for example the â€Å"sucking schema† (Brain Mukherji, 2005) where no one had to teach the infant how to feed from his mum, or his thumb (Freud accounts for this stage of development as well, yet he does not class it as cognitive development but rather a stage in a child’s â€Å"psychosexual† development (Stone, 1991)- it is worth noting that despite the disparity between the kind of development, both theorists agreed on child development occurring in stages). Assimilation, therefore, flows on naturally from schemas as this is the process by which a learned

Thursday, December 19, 2019

Spreading Of Hiv / Aids - 1734 Words

Gregory Lewis Professor Zeller International Relations 17 April 2017 The Spreading of HIV/AIDS What is AIDS and how it is spreading throughout the world? Throughout the 20th-21st Century, AIDS has been a top primary concern for many people and how it can spread numerous ways through any physical contact. AIDS, which stands for Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome, has a set of symptoms that has caused by the Human Immunodeficiency Virus, or HIV. This type of virus is considered to be when a person’s immune system is too weak to defend advanced HIV infections and how it develops certain symptoms and illnesses that will destroy the immune system. Most of the infections are harmless to healthy people, but the ones that have AIDS†¦show more content†¦Prominent to known in most parts of the world, HIV is mostly transmitted through heterosexual sex. In 2014, 87 percent of women were involved in new cases that would risk them to spread the virus and be â€Å"attributed to heterosexual sex† ( During that year, only 62 percent of African-Americans were diagnosed, making it the highest risk factor of this virus. The symptoms that are primarily affecting this case are body rash, fever, sore throat, and severe headaches. It will take 2-4 weeks to experience these symptoms if they know they are infected. However, the remaining 80 percent of people will mistake the transmission by having flu-like symptoms including night sweats, fatigue, muscle aches, and mouth. Where was HIV/AIDS diagnosed at first? In 1920 in a land called Kinshasa in the Democratic Republic of Congo, many scientists identified a chimpanzee that was considered to be the primary effect of how HIV/AIDS infected to humans. They also believed that â€Å"the chimpanzee version of the immunodeficiency virus (called simian immunodeficiency virus or SIV) most likely was transmitted to humans and mutated into HIV when humans hunted these chimpanzees for meat and came into contact with their infected blood† (AIDS Institute). When it happened, the virus became known as HIV-1 as the first case with other primary groups such as M, N, O, P, which has a genetically make-up. Group M was theShow MoreRelatedEssay on The Spreading of HIV/AIDS684 Words   |  3 Pagesdiseases such as HIV/AIDS. This disease have developed into an international issue as it has been spreading rapidly throughout the world. The government are having difficulties to maintain the development of HIV/AIDS because it is administered through body fluids and this is especially deadly for those who are involved in promiscuity, such as sex workers. HIV/AIDS is initially derived from African continent but it has spread out world-widely and became a global phenomenon. AIDS (Acquired ImmuneRead MoreAn Evaluation of Hiv-Aids Care and Prevention Strategies in Uk1067 Words   |  5 PagesO N An Overall View of HIV/AIDS Statistics in UK: According to the Bureau of Hygiene and Tropical Diseases, in the early 1980s, the number of people diagnosed with HIV was a increasing steadily. From 1987 to 1990 the cumulative number of HIV diagnoses reported was almost doubled (from 8,016 to 15,166) (1, 2). Between 1990 and 1997 there were between 2,000 and 2,700 HIV diagnoses reported annually.(3) From 1999 there was a huge rate of increase in the number of annual HIV Infected people, peak periodRead MoreHistory Of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome1272 Words   |  6 PagesThe history of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome in the United States starts in 1981, the year it became recognized by country as an official new strange disease. By 1982 it was recognized as Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS). It started in San Francisco, with five young homosexual men, they were presented with Pneumonia (PCP). As the year went on there were more reports of homosexual men presenting PCP and some of them were diagnosed with PCP and Kaposi ´s Sarcoma (KS). Others reportsRead MoreEssay on HIV/AIDS and Modern Medical Inventions1399 Words   |  6 Pagesadvancement in medical inventions, still the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) is the most challenging virus that will drag the human lives to the deadly disease acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS). It spreads its wings all over. HIV cannot be cured, but it can be prevented. It has become the greatest life threatening disease and affects unbelievably high percent of human beings. Nowadays, besides other deadly diseases, HIV/AIDS becomes more complex and crucial health issue that challenges severalRead MoreThe Epidemic Of The Hiv Virus1747 Words   |  7 PagesStephan Ziccardi Professor Becher ENC 1101 October 24th, 2015 Since the discovery of the HIV virus in 1983, there have been many precautions taken to control and prevent the spreading of this deadly disease. Helen Epstein, who is the author of â€Å"AIDS Inc,† informs her readers about the sexually transmitted disease known as the Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS). Epstein enlightens her audience with crucial information in regards to the ruthless disease that is devouring the lives of innocentRead MoreAnglo American Plc Case Study1709 Words   |  7 Pages Kamlesh Bind PGDM –IB ( 08) 1. What are the pros and cons of Anglo American’s adoptions of a strategy in combating HIV/AIDS among its South African workforce ? What recommendation would you give the company concerning its HIV / AIDS policy ? Ans :- Anglo American had a huge investment in South Africa and was hard hit by the HIV / AIDS epidemic . It was one of the first corporation to develop a comprehensive, proactive strategy to combat the ravages of the disease on itsRead Moreessay on hiv-aids1669 Words   |  7 Pages2000 words essay on: HIV-AIDS AIDS, The full form is Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome is caused by a virus called HIV (Human Immune Deficiency Virus). It is a condition in which the built in defence system of the body breaks down completely. This phenomenon is gradual but ultimately leads to total depletion of a very important cell component of the immune mechanism. Thus those who are affected are unable to combat with common diseases including even mildRead MoreDiscrimination of Hiv/Aids1466 Words   |  6 Pages1 Discrimination of HIV/AIDS Discrimination of HIV/AIDS-positive people in medical field and in society is morally wrong In the rural area of Nigeria, an AIDS patient cut his hand and, when he went to the closest hospital to bandage it, the doctors kept transferring him from one outpatient department to another medical ward, then to another one because they did not want to get infectedRead MoreMary Fisher Speech Summary846 Words   |  4 PagesDuring the late 1990s, the HIV virus spread to different parts of the world affecting millions of people and causing the death of many people. The spread of the virus brought fear to many people, especially those in America. Negative attitudes toward those with HIV or AIDS grew which made those with the virus feel ashamed of being exposed to the virus. Mary Fisher argues that raising awareness of HIV/AIDS is necessary to not only prevent the spread of the virus but to also help support those, notRead MoreAids ( Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome )1249 Words   |  5 PagesHIV, the virus which develops into AIDS (acquired immunodeficiency syndrome), is on e of the world’s largest health concerns. The first cases were discovered in 1981. Now, about 35 years later, there are over 36.9 million people living with the disease (UNAIDS 1). Cases have been reported in all regions of the world. The majority of those living with HIV/AIDS, and those at greatest risk for contracting the disease, have limited to no access to education, prevention, care and treatment. There also

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Overcoming challenges free essay sample

It’s good to overcome and face challenges for many obvious reasons, but there may be risks and results and in the end you will probably learn something very valuable in the near to far future. In every day life we have challenges. For example sitting in class everyday to go to school and having the strength to push through to the next day. If you have the courage to take on challenges there may be risk involve. If you strive to excel in your challenge and fail you will think it’s a big waste of time but you can learn from what you did. One situation where I had a huge risk was in the in state Basketball Championship when I was a freshman. I had to have the courage step up in front of thousands as the youngest guy on the court. The risk of playing in that game was if I failed then all the people would see it. We will write a custom essay sample on Overcoming challenges or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Another risk is that I would do something embarrassing, like trip over my own foot. One more situation were I had a risk was on my second semester English final. English is one of my hardest classes and I had a B in the class and I needed. a C to pass with a B. I could have studied for hours the night before just to get a C+ in the class I needed a B in. After you have the courage to take a risk you will get a result weather its good or bad. You can learn a lot about the result of the challenge. In the situation where I had to go into a huge game as a freshman I learn more things than I could have if I didn’t have the boldness to play. I learned that if you have great friends and leaders around you that they can help you through anything. In my English final it was a different way of looking at it. I didn’t get the grade I wanted and I though I studied enough but I learned that you can always be over prepared for a test or anything in life. Most people don’t have enough bravery to except a challenge and push through, but those who do have huge benefits. If you meet a challenge it builds inner strength and allows you to face greater challenges in the future. Confronting challenges makes for a smaller ego and therefore you learn that there is still more to be learned. Facing challenges also helps build self-responsibility so you don’t have to rely on others and you cannot drop the blame on other people. Also you can learn from all your challenges and the mistakes you’ve made. In the artist Adel’s song â€Å"Stronger† she explains â€Å"What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger. † Facing different challenges could be the hardest thing you do in life but if you push through to the end there will be serious learning points and several benefits. In conclusion its valuable to face challenges, have the true grit to risk facing it but in the end there will either be a good or bad result and you will have the benefit of learning from it.

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Wuthering Heights and The Color Purple Essay Example

Wuthering Heights and The Color Purple Essay Outsiders is a big theme in both novels Wuthering Heights and The Color Purple. Wuthering Heights is described as a gothic novel and outsider is a key figure in the Gothic novel. An outsider lives beyond the bounds of conventional society or on the borderlands of it, he or she is seen as a suspicious and threatening entity, someone who must be excluded for the safety of society at large. Bront? s Wuthering height explores outsiders in three different ways. The first and obvious example is of Heathcliff, the character that was an outsider until his death. The second is of Isabella Linton, whom has been taken from Thrushcross Grange to be become an outsider in Wuthering Heights. Finally but not least the third main outsider is Hareton, where Bront? here explores how a character being an outsider could transform into an insider. From the moment Heathcliff was introduced to the Earnshaw family, as an orphan that was found in the streets of Liverpool, Heathcliff was claimed to be an outsider and treated as one. In her description of Heathcliff, Nelly Dean, narrating Heathcliffs story to Mr. Lockwood the new tenant of Thrushcross grange, she refers to him with the personal pronoun it. We will write a custom essay sample on Wuthering Heights and The Color Purple specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Wuthering Heights and The Color Purple specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Wuthering Heights and The Color Purple specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer This is deliberately done to emphasize how much Heathcliff was unwanted in the house, to the point where Mrs. Earnshaw was ready to fling it out of doors, and Heathcliff was also degraded him to the status of a thing. In his first night the poor child was not accepted by the two children to sleep, or even share their rooms. Nelly, not being any kinder let Heathcliff sleeps on the landing of the stairs. During the remaining life of Mr. Earnshaw, Heathcliff was treated as an outsider by Hindley and named the gypsy, but he enjoyed the protection of the old master. When Mr. Earnshaw died, Hindley became the master of the house and because of his hatred of Heathcliff; he started the process of degrading him. Hindley drove him from their company to the servants, depriving him of the instructions of the curate, and insisted that he should labour out of doors instead. This goes on to show that outsiders to Hindley are just like servants compelling him to do so, as hard as any other lad on the farm. During this stage Heathcliff was close to Catherine Earnshaw and she taught him what she learnt, and worked or played with him in the fields. When Heathcliff and Catherine were at Thrushcross Grange they laughed together at the spoilt behaviour of the Linton children, and at this point they are social outsiders together to Thrushcross Grange. The residence of the Grange lunched their bull-dog at them, which caught Catherines ankle. Although Catherine suffers physically, being attached by the dog, the Lintons realise their mistakes, and take Catherine in to attend on her, because Catherine is no social outsider to them, they have seen her at church. Heathcliff on the other hand is kicked off. In this point we see clearly how cruelly and unjust outsider are treated. Mr. Linton described him as a little Lascar, or an American or Spanish castaway. This shows that even Heathcliff is their neighbour, Mr. Linton still thinks of him worse because he was just found in the streets instead of being born in Wuthering heights. Heathcliff was convicted of robbery, even thought he was just amusing himself with Catherine. Isabella Linton describes him as a son of the fortune-teller, that stole my tame pheasant. And is still carried on by the servants whom describe him to the master as foulmouthed thief and murder, even though he has no proof, he just made those assumptions because Heathcliff to him is out-and-outer or an outsider. If it wasnt for Catherine not being an outsider, Heathcliff would of had suffered the fate of the gallows which is death. After Catherine returns from the Grange, she counters on Heathcliff and unconsciously treats him as an outsider, because compared to living in the Grange she sees him as one. Catherine insults Heathcliff although she then goes on describes how she loves him by saying it would degrade me to marry Heathcliff now. now in this quote shows that Catherine sees Heathcliff from a different vantage point. Before that she treats him infernally describing him as so dirty in their first meeting after the Grange incident. She even states that Im used to Edgar and Isabella Linton, which could hint that she might share the same view of the Lintons on Heathcliff. The effect of that is that Catherine started to share her days greater with the Lintons and much less with Heathcliff, and she hints to him that she does not want his company anymore, And should I always be sitting with you, she demanded growing more irritated. A reverse social outsider situation occurs in the case of Isabella Linton who has been delicately brought up. After eloping with Heathcliff and marrying him, Isabella became an outsider to her own home. Because she conceived Edgar and left him, Edgar became resolved not to help her return or even invite her to the Grange. Edgar does want any relationship with her from his statement Hereafter she is only my sister in name; not because I disown her, but because she has disowned me. So basically Isabella once was one of the residents of Thrushcross Grange has been transformed to an outsider by eloping marrying an outsider, Heathcliff. She is also an outsider in her new home and suffers harsh and brutal life in her marriage. She was not welcomed to her new home as a just married wife, but rather like a stranger or an outsider. Young Hareton refuses to shake hands with her or even become acquainted to her. Hindley was not any more welcoming and his first speech was Whats your business here? rather than a welcoming introduction. Heathcliff does not share with her their bedroom and she is left isolated in her new home. Bront? uses Hareton as an example to show how an outsider could be healed through care, education, and most significantly love, something which never happened to Heathcliff. Hareton is the result of Heathcliffs revenge on Hindley. As it was done to him, Heathcliff degraded Hareton to be in the status of servants. He lacked education and gentleness, and was an isolated outsider. Young Catherine the daughter of Edgar Linton and Catherine Earnshaw could not accept that fact that an outsider such as Hareton could become her cousin, when they first met. She treats him as a servant and is quiet cruel to him, Mustnt he be made to do as I ask him? When Catherine marries Linton and stays in Wuthering Heights she treats Hareton infernally, laughing at his lack of education, and not desiring his company even he sometimes tries to be nice to her. Because of this ill treatment Hareton becomes uncivil and is described occasionally as a clown, even by Mr. Lockwood one of the narrators of the novel when he first meets him. When Catherine learns to love her cousin, Hareton transforms into an insider. She helps him to become literate and his manners improve. Importantly he becomes more accept in society with the love and aid of Catherine Linton. The color purple is set in another country at a very different time. The novel is set in South America, after the slave abolition act. Alice Walker, the author of the novel, presents the reader with the voice of the social outsider through Celie, the female protagonist of the novel. The novel opens with Celies voice, clearly that of a victim, isolated, with no one to turn to, except of God. You better not never tell anybody but God. Itd kill your mammy. This first sentence of the novel illustrates this. Celie, in the time of the novel, is an outsider in every aspect. The reasons is told quiet clear by her husband Mr. , you black, you pore, you ugly, you a woman. Goddam, you nothing at all. Each word here is delivered as an insult, growing in intensity, the crowning insult being that she is a woman. That is how black woman where treated. Men at those times wanted woman to be like their slaves, and this is reflected on Harpo, Mr-s son when he tries to make Sophia, his wife, mind by beating her. The funny part is that Sofia is much stronger than him and wins most of the fights. In this novel outsiders are often treated badly because of false impressions or false ideas on them. For example when Shug Avery became sick nobody in this town wants to take the Queen Honeybee in. Everyone is afraid of her because they believe that Shug has the nasty woman disease. This false statement was lead to be believed because everyone believed that Shug was a slut, hussy, heifer and streetcleaner. But still in the meantime the men love Shug because of her singing, but could not dare to take in a social outsider when she wanted help fearing of the shame that will fall on their family if they did. Again Celie is an outsider in her new home. She spent her wedding day running from the oldest boy, who laid my [Celies] head open. She has a brutal wedding life, being constantly in torment from Mr. , until Shug saves her from him. Social outsider were often black, and if you where a woman it would be worse. Sofia was brutally abused in prison because she punched the mayor and because she was a black woman. No one cared about the insult she received from the mayors wife, ordering her to be her maid. Blacks were treated infernally even with Mr. . Mr. is in good terms with the Sheriff because his son Bub if often on prison. Still because Mr. is back he is has a lower status just long as Mr. know he colored. . Another example of black infernality is Mary Agnes. She is raped by the warden because she was black, and no one could do anything about it. Another example of outsider is the Olinka tribe in Africa. The white people living there treats the Olinka as if they where outsider from a different world. They stole their lands and killed many of the people there. Tashi did not want to marry Adam because she feared when she goes to America she will be treated infernally because she thinks she is an outsider to them, and that the scares on her face will be her source of embracement. Both novels put emphasis on economic independence. Both novels find love as a powerful force and end with conquering and banishing the idea of outsiders, and the remaining character live in harmony learning from the mistakes of the older generation about treating outsiders cruelly. However, a lasting impression of both novels is a vivid sense of the cruelty and injustice suffered by social outsiders.

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

The reading of the ammeter Essay Example

The reading of the ammeter Paper To find out how the length of a wire affects its resistance. Introduction- Metal is a good conductor of electricity. This is because their atoms contain small negatively charged particles called electrons. Some of these electrons are not fully attached to their atoms. This means that they can be easily detached and made to flow through the metal. This creates a current. If a wire has a low resistance, then more current will flow through the wire easily. Before the electric current was fully understood, people thought that the current flowed from the positive to the negative. This is opposite to the flow of electrons and is now know as the conventional current. An electrical current is a flow of an electric charge, so the amount of charge is will depend on the strength of the current. This is measured in Coulombs. The equation for this is: Charge= Current x Time Q = I x T Coulombs= Amperes x Seconds Factors affecting resistance Thickness- There are some factors that affect the resistance of a wire. The first of these things is the thickness of the wire. A thicker wire will have less resistance than a thin wire, because there are more paths for the electrons to flow through. We will write a custom essay sample on The reading of the ammeter specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on The reading of the ammeter specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on The reading of the ammeter specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer The easier that it is for electrons to pass through a wire, the lower its resistance is. Material- The material a wire is made from can also have an affect on the amount of Resistance it will have. Some wires may contain more atoms than other materials. This would mean that there would be an increase in the amount of collisions between the atoms and electrons. This would mean that there might be a higher resistance. Copper would have a higher resistance than ni-crome, as the ni-crome is a better conductor of electricity that copper. Temperature- The temperature of the wire will also affect the resistance that it has. If the wire has a high temperature, then the atoms in the wire will be vibrating quickly. This will make it harder for electrons to pass through. The more heat that there is, the more resistance that there is also. Ohm investigated how the temperature of a wire can affect its resistance. Ohms law states, If the temperature of a conductor does not alter, then the current which flows through it is proportional to the potential difference applied. The gradient of this line should always be constant. You get this line by- R=I/V Resistance= Current / Voltage Ohms = Amperes / Volts. If my experiment is accurate enough and I control all the factors that affect resistance, then I should get a graph that looks a bit like this. It will have a sloping line with a constant gradient. Length- The length of a wire can also have a large affect on its resistance. A long wire will have more resistance than a short wire. This is because it is easier for electrons to pass through the short wire than through the long wire. This means that there are fewer collisions between the moving atoms in the short wire than the long wire. Therefore there is more current flowing as there is less resistance. Resistance slows down the flow of electrons through the wire. Prediction- I think that the short thick wire will have a larger current flowing through it and therefore, it will have less resistance than a long thin wire. If there is a large current, then there is a low resistance. If there is a low resistance, then there is a large current. If there are more than 6 x 10(18) electrons flowing through it per second, then the current is 1 ampere, giving a lower resistance. Preliminary work- I am going to do some preliminary work. I think that this will help me work out the best way of doing my experiment. I think that it should help me to decided which way is best to measure my results and also how often I will need to measure the wire. I am going to try and take some measurements off the three different thicknesses of wire that are available to me. I am going to use ni-crome wire of the thickness 28swg, 24swg and 22swg. I am going to keep my voltage at 4 volts, so not to burn the wire out. I am going to take the current at 10cm, 50cm and 100cm. Here are my results: Thickness (S. W. G) Length (cm) Current (amps) Resistance (ohms). Plan- Apparatus- For my experiment, I will need the following items: Three 100cm lengths of ni-crome wire.   Power pack. Ammeter.   Meter rule. Crocodile clips.   Wires.   Power supply. Diagram- Safety precautions- As an extra safety precaution, I will not use more than four volts on my wire. If I use more than four volts, then I may burn the wire out. I will also, never put the clips with ten cm of each other. This is because if I put them to close on the wire, the current flowing through them will be to strong and the wire will melt. I will also make sure that I do not touch the wire when the clips are on them. Between the clips, the wire gets very hot and if I touch it, I may burn my self on it. Fair test- To make my experiment fair, I will have to try to control certain things through the experiment. I will need to try to keep the room temperature at a constant level. This will ensure that the atoms do not gain too much energy. I will need to always keep my voltage on four, to ensure that there isnt a different amount of current flowing through the wire. I will also need to try to keep my measurements as accurate as I can. I have decided to measure the wire every two cms. I think that this will be a good amount to use as it should give me a good range of results and there wont be big gaps between them. My result table may look very big, but once I put my results on to a graph, then I should get a detailed graph of my results. I will try to use the same wire each time that I do my experiment. This is because if one wire has been used more than another, then some of the electrons may have been burned out. This would cause a decrease in the resistance. Method-The first thing that I will need to do for my experiment, is to make sure that I have all of my equipment and I have a results table ready to put my results into. Once I am ready to start, I will turn the ammeter to 20m and the voltage on the power box to 4 volts. I will then turn the power on. I will take the first wire, 28swg and place the first crocodile clip at 0cm. I will then take the second clip, and I will place it at 10cm. I will take the reading of the ammeter and write it into my results table. I will then continue to move the clip along the wire, stopping every 2cm. I will carry this on until I reach 100cm.

Sunday, November 24, 2019

What is a Plot Point How To Identify Turning Points in Books

What is a Plot Point How To Identify Turning Points in Books What is a Plot Point? We’ve all read a book without a plot point, or, should I say, without a point to the plot. Every story needs a beginning, middle, and end - we’ve known that for about two thousand years, thanks to good old Aristotle. But it doesn’t stop there.In this article, we’ll show how plot points are used to move organically from the beginning to the middle to the end. Then, we’ll cover the difference between a plot point and plot and why it’s important to identify plot points. Finally, we’ll map two popular books by only their plot points.So†¦What is a plot point?A plot point is an incident that directly impacts what happens next in a story. In other words, it gives a point to the plot, forcing the story in a different direction, where otherwise it would’ve just meandered.Any event in a story can be significant, but if it does not move the story forward, it is just a point in the plot- not a plot point. The latter must:Move the sto ry in a different direction.Impact character development.Close a door behind a character, forcing them forward.Think of it like a bolt, holding your story together: without it, you just have separate pieces of scrap metal. But connect them together and they form a whole, each piece informing the event before it and after it. (image: Harper Row)Clocking in at barely 300 words, Sendak’s classic children’s book has a predictably simpler plot than The Handmaid’s Tale. And yet, broken down in the same way, it is surprisingly comparable. It has a beginning, middle, and end, with two Plot Points to transition between and one at the Midpoint altering the course of the story. It also has a narrative Hook, a handful of Pinch Points, and a Resolution.Laid out by only its plot points, Where the Wild Things Are would look like such:Hook: Max is mischievous and dresses like a wild thing.First Plot Point: His mother yells at him and he yells back.First Pinch Point: She sends him to bed without dinner, so he sails to where the wild things are.Midpoint: They make him king of all wild things.Final Pinch Point: He sends them to bed without dinner, then realizes he’s lonely and wants to be loved.Final Plot Point: He journeys back home.Resolution: He finds his dinner waiting for him, still hot. 7 Plot Points of Where the Wild Things Are. What do they mean for your book? Where the Wild Things Are is a tightly structured story that moves naturally in a full circle and ends satisfactorily. More importantly, its bare bones bear uncanny resemblance to The Handmaid's Tale - and countless more stories in the Western canon.Once again, these authors surely did not adhere to strict, structural guidelines in plotting these stories. All good stories simply flow in similar ways, ways that keep the attention of the person being told. In order to keep it flowing and not dribbling, keeping your plot points in mind is crucial.What other stories could you break down by plot points? Tell us the 7 plot points of your favorite book in the comments below.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Applying Arguments about Economics and Place Essay

Applying Arguments about Economics and Place - Essay Example It gives a detailed explanation of why the poorer people in the United States of America seem to acquire and store more invaluable stuff as compared to the fairly financially stable people. According to Paul Graham’s article, one of the articles in unit two, the contemporary American market is full of cheap stuff as compared to the traditional America (Paul 1). People used to undervalue stuff and only accumulated only a portion of what they bought and considered absolutely valuable to them. In the contemporary America, however, people seem to overvalue stuff despite the fact that they are cheaper as compared to the traditional stuff. Paul tries to give an explanation to why poorer people are more likely to value stuff with lesser value as compared to the fairly rich people. He explains that he would pick things left by friends when they moved to new homes because he was poor, and useless stuff seemed useful to him. This is an implication that poor feel that they will perhaps make use of stuff in the future despite the fact that the same stuff might be useless to them at that particular moment (Paul 1). That is a confirmation of the uncertain future that the poor face. Paul further explains that stuff in an illiquid asset and this might only change when one finds immediate use for it. In addition to that, stuff becomes a liquid asset only when one sells the stuff immediately he or she acquires it at a higher price compared to the buying prices. Therefore, stuff that is accumulated over a period of time becomes uneconomical. As a matter of fact, the stuff becomes expensive to keep because it occupies space thereby demanding for storage space. For this reason, Paul explains that it is worth noting that once one does not have immediate use for whatever he or she is trying to acquire, he or she probably never will have use for that object (Paul 1). The increase of stuff in the markets, both used and new, is attributed to the increased

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Reflective Practice Statement Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Reflective Practice Statement - Essay Example DeFillippi believe that reflection is crucial to learning because it helps to convert "convert tacit experience into explicit knowledge" (p.6). Reflective practise, as a concept of learning, was introduced into several professions in the 1980s. The rationale behind it is that by thinking about things that have happened to us, in a different light, we gain more knowledge and a better perspective, which enable us to take some kind of action. It is therefore seen as an important process by which professionals "learn from experience in order to understand and better develop their practice" (Jasper, 2003, p.2). The concept of learning from reflection was a product of the work of several educational theorists; one important figure in this regard is Dewey (1938) who argued that 'we learn by doing and realising what came out of what we did'. However, this theory has seen severally modified and developed by contemporary theorist. One of such is the 'experiential learning theory' developed by Kolb in the 1980s, where he drew our attention to the fact that, when we attempt to learn from something that has already happened to us, we ne ed to recall our observation of the events and then reflect on the observation in some way (p.3). This theory was the perhaps the first to demonstrate the cognitive process of learning by particularly expressing the importance of critical reflection in learning. This theory stressed the fact that the main thrust of learning efforts lies in the manner in which we process experience and a major part of this, is our ability to critically reflect on experiences. Learning was described to occur in a cycle that "begins with experience, continues with reflection and later leads to action, which itself becomes a concrete experience for reflection" (Kelly, 2005). Kolb's work further refined the concept of reflection, as it applies to learning, and divided it into two separate learning activities, which he referred to as perceiving and processing (Algonquin, 1996). The perceiving stage is when the actual learning takes place, while processing is when such learning is re-appraised in the light of previous experiences. A third stage called 'Abstract Conceptualization', where it is believed that we try to find answers to the questions raised during the critical reflection stage. In this attempt, we make generalizations, draw conclusions and form hypotheses about the experiences; and the fourth stage 'Active Experimentation', where we try these hypotheses out, were further proposed (Kelly, 2005; Algonquin, 1996). In the words of Kolb, in the Abstract Conceptualization phase, "learning involves using logic and ideas, rather than feelings to understand problems or situations. Typically, we would rely on systematic planning and develop theories and i deas to solve problems." While in Active Experimentation, "Learning in this stage takes an active form - experimenting with, influencing or changing situations. We would take a practical approach and be concerned with what really works..." (Algonquin, 1996). Besides the experiential learning theory, the motivational theories also have great implications for reflection and learning. The importance and impact of motivation on human actions was first highlighted by the research now popularly known as the Hawthorne Studies, conducted by Elton Mayo from 1924 to 1932. In the

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Management and Globalization Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Management and Globalization - Essay Example Coordinating: It is the function of any management to coordinate the organizational goals and objectives to every single member of the organization with a view to ensure that every member collaborates towards the achievement of the targets set by the management. Controlling: The management controls the flow of organizational activities and evaluates the direction towards which the organization is leading or being led by the management in order to avoid any missteps taken in the course of business operations. The theorists of scientific management have been engaged constantly to put forth theories of management that could be turned into practice. Management is a process carried out in an organization in order to achieve the desired results. The theories of management as brought forward by renowned theorists also attempt to put the view of management theory into practice with respect to organizations. The important theories of management are discussed below: These two theorists are known to be the pioneers of the scientific management. Frederick W. Taylor is known as the "Father of Scientific Management". He came up with the view that the productivity level of workers depends upon their frequency and propensity to rest during working hours. He was of the idea that a worker can only continue to work efficiently and productively if he takes rest during the work. A tiring situation can affect the working capacity of the workers and therefore, can hinder the way of achieving organizational goals (Taylor, 1911) Gilbreth introduced the idea that the working capacity and productivity of a worker can be enhanced by reducing the unnecessary tasks and exertions on the part of a worker during the course of his work. It would enable the worker to retain his energy throughout the work process. (Gilbreth, 1911) Therefore, both the theories given by these two theorists encompass the enhancement of workmen's working capability and efficiency and assessment of possible reasons that might be affecting the workers' productivity. Hawthorne Theory The theory put forth by the management scientists belonging to this school of thought mainly focused on the Taylor's theory of Scientific Management. They experimented on the theory and came up with interesting facts about the theory. They discovered that with the passage of time, one of the principles put forward by Taylor that enhanced lighting in the working environment could result into improved efficiency of the workers, helped to improve the workmen's working capacity even to a greater extent than anticipated. However, after further research, they figured out that the enhancement in worker's productivity was mainly due to the relationships between the managers and the workers, rather than due to lighting in the w

Friday, November 15, 2019

Preparation for Sunday Service

Preparation for Sunday Service Component 1: Written Assignment (1,500 words) List principal structural elements (the Ordo) of a main Sunday service such as you normally attend, stating briefly how you understand each element (or grouping of elements) contributes to the worship as a whole.   Indicate, with self-awareness, how you would yourself want to approach leading such a service. Introduction: Context The service that will be discussed for this assignment was an 8.30am Eucharist Service using Order One from the Common Worship (CW) book and Eucharist Prayer E.   On this particular Sunday, there were 21 members in the congregation including the Priest.   There was a robed choir (4 members) and hymns were sung from Complete Anglican Hymns Old and New accompanied by an organ.   The whole congregation sat in the choir stalls in the Chancel.   Each member of the congregation followed the service in the CW book. This church is situated in a village approximately 12 miles from Cambridge city centre with a population of 1,015.[1]   56% of this population would refer to themselves a Christians.   The largest age demographic in the parish is 16-65 years old.[2] Service Structure The structure of the service followed the liturgy as prescribed in CW with the particular collects and prayers for the third Sunday of Lent. 2.1 The Gathering The second greeting prayer A hymn was sung The prayer of preparation A seasonal invitation to confession Second confessional prayer Absolution Collect for the third Sunday of Lent 2.2 The Liturgy of the Word Old Testament passage read by the Church Warden New Testament passage read by a member of the congregation Hymn Congregation remain standing after the hymn for the Gospel Reading read by a member of the congregation Sermon The Creed congregation stand and face the alter Wedding Banns read by the Priest Prayers of intercession led by a member of the congregation 2.3 Liturgy of the Sacrament The Peace was shared with those around Hymn was sung during the preparation of the table.   The collection was also taken at this point. Eucharist prayer E was then used with the extended preface From Ash Wednesday until the Saturday after the Fourth Sunday of Lent The whole of this prayer was said with people joining in the dialogue, Sanctus and Benedictus without needing to refer to the book. The Lords Prayer traditional version Breaking of the bread The first prayer before the distribution said Congregation go to the alter rail to receive communion hosts and one chalice of wine The second prayer after communion said 2.4 The Dismissal A hymn was sung Blessing for the third Sunday of Lent The dismissal Contribution to Worship The Gathering The Gathering to worship are important as they draw the congregation and president into relationship to a point to participate in the act of worshipping God.[3] The Prayers of Penitence came within the gathering I personally prefer it to come in this section as you are able to come and ask for forgiveness and worship God knowing that you are forgiven and then celebrating Gods goodness of forgiveness and grace.   In this service, there could be an argument that the Prayers of Penitence could come after the Bible readings and sermon.   The lectionary reading was about the woman at the well and if your sermon was a focus on forgiveness then the Prayers of Penitence could act as a response to the message received. The collect is a prayer that links with the Sunday and not with the scripture readings.   This can add to the worship in a way that allows the congregation to focus on the season which God is currently working through.   It should also be a way of getting the congregation to contemplate how the season affects their spirituality.   With the collects, main aim to gather all of the prayers in the Gathering section into one and drawing ourselves closer to God and one another.[4] The Liturgy of the Word The next two sections of the worship service, the Liturgy of the Word and the Liturgy of the Sacrament, need to be balance carefully because they both hold significant value of equal weighting. A key element of this section of the worship service is hearing the Word of God through scripture.   My personal view is that we need to remember that worship is a two-way communication us with God but also God with us.   By following the lectionary we get a journey through scripture.   The sermon element of the Liturgy of the Word can take many different forms but ultimately should be an opportunity for the congregation to engage with Scripture as an individual and allow God to speak into their lives through it.[5] The creed and prayers of intercession are an opportunity for the congregation to respond to the Word of God through prayer.   The act of worship in the time of prayer is an opportunity to give thanks and praise to God for what we have heard but also should be an opportunity to allow the Word to speak into the needs of the community by lifting them before God.[6] The Liturgy of the Sacrament In the Liturgy of the Word Christ is heard; where as in the Liturgy of the Sacrament the elements are not only seen and touched but smelt and tasted.[7]   This act of worship is multisensory and can allow the congregant to worship God through more than just sight and sound. Prayer E is a simple narrative style which is like that of Prayer D.   The images used in the prayer are more vivid and concrete than those used in other prayers.   This set of prayers also allows for extended prefaces for the various seasons.   The language used through the institution narrative and the extended prefaces allows for worship to take on a visual element using imagination. The worship of receiving the bread and wine should encourage the congregant that through the Holy Spirits power there is a strengthening.[8] The Dismissal The blessing and the dismissal at the end of the service concludes the act of worship but should encourage the congregation to continue to worship God when leaving the church building.   By the Priest saying Go in peaceà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ is about the act of carrying the presence of God out of church and into the world.   In the same way that we have been reconciled with God through our act of worship in church we should be helping the world to reconcile with God and with each other through living in peace with one another.[9] Reflections The flow of the service was good and allowed people to engage with the various elements.   The church was warm and welcoming which does allow people to feel comfortable within the act of worship. The questions that I was left with about the service were: Does the congregation understand what it meant for the Third Sunday of Lent and how this structured the worship?   And in turn how did this help, or not help, them to worship? How much of the liturgy is just read but without a conscience response?   How do we engage our congregations to be active worshipers and not passively getting through to the end? I thought that the intercessory prayers, which were led by a member of the congregation, were very well structured.   They linked the Bible passage of the woman at the well, the sermon, and the needs of the community and world together.   They were led in a way that felt very much that they were being prayed with the congregation instead of just being prayed to the congregation who are merely observers in the act of prayer.   I asked the Vicar if there had been any training on the writing and delivery of the prayers for those who do them he said that there had been a short teaching session one evening on writing the prayers. Conclusion: How would I lead? Overall I felt that the service was well structured with a good mix of lay participation which I feel is an important aspect to worship as it allows all the congregation to participate and does not segregate the Priest making a them and us feel to the community. The significant adaptation I would make to the service would be the use of silence.   I felt that there was not enough time to reflect upon the various elements of worship before moving onto the next part.   The specific areas that I would include longer elements of silence would be: After each of the Bible readings.   The first two readings went one straight after the other but it would have been good to have encouraged people to spend a minute contemplating the reading. After the sermon.   For a similar reason for keeping silence after the Bible readings.   Having time to reflect on what the sermon was about and how you might want to act upon it in the week ahead. After the congregation have received communion.   The organist played an appropriate piece of music while people were receiving and allowed people time to reflect during this time.   I felt that once the music had finished and before the post communion prayer a time of silence would have been beneficial. Word count: 1537 Bibliography Beach, Mark, Holy Communion (London: Church House Pub., 2000) Census Maps | Cambridgeshire Insight, Cambridgeshireinsight.Org.Uk, 2017 [accessed 19 March 2017] Common Worship, 1st edn (London: Church House Pub., 2000) Complete Anglican Hymns Old New (Stowmarket, Suffolk: Kevin Mayhew, 2000) Davison, Andrew, Why Sacraments?, 1st edn (London: SPCK, 2013) De Lange, Anna, How To Engage With Scripture (Cambridge, U.K.: Grove Books, 2011) Go In Peace To Love And Serve The Lord Meaning, Lords-Prayer-Words.Com, 2017 [accessed 20 March 2017] Parish Spotlight, 2017 [accessed 19 March 2017] [1] Census Maps | Cambridgeshire Insight, Cambridgeshireinsight.Org.Uk, 2017 [2] Parish Spotlight, 2017 [3] Mark Beach, Holy Communion, p.36 [4] Mark Beach, Holy Communion, p.41 [5] Anna De Lange, How To Engage With Scripture, p.5 [6] Mark Beach, Holy Communion, p.55 [7] Andrew Davison, Why Sacraments?, p.45 [8] Andrew Davidson, Why Sacraments?, p.44 [9] Go In Peace To Love And Serve The Lord Meaning, 2017

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Moby Dick

Moby Dick is a story about man’s abiding fascination and struggle with the sea, and his desire to unravel the mysteries of the deep. The sea in Herman Melville’s 1851 novel becomes the context within which the author explores profound and universal themes about life and living. The story tells the story of vengeful captain as seen through he a stowaway sailor, Ishmael, who wanders and aboards the whaling ship, Pequod. The Pequod is commandeered by a certain Captain Ahab, whom Ishmael meets only when the Pequod has gone to sea.Later on, Ishmael realizes that Captain Ahab has more sinister plans which went beyond simple commercial endeavors. While the Pequod is a whaling ship and her crew is supposed to catch whales for trade, Captian Ahab intends to use the ship and her crew to exact vengeance on a whale that has gravely injured and disfigured him. The whale’s name is Moby Dick, and the novel revolves around Ahab’s chase for this great creature amid the vas t and unforgiving sea, as seen through the eyes of young Ishmael. Ishmael plays no actual role in the unfolding of the story; rather, he serves as the author’s narrator and the instrument by which the author expresses his profound musings on whales, whaling, and whalers and the relationships that each has to the other.Much scholarly discussion has been made on Moby Dick and the underlying themes that buttress the story. As such, this paper intends to take on the story and frame the analysis within the context of one specific passage in the book. The particular quote goes:  Perhaps they were; or perhaps there might have been shoals of them in the far horizon; but lulled into such an opium-like listlessness of vacant, unconscious reverie is this absent-minded youth by the blending cadence of waves with thoughts, that at last he loses his identity; takes the mystic oceans at his feet for the visible image of that deep, blue, bottomless soul, pervading mankind and nature; and e very strange, half-seen, gliding, beautiful thing that eludes him; every dimly-discovered, up-rising fin of some indiscernible form, seems to him the embodiment of those elusive thoughts that only people the soul by continually flitting through it. (p. 152)These words were told by an experienced whaler to a young and impressionable lad, like an old man passing on his wisdom and life experiences to the next generation, in the hopes that they might glean valuable lessons from it. The whaler notices that the young sailor has been going out to sea for three years already, without catching a single whale all those times. Thus the whaler goes to reflect on the elusive whale and the seemingly endless search for them. â€Å"Perhaps they were; or perhaps there might have been shoals of them in the far horizon†¦Ã¢â‚¬ At first sight and given the context of the book, it is obvious that the whaler is talking about whales in this line. The whaler waxes about the vastness of the ocean and that somewhere in this immense space lie an abundance of whales, whales which he has spent all his life hunting. However upon deeper analysis, one can see that the whaler is not just talking about whales. He is waxing about one’s search for dreams and the hopes for a better life, and that one can spend a lifetime chasing without ever catching those precious dreams. On the other hand, those who remain true to the chase and never turn their back on the sea will eventually be rewarded by a harvest of fulfilled dreams.†¦But lulled into such an opium-like listlessness of vacant, unconscious reverie is this absent-minded youth by the blending cadence of waves with thoughts, that at last he loses his identity†¦Ã¢â‚¬  Again the whaler speaks of whales and why most of them are hard to find. The whaler speaks of those who lose themselves in the vastness of the sea because of their youth and lack of direction. This perhaps is a veiled warning to the young sailor that life can be misleading and deceitful, and those who are too reckless may find themselves irretrievably lost.†¦Ã¢â‚¬Å"Takes the mystic oceans at his feet for the visible image of that deep, blue, bottomless soul, pervading mankind and nature; and every strange, half-seen, gliding, beautiful thing that eludes him†¦Ã¢â‚¬  Here the whaler explains why whales can get lost. The whales are tempted by reckless instincts to explore the unknown. Enticed by the mysteries and beauties of the deep, the whale may be coaxed into plunging into deep waters where he is not equipped with the capacity to survive. Whales, being mammals, need oxygen to breathe, and as such, they need to break the surface of the water every once in a while.When whales go too deep or explore too far, their oxygen reserves may run out too soon, and they run out of air before they can swim to the surface. Young whales that are too reckless drown because they gave in to the temptations of the deep. In contrast, older whale s, wiser and more experienced, know how far they can go in the ocean. Again the whaler may very well be waxing about life, and how the impudence and lack of respect for the sea can lead sailors and whales alike to the eternal embrace of the ocean’s depths.†¦Ã¢â‚¬ Every dimly-discovered, up-rising fin of some indiscernible form seems to him the embodiment of those elusive thoughts that only people the soul by continually flitting through it.† This again is an elaboration of the deceitful nature of appearances; that physical forms almost always belie its true nature. Often the ones that come in the most attractive guises are those that are the most destructive in life, and whales, just like humans are tempted just the same.The passage discussed in this paper symbolizes the very essence of what the novel is about. It talks about youth and dreams, and how such can be easily lost and wasted. It also talks about how whales, just like humans, can fall into the illusion o f invincibility and fall prey to all kinds of temptations. The quote is also representative of man’s constant struggle to understand and tame nature.The whales, as described by the veteran whaler, are abundant, but given the vastness of the sea, are hard to find. The whales are also symbolic of all the things that we are obsessed about, regardless of whether it is a futile chase or not. As Ishmael said, â€Å"There is, one knows not what sweet mystery about this sea, whose gently awful stirrings seem to speak of some hidden soul beneath†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (361) Perhaps, the whaler as he was saying those words is also waxing about his own life, and how it once was so full of promise. In the same token, he might also be talking about Captain Ahab and how he has lost himself in the empty pursuit of revenge. The line which describes how whales may be lost may be representative of Ahab’s own disregard for his life and those of his crew; he is consumed with the desire to exact r evenge, and he will never find rest until he meets the whale once again. In that sense he is lost and drowning in his blind obsession with vengeance.The passage encapsulates the tremendous scope of Moby Dick as it tackles simultaneous social, religious, and personal issues all in one novel. While the book is a story of adventure and a chronicle at sea, it is a tale of life and all the wonderful and terrifying things about it.   That the quote being analyzed in this paper lends itself to so many interpretations speaks of the character of the novel itself. Moby Dick can be different things to different people. A person’s interpretation of the book also depends on their current situation and their perception of the story changes when their situation changes as well.Moby Dick is largely heterogeneous and mutable, constantly shifting and redefining itself (Brodhead 4) and does not lend itself to be limited to a particular literary genre. And the fact that it succeeds at being el usive, is a part of the character of the novel itself. Like the elusive Moby Dick, the novel itself is indefinable in the immensity of its scope. However, while the novel tackles a myriad of themes, his choice of the sea as the general setting is explained in Ishmael’s words, â€Å"If they but knew it, almost all men in their degree, some time or other, cherish very nearly the same feelings towards the ocean with me.† (14) Indeed, the sea’s appeal is universal and it touches to some basic aspect of our common humanity. By the sea, we feel intimations of our smallness and greatness all at the same time.Indeed, the book Moby Dick is filled with veiled and not-so-veiled philosophical musings about life and living. The sea has always been considered symbolic of life and its hidden meanings and challenges. Moby Dick, while fictional is not a product of the author’s imagination. Herman Melville knew what he was talking about, having worked in a whaling ship whe n he was twenty-one years old.Herman, just like Ishmael, feels like an outsider of life, an outcast because of the circumstances of his lowly birth. It has often been said that Ishmael is Herman’s alter ego, through which Herman was able to express himself and all his thoughts about his life. The sea in Herman Melville’s Moby Dick represents life, in all its magnificence and enormity and the beauty and dangers that lie in its surface. Like Ahab, we all long to master our ship and triumph over the monsters of the deep. Not because of sheer folly but because of our fundamental need to understand the unknown.ReferencesMelville, Herman. Moby Dick. Plain Label Books. 1851.Retrieved on December 13, 2007 from, Richard. New Essays on Moby-Dick. Cambridge University Press. 1986.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Gender wage gap Essay

Gender wage gap is defined as difference between the mens earnings and also the womens earning according to hourly earnings, annual earnings or even weekly earnings. Gender wage gap is referred to difference between an average of all male earnings and all female earning in comparison to percentage of the male earnings (Shamie, 1986). In contrary to this gender wage gap may be expressed as gender pay gap. It is identified that the gender wage gap does not consistently accustom to part time workers earnings. It is absolutely 17.5 since this is the current percentage of average earnings that is held compulsory. Reasons for gender wage gap There are reasons as to why the gender wage gap happens. These reasons include the congressional District whereby the state does not administer the stack up of the gender workers hence there are disparities encountered. The second reason explores that, people have been wondering about the gender wage gap whereby men have been getting paid much more payment than women (Hirsch, 2010). There are people perspectives which lay a foundation that women are getting paid less because they choose lower paying jobs as well as working part time than the male. In moral view, within the US a gender wage gap has already been spotted to have affected women of all ages, education levels, different races and also ethnicity. However, women have been experienced the gender wage gap even though some states are worse in gender wage gap than others. The gender wage gap has taken its place in most of the states in a way that its worse for women of color. Probably all women are affected by the gender wage gap but for the women of color are not affected so worse.

Friday, November 8, 2019

How Memory Works in Children with Aspergers Syndrome

How Memory Works in Children with Aspergers Syndrome Free Online Research Papers In the recent years Asperger’s syndrome has sparked the curiosity of many scientists studying Autism Spectrum Disorders. Multiple studies have been performed on patients with AS specifically focusing on their working memory. Working memory is a limited amount of information used over short periods of time to keep behavior continual and plan complex responses to stimuli. Working memory is a necessity to executive function. Asperger’s Syndrome interests me because; I have to care for several children with the syndrome this summer. The scientist observed and read other journals pertaining to the topic of Working Memory in AS patients. Many of the journals concluded to different theories. The scientists determined that the reasons for all of the different theories were the age and IQ differences among the participants in the studies. I agree that this is the determined problem in the other studies. He hypothesized that if the control group and independent variable group were consistently the same age and IQ that in working memory the AS children would do well in span tasks, n-back tasks, and digit conditions. The children would not do well in visual or spatial storage tasks, and location conditions. Also if the children could use verbal cues, they would do well in controls if they could not they would show impairment. In addition to the above the scientists hypothesized that working memory had a larger influence in abilities of AS children. The scientists chose children between the ages of 6.25 and 8.42. The 3 c hildren I care for are all in between the ages of 6 and 8. The study was done on children similar to the ones I interact with everyday. I believe that I truly understand the study because; I experience the children’s performance every day. I also would have probably hypothesized the same as the scientists because I easily see that the AS children I work with have a harder time with grasping visual tasks than understanding verbal tasks. The scientists used the AS children as the independent variable in the study and the normal children as the control group. They prepared eight different measures of working memory in the form of a test for the children. They proposed to the children that the tests were a form of a game so the children wouldn’t lose interest easily. The test was distributed in the hospital for the independent variable group and in a school for the control group. I feel that the scientist should have tested the children all in one room with a consistent te mperature. I think that the different environments affected the outcome of the study. Also, I believe that the children should have been told that it was a test so that they would have taken the measures seriously when completing them. The results showed that children with AS perform better with verbal tasks dealing with working memory than with visual/spatial tasks. The results supported the scientists hypotheses and proved that children with AS develop working memory differently than average children. With my experience I felt positive that this would be the outcome to this study. This article has interested and helped me in understanding the working memory development in the children I have been working with. I find this article mostly correct in all results. Research Papers on How Memory Works in Children with Asperger’s SyndromeEffects of Television Violence on ChildrenPersonal Experience with Teen PregnancyInfluences of Socio-Economic Status of Married MalesResearch Process Part OneThree Concepts of PsychodynamicStandardized TestingNever Been Kicked Out of a Place This NiceBionic Assembly System: A New Concept of SelfHip-Hop is ArtIncorporating Risk and Uncertainty Factor in Capital

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Free Essays on Nike Goes Global

, sayings and colors can all have very different meanings, so it is best to do heavy research and test marketing before making the international move. Nike has the opportunity to move into any global sport field they desire. They have already established a base in soccer, but there are other sports unique to European and Asian cultures in which Nike can capitalize. In Japan for example, baseball is a popular sport. In France, cycling and the Tour de France in known all over the world. A move into these areas may be advantageous. The Olympics are another area in which Nike can focus. Every two years there are either the winter games or the summer games. In 2006 the winter games will be held in Italy and in 2008 the summer games will be in Beijing. These are both great opportunities for Nike to expand into different sports and audiences. A benefit for Nike would be localization in other countries like they do in the United States. The marketing teams should research and find out who th e biggest and best sports athletes are of the time as well as those who are most popular. As in the United States, publicity and audience t... Free Essays on Nike Goes Global Free Essays on Nike Goes Global Nike’s Global Expansion A few decades ago a â€Å"fitness craze† swept through the nation and the world. Indoor and outdoor activities became enormously popular. Sports were no longer regarded as merely for recreation. Rather, sports are essential in order to live in healthy and productive life. More and more people start to exercise and as result a demand for athlete clothing and footwear has increased. Nike saw an opportunity to capitalize on this craze and turned it into a billion dollar empire. A global marketing perspective understands that there are differences between people and groups and that information on these differences can be acquired. Once acquired this information should shape business behaviors and decisions. The biggest risk a company faces is in how their brand translates into another culture. Words, sayings and colors can all have very different meanings, so it is best to do heavy research and test marketing before making the international move. Nike has the opportunity to move into any global sport field they desire. They have already established a base in soccer, but there are other sports unique to European and Asian cultures in which Nike can capitalize. In Japan for example, baseball is a popular sport. In France, cycling and the Tour de France in known all over the world. A move into these areas may be advantageous. The Olympics are another area in which Nike can focus. Every two years there are either the winter games or the summer games. In 2006 the winter games will be held in Italy and in 2008 the summer games will be in Beijing. These are both great opportunities for Nike to expand into different sports and audiences. A benefit for Nike would be localization in other countries like they do in the United States. The marketing teams should research and find out who the biggest and best sports athletes are of the time as well as those who are most popular. As in the United States, publicity and audience t...

Sunday, November 3, 2019

One topic or theme that compares and contrasts traditional and more Essay - 1

One topic or theme that compares and contrasts traditional and more recent innovations in our understanding of equality and diversity - Essay Example abilities approach in managing diversity revolves around the ability to measure people’s abilities and what they can achieve as well as what they can become, in order to allocate the right amount and the right kind of resources in their development or welfare (Comim, et al, 2008, p.84). Capabilities are seen as opportunities for well being and therefore, justice is seen in terms of how an individual will achieve his well being (Kaufman, 2006 p.2). According to Hernandez and O’Connor (2009, p.165), the HR department has a lot of power in determining which titles will be given to who and who will get how much in their pay and this means that the HR department has a strong rein on how people develop in the organization. Managing diversity in the workplace is one of the biggest challenges and yet exciting processes in the workplace. Managing diversity is essential in meeting organizations goals and implementing its strategy (Wilkinson, 2009, p.232). According to Cornelius (2002, p.153), having workforce that is entirely diverse starts at recruitment and the HR department should and must have the right strategy for achieving this. With this regard, there are both traditional and modern approaches to managing diversity. Traditional methods of managing diversity were mostly from the US and were focused on creating a work environment that took care of ethnic differences. Managing diversity has, however, changed and today, not only it is a global management issue but it has taken a new route. Modern diversity management focuses on managing talent and making sure that people abilities are given equal opportunity without regard to their race, health or cultures. The difference between traditional strategies in managing diversity and the current approach is that the current methodology does not give minority groups in the work place more opportunity just because they are a minority. For instance, in the older strategies for managing diversities in the workplace, a

Friday, November 1, 2019

Terrorism Today Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Terrorism Today - Research Paper Example According to the US Department of Defense terrorism is defined as an unlawful action that is intended to create a sense of fear or to intimidate governments and the general public in order to attain political, religious and ideological goals (The Face of Terrorism, 2007). Today's terrorist organizations work in groups which are in turn interlinked to form a wide terrorist network. Small groups of terrorist cells which are part of a larger group are trained and sent all over the world. In some cases, different terrorist networks or organizations work together to carry out an attack. All the networks work under a leader who instructs and decides on the activities of the terrorist network (Global Terrorism, n.d). Terrorists could be non state players with a transnational support such as the Al-Qaeda, cells which have regional or international links or individual independent terrorists who are not affiliated to any organization (The Face of Terrorism, 2007). Terrorism is a premeditated a ct and it is carried out based on political, religious or ideological motives. In most cases political authority, which determines the social and economic status of a country, are the major causes for a terrorist attack (Creekmore, 2007). The recent 9/11 attacks stand proof for the power of terrorist organizations to carry out an attack in a developed and super power country like America. The major objective behind the attacks was to expose the vulnerability of a country such as America and to create a sense of fear and chaos among the general public (The Face of Terrorism, 2007; Creekmore, 2007). The bombings not only targeted the public but also the US military forces. Minor losses of military forces by a terrorist attack will not only expose the vulnerability of the forces but would also result in wider media coverage and diminish the public and political support for military operations. Hence terrorist organizations do not directly challenge the government; instead they would ta rget the general population in a manner that would change their perception of the effectiveness and capabilities of their government. They also carry out their operations in a manner that would nullify the effect of the strength of the target forces as exemplified by the sudden attacks on 9/11 (The Face of Terrorism, 2007). Though the 9/11 attacks resulted in the loss of thousands of lives and property, if nuclear devices or bio warfare’s were used in the attacks the destruction could have been of a larger magnitude and would have definitely undermined the basic sense of security within the country (Carter, 1998). In addition to the loss of lives and damage to property such terrorist attacks have also have a negative impact on the economy of the country. The 9/11 attacks had a significant impact on the trading and stock markets with both the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) and NASDAQ closed for a week after the attacks. When the markets reopened the stock market index had fall en by 684 points and the stock loss was estimated at $1.2 trillion dollar for that week. Apart from companies in the US which suffered huge losses, companies across the world which traded with the US also lost significantly. The airline industry was the most effected after the attacks which have even resulted in many airline companies filing for

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Brain Drain in Louisiana Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Brain Drain in Louisiana - Essay Example Of grave concern, then, was the emigration of those with scarce professional skills, like Doctors, Nurses, Engineers etc, who had been trained at considerable expense, in most cases, by means of highly subsidized tertiary educations or Government grants. (Cohen 1). The mere fact of the weak and poor society losing skilled people is a terrible occurrence. It plunge the society into a far deeper economic situation. The implications for the poor sending communities, is therefore, stark. (Dhananjayan 2). The factor driving brain drain emigration are not far fetched. The human nature always tend towards a better and more secured living conditions. Wherever such condition is not obtainable in a community, there is bound to be movement outwards, in search of a better environment. It is obvious, therefore, that inequalities in opportunities available to different societies or nations, is one primary factor at the root of brain drain emigration. Several decades back, 'brain drain' was a name reserved for citizens of poor developing nations moving into America and Europe. A US presidential candidate, Ross Perot, even once talked about a "giant sucking sound" made as American jobs went out to emigrants (Dhananjayan 2), but America seems to be having her own share of the phenomenon within its shores. According to a story on CBS News, Williams Frey, a demographer at the University of Michigan, studied population migration in Louisiana, long before Hurricane Katrina. He concluded that Louisiana has basically been a poster child for brain drain, especially among whites with college degrees (Katrina Accelerates). Brain drain has been seen as a growing trend in New Orleans and Louisiana over several decades now. It is observed that the opposite of the growth trends seen elsewhere in the New South is the case at Louisiana. The loss of skilled labor power began decades back, in the late 1980s, when, probably due to dwindling image outside, Louisiana keep failing to attract new residents. Basically, the Louisiana problem could be said to be due to a failing economy, unhealthy image and the resultant failure to attract in-migration of new residents (Katrina Accelerates). The economy of the city is already on a downward turn and its image battered, losing several of her best educated residents could lead to a vicious cycle. It definitely would further damage the 'sick' economy, tear the city's social fabric apart, and thus further creating a better excuse for the few, staying back, to emigrate and keeping new residents at bay. Brain drain sure does have a resounding effect, it takes away the good ones from a society, cutting out ideas and growth from the few ones left. Hurricane Katrina has further added to this scourge. According to experts, the health care industry was one of the very few industries experiencing growth in Louisiana and also the number one employer in the city. But, Hurricane Katrina almost obliterated the hospital, nursing homes, mental health systems and other health care institutions in the whole of New Orleans. These institutions employ thousands of people and many of them are already migrating for better opportunities. In the wake of Katrina, several competitors have been perfecting their strategies to better attract the numerous nurses, doctors and other health care workers stranded in the city. For instances, it is reported that, Joe Ann Clark, Executive Director of the

Monday, October 28, 2019

Ethical Dilemma Essay Example for Free

Ethical Dilemma Essay The situation at hand involves an ethical decision between two possible courses of action relating to the promotion of tobacco as a product in the market. R. J. Reynolds Tobacco Co. is a corporation that earns huge amounts of money in selling tobacco and is concerned about keeping its profits despite the negative image now associated with tobacco. Therefore, R. J. Reynolds Tobacco Co. hired Acme Global Advertising to again promote the product in the market. Being recommended by the company’s Director for Global Accounts as the new head of the R.   J. Reynolds Tobacco Co. account, I am constrained to decide whether to accept the position or not. There is no doubt that this is a once in a lifetime career opportunity, as the last manager to handle the R. J. Reynolds Tobacco Co. account had already retired after receiving a huge sum of money after his successful campaign. Indeed, a successful promotional campaign would result in huge profit for both R. J. Reynolds Tobacco Co. and Acme Global Advertising, which would translate into big earnings for me. On the other hand, a simple refusal on my part would mean another eager person would immediately be taking my place and my big opportunity. The problem is not as simple as it looks, however. This is because the World Health Organization already declared tobacco as the second major cause of death in the world. Therefore, any effort on my side in promoting the consumption of tobacco would mean that I am personally exerting effort in favor of a product that causes death to millions of people arounf the world. It is clear, therefore, that the present situation presents an ethical dilemma that needs serious consideration. I have to make a decision between personal success and the health of innumerable people. In order to solve this dilemma, I turn to the philosophical writings of Aristotle in his work entitled Nicomachean Ethics, as well as utilitarian ethical philosophy as explained by well-known ethical philosophers John Stuart Mill and Jeremy Bentham. Based on these ethical principles, I shall explain why it would be ethical for me to accept the challenge and exert my best effort in promoting the sales of tobacco products of R. J. Reynolds Tobacco Co. this paper shall discuss the relevant principles characteristic of each theory, and then apply such principles to the facts of this particular scenario. In Aristotle’s Nicomachean Ethics, he expounded on the notion called virtue, which to him is that which determines the character or nature of anything, be it a person or a specific thing (Ross). Virtue is that thing which makes a knife a good knife, and it is also that which makes a man a good person (Ross). Aristotle makes a distinction between two kinds of virtue, namely natural virtue and moral virtue (Kilcullen). For him, the former relates to characteristics that humans possess from birth, such as a particular temperament (Kilcullen). On the other hand, the latter kind of virtue refers to the act of submitting one’s acts to reason (Kilcullen). It is in the latter kind of virtue that habit, an essential part of Aristotle’s ethical philosophy, enters the scene (Kilcullen). Aristotle posits that moral virtue is developed through habituation, whereby the exercise of reason results in a specific course of action (Kilcullen). Applying Aristotle’s ethical philosophy based on virtue and habit, I conclude that accepting the challenge would determine my character as a person in general, and as a leader in an advertising firm in particular. Accepting a project such as the one in the case would help me develop habits that would hone my leadership and creative skills, which would increase my competence as a leader. The other ethical philosophy that supports my decision is utilitarianism, which is a notion that belongs to the normative ethics tradition. Since the late 18th- and 19th-century, utilitarianism had been in existence to attempt to answer the question, â€Å"What ought a man to do? (West). † Utilitarian philosophers Jeremy Bentham and John Stuart Mill were the foremost believers in the school of thought, and their main thesis was that an action would only be considered morally right if it tends to promote happiness for the greatest number of people. This has been popularly known as the â€Å"Greatest Happiness Principle. † John Stuart Mill explained said ethical principle in 1863, when his published work entitled Utilitarianism came out. He explained, thus: The creed which accepts as the foundation of morals, Utility, or the Greatest Happiness Principle, holds that actions are right in proportion as they tend to promote happiness, wrong as they tend to produce the reverse of happiness. By happiness is intended pleasure, and the absence of pain; by unhappiness, pain, and the privation of pleasure (Mill). It appears therefore, that utilitarianism attaches moral value, not on the motive behind man’s actions, but on the effect that such action makes on people. Bentham and Mill assumed that pleasure and pain are the basic motivations of man, such that he avoids pain and seeks pleasure (West). Applying this principle to my ethical dilemma, I deduce that accepting the project would promote the happiness of many people, namely, myself and the executives of the two corporations that would derive monetary benefits from the success of the project. The people who could be consuming tobacco would likewise find happiness in the availability of a product that they enjoy having, albeit this happiness comes with the danger of disease or even death. Nevertheless, I leave such choice to the holders of the lives concerned, namely, the consumers. It is, after all, ultimately their choice whether to remain healthy or otherwise. In sum, two ethical principles, namely Aristotelian and utilitarian ethics, support the decision to accept the position as head of the project and promote tobacco products.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Translations depicts the cultural take over of Ireland by the British E

Translations depicts the cultural take over of Ireland by the British Empire, yet it cannot be said to be simply pro-Irish.’ Consider this comment. English Literature Coursework- ‘Translations depicts the cultural take over of Ireland by the British Empire, yet it cannot be said to be simply pro-Irish.’ Consider this comment on the play. The Cultural take over of Ireland by the British Empire is a central issue in Translations. Friel examines this issue by describing the effects that certain changes have on individual characters; Irish and English. One may think a play with this issue could not help being biased towards the Irish. However, Friel ‘did not wish to write a play about Irish peasants being suppressed by English sappers.’ In order to ascertain whether he achieves this, we should look to his often complex characters and how they develop throughout the play. and so we must look at individual characters, as Friel does, to see whether this play is pro-Irish or not. Let us take Hugh O’Donnell as the first example. Hugh is portrayed as an intellectual character. He has a wide knowledge of languages and uses a sophisticated choice of words. For instance, when he describes the Irish language he explains that certain other cultures ‘expend on their vocabularies and syntax acquisitive energies and ostentations.’ This is definitely a positive characteristic and can be contrasted to Lancey and Yolland’s ignorance. This can be seen when Lancey misunderstands the Latin statement ‘nonne Latine loquitur’ and tells Jimmy ‘I do not speak Gaelic sir’, making it obvious that he does not speak Latin either. However, when Hugh ‘pours himself another drink’ and his alcohol addiction is apparent the stereotyp..., once again, to represent the attempt of joining two cultures together by his relationship with Maire. However, this joining is doomed to fail just like the couple’s relationship is as, even though Maire and Yolland celebrate what they love about each other’s cultures, thus ignoring their differences, there is still a failure to communicate. This can be seen when Yolland and Maire are having a ‘conversation’ with each other, even though neither speaks the others language, and Yolland explains ‘I’m not going to leave here’, while Maire pleads ‘Take me away with you George’. This represents the inability for all the characters to communicate which results in the supposed death of Yolland. This English soldier is therefore seen as a victim and his questionable murderer appears to be the Irish Manus; although Friel leaves us to decide this for ourselves.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Intelligence Definition and Measurement

Question a Though the construct of intelligence has been in being for a long period of clip, there has been no acceptable definition of what intelligence really is. Further, the beginning of intelligence remains elusive, merely as is the value and truth of its trials. Assorted governments have attempted to specify intelligence from different positions. One common definition is that it is ‘the capacity to get and use cognition. ‘ ( Gardner, 1999 ) . Another authorization looks at it as the ability that intelligence trials step. Though definitions are by and large used for general intents, there are certain facets that they fail to turn to. In the first topographic point, there are people with histories of autism or those who are mentally retarded, but who are exceptionally talented in specific countries such as music, but hapless in others such as mathematics ( Angela, 2003 ) . Other people are able to make certain things because of the environment in which they stay, and non because they are intelligent. A kid who grows up in a house with a Television set can run it unlike one who does n't cognize what a Television set is. Others are able do carry through certain things because of familial factors, and non because they are intelligent. One ‘s province of wellness can besides impact the manner he acquires and applies cognition, which is non needfully a grade of intelligence. On the other manus, there are people who have been brought up in certain environments, but who are unable to use the cognition f rom the environment to make certain things. These may be presumed to be less intelligent. The theory of multiple intelligences, propounded by Howard Gardner, best tantrums my selected instruments. He identified seven constituents of intelligence which are independent, and each of which is possessed by different persons to different grades. These are the visual-spatial intelligence, the verbal-linguistic intelligence, the bodily-kinetic intelligence, the logical-mathematical intelligence, the interpersonal, and the musical, intrapersonal and realistic intelligence ( Gardner, 1999 ) . Question B The dependability of ACER Test of Reasonability can be tested. Several points which claim to mensurate similar general concepts are tested to see if they produce similar tonss. The campaigner ‘s intelligence and general cognition is tested by each of the 70 points. The trial has been declared 85 per centum reliable. Cogency refers to how strong decisions, propositions and illations on a given issue are ( Oswald, 2001 ) . There should be a correlativity between the instructor ‘s evaluations and the tonss obtained by the pupils. Reasonable dependability and cogency of a trial must accomplish both educational and vocational counsel in establishments of acquisition. The normative process has to make with a choice of a good figure of people whom the trial is to be administered to. The broad country from which the choice is done is likely to do anomalousnesss because of varied geographical, school type, gender, linguistic communication and the societal and economical backgrounds. Bias could be as a consequence of gender. Certain subjects could be better handled by work forces and non adult females, or vise versa. Dependability of The Constructive Thinking stock list could besides be considered. The points on the graduated table must be able to prove what they purport to prove. There should be adequate points proving each variable. Validity relies to a great extent on correlational surveies. A figure of points resting one ‘s emotional and physical fittingness are used. There could besides be instances of prejudice originating from one ‘s age, educational degree, and gender, though these should be curbed if the trial is to hold any significance. Accomplishment trials are used in both academic and professional scenes. They include the Basic Achievement Skills Inventory ( BASI ) and the Test of Academic Performance ( TOAP ) ( Reynolds, 1998 ) . BASI is administered as a group trial. It can assist place larning disablements common in reading, numeracy, choice pupils for particular accomplishments, college arrangement etc. TOAP estimates the academic public presentation of kids topographic points them in classs in footings of accomplishment and analyze how their public presentation has changed over clip. It employs a aggregation of six topics. Two are related to reading while four are administered to persons and groups. The trial is timed, and is meant to be done rapidly and easy. Reliability testing is done to prove the stableness of the consequences on a test-retest footing in the BASI appraisal. The first and 2nd testing of each pupil is computed and correlated. Two hebdomads are allowed between trials. The estimations from test-retest samples are largely reasonably strong. Cogency could besides be tested by looking at the assorted subsets of the pupils to be tested. The norming process could affect random sampling, and attention taken to avoid any prejudice for or against any group. Dependability and cogency for tonss does non come out really clearly in TOAP. However, the test-retest method could still be used. Validity could be looked at by correlativities between subsets. As is the instance with others, possible countries of prejudices need to be avoided for so trials to reflect the true place. Question degree Celsius There are many types of appraisal for proving intelligence degrees. These scope from cognition and abilities of a general nature, to countries and topics that are specific. One of these is the ACER Test of Reasonability. The other one is Constructive Thinking Inventory ( CTI ) . The ACER Test of Reasonability consists of 70 multiple pick points which seek to prove the general ability of scholars between 9 and 11 old ages, and it is largely used in Australia. Focus is on single tonss, whose consequences assist the instructor usher and advocate pupils refering vocational preparation. All inquiries are to be answered, even if the reply is non perfectly known. The Constructive Thinking Inventory ( CTI ) consists of 108 self-reporting points. It is designed for mature people of over 18 old ages. Descriptive statements of idea and behavior are given, where the respondent is supposed to rate himself on a graduated table from 1 ( Absolutely False ) to 5 ( Absolutely True ) ( Simons, 1998 ) . The trial measures one ‘s ability to believe constrictively or destructively. The consequences from this sort of appraisal are used to assist in psychotherapeutics. It is besides used in reding substance maltreaters, pupils in college, human resource choice and work related issues in organisations. Question vitamin D There are a figure of ethical issues associated with accomplishment and intelligence trials in instruction. Consideration should be put to the fact that an test can forever alter person ‘s life. Care should hence be taken when puting and administrating. A low achieving pupil could for illustration be put in a particular category from where his demands can easy be met. One could hold misinterpreted the inquiries and therefore given the incorrect replies, non because he is non intelligent. If the trial is culturally biased, the pupil ‘s public presentation is likely to be affected. Care should hence be taken to avoid this scenario. The pupil ‘s degree ; of success can easy be hindered by IQ trials which are frequently considered biased. Ethically hence, an appraisal of pupils must hold an unquestionable degree of dependability and cogency. The foregoing discourse establishes that the definition of intelligence is varied, and frequently combative. Assorted theories whose purpose nevertheless is to assist in the apprehension of intelligence exists. Measures and trials at the disposal of instructors could be employed to guarantee that proving meets the needed criterions.MentionsAngela, C. ( 2003 ) . Intelligence and Autism. New York. Pride BooksGardner, Howard. ( 1999 ) â€Å" Intelligence Reframed: Multiple Intelligences for the twenty-first Century. † New York: Basic Books. Reynolds, W. ( 1998 ) . Intelligence Theories and Tests. Virginia: Oswald. H. ( 2001 ) . Trials for Research Instruments. Vermouth: Cedar Pine Publishers St. simons, T ( 1998 ) Trials and Measurements of Intelligence. Hollywood: Noel Publications Intelligence Definition and Measurement Critique of the definitions of IntelligenceThere are certainly many definitions of intelligence as there are experts who study it. A Psychologist, R.J. Sternberg (2000), editor of handbook of intelligence offered variety definitions from various writers. Few of these definitions done by the editors of the Journal of Educational Psychology, which I consider fits for this paper are as follows:â€Å"Intelligence is sensory capacity, capacity for perceptual recognition, quickness, range on flexibility or association, facility and imagination, span of attention, quickness, or alertness in response† (p. 8).Intelligence is also defined as â€Å"the ability to learn or having learned to adjust one self to the environment† (p. 8). There are still more definitions but to conserve some space I just chose two. Indeed, all the definitions offered by the editors of the Journal of the Educational Psychology were obviously product of years of studies as most of the definitions were dir ected towards mental ability. The definitions above identify the intelligent person not only in terms of the intellectual ability of the mind but in its ability to quickly adjust to new environment.The Measures of IntelligenceThe Standford – Binet theory of intelligence fits for these two definitions because the measures of intelligence test are more related. The Standford-Binet intelligence tests cover four major areas such as verbal reasoning, quantitative reasoning, abstract/visual reasoning, and short-term memory. Scores include raw scores and scaled scores for each of the 15 subtests, scaled scores and percentile ranks for a composite of the four area scores, a composite of any combination of the four area scores and a profile of all 15 subtests based on scaled scores. A pretest is administered to identify the level at which to begin testing. Scores corresponding to IQ’s are called â€Å"Standford Age Scores†.Meanwhile, the Wide Range Achievement Test (WRAT ) has a number of positive features according to Joseph F. Jastak. He explained that the WRAT is fast and simple to manage and score, the examiner can create choices in the content of the test and in management of the form (Singular or Combined). The prototype of errors that a person has done can be analyzed qualitatively, particularly if the collective form of the test is used, since the WRAT scores are free from the polluting effect or understanding the standard score can be used for comparison with other tests, e.g. the Weschler Scales – in order to determine learning ability or disability, the evidence for construct soundness and dependability is highly regarded and as the literacy sub-tests are untimed, the subject can complete these segment with no time pressures.The WRAT can offer an indicator for the measurement of fundamental reading, spelling and arithmetical skills in individuals with few or no academic qualifications. It can also be used in combination with other tests to present a more wide-ranging picture of the individual academic skills to determine learning ability or disability.Comparing and Contrasting of Selected IntelligenceBoth Kaufman assessment battery for children or K-ABC and the Stanford-Benit theories offered the same areas of concern, cognitive development. They both paid attention to intelligence testing beginning from the child’s early age. However, Kaufman’s ABC development assessment focused on particular groups such as the handicapped group, those with learning disabilities, and cultural minorities. On the other hand, The Stanford-Binet Intelligence Scale presents their test items by age level rather than by particular groupings of special people. Kaupman ABC can also be viewed as rather insufficient in the since that it still needs to be reinforced by other more established, and well studied neuropsychological test such as Stanford-Binet, Wechler scales, and McCarty scales.How the goals are are similar an d differentThe Stanford-Binet theory in contrast with the insufficiency of the Kaufman’s ABC intelligence test is well established and offers a wide range of studies involving all age levels. They have established theories on both language and cognitive development. Kaufman study paid attention on their studies of intelligence on emotionally seriously disturbed children. Their focus is on cognitive development based relationships rather than language skills, while the Stanford-Binet Intelligence Scale offers measures of the person’s general intelligence. In this case, they were on different focus of providing intelligence measurement.How are the Tests Used?In Kaufman’s intelligence scale test is made of sixteen parts. The child then is to complete some task that usually involves placing items in sequence. The child is then evaluated on his or her mathematical, spatial, the ability to mentally process the tasks or problems, and reading skills. The Stanford-Binet intelligence scale Jacquelin Goldman, Claudia L’Engle Stein, and Shirley Guerry (1983) noted that intelligence measurement tests were given at age range from two years old through adulthood. They cited that at each of the age levels there are six items and one alternate item. But from age two through five, test levels are at half-year level intervals, then at age six through fourteen, test levels are at yearly intervals. Goldman, L’Engle and Guerry pointed out that test content conducted for age two, includes form board, delayed response, identifying parts of the body, building blocks, word combinations, and identifying objects by name (p. 148).Purpose of Giving Differing TestIn Kaufman ABC, the purpose of test is for the assessment of the cognitive development, while Stanford-Binet provides the test to measure person’s general intelligence. This is obtained by presenting to the individual a variety of tasks of known increasing difficulty.Examining the Ethical C onsiderations Associated with Achievements and Intelligence Test in EducationAside from children, maybe adult are maybe more liberal in this aspect as long as test that were conducted does not violate any of rights, or as long as it does abuse them. I believe that there is nothing ethically inappropriate with test measures of both Kaufman and the Stanford-Binet. However, test conducted for children should be more cautious especially with use materials. Lead toxicity and choking hazards should be extremely under strict monitoring. Data revealed that prolong exposure to toxic materials may lead to serious renal, hematologic, and neurologic complications (. 117)ReferencesGoldman, J., Stein, C. E., & Guerry, S. (1983). Psychological Methods of Child Assessment. New York. Brunner/Mazel Inc..Sternberg, R.J. (2000). Handbook of Intlligence. U.S.A. Cambrige University Press.Guide to Clinical preventive Services. (1989) U.S. Preventive Task force. U.S.A. Reane PublishingInternet source:Kaufm an Assessment Battery for, Joseph. (1978). Wide Range Achievement Test, Jastak Associates,