Sunday, November 3, 2019

One topic or theme that compares and contrasts traditional and more Essay - 1

One topic or theme that compares and contrasts traditional and more recent innovations in our understanding of equality and diversity - Essay Example abilities approach in managing diversity revolves around the ability to measure people’s abilities and what they can achieve as well as what they can become, in order to allocate the right amount and the right kind of resources in their development or welfare (Comim, et al, 2008, p.84). Capabilities are seen as opportunities for well being and therefore, justice is seen in terms of how an individual will achieve his well being (Kaufman, 2006 p.2). According to Hernandez and O’Connor (2009, p.165), the HR department has a lot of power in determining which titles will be given to who and who will get how much in their pay and this means that the HR department has a strong rein on how people develop in the organization. Managing diversity in the workplace is one of the biggest challenges and yet exciting processes in the workplace. Managing diversity is essential in meeting organizations goals and implementing its strategy (Wilkinson, 2009, p.232). According to Cornelius (2002, p.153), having workforce that is entirely diverse starts at recruitment and the HR department should and must have the right strategy for achieving this. With this regard, there are both traditional and modern approaches to managing diversity. Traditional methods of managing diversity were mostly from the US and were focused on creating a work environment that took care of ethnic differences. Managing diversity has, however, changed and today, not only it is a global management issue but it has taken a new route. Modern diversity management focuses on managing talent and making sure that people abilities are given equal opportunity without regard to their race, health or cultures. The difference between traditional strategies in managing diversity and the current approach is that the current methodology does not give minority groups in the work place more opportunity just because they are a minority. For instance, in the older strategies for managing diversities in the workplace, a

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