Wednesday, October 30, 2019
Brain Drain in Louisiana Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Brain Drain in Louisiana - Essay Example Of grave concern, then, was the emigration of those with scarce professional skills, like Doctors, Nurses, Engineers etc, who had been trained at considerable expense, in most cases, by means of highly subsidized tertiary educations or Government grants. (Cohen 1). The mere fact of the weak and poor society losing skilled people is a terrible occurrence. It plunge the society into a far deeper economic situation. The implications for the poor sending communities, is therefore, stark. (Dhananjayan 2). The factor driving brain drain emigration are not far fetched. The human nature always tend towards a better and more secured living conditions. Wherever such condition is not obtainable in a community, there is bound to be movement outwards, in search of a better environment. It is obvious, therefore, that inequalities in opportunities available to different societies or nations, is one primary factor at the root of brain drain emigration. Several decades back, 'brain drain' was a name reserved for citizens of poor developing nations moving into America and Europe. A US presidential candidate, Ross Perot, even once talked about a "giant sucking sound" made as American jobs went out to emigrants (Dhananjayan 2), but America seems to be having her own share of the phenomenon within its shores. According to a story on CBS News, Williams Frey, a demographer at the University of Michigan, studied population migration in Louisiana, long before Hurricane Katrina. He concluded that Louisiana has basically been a poster child for brain drain, especially among whites with college degrees (Katrina Accelerates). Brain drain has been seen as a growing trend in New Orleans and Louisiana over several decades now. It is observed that the opposite of the growth trends seen elsewhere in the New South is the case at Louisiana. The loss of skilled labor power began decades back, in the late 1980s, when, probably due to dwindling image outside, Louisiana keep failing to attract new residents. Basically, the Louisiana problem could be said to be due to a failing economy, unhealthy image and the resultant failure to attract in-migration of new residents (Katrina Accelerates). The economy of the city is already on a downward turn and its image battered, losing several of her best educated residents could lead to a vicious cycle. It definitely would further damage the 'sick' economy, tear the city's social fabric apart, and thus further creating a better excuse for the few, staying back, to emigrate and keeping new residents at bay. Brain drain sure does have a resounding effect, it takes away the good ones from a society, cutting out ideas and growth from the few ones left. Hurricane Katrina has further added to this scourge. According to experts, the health care industry was one of the very few industries experiencing growth in Louisiana and also the number one employer in the city. But, Hurricane Katrina almost obliterated the hospital, nursing homes, mental health systems and other health care institutions in the whole of New Orleans. These institutions employ thousands of people and many of them are already migrating for better opportunities. In the wake of Katrina, several competitors have been perfecting their strategies to better attract the numerous nurses, doctors and other health care workers stranded in the city. For instances, it is reported that, Joe Ann Clark, Executive Director of the
Monday, October 28, 2019
Ethical Dilemma Essay Example for Free
Ethical Dilemma Essay The situation at hand involves an ethical decision between two possible courses of action relating to the promotion of tobacco as a product in the market. R. J. Reynolds Tobacco Co. is a corporation that earns huge amounts of money in selling tobacco and is concerned about keeping its profits despite the negative image now associated with tobacco. Therefore, R. J. Reynolds Tobacco Co. hired Acme Global Advertising to again promote the product in the market. Being recommended by the company’s Director for Global Accounts as the new head of the R.  J. Reynolds Tobacco Co. account, I am constrained to decide whether to accept the position or not. There is no doubt that this is a once in a lifetime career opportunity, as the last manager to handle the R. J. Reynolds Tobacco Co. account had already retired after receiving a huge sum of money after his successful campaign. Indeed, a successful promotional campaign would result in huge profit for both R. J. Reynolds Tobacco Co. and Acme Global Advertising, which would translate into big earnings for me. On the other hand, a simple refusal on my part would mean another eager person would immediately be taking my place and my big opportunity. The problem is not as simple as it looks, however. This is because the World Health Organization already declared tobacco as the second major cause of death in the world. Therefore, any effort on my side in promoting the consumption of tobacco would mean that I am personally exerting effort in favor of a product that causes death to millions of people arounf the world. It is clear, therefore, that the present situation presents an ethical dilemma that needs serious consideration. I have to make a decision between personal success and the health of innumerable people. In order to solve this dilemma, I turn to the philosophical writings of Aristotle in his work entitled Nicomachean Ethics, as well as utilitarian ethical philosophy as explained by well-known ethical philosophers John Stuart Mill and Jeremy Bentham. Based on these ethical principles, I shall explain why it would be ethical for me to accept the challenge and exert my best effort in promoting the sales of tobacco products of R. J. Reynolds Tobacco Co. this paper shall discuss the relevant principles characteristic of each theory, and then apply such principles to the facts of this particular scenario. In Aristotle’s Nicomachean Ethics, he expounded on the notion called virtue, which to him is that which determines the character or nature of anything, be it a person or a specific thing (Ross). Virtue is that thing which makes a knife a good knife, and it is also that which makes a man a good person (Ross). Aristotle makes a distinction between two kinds of virtue, namely natural virtue and moral virtue (Kilcullen). For him, the former relates to characteristics that humans possess from birth, such as a particular temperament (Kilcullen). On the other hand, the latter kind of virtue refers to the act of submitting one’s acts to reason (Kilcullen). It is in the latter kind of virtue that habit, an essential part of Aristotle’s ethical philosophy, enters the scene (Kilcullen). Aristotle posits that moral virtue is developed through habituation, whereby the exercise of reason results in a specific course of action (Kilcullen). Applying Aristotle’s ethical philosophy based on virtue and habit, I conclude that accepting the challenge would determine my character as a person in general, and as a leader in an advertising firm in particular. Accepting a project such as the one in the case would help me develop habits that would hone my leadership and creative skills, which would increase my competence as a leader. The other ethical philosophy that supports my decision is utilitarianism, which is a notion that belongs to the normative ethics tradition. Since the late 18th- and 19th-century, utilitarianism had been in existence to attempt to answer the question, â€Å"What ought a man to do? (West). †Utilitarian philosophers Jeremy Bentham and John Stuart Mill were the foremost believers in the school of thought, and their main thesis was that an action would only be considered morally right if it tends to promote happiness for the greatest number of people. This has been popularly known as the â€Å"Greatest Happiness Principle. †John Stuart Mill explained said ethical principle in 1863, when his published work entitled Utilitarianism came out. He explained, thus: The creed which accepts as the foundation of morals, Utility, or the Greatest Happiness Principle, holds that actions are right in proportion as they tend to promote happiness, wrong as they tend to produce the reverse of happiness. By happiness is intended pleasure, and the absence of pain; by unhappiness, pain, and the privation of pleasure (Mill). It appears therefore, that utilitarianism attaches moral value, not on the motive behind man’s actions, but on the effect that such action makes on people. Bentham and Mill assumed that pleasure and pain are the basic motivations of man, such that he avoids pain and seeks pleasure (West). Applying this principle to my ethical dilemma, I deduce that accepting the project would promote the happiness of many people, namely, myself and the executives of the two corporations that would derive monetary benefits from the success of the project. The people who could be consuming tobacco would likewise find happiness in the availability of a product that they enjoy having, albeit this happiness comes with the danger of disease or even death. Nevertheless, I leave such choice to the holders of the lives concerned, namely, the consumers. It is, after all, ultimately their choice whether to remain healthy or otherwise. In sum, two ethical principles, namely Aristotelian and utilitarian ethics, support the decision to accept the position as head of the project and promote tobacco products.
Saturday, October 26, 2019
Translations depicts the cultural take over of Ireland by the British E
Translations depicts the cultural take over of Ireland by the British Empire, yet it cannot be said to be simply pro-Irish.’ Consider this comment. English Literature Coursework- ‘Translations depicts the cultural take over of Ireland by the British Empire, yet it cannot be said to be simply pro-Irish.’ Consider this comment on the play. The Cultural take over of Ireland by the British Empire is a central issue in Translations. Friel examines this issue by describing the effects that certain changes have on individual characters; Irish and English. One may think a play with this issue could not help being biased towards the Irish. However, Friel ‘did not wish to write a play about Irish peasants being suppressed by English sappers.’ In order to ascertain whether he achieves this, we should look to his often complex characters and how they develop throughout the play. and so we must look at individual characters, as Friel does, to see whether this play is pro-Irish or not. Let us take Hugh O’Donnell as the first example. Hugh is portrayed as an intellectual character. He has a wide knowledge of languages and uses a sophisticated choice of words. For instance, when he describes the Irish language he explains that certain other cultures ‘expend on their vocabularies and syntax acquisitive energies and ostentations.’ This is definitely a positive characteristic and can be contrasted to Lancey and Yolland’s ignorance. This can be seen when Lancey misunderstands the Latin statement ‘nonne Latine loquitur’ and tells Jimmy ‘I do not speak Gaelic sir’, making it obvious that he does not speak Latin either. However, when Hugh ‘pours himself another drink’ and his alcohol addiction is apparent the stereotyp..., once again, to represent the attempt of joining two cultures together by his relationship with Maire. However, this joining is doomed to fail just like the couple’s relationship is as, even though Maire and Yolland celebrate what they love about each other’s cultures, thus ignoring their differences, there is still a failure to communicate. This can be seen when Yolland and Maire are having a ‘conversation’ with each other, even though neither speaks the others language, and Yolland explains ‘I’m not going to leave here’, while Maire pleads ‘Take me away with you George’. This represents the inability for all the characters to communicate which results in the supposed death of Yolland. This English soldier is therefore seen as a victim and his questionable murderer appears to be the Irish Manus; although Friel leaves us to decide this for ourselves.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Intelligence Definition and Measurement
Question a Though the construct of intelligence has been in being for a long period of clip, there has been no acceptable definition of what intelligence really is. Further, the beginning of intelligence remains elusive, merely as is the value and truth of its trials. Assorted governments have attempted to specify intelligence from different positions. One common definition is that it is ‘the capacity to get and use cognition. ‘ ( Gardner, 1999 ) . Another authorization looks at it as the ability that intelligence trials step. Though definitions are by and large used for general intents, there are certain facets that they fail to turn to. In the first topographic point, there are people with histories of autism or those who are mentally retarded, but who are exceptionally talented in specific countries such as music, but hapless in others such as mathematics ( Angela, 2003 ) . Other people are able to make certain things because of the environment in which they stay, and non because they are intelligent. A kid who grows up in a house with a Television set can run it unlike one who does n't cognize what a Television set is. Others are able do carry through certain things because of familial factors, and non because they are intelligent. One ‘s province of wellness can besides impact the manner he acquires and applies cognition, which is non needfully a grade of intelligence. On the other manus, there are people who have been brought up in certain environments, but who are unable to use the cognition f rom the environment to make certain things. These may be presumed to be less intelligent. The theory of multiple intelligences, propounded by Howard Gardner, best tantrums my selected instruments. He identified seven constituents of intelligence which are independent, and each of which is possessed by different persons to different grades. These are the visual-spatial intelligence, the verbal-linguistic intelligence, the bodily-kinetic intelligence, the logical-mathematical intelligence, the interpersonal, and the musical, intrapersonal and realistic intelligence ( Gardner, 1999 ) . Question B The dependability of ACER Test of Reasonability can be tested. Several points which claim to mensurate similar general concepts are tested to see if they produce similar tonss. The campaigner ‘s intelligence and general cognition is tested by each of the 70 points. The trial has been declared 85 per centum reliable. Cogency refers to how strong decisions, propositions and illations on a given issue are ( Oswald, 2001 ) . There should be a correlativity between the instructor ‘s evaluations and the tonss obtained by the pupils. Reasonable dependability and cogency of a trial must accomplish both educational and vocational counsel in establishments of acquisition. The normative process has to make with a choice of a good figure of people whom the trial is to be administered to. The broad country from which the choice is done is likely to do anomalousnesss because of varied geographical, school type, gender, linguistic communication and the societal and economical backgrounds. Bias could be as a consequence of gender. Certain subjects could be better handled by work forces and non adult females, or vise versa. Dependability of The Constructive Thinking stock list could besides be considered. The points on the graduated table must be able to prove what they purport to prove. There should be adequate points proving each variable. Validity relies to a great extent on correlational surveies. A figure of points resting one ‘s emotional and physical fittingness are used. There could besides be instances of prejudice originating from one ‘s age, educational degree, and gender, though these should be curbed if the trial is to hold any significance. Accomplishment trials are used in both academic and professional scenes. They include the Basic Achievement Skills Inventory ( BASI ) and the Test of Academic Performance ( TOAP ) ( Reynolds, 1998 ) . BASI is administered as a group trial. It can assist place larning disablements common in reading, numeracy, choice pupils for particular accomplishments, college arrangement etc. TOAP estimates the academic public presentation of kids topographic points them in classs in footings of accomplishment and analyze how their public presentation has changed over clip. It employs a aggregation of six topics. Two are related to reading while four are administered to persons and groups. The trial is timed, and is meant to be done rapidly and easy. Reliability testing is done to prove the stableness of the consequences on a test-retest footing in the BASI appraisal. The first and 2nd testing of each pupil is computed and correlated. Two hebdomads are allowed between trials. The estimations from test-retest samples are largely reasonably strong. Cogency could besides be tested by looking at the assorted subsets of the pupils to be tested. The norming process could affect random sampling, and attention taken to avoid any prejudice for or against any group. Dependability and cogency for tonss does non come out really clearly in TOAP. However, the test-retest method could still be used. Validity could be looked at by correlativities between subsets. As is the instance with others, possible countries of prejudices need to be avoided for so trials to reflect the true place. Question degree Celsius There are many types of appraisal for proving intelligence degrees. These scope from cognition and abilities of a general nature, to countries and topics that are specific. One of these is the ACER Test of Reasonability. The other one is Constructive Thinking Inventory ( CTI ) . The ACER Test of Reasonability consists of 70 multiple pick points which seek to prove the general ability of scholars between 9 and 11 old ages, and it is largely used in Australia. Focus is on single tonss, whose consequences assist the instructor usher and advocate pupils refering vocational preparation. All inquiries are to be answered, even if the reply is non perfectly known. The Constructive Thinking Inventory ( CTI ) consists of 108 self-reporting points. It is designed for mature people of over 18 old ages. Descriptive statements of idea and behavior are given, where the respondent is supposed to rate himself on a graduated table from 1 ( Absolutely False ) to 5 ( Absolutely True ) ( Simons, 1998 ) . The trial measures one ‘s ability to believe constrictively or destructively. The consequences from this sort of appraisal are used to assist in psychotherapeutics. It is besides used in reding substance maltreaters, pupils in college, human resource choice and work related issues in organisations. Question vitamin D There are a figure of ethical issues associated with accomplishment and intelligence trials in instruction. Consideration should be put to the fact that an test can forever alter person ‘s life. Care should hence be taken when puting and administrating. A low achieving pupil could for illustration be put in a particular category from where his demands can easy be met. One could hold misinterpreted the inquiries and therefore given the incorrect replies, non because he is non intelligent. If the trial is culturally biased, the pupil ‘s public presentation is likely to be affected. Care should hence be taken to avoid this scenario. The pupil ‘s degree ; of success can easy be hindered by IQ trials which are frequently considered biased. Ethically hence, an appraisal of pupils must hold an unquestionable degree of dependability and cogency. The foregoing discourse establishes that the definition of intelligence is varied, and frequently combative. Assorted theories whose purpose nevertheless is to assist in the apprehension of intelligence exists. Measures and trials at the disposal of instructors could be employed to guarantee that proving meets the needed criterions.MentionsAngela, C. ( 2003 ) . Intelligence and Autism. New York. Pride BooksGardner, Howard. ( 1999 ) â€Å" Intelligence Reframed: Multiple Intelligences for the twenty-first Century. †New York: Basic Books. Reynolds, W. ( 1998 ) . Intelligence Theories and Tests. Virginia: Oswald. H. ( 2001 ) . Trials for Research Instruments. Vermouth: Cedar Pine Publishers St. simons, T ( 1998 ) Trials and Measurements of Intelligence. Hollywood: Noel Publications Intelligence Definition and Measurement Critique of the definitions of IntelligenceThere are certainly many definitions of intelligence as there are experts who study it. A Psychologist, R.J. Sternberg (2000), editor of handbook of intelligence offered variety definitions from various writers. Few of these definitions done by the editors of the Journal of Educational Psychology, which I consider fits for this paper are as follows:â€Å"Intelligence is sensory capacity, capacity for perceptual recognition, quickness, range on flexibility or association, facility and imagination, span of attention, quickness, or alertness in response†(p. 8).Intelligence is also defined as â€Å"the ability to learn or having learned to adjust one self to the environment†(p. 8). There are still more definitions but to conserve some space I just chose two. Indeed, all the definitions offered by the editors of the Journal of the Educational Psychology were obviously product of years of studies as most of the definitions were dir ected towards mental ability. The definitions above identify the intelligent person not only in terms of the intellectual ability of the mind but in its ability to quickly adjust to new environment.The Measures of IntelligenceThe Standford – Binet theory of intelligence fits for these two definitions because the measures of intelligence test are more related. The Standford-Binet intelligence tests cover four major areas such as verbal reasoning, quantitative reasoning, abstract/visual reasoning, and short-term memory. Scores include raw scores and scaled scores for each of the 15 subtests, scaled scores and percentile ranks for a composite of the four area scores, a composite of any combination of the four area scores and a profile of all 15 subtests based on scaled scores. A pretest is administered to identify the level at which to begin testing. Scores corresponding to IQ’s are called â€Å"Standford Age Scores†.Meanwhile, the Wide Range Achievement Test (WRAT ) has a number of positive features according to Joseph F. Jastak. He explained that the WRAT is fast and simple to manage and score, the examiner can create choices in the content of the test and in management of the form (Singular or Combined). The prototype of errors that a person has done can be analyzed qualitatively, particularly if the collective form of the test is used, since the WRAT scores are free from the polluting effect or understanding the standard score can be used for comparison with other tests, e.g. the Weschler Scales – in order to determine learning ability or disability, the evidence for construct soundness and dependability is highly regarded and as the literacy sub-tests are untimed, the subject can complete these segment with no time pressures.The WRAT can offer an indicator for the measurement of fundamental reading, spelling and arithmetical skills in individuals with few or no academic qualifications. It can also be used in combination with other tests to present a more wide-ranging picture of the individual academic skills to determine learning ability or disability.Comparing and Contrasting of Selected IntelligenceBoth Kaufman assessment battery for children or K-ABC and the Stanford-Benit theories offered the same areas of concern, cognitive development. They both paid attention to intelligence testing beginning from the child’s early age. However, Kaufman’s ABC development assessment focused on particular groups such as the handicapped group, those with learning disabilities, and cultural minorities. On the other hand, The Stanford-Binet Intelligence Scale presents their test items by age level rather than by particular groupings of special people. Kaupman ABC can also be viewed as rather insufficient in the since that it still needs to be reinforced by other more established, and well studied neuropsychological test such as Stanford-Binet, Wechler scales, and McCarty scales.How the goals are are similar an d differentThe Stanford-Binet theory in contrast with the insufficiency of the Kaufman’s ABC intelligence test is well established and offers a wide range of studies involving all age levels. They have established theories on both language and cognitive development. Kaufman study paid attention on their studies of intelligence on emotionally seriously disturbed children. Their focus is on cognitive development based relationships rather than language skills, while the Stanford-Binet Intelligence Scale offers measures of the person’s general intelligence. In this case, they were on different focus of providing intelligence measurement.How are the Tests Used?In Kaufman’s intelligence scale test is made of sixteen parts. The child then is to complete some task that usually involves placing items in sequence. The child is then evaluated on his or her mathematical, spatial, the ability to mentally process the tasks or problems, and reading skills. The Stanford-Binet intelligence scale Jacquelin Goldman, Claudia L’Engle Stein, and Shirley Guerry (1983) noted that intelligence measurement tests were given at age range from two years old through adulthood. They cited that at each of the age levels there are six items and one alternate item. But from age two through five, test levels are at half-year level intervals, then at age six through fourteen, test levels are at yearly intervals. Goldman, L’Engle and Guerry pointed out that test content conducted for age two, includes form board, delayed response, identifying parts of the body, building blocks, word combinations, and identifying objects by name (p. 148).Purpose of Giving Differing TestIn Kaufman ABC, the purpose of test is for the assessment of the cognitive development, while Stanford-Binet provides the test to measure person’s general intelligence. This is obtained by presenting to the individual a variety of tasks of known increasing difficulty.Examining the Ethical C onsiderations Associated with Achievements and Intelligence Test in EducationAside from children, maybe adult are maybe more liberal in this aspect as long as test that were conducted does not violate any of rights, or as long as it does abuse them. I believe that there is nothing ethically inappropriate with test measures of both Kaufman and the Stanford-Binet. However, test conducted for children should be more cautious especially with use materials. Lead toxicity and choking hazards should be extremely under strict monitoring. Data revealed that prolong exposure to toxic materials may lead to serious renal, hematologic, and neurologic complications (. 117)ReferencesGoldman, J., Stein, C. E., & Guerry, S. (1983). Psychological Methods of Child Assessment. New York. Brunner/Mazel Inc..Sternberg, R.J. (2000). Handbook of Intlligence. U.S.A. Cambrige University Press.Guide to Clinical preventive Services. (1989) U.S. Preventive Task force. U.S.A. Reane PublishingInternet source:Kaufm an Assessment Battery for, Joseph. (1978). Wide Range Achievement Test, Jastak Associates,
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Why Did the Us Introduce Marshall Aid
Why did the US introduce Marshall Aid? The main reason why the US introduced Marshall Aid was to prevent the spread of Communism. In 1946 almost the whole of Eastern Europe was Communist, this was due to the actions of Stalin, he wanted to build up a line of countries around Russia and use them as a â€Å"buffer zone†to protect the USSR from being attacked. Britain had troops in Greece and was fighting a Civil War against the Communists in fear that it too would fall under Stalin's Communist rule.The USA stepped in when the British announced that they could no longer afford to keep their troops in Greece, Truman feared that the whole of Eastern Europe would become Communist (the idea of Communism was very popular in times of hardship, the communists believed that the wealth of the richest people should be shared out among the poor) so he agreed to pay for military supplies, weapons, economic aid and British troops to be sent to Greece and Turkey.The USA's aid soon became know n as The Truman Doctrine. This was the idea that communism should not be allowed to grow and gain territory, and that it was America's ‘duty' to fight for liberty. It was agreed that they would send resources to any Government that was threatened by communism. The Truman Doctrine was significant as it divided the world, showing that Capitalism and Communism were in opposition, which suggested that the East and the West could no longer co-operate.This emphasised the many difference between them. The Marshall Plan started the Truman Doctrine in June 1947, when it was announced that $17 billion should be given to Europe to help rebuild their inefficient economy and prevent the spread of communism. For the USA, Marshall Aid was introduced to make the idea of Capitalism appear more appealing, it was also introduced to try and prevent communism spreading.This now highlights how terrified they were of Communism and to what extent they would go to prevent it influencing the whole of E urope. For the countries in Europe that received aid through the Marshall Plan it was seen as a way of rebuilding their economies and preventing communism in their own country.
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
The Vocabulary You Need for SAT Reading Passages
The Vocabulary You Need for SAT Reading Passages SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips Sometimes the SAT Reading section will ask you about literary terms. But how often? And which terms do you need to be familiar with in order to get these questions right? This article will give you the low-down on what you need to know. Overview: Literary Terms on the Current SAT The current SAT Readingsection covers literary terms in a less direct way than the 2005-2015 version of the test did.It doesn’t ever ask you to identify a specific literary technique, but the passages are more challengingthan they have been in the past, and at times you'll need to rely on knowledge of literary terms to answer questions that aren't directly related. I'll give you a couple examples to demonstrate what I mean. Sample Question #1 Which choice best describes the developmental pattern of the passage? A. A careful analysis of a traditional practiceB. A detailed depiction of a meaningful encounterC. A definitive response to a series of questionsD. A cheerful recounting of an amusing anecdote While this question doesn’t contain direct references to literary terms, it requires some vocabulary knowledge related to writing technique.In order to understand choice D, you need to know what an anecdote is (it’s just a personal story).You also need to have a good sense of what the question means by a â€Å"developmental pattern†and have strong enough reading comprehension skills to identify which of the choices best represents the structure of the passage. Sample Question #2 According to the passage, Woolf chooses the setting of the bridge because it A. is conducive to a mood of fanciful reflectionB. provides a good view of the procession of the sons of educated menC. is within sight of historic episodes to which she alludesD. is symbolic of the legacy of past and present sons of educated men For this question, we have to understand answer choices that incorporate several literary terms including mood, allusion, and symbolism.This means background knowledge of literary terms is helpful if not completely necessary in order to feel comfortable with this question.However, the words are used in such a way that you can figure out what the answer choices mean without knowing super specific definitions of the terms if you pay close attention to context clues. Sample Question #3 This question comes closer than the other example to asking about literary terms directly. I'll go into more detail about how to interpret it and find the correct answer. The description of how Lady Carlotta â€Å"put the doctrine of non-interference into practice†(lines 14-15) mainly serves to A. foreshadow her capacity for deception.B. illustrate the subtle cruelty in her nature.C. provide a humorous insight into her character.D. explain a surprising change in her behavior. The answer choices in this question include references to foreshadowing and humor, two common literary terms. Here are the lines the question references: Only once had she put the doctrine of non-interference into practice, when one of its most eloquent exponents had been besieged for nearly three hours in a small and extremely uncomfortable may-tree by an angry boar-pig, while Lady Carlotta, on the other side of the fence, had proceeded with the water-colour sketch she was engaged on, and refused to interfere between the boar and his prisoner. Finding the Solution (Process of Elimination) Now I'll go through all the choices in detail to show you how and why three out of four of them can be eliminated based on what we know about the meanings of literary terms and the content of the passage. Choice A: foreshadow her capacity for deception Putting aside the foreshadowing aspect of this answer, how is Lady Carlotta being deceptive in the passage?It would be deceptive if she had offered to help the â€Å"prisoner†and then failed to follow through, but that’s not what happened.This answer can already be eliminated without looking further along in the passage to see if the incident represents foreshadowing. Choice B: illustrate the subtle cruelty in her nature There is no subtle cruelty being illustrated here. If anything, it's outright cruelty because she simply refuses to help the woman who is trapped by the boar.However, because the woman trapped by the boar is one of the â€Å"eloquent exponents†of the doctrine of noninterference, it wouldn’t be quite right to say this is cruelty.The woman becomes the victim of a policy that she advocates. This answer can be eliminated as well. (Side Note:If you didn't know what "subtle" meant, you might still be able to figure out this answer choice, but it would be tough. This choice demonstrates how vocabulary in the questions and passages on the new SAT is becoming more difficult in order to compensate for the elimination of sentence completion questions.) Choice C: provide a humorous insight into her character This answer makes the most sense.The events in the passage signify that Lady Carlotta has a sense of humor; she allows the woman who is trapped by the boar to be betrayed by her own belief in noninterference.I’m picturing Lady Carlotta doing her watercolor sketch while staring at the woman in the tree and being like â€Å"But you said I’m not supposed to interfere! There’s nothing I can do!†in a really fake-nice tone. Choice D: explain a surprising change in her behavior This incident does mark a change in her behavior because earlier in the passage she ignores her friends’ insistence on noninterference. It's not a â€Å"surprising change†though. It’s a logical reaction based on Lady Carlotta’s sense of humor (and sense of karma). Get rid of this answer! Choice C is the correct answer! The smuggest boar I've ever seen, and I've seen some smug boars in my time. That question is the closest you'll get to being asked outright about literary terms, but that doesn’t mean they’re irrelevant.You should still know the meanings of metaphor, irony, and humor.Even if these words aren’t answers to questions, it will be helpful for you to be aware of their definitions. Take, for example, this paragraph of a sample passage: To avoid...the evils of inconstancy and versatility, ten thousand times worse than those of obstinacy and the blindest prejudice, we have consecrated the state, that no man should approach to look into its defects or corruptions but with due caution; that he should never dream of beginning its reformation by its subversion; that he should approach to the faults of the state as to the wounds of a father, with pious awe and trembling solicitude. By this wise prejudice we are taught to look with horror on those children of their country who are prompt rashly to hack that aged parent in pieces, and put him into the kettle of magicians, in hopes that by their poisonous weeds, and wild incantations, they may regenerate the paternal constitution, and renovate their father's life. This passage makes extensive use of a metaphor comparing the state to an ailing father figure to emphasize its point about the way people should approach changes in government.This could be confusing or downright incomprehensible if you’re not comfortable with the advanced use of similes and metaphors in writing.The SAT has compensated for the elimination ofsentence completion questions by adding in passages that incorporate more challenging vocabulary words and advanced literary techniques. List of Vocabulary Terms To summarize, here's a comprehensive list of the literary termsthat will be useful for you to know for reading questions on the SAT: Allusion Analogy Analysis Anecdote Foreshadowing Humor Irony Metaphor Mood Simile Symbolism Tone Conclusion On the current SAT, there are no questions that ask directly about the use of literary devices.However, knowledge of literary terms is still helpful in interpreting passages and answer choices that occasionally use these techniques in their descriptions of ideas and events. Knowledge of literary terms isn’t vital for doing well on the SAT, but it’s helpful to know some basic definitions so that you’ll feel more confident if you come across any questions that ask about them! What's Next? Want to find out what skills you'll need to ace the SAT Reading section? Check out our article on what's really tested. If you're worried about vocabulary, read these articles on the importance of vocabulary on the SATandthe best way to study SAT vocabulary words. If you're not sure whether you should take the SAT or the ACT, take a look at this article that outlines the differences between them. Want to improve your SAT score by 160 points? Check out our best-in-class online SAT prep program. We guarantee your money back if you don't improve your SAT score by 160 points or more. Our program is entirely online, and it customizes what you study to your strengths and weaknesses. If you liked this Reading lesson, you'll love our program.Along with more detailed lessons, you'll get thousands ofpractice problems organized by individual skills so you learn most effectively. We'll also give you a step-by-step program to follow so you'll never be confused about what to study next. Check out our 5-day free trial:
Monday, October 21, 2019
Relation between authoritarianism and the construction Essays
Relation between authoritarianism and the construction Essays Relation between authoritarianism and the construction Essay Relation between authoritarianism and the construction Essay On the other hand, religion has a connection with authoritarianism, since it is a dominating group in certain countries and communities. However, religion can be against the evil other but in some cases it could be as oppressive as the evil other. So, what is the relationship between authoritarianism and the construction of the evil other and how does this relate to religion? One of the main characteristic of authoritarianism is to submit any inferior group in a society under the power or obedience of a superior group. For instance evil other is the superior group in a certain community; therefore, authoritarianism has a strong relationship in the construction of evil other. As an illustration, the government in Arab society is defined as evil other because of its desire to take control over women. It is a value to note, females in this country are degraded because the government and the authority, usually dominated by men see the women weak and incapable to take control over situations. Hence, men in Arab society are the evil other discriminating women to do Jobs and take position as egger authority, this evil enemy designation may be placed on a real group or an imaginary group, but either way, the enemy acquires an unreal and impossible stigma- they become an evil with allegedly supernatural powers (Lowlands 42). This quote explains that somehow the evil other possess an unexplainable power that lead them to do what they do. In other words, women in Arab society treated as objects, is the consequence of the men that abuse their power, because they think what theyre doing is right and thats why men have the strength for, to control society. Furthermore, religion is related to authoritarianism, because in some cases it takes over society to submit an inferior group under obedience of god, goddess or certain belief of a supreme power. Whatever group becomes the demonic other, religion often encodes in term of an evil other, an evil enemy (Lowlands 42). Lowlands explains that the practitioner of a certain religion convert their message against the evil other and often they see the evil enemy as inferior and demonic. However, there are situations when a particular religion takes an unfair action against what they call the evil other. For example, the religious terrorism which is things happen, but they can also blame our misfortunes on devilish others and punish them by killing them either individually or exterminating the whole lot of them at once (Lowlands 270). According to this quote the religious terrorism kill people in name of the religion because they see them as evil or because they want to accomplish a certain goal related to their belief. In relation to how this terrorism religion sees the evil Mark P Wore wrote in Sociology of Religion: A substantive and Transcriptional Approach Devilish others have been known to possess things that we would like to have for ourselves such as land, oil, diamonds, minerals and other valuable resources (Lowlands, 270). At the end, the terrorists might kill people because they want to have power, money and/or have control over a certain land; therefore they use the definition of evil or enemy as excuse to possess those valuable things. In conclusion, in society theres always going to be a dominating group targeting an inferior group to have authority over it. As a result, different authoritarianism are created by people depending what is the purpose or goal they want to achieve. So, the dominating group could be reflected in a religious group like the Islamic Extremism or as supreme authority like the Arab society. Consequently, Religion has a connection with authoritarianism and evil other, because three definitions has the characteristics of being superior in front of a group or society. Words Cited Lowlands, George. The Sociology of Religion: The substantive and Transcriptional Approach. California: Pine Forge Press, 1964. Print.
Sunday, October 20, 2019
History of the Plymouth Colony
History of the Plymouth Colony Established in December 1620 in what is now the U.S. State of Massachusetts, the Plymouth Colony was the first permanent settlement of Europeans in New England and the second in North America, coming just 13 years after the settlement of Jamestown, Virginia in 1607. While perhaps best known as the source of the tradition of Thanksgiving, the Plymouth Colony introduced the concept of self-government into America and serves as the source of important clues to what being an â€Å"American†really means. The Pilgrims Flee Religious Persecution In 1609, during the reign of King James I, members of the English Separatist Church - the Puritans - emigrated from the England to the town of Leiden in the Netherlands in a futile attempt to escape religious persecution. While they were accepted by the Dutch people and authorities, the Puritans continued to be persecuted by the British Crown. In 1618, English authorities came to Leiden to arrest congregation elder William Brewster for distributing flyers critical of King James and the Anglican Church. While Brewster escaped arrest, the Puritans decided to place the Atlantic Ocean between them and England. In 1619, the Puritans obtained a land patent to establish a settlement in North America near the mouth of the Hudson River. Using money loaned to them by the Dutch Merchant Adventurers, the Puritans - soon to be Pilgrims - obtained provisions and passage on two ships: the Mayflower and the Speedwell. The Voyage of the Mayflower to Plymouth Rock After the Speedwell was found to be unseaworthy, 102 Pilgrims, led by William Bradford, crowded aboard the 106-foot-long Mayflower and set sail for America on September 6, 1620. After two difficult months at sea, land was sighted on November 9 off the coast of Cape Cod. Prevented from reaching its initial Hudson River destination by storms, strong currents, and shallow seas, the Mayflower finally anchored off Cape Cod on November 21. After sending exploratory party ashore, the Mayflower docked near Plymouth Rock, Massachusetts on December 18, 1620. Having sailed from the port of Plymouth in England, the Pilgrims decided to name their settlement Plymouth Colony. The Pilgrims Form a Government While still aboard the Mayflower, all of the adult male Pilgrims signed the Mayflower Compact. Similar to the U.S. Constitution ratified 169 years later, the Mayflower Compact described the form and function of Plymouth Colony’s government. Under the Compact, the Puritan Separatists, although a minority in the group, were to have total control over the colony’s government during its first 40 years of existence. As leader of the Puritans congregation, William Bradford was chosen to serve as Plymouth’s governor for 30 years after its founding. As governor, Bradford also kept a fascinating, detailed journal known as â€Å"Of Plymouth Plantation†chronicling the voyage of the Mayflower and the daily struggles of the settlers of the Plymouth Colony. A Grim First Year in the Plymouth Colony Over the next two storms forced many of the Pilgrims to stay aboard the Mayflower, ferrying back and forth to shore while building shelters to house their new settlement. In March 1621, they abandoned the safety of the ship and moved ashore permanently. During their first winter, more than half of the settlers died of a disease that afflicted the colony. In his journal, William Bradford referred to the first winter as the â€Å"Starving Time.†â€Å" †¦ being the depth of the winter, and wanting houses and other comforts; being infected with the scurvy and other diseases which this long voyage and their inaccommodate condition had brought upon them. So there died some times two or three of a day in the foresaid time, that of 100 and odd persons, scarce fifty remained.†In stark contrast to the tragic relationships that were to come during America’s western expansion, the Plymouth colonists benefited from a friendly alliance with local Native Americans. Shortly after coming ashore, the Pilgrims encountered a Native American man named Squanto, a member of the Pawtuxet tribe, who would come to live as a trusted member of the colony. Early explorer John Smith had kidnapped Squanto and taken him back to England where he was forced into slavery. He learned English before escaping and sailing back to his native land. Along with teaching the colonists how to grow the vitally-needed native food crop of maize, or corn, Squanto acted as an interpreter and peacekeeper between Plymouth’s leaders and local Native American leaders, including Chief Massasoit of the neighboring Pokanoket tribe. With the help of Squanto, William Bradford negotiated a peace treaty with Chief Massasoit which helped ensure the Plymouth Colony’s survival. Under the treaty, the colonists agreed to help protect the Pokanoket from invasion by warring tribes in return for the Pokanoket’s help â€Å"to grow food and catch enough fish to feed the colony. And help the Pilgrims grow and catch the Pokanoket did, to the point that in the fall of 1621, the Pilgrims and the Pokanoket famously shared the first harvest feast now observed as the Thanksgiving holiday. The Legacy of the Pilgrims After playing a major role in King Philip’s War of 1675, one of several Indian Wars fought by Britain in North America, the Plymouth Colony and its residents prospered. In 1691, just 71 years after the Pilgrims first set foot on Plymouth Rock, the colony was merged with the Massachusetts Bay Colony and other territories to form the Province of Massachusetts Bay. Unlike the settlers of Jamestown who had come to North America seeking financial profit, most of the Plymouth colonists had come seeking the freedom of religion denied to them by England. Indeed, the first cherished right ensured to Americans by the Bill of Rights is the â€Å"free exercise†of every individual’s chosen religion. Since its founding in 1897, the General Society of Mayflower Descendants has confirmed more than 82,000 descendants of the Plymouth Pilgrims, including nine U.S. presidents and dozens of notable statespersons and celebrities. Besides Thanksgiving, the legacy of the relatively short-lived Plymouth Colony lies in the Pilgrims’ spirit of independence, self-government, volunteerism, and resistance to authority that have stood as the foundation of American culture throughout history.
Saturday, October 19, 2019
Business and Law Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Business and Law - Essay Example sets out how the agencies of the Criminal Justice System (CJS) in England and Wales will work together to deliver a justice system which: Is effective in bringing offences to justice, especially serious offences; Engages the public and inspires confidence; Puts the needs of victims at its heart; and has Simple and efficient processes.†(Working together for justice: Aims and objectives, n.d.). The Criminal justice system contributes tremendously towards maintaining justice in the country. It helps to identify illegal activities and abolish them, offers the sufferer and the witness sufficient assistance to prove the crime & awards punishment and rehabilitation to criminals. In any criminal justice system, it is important to recognize and fully understand the meaning of criminal behaviour, in the context of the constitutional or other general rule sources. A major bulk of the criminal suits in the English law system is dealt by Lay Magistrates. Most of the criminal suits begin in the Magistrates court itself. â€Å"The main advantage for using the Lay Magistrates are, Local Knowledge , Lack of Bias Gender Balance ,Saves Money , Saves Time.†(Lay magistrates, n.d.). An efficient criminal justice system always helps to increase the public confidence. The criminal justice system in the U.K. provides adequate support to sufferers and witnesses of the crime, mainly at the time of providing evidence and during the court procedures. Moreover, the Criminal justice system helps to save money at the time of expensive court trials. One of the major goals of the Criminal justice system in the U.K. is to considerably enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of all the concerned departments in the criminal justice system. â€Å"In Warwickshire an ongoing survey of victims and witnesses involved in the criminal justice system, and supported by VIP, indicates that 84% of victims and witnesses are satisfied/very satisfied with the criminal justice system and 94% are satisfied/very
Friday, October 18, 2019
How Roche Diagnostics Develops Global Managers Essay - 1
How Roche Diagnostics Develops Global Managers - Essay Example By recognizing what is expected of leaders, organizations need to equip themselves better in order to guide these leaders and come up with a potential talented pool of leaders for the future (Lane, 2009). The parent and host countries also have a crucial role to play. The WTO and human migration act as driving forces in the production of global leaders. The WTO has a critical role to play in the reduction of barriers to products and services. In addition, human migration has increased since the Second World War with a decrease in travel and migration costs. To achieve further gains, host countries and parent countries need to collaborate. 2. In your professional field, explain the possible ramifications of not having global leaders. Lack of global leaders in the aerospace industry has several ramifications. One is the lack of communication, for example, between prime contractors and subcontractors, which is crucial to readiness for their mission and the prevention of conflict or misu nderstanding (Mendenhall, 2010). Secondly, it would result in poor satisfaction of customers via the lack of provision of progress reports regarding project deadlines and the delivery of schedules. This would also result in a lack of ethics, professionalism, and industry standards. These would have an effect on productivity, costs, market place dynamics, and ROI for the American investment. Another ramification would be the ignorance of culture barriers since cultural diversity requires increased awareness from leaders, and what may be successful in one country may not be in another. It also risks global relationships that are the core of the company’s business. Finally, it risks global strategy and integration and will undermine the rationale for the organization in taking part in the venture (Mendenhall, 2010). 3. Roche’s Perspectives Program invests many resources to develop their global leaders. Based on the O’Toole chapter on public policy, discuss the poss ible changes that can be made in the U.S. to encourage companies to become global leaders. The US can encourage corporations to become global leaders via the enactment of supportive policies, which increase the ability of executives and individual employees to choose effectively and wisely in relation to the workplace (Rahim, 2008). Some of the policies include reforming the K-12 education system in order to improve performance in essential and basic skills. They should also increase the number of college graduates and post-graduates especially in science, mathematics, and other technical subjects. They could also use community colleges as a way of improving training skills and their retention. In addition, they should increase national support for development and research to private and public universities, as well as giving private universities incentives. They should also clarify immigration policies that went into effect after 9/11 with regard to skilled workers and foreign lead ers. The encouragement of entrepreneurial activities to drive job creation and innovation could be another strategy. Finally, health insurance should be decoupled from employment status, which the government should aim to do in the short term (Rahim, 2008). 4. In the absence of resources such as Roche has at its disposal of producing global leaders, describe how smaller organizations can address their
Chinese traditional landscape painting technology to draw the visual Assignment
Chinese traditional landscape painting technology to draw the visual art picture - Assignment Example The essay "Chinese traditional landscape painting technology to draw the visual art picture" explores traditional landscape painting in China. The first thing to paint a picture is to have an idea what to paint. This involves a little bit of thought process to have a clear picture in mind what you want to put down on the canvas. To paint the sunset is not only difficult but also a challenging task for which you have to make sure in mind what you are actually trying to pain. The sunset of the Sydney Opera House is a definite choice for artists. The best would be to visit the place and see it with your own eyes during the exotic sunset. Our eyes are one of the best creations of God, which absorb the beautiful scenery and stores in our mind this makes it easier to put it on canvas. If however, you cannot visit the Sydney house Opera, you must see the pictures of other authentic artists, of the sunset. This would give you a clear idea of how you should start. Traditional Chinese Painting techniques are definitely easy to learn for the children of this era but difficult to be skilled at. Since every stroke in Chinese methods of painting requires full concentration and focus, it is a better approach to make the children learn how to focus on an object in painting. Many Chinese artists suggest that these kinds of painting techniques give you a sense of satisfaction and pleasure and stabilize your moods. By Painting the Sydney opera with Chinese painting techniques, the children will get sensitive to colors.... Preparing the Canvas The size of the canvas is really important if you are painting the sunset at Sydney Opera house. Once you have selected your canvas, you need to select the medium you want to use for your paining, be it acrylic colors or water colors or only Chinese ink, you can use any medium to transfer your ideas on the canvas (Fong, 2001). The first thing is to wet your canvas starting with larger strokes. It will not only absorb the colors but will also amalgamate them really well. Use a larger Chinese brush preferably 1.5’’ wide. To wet your canvas you can use water, liquid white or oils. Layers should be applied to the canvas until it is completely wet. You can also use rice paper as your canvas which is widely used in Chinese paintings (Silbergeld, 1985). Starting up with the picture To start with the Sydney Opera picture, you need to first figure out the objects of primary and secondary importance. For example, the Sydney Opera house, the sun and the bridge are of primary importance whereas the trees in the sides, the far away buildings and water are of secondary importance in the picture. Once decided, you need to outline the entire picture with gentle pencil strokes starting with the primary objects like the Sydney opera house, a brief outline in pencil is required, and the lines must be crisp and concise. Next, start outlining the bridge and the sun. Emphasize on minute detailing of the pillars of the bridge and pay attention to the architecture (Hamm, 1988). You can optionally outline in pencil or a nude paint color to outline the objects of your picture. Next, start with the secondary objects of the picture like the buildings, the trees and the water. It is suggested to use the Chinese
Thursday, October 17, 2019
Nike (Discuss in essay format Nikes organisational structure and how
Nike (Discuss in format Nikes organisational structure and how Nike has affected and been affected by the external environment.) - Essay Example Nike’s organizational structure is characterized by both vertical and horizontal functional levels that are basically democratic in nature though its administrative apparatus has some elements of bureaucracy too. With the appointment of Mark Parker as the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Nike, the organization has yet again proved to the rest of the world how much the top command of Nike places emphasis on its modern innovative approach to business growth and corporate success. While its current functional level structure is less vertically integrated there is a broader horizontal level integration of both managerial functions and subordinates’ tasks to achieve a broader level of integration within the defined hierarchy. Vertically the organizational structure of Nike tends to be more or less paternalistic and bureaucratic with the founder/president still having control over much of the operational structures of the organization while horizontally it’s much more democratic thus facilitating communication, delegation of power and responsibility to subordinates and above all well coordinated Human Resource Management (HRM) practices at the international level across its many production facilities in the world. Organizational structure consists of differentiation and integration within the organization hierarchy. Differentiation in turn consists of vertical and horizontal distribution of functions and tasks. Vertical differentiation basically refers to the distribution of decision making functions within the organization while horizontal differentiation refers to the distribution individual tasks such as non-decision making duties of employees (Wokutch, 2001). Nike has a flatter horizontal hierarchical distribution of functions thus effectively facilitating the democratic decision making process within the organization. Integration refers to coordination among a number
Simulation Impact on Saudi Internship Nursing Students Essay
Simulation Impact on Saudi Internship Nursing Students - Essay Example There are different types of simulation in nursing including high, mid, and low fidelity simulations, and several organizations such as International Nursing Association for Clinical Simulation and Learning (INACSL) support and improve simulation (Aebersold & Tschannen, 2013). Additionally, simulation allows educators to concentrate on their students’ performance rather than focus on patients’ safety and possible errors that could harm the patients (Sideras, McKenzie, Noone, Markle, Frazier, & Sullivan, 2013). In the contemporary age of rapid technological advancement, nursing education should follow this pedagogical strategy and provide the modern generation with high-quality education which would help them practice safely. Improving high fidelity simulation to create a suitable learning environment is particularly relevant in the contemporary age because technology is omnipresent and modern generation is really connected to technology. Cordeau (2010) mentioned that using simulation for undergraduate nursing students helps improve their thinking ability and practice and optimizes their ability to enhance and patients’ safety. High fidelity simulation helps the learners imagine real situations. This type of simulation has a lot of programming and monitoring to improve the teaching and learning experience for the instructors and learners respectively (Dunnington†¨, 2013). The revolution of technology solves a number of instructional problems such as insufficiency of educators a nd clinical placement, so the education and learning processes are improved with direct feedback and reduced tendency to cause errors (Partin, Payne, & Slemmons, 2011). Some hospitals in Saudi Arabia offer internship programs for nursing students to help them use their theoretical knowledge in practical situations. The limitation of clinical experience among the nursing students on
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
Nike (Discuss in essay format Nikes organisational structure and how
Nike (Discuss in format Nikes organisational structure and how Nike has affected and been affected by the external environment.) - Essay Example Nike’s organizational structure is characterized by both vertical and horizontal functional levels that are basically democratic in nature though its administrative apparatus has some elements of bureaucracy too. With the appointment of Mark Parker as the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Nike, the organization has yet again proved to the rest of the world how much the top command of Nike places emphasis on its modern innovative approach to business growth and corporate success. While its current functional level structure is less vertically integrated there is a broader horizontal level integration of both managerial functions and subordinates’ tasks to achieve a broader level of integration within the defined hierarchy. Vertically the organizational structure of Nike tends to be more or less paternalistic and bureaucratic with the founder/president still having control over much of the operational structures of the organization while horizontally it’s much more democratic thus facilitating communication, delegation of power and responsibility to subordinates and above all well coordinated Human Resource Management (HRM) practices at the international level across its many production facilities in the world. Organizational structure consists of differentiation and integration within the organization hierarchy. Differentiation in turn consists of vertical and horizontal distribution of functions and tasks. Vertical differentiation basically refers to the distribution of decision making functions within the organization while horizontal differentiation refers to the distribution individual tasks such as non-decision making duties of employees (Wokutch, 2001). Nike has a flatter horizontal hierarchical distribution of functions thus effectively facilitating the democratic decision making process within the organization. Integration refers to coordination among a number
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
Production, Costs and Profits Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Production, Costs and Profits - Essay Example However, after a certain level of output the marginal revenue product of labor starts diminishing with each additional unit of labor/worker. This means with each additional worker, although the output is increasing, but at a decreasing rate, i.e., negative marginal returns. If this continues, there might come a point at which output actually starts falling with addition of variable factor labor. Under such, if the capital has reached its limit/full capacity, the manager of the restaurant should consider adding a new grill and French fry machine as adding workers will only add to the costs and will not solve the problem (Rittenberg & Tregarthen, 2009, Chapter 8). Q: 2: Marginal Decision Rule: The marginal decision rule says that the optimal point is the one in which the marginal utility of the next unit is equal to its marginal cost. This rule was applied in this case when deciding how much labor and capital to use. Initially, the industries operating in the maquiladoras were very lab or incentive and only about 9% skilled labor was required to operate the existing setup. But then as the industry became more capital intensive, then more skilled labor were required and the percentage increased to 12% (Lucinda, 2001). Benefits: Although the capital and skilled labor were increasing in the Maquiladoras, but proper training was being given to them so that they can do the work properly and the marginal product rises instead of declining. Maquiladoras have benefitted US a lot. It has increased the business in the border areas. Moreover, it has created jobs for the people. Many manufacturers have also relocated in these areas. Due to this, the areas which were facing double digit unemployment have now generated enough jobs to reduce this unemployment. Moreover, the infrastructure has also developed in the areas where Maquiladoras are located in the US (Lucinda, 2001). Q.3 A generic drug company is one that produces drugs that are identical in essence (not literally) to branded drugs in dosage, strength, quality, intended use and performance characteristics. The chemical formulation is also similar and the name is often kept after the chemical name for marketing without much advertising. The generic drug industry, though still highly regulated, was given some relaxations under the Drug Competition and Patent Term Restoration Act of 1984 after which the industry boomed. The fact that the generic drug companies do not have to invest much on the research and development as compared to branded drug companies is the single most important factor for the success of these companies. For any drug company, R & D is a huge investment that it makes in order to keep coming up with new and better drugs for the healthcare industry and forms a significant part of the overall manufacturing and marketing of a particular drug. Thus, the companies that simply take the chemical formula of branded drugs without investing on R & D themselves save on their costs and are a ble to sell the drug at a significant discount from the price of an identical branded drug. Thus, a cheaper drug with similar properties will obviously sell more. Secondly, with generic drug companies allowed to make identical drugs, the patents are unable to protect branded drug comp
Monday, October 14, 2019
10 trends for the next ten years Essay Example for Free
10 trends for the next ten years Essay The article discussed the 10 trends of Logistics management for the next 10 years which affecting Supply Chain. Basically, which is said in the article, the logistics management should become more integrated, technology supported, and talented needed. They also did a survey for the executive group to rank the relevance between the 10 trends and business operation. The executive group ranked the service chain, product clockspeeds, and micro segment as the highest relevance category, which is not surprising to me. More and more consumer is considering service as important, thus the company should not only provide great product, but also offer an optimal service to satisfy the customers. An effective service chain ensures that the company stays in a competitive position. Moreover, clockspeed has great impact on supply chain performance. A company with fast clockspeed supply chain will have a competitive advantage in the market. Besides, a company really should know who the target market is and what the target segment wants from them. As long as the company knows exactly who the micro segmentation is, they can be very successful to satisfy the customers’ needs. The purpose of this article is to show the 10 trends which will influence supply chain management for the next 10 years and the accuracy of the forecast trends. In other words, it demonstrates that what will be improved in supply chain and makes the supply chain much more efficiency than ever before. The ten trends are very inspiring and will definitely change the supply chain management for the next decade. According to the article, there is fierce competition behind the scene. The company should be never satisfied with their performance; otherwise the company will be substituted by any of its competitors. Basically, my career path is a work related to supply chain management and marketing in fashion appeal industry. I want to figure out a better way to distribute the product to the whole world at the same time so that people from all over the world can enjoy the most fashionable outfits. According to the article, the ten trends will definitely influence my career path to some extent. Firstly, when service chain become more important than product chain, my career goal will be changed from delivering the product on time to satisfying the customers both in pre- and post-sales. With my marketing major background, I will focus on customer relationship management to improve the service level. Besides, I totally agree with the trend that knowledge work and worker will become global in nature. Globalization is already formed for many years, and it is not surprising that logistics management goes with this trend. I will get my Logistics Bachelor’s degree in the U.S. and then go back to my hometown to find job. To some degree, I am one of the people who get professional training in the U.S. and work at another country. In addition, the trend 5 mentioned in the article said that supply chain management will have a standard certification process similar to that for CPA. A standard certificate is necessary when a field of work has been well developed. More and more people will get to work in supply chain management; therefore, the people who have â€Å"SCM certification†will be more competitive in the market. I should never stop acquiring knowledge of supply chain management in order to get the standard certification. Furthermore, we learned that segmentation and targeting, which helps company know who the customer exactly is and what to sell to those customer, are very important parts of marketing. Like segmentation in marketing, micro segmentation in logistics will be key to success. As long as we know what the customer really wants, we can create the product that can fulfill the needs of the customer. Technology, as well, will support a much more effective and cost saving supply chain. By using high technology, the company can better manage their inventory, customer orders, tracking and so forth. We future career will have to deal with technology every day based on the trends, and I am so excited about it because I cannot wait to see what the highly automatic supply chain looks like. I want to be the people who design the supply chain process and see how it will perform in the future. In conclusion, the ten trends for the next ten years will come true someday in the near future. It brings in opportunities and challenges for both the company and the worker. As a logistics major student, I am so excited about the changes, and I realize that I have to take on more responsibility to make a difference for supply chain management. Bibliography Sengupta, S. (July, 2013). Ten trends for the next ten years. Logistics Management. www. Retrieved on August 27, 2013 from
Sunday, October 13, 2019
The Ideal Form Of Government Politics Essay
The Ideal Form Of Government Politics Essay In its most basic essence, democracy refers to a system of government whereby the people of a country place representatives into the role of national administration via the casting of a ballot. In this system, the role of majority rule is complete and unquestionable; Individuals who are selected to represent the country must be willed to do so by a majority of the population. Democracy has often been called the ideal form of government. Of all forms of government that have been utilized by human societies throughout history to organize and protect our kind, democracy is the only one that operates on consensus to create solutions to the problems society faces. In the past, government often operated through directives issued by a ruling elite, often composed of those of noble blood, heritage, or otherwise superior social status as opposed to those selected by the people. Forms of government that used this system include authoritarianism, monarchism, oligarchic government, and tyranny. All nations under the government of elites have proved unstable due to a striking disparity in power between the ruling class and the commoner. The rulers often had too much power, but did not always employ it in the proper channels, which often resulted in the wants of the people left unmet, and flagrant abuse of privilege all too common. This resulted in the dissatisfaction of the people, who existed in the plains, the fields, and in the castle walls, as opposed to the nonchalance of the ruler, who sat alone and vulnerable without their satisfaction. Security was often nonexistent under one-man rule, for small changes in circumstances could destabilize society, and no matter what that one man decided on, there would always be ten thousand others who would oppose him. Should we look at the circumstances under the proper light, government can be seen to be living, breathing, and evolving creature; In the burgeoning stages of its growth, it is not perfect. It is weak, and riddled with flaws. As the flaws are exposed to exploitation by fate over time, adaptation then takes place, and the organism changes in such a way as to better serve the purpose of eliminating, or accommodating these flaws. Monarchism, Authoritarianism, and so on can therefore be seen as neophytes in varying stages of evolution, changing through time to accommodate the necessity of appeasing the people, sometimes violently, sometimes slowly, through gradual, minute shifts in political power and ideals over the vicissitudes of time. Democracy, therefore, would be the apex of this evolution, created for the express purpose of appeasing the people. Though evolution occurs at different rates, evolution itself nonetheless remains inevitable given a change in circumstances. The Greeks, long hailed as the progenitors of Western civilization, were themselves proponents and beneficiaries of the qualities of democratic government, flourishing under its gaze, through fulfillment of wants and needs, which created relative happiness and a general lack of endogenous forces that would effect strife, save for corruption. Japan, America, The United Kingdom, and Australia are today democratic as well, a circumstance manifested by the actions of democratic countries themselves to spread democracy, and therefore what many deem civilization. In the words of Ronald Reagan, the 40th President of the United States, Democracy is worth dying for, because its the most deeply honorable form of government ever devised by man. Malaysia itself is an example of a democratic country. Every four years, we participate in General Elections to select the parties that will represent our country to the rest of the world, and who will assure our welfare, our health, and our collective happiness. What does it mean, however, to be a democratic country? Rather, what significance does this bear to us, its inhabitants? What is our role in the mechanism that governs the democracy we so enjoy? Is democracy indeed an umbrella form of government that will work with every country? This work will attempt to explore these issues. The significance of democracy Many people choose not to vote, vindicating themselves with the pathetic excuse that their one measly vote would not change anything anyway. Certainly, that is true. One vote will not change the result of an election, but that is precisely the point. The fact that there are millions of votes cast for differing parties during each general election is itself a feature of democracy; If one vote were indeed able to change an outcome, it would not in fact be a vote. It would be a decree, an order, and a directive. Rather than relying on the aggregate measure of societys desire, we would instead be looking at a result that reflects the will of a single person. This would defeat the purpose of democracy. Democracy is not simply a form of government; It is associated with many connotations. Democracy provides us freedom of choice. It empowers us to act, to make decisions to change our own fate, as opposed to remaining silent as if we were made of stone. The vote therefore is an incredibly powerful tool. It signifies liberty. It reflects the personal views and ideals of the voter. It reflects his leanings. Lastly, it reflects the fact that he cares about his country and the direction it will take in the future. People who do not vote therefore not only forfeit the use of this tool, but their own self-respect. Democracy is not simply freedom, or a form of government. Should all the appropriate measures and conditions be appropriate for democracy, democracy itself becomes a responsibility of the people towards themselves. To what greater power should a person heed but him or herself? While the vote may be unable to change anything itself, the synergy of many votes combining together to make a majority is what effects change, and what decides what will happen to the country, and therefore to oneself. If a large segment of the population is equipped with the mindset that voting is pointless, then they will all not vote. The wrong people would then be put in power, and actions taken would then not reflect the consensus of the people, leading to the setbacks embodied in other forms of government as outlined previously. On the other hand, should all parties in a democratic system(voters, political parties) fulfill their roles in the system of democracy correctly and fully, then optimum benefit to society will be rendered. As the government implemented and the actions taken as a result of that government would reflect the consensus of the people, there would be absolutely no reason for controversy, dispute, and fighting that would otherwise detract from the overall productivity and welfare of the population. In the real world, this is clearly not possible, due to the intervening forces of corruption and the sheer fallibility of human nature, which clearly applies to the representatives whom we ourselves place in seats of power. However, if more people are educated and aware of their role and significance in democracy, then we can minimize the effect of these hiccups in what would otherwise be an efficient administration. Democracy: Is it suitable for all? Democracy A political organization wherein the populace exercises control over the matters, which affect, concern, or interest them. Quite frankly, it is power to the people. Logically fair in most senses, democracy seems a far better option than a monarchic or dictatorial rule where a single person or few people hold the fate of the nation in their extravagantly ringed hands. Democracy gives voice to the hundreds, the thousands, and the millions who deserve an equal stake in how their country is run. It is they, after all, that make a nation. Nevertheless, as hard as democracy is to establish, it is harder to maintain. After implementation a successful democracy will have its ample plaudits, but not many nations are lucky enough to hit the nail on the head in terms of providing a democratic rule. Iraq, Congo, Sudan what if these dictatorial nations were suddenly to become democracies? We wouldnt see flourishing architecture, economic stability or social benevolence we would see anarchy. Some nations are just too large and have too much different ethnic diversity to be ruled by anything less than a staunch dictator. How can one hear the voice of the people when everyone shouts for different things? The reason behind why democracy would not work for some countries is often because the country has been artificially cobbled together. Democracy would be possible, but only if these countries are broken down into smaller units capable of supporting a democratic rule. A prime example would be Yugoslavia, once a large dictatorsh ip, now a cluster of individual, contented democratic states consisting the likes of Croatia, Serbia, and Macedonia. Stability is another factor that can be guaranteed by an established democracy. An elected leader has to take in consideration many views when acting upon something, as opposed to a sole view from a dictator that can be brought about my greed, anger, or resentment, and not by what he believes to be in the best choice of the populace. Lets face it; Churchill and Roosevelt made far less mistakes than the dictators Hitler, Mussolini and Stalin. However, democracy has some faults than can be seen far more clearly when in practical usage than when in its theoretical stage. The whole intention of democracy is to give everyone a voice, to make everyones opinion count. But in the end, it is the majority view that counts. And this is how it has to be; there can never be an action made that pleases everyone. The irony within democracy is that governing by majority will always form minorities minorities that are often unconsidered and brushed aside. Arent these the very minorities that democracy was supposed to aid? Democracy is all about giving power to individuals, but this also evokes the belief that self-gain is more important than issues such as patriotism or social problems. This is often the case when democracy mingles with capitalism. As the famous quote goes When you combine democracy with capitalism, the resulting governmental stew becomes an economy of haves and have-nots. As opposed to theories such as communism, when people are told that they must act in the good of the nation, democracy allows people to put what is best for solely themselves first, which can be seen in democratic capitalist nations where self-rivalry is high and not everyone can thrive. Economic success may be common in nations like this, but I assure you the wealth is not evenly spread. It is wrong to assume that democracy is the best option for a nation. There are many nations that are coping fine without bearing a democratic insignia on their mantelpiece. Economic-powerhouse China would be a prime example. And if one were to change to democracy, the act is far from instantaneous. Until today, Russia is still recovering from the economic backlash of their dramatic alteration to become democratic over twenty years ago in the 1990s. There have been many examples of success and failures in implementing democracy in nations across the globe. One successful example of this governing system can be seen in the United Kingdom. Due to the reason that the British previously conquered Malaysia prior to our independence, our democracy structure is also based on United Kingdoms successful democracy structure. The transfer of power after every election is carried out smoothly, without any riot and chaos, which proves the success of the system that has been implemented in the mentioned countries. However, there are also real life examples of the failure to implement the democratic system is some countries. For instance, the failure of democracy in India. Factors such as the parliamentary system of the government, corruption, and unorganized election arrangements and also the lack of democratic culture in the country itself contribute to the failure of the implementation of the system in those countries. The Role of the Citizen in A Democracy The key role of citizens in a democracy is to participate in public life. Citizens have an obligation to become informed about public issues, to watch carefully how their political leaders and representatives use their powers, and to express their own opinions and interests. Voting in elections is another important civic duty of all citizens. But to vote wisely, each citizen should listen to the views of the different parties and candidates, and then make his or her own decision on whom to support. Participation can also involve campaigning for a political party or candidate, standing as a candidate for political office, debating public issues, attending community meetingsand membership civic meetings, bably best placed in Article 5 on the Judicial Authority.materials ency Council, petitioning the government, and even protesting. A vital form of participation comes through active membership in independent, non-governmental organizations, what we call civil society. These organizations represent a variety of interests and beliefs: farmers, workers, doctors, teachers, business owners, religious believers, women, students, human rights activists. It is important that women participate fully both in politics and in civil society. This requires efforts by civil society organizations to educate women about their democratic rights and responsibilities, improve their political skills, represent their common interests, and involve them in political life. In a democracy, participation in civic groups should be voluntary. No one should be forced to join an organization against their will. Political parties are vital organizations in a democracy, and democracy is stronger when citizens become active members of political parties. However, no one should support a political party because he is pressured or threatened by others. In a democracy, citizens are free to choose which party to support. Democracy depends on citizen participation in all these ways. But participation must be peaceful, respectful of the law, and tolerant of the different views of other groups and individuals. In other forms of government: Form of government Citizens role Monarchy- A form of government in which all political power is passed down to an individual (usually hereditary) known as a monarch1 (single ruler), or king (male), queen (female). No role Oligarchy-A form of government that consists of rule by an elite group who rule in their own interests, especially the accumulation of wealth and privilege. Only certain members of society have a valid voice in the government. This can reflect (but is not limited to) economic interests, a particular religious tradition (theocracy), or familial rule (monarchy). Restricted to the laws, otherwise are counted as crime. Totalitarian-Rule by a single political party. Votes for alternative candidates and parties are simply not allowed. Citizens are allowed and encouraged to vote, but only for the governments chosen candidates. Capitalism In a capitalist or free-market economy, people own their own businesses and property and must buy services for private use, such as healthcare. Earn and spend money. 1: Monarchy, From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. URL: How Malaysia achieved democracy The act of democracy first started off in 11th of May 1946 when the idea of Malayan Union first came about. The aim of the Malayan Union was to combine all scattered administration into one ruling system, assist administration, save expenditure, prepare the locals for their independence, boost economic recovery and progress, however this plan was later abolished in July 1946 by the United Malays National Organization (UMNO) led by Datuk Onn bin Jafar. This was done because Malays were unhappy about the fact that their ruler will lose power which will compensate for loss of Malay power, this was unwanted as the Malays rely on Malaya alone as their mother country however the non-Malay are considered immigrants from other region. After the Malayan Union was abolished a rise of a new system came about; The Federation of Malaya proposal, compiled by the Malay elites, the various sultans and the British. States involved would be the same as in the Malayan Union however there were new conditions proposed, the new conditions are, Malay cultural domination would be established, Malays would wield political power and the following five principles The need for strong central government, the need to maintain individuality of each Malay state, the need for new arrangements leading to self-government, common citizenship for those who regarded Malaya as their home and were loyal to her, recognition of the special position of Malays and their rights, which must be safeguarded Soon, we will learn that the legislation of democracy will began, as what was being recognized in the past was simply steps towards democracy, however they are merely just different political party fighting for their ethnic rights democratically however they have yet to elect any legislative council members. Until, 27th of July 1955, the first national election for legislative council members was held, which resulted the Alliance which is compromised with the UMNO and MCA to win 51 out of 52 seats and consequently became the government that led the country to independence. The following page will show you the result of the election from democracy.  Summary of the 27 July 1955 Legislative Council election results Votes % of vote Seats % of seats Alliance 818,013 79.6 51 98.1 Parti Negara 78,909 7.6 0 0.0 Pan-Malayan Islamic Party (PMIP) 40,667 3.9 1 1.9 National Association of Perak (Parti Kebangsaan Perak, NAP) 20,996 2.0 0 0.0 Perak Malay League (Perikatan Melayu Perak) 5,433 0.5 0 0.0 Perak Progressive Party (PPP) 1,081 0.1 0 0.0 Labour Party 4,786 0.4 0 0.0 Independents 31,642 3.0 0 0.0 Overall total 1,001,527 100.0 52 100.0 Source: The Malayan Elections, Francis G. Carnell. One Alliance candidate won unopposed. Democracy In Malaysia Democracy is a form of government in which the policy is decided by the preference of the majority in a decision-making process, usually elections. Democracy as a form of government always has the following characteristics: There is a demos, a group which makes political decisions by some form of collective procedure. In modern democracies the demos is the nation, and citizenship is usually equivalent to membership. There is a territory where the decisions apply, and where the demos are resident. In modern democracies, the territory is the nation-state. There is a decision-making procedure, which is either direct (for instance a referendum) or indirect (for instance election of a parliament). General Election An important aspect of the democratic system is elections. Elections in the practice of democracy constitute a social contract between the people and the candidate or party (that succeeds to form a government). The party that wins the election and forms the government should fulfill the partys promises proclaimed in the election campaign. At the state level, elected representatives of the people sit in the State Legislative Assembly of each state. At the federal or national level, elected Members of Parliament sit in the Dewan Rakyat or House of Representatives. There are two types of general election. First, the general election for the whole country, held once in every five years. The next is the by-elections, also considered a general election because the concept of the election itself constitutes the choosing of a representative by the public citizens for the Parliament and the State Legislative Assembly. There are clear differences between the two types of election. The first type is only held after Parliament or the State Legislative Assembly is dissolved. The by-elections do not involve the dissolution of any of the assembly nor do they follow a fixed schedule. The general election is usually held every 5 years. Prior to carrying out the election, the Yang di-Pertuan Agung must dissolve the Parliament on the advice or at the request of the Prime Minister. This occurs at the federal level. At the State level, a general election is held after the State Legislative Assembly is dissolved by the Ruler or Yang Dipertua Negeri at the request of the Menteri Besar or Chief Minister. As soon as Parliament is dissolved, the elections must be held within 60 days in West Malaysia and within 90 days in Sabah and Sarawak. The time specified is reasonable for the Election Commission, to prepare the election arrangements and the contesting parties to get ready, hold campaigns and construct definite strategies following the regulations or laws that have been fixed from time to time. For a general election, after the Yang di-Pertuan Agung dissolves Parliament at the request of the Prime Minister, the Election Commission will issue an order to the Managing Officer to organize the balloting process (election). The responsibility of the Managing Officer is to issue a statement, through the Government Gazette or newspaper, on the date of nomination of candidate for the said election, the place and the time of election for every electoral constituency. The Election Commission also determines the date and place of balloting. Any candidate who wishes to contest must obtain a nominator, a seconder and at least four other people, whose names are recorded in the nomination paper. They must also be registered voters in the voters register of the constituency where the candidate is contesting. The balloting day can be held after 3 weeks from the date of nomination but cannot exceed 8 weeks. On the balloting day, all voters who qualify to vote can carry out their responsibility by casting their votes in balloting places provided. Before the balloting day arrives, the contesting parties are allowed to carry out election campaigns through political talks. The freedom of speech and assembly during the campaigns also show that the basic freedom as embodied in Article 10 of the Federal Constitution are protected in the country which practices a democratic system of government. However, to ensure public security all political talks whether by the party that had held the reins of the government or the opposition, it is necessary to get police approval or permit. For a general election, every voter is given two sheets of ballot papers of different colours; one for the State Legislative Assembly constituency and the other for the Parliamentary constituency. On each ballot paper are symbols representing the contesting candidates and the space for the voter to make his choice. The responsibility of voting is completed with the voter marking X in the space provided against the symbol representing the candidate of the voters choice. The ballot papers are put into separate ballot boxes for the Parliamentary constituency and the State Legislative Constituency. Media in the democracy of Malaysia Society plays a crucial and the most important role in a democratic system, as they are the ones that hold most power in electing new leaders or political bodies. In Malaysia, there are thousands of self-help groups, society, non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and so on which actively pursue the enforcement of fundamental rights in todays society which is the foundation for social, economical and cultural activities. Their duty and responsibility is to maintain the balance between politician and citizens. To do so, they would conduct the formal opposition in raising social consciousness of key public issues. However, these self-appointed organizations are often threatened with punishments due to the Internal Security Act and/or other repressive regulations and law. They have thus not yet carved out their own democratic space in the public sphere. Journalists are encountering the same pressure from the same existing repressive acts as other actors of the civil society. Therefore, any printing, newspaper or any other publication firms must have a permit and/or license issued by the Ministry of Home Affairs in order to conduct media, tabloids and news activities. However these permits are valid for only a year and require renewal and they are only granted, if the minister does not consider the publication to be prejudicial and offensive to public order. Generally, licenses can be awarded and even obtained by very critical periodicals of the political opposition and human rights organizations. Examples include, Aliran Monthly. However, in 1987, permits of four newspapers were suspended due to breaking of regulation and in 1991; the minister forced the party-affiliated periodicals The Rocket (DAP) and Harakah (DAP) to restrict circulation to only party members. This case did not get any better but even until the beginning of the 21st century. Harakah saw its permit renewed but its output frequency was reduced from eight per month to two. The permit of the weekly tabloid Eksklusif, which reported mostly on opposition parties, was suspended when its publication permit expired. The ministry explained the suspensions are due to imbalanced reporting and non-compliance with publication rules. During the same year, the privately-financed youth magazine Al-Wasilah, as well as its sister publication Detik had their permits cancelled for giving too much coverage on opposition parties. Furthermore, the ministrys committee in charge of monitoring publications issued warnings to the Malay language daily Utusan Malaysia for its coverage on the Suqiu election appeals and to the entertainment magazine FHM for a saucy interview with singer Ning Baizura. In October 2000, 14-member Coalition of Independent Media activists petitioned to the Human Rights Commission of Malaysia (SUHAKAM) for a repeal of the Printing Presses and Publications Ac t and the abolishment of the practice of awarding permits. Besides these direct and indirect controls, the government promotes the conduct of development journalism which subordinates the media to the concerted efforts of government agencies fostering social stability and economic development. Malaysian newspapers are not uniform in their reporting nor do they express only a single point of view. But they usually abstain from reporting about activities of the political opposition. If they do, then they present these activities in an unfavorable light. Furthermore, there is little critical commentary and analysis of political and economic developments. ANFREL expressed in its observation mission report its concerns about the biased media coverage of the election campaigns before the general elections in 1999: ANFREL observers were struck by the blatant bias seen in both in the print and electronic media, in favor of the ruling coalition. Both Bahasa and English-language newspapers ran full-page ads, some of which used reworked or faked photos, aimed at showing the opposition in a bad light. As well, stories alleging corruption and sexual impropriety were widely circulated in the government- controlled press. Man of these newspapers refused to publish opposition advertisements, or run coverage of its campaign. Similarly, television advertisements and coverage were BN exclusive. The members of the Malaysian middle class especially, are increasingly disappointed with this lack of critical commentary and political analysis. They turn to foreign media as well as the alternative press within Malaysia. Conclusion In summary, a democracy is a political system where the people are placed at utmost importance, and with this being a key factor to drive the country, there is a stronger potential for economic growth and the opportunities for political uprisings are reduced as the people are deciding what happens. Most modern countries are democracies; the prime example is the United States, which has a fixed election system every 4 years and a reigning democratic party. Other countries such as China and India do follow democratic policy, however due to large populations and mixed voting procedures, the reigning party is said to be more controlling and less democratic. In this aspect, whilst most of the world today is democratic (albeit the communist and semi communist countries of North Korea and Chile) still do have some control by the government, which is influenced and selected by the people. In Malaysia, the reigning party is Barisan Nasional, which is considered the more democratic party of the few. Again, there is a general election every 4 years, where the party is elected. Unlike other countries, however, the people do not choose the individual person to win, but the political party. In recent years there has been an increase in support for the republic party, but this is being held of at present. Either way, the fact that there is a general election held every 4 years, unlike in India and China, this proves a democratic government is significant.
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