Saturday, October 12, 2019

Who We Are Essay -- essays research papers

What is position do Black American hold in society today? If Black Americans were to just disappear without a trace, would it effect America economically, politically, and socially? The answer is yes, but we would not have the power to survive on our own. The only power that we truly have is buying power in America. Black Americans are infamous for putting their money into things that are materialistic rather than things that will turn their money over. Things that will build up the community such as black owned establishments. Despite the economic set backs we place ourselves in, politically we have no strong voices and our social leaders do not seem to understand how to elevate the problems that continue to plaque our society. Who can we turn to? I am convinced that if we trace back to learn theories of past African America leaders on these issues then we can eventually come to new heights. This paper will identify the primary economic, political, and social needs of African Ameri cans at the turn of the century and determine if the philosophies of Booker T. Washington, WEB DuBois, Martin Luther King and Malcolm X can eliminate some of these issues.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The number one problem in for Black societies is the lack of economical development. True, there are Black owned business, but the businesses do not provide longevity in the communities. For example, in my community there was a soul food restaurant that just open up and before you could blink an eye it seem as if some on else other than Black American bought out the owners. Eventually that business will be passed down through the bloodline of whoever bought it and the person who has sold it has depleted the profit that they made form the business. That profit would have bestowed money that could have provided different venues of business therefore supplying more jobs in the community. Black Americans can build an economic standing community by increasing blacked own businesses, investment, money management, and the reduction of governmental policies that are race specific. In other words the government must provide equal access to quality education, employment fo r all Americans ( Williamso 332). Our present economic status can be blame on our past if there is blame is to be made. Other races are able to identify with home countries to improve their economic status, for example thr... ...ther racial violence. For example, in St. Louis 20 police bullets attacked two young men (Farrow 1). This situation is happen to often ,when we are suppose to be more equal, but yet we are not being treated as such. How should we address these issue of police brutality? I feel if Black American have the economic standing and political the social will follow. As stated before, money is definitely power, therefore by economic gain we should be to have power or all that is destructive. I am not suggesting that Black American should go out as vigilantes, but I am recommending that Black American use the ideas of Leaders as Malcolm x, Martin, Washington and Du Bois to excel ourselves. Martin Luther King has also was believed that Black American should fight back in none violent way (Dolan 45). Unfortunately, he has lost his life to the one thing that he strong did not believe in, true his effort did not be come unnoticed, but what was he really fighting for? Black Americans need to wa ke and realize that importance of status economic, political, and social and realize that they all depend on one another and that we must start with one to have all of them come to new heights. Who We Are Essay -- essays research papers What is position do Black American hold in society today? If Black Americans were to just disappear without a trace, would it effect America economically, politically, and socially? The answer is yes, but we would not have the power to survive on our own. The only power that we truly have is buying power in America. Black Americans are infamous for putting their money into things that are materialistic rather than things that will turn their money over. Things that will build up the community such as black owned establishments. Despite the economic set backs we place ourselves in, politically we have no strong voices and our social leaders do not seem to understand how to elevate the problems that continue to plaque our society. Who can we turn to? I am convinced that if we trace back to learn theories of past African America leaders on these issues then we can eventually come to new heights. This paper will identify the primary economic, political, and social needs of African Ameri cans at the turn of the century and determine if the philosophies of Booker T. Washington, WEB DuBois, Martin Luther King and Malcolm X can eliminate some of these issues.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The number one problem in for Black societies is the lack of economical development. True, there are Black owned business, but the businesses do not provide longevity in the communities. For example, in my community there was a soul food restaurant that just open up and before you could blink an eye it seem as if some on else other than Black American bought out the owners. Eventually that business will be passed down through the bloodline of whoever bought it and the person who has sold it has depleted the profit that they made form the business. That profit would have bestowed money that could have provided different venues of business therefore supplying more jobs in the community. Black Americans can build an economic standing community by increasing blacked own businesses, investment, money management, and the reduction of governmental policies that are race specific. In other words the government must provide equal access to quality education, employment fo r all Americans ( Williamso 332). Our present economic status can be blame on our past if there is blame is to be made. Other races are able to identify with home countries to improve their economic status, for example thr... ...ther racial violence. For example, in St. Louis 20 police bullets attacked two young men (Farrow 1). This situation is happen to often ,when we are suppose to be more equal, but yet we are not being treated as such. How should we address these issue of police brutality? I feel if Black American have the economic standing and political the social will follow. As stated before, money is definitely power, therefore by economic gain we should be to have power or all that is destructive. I am not suggesting that Black American should go out as vigilantes, but I am recommending that Black American use the ideas of Leaders as Malcolm x, Martin, Washington and Du Bois to excel ourselves. Martin Luther King has also was believed that Black American should fight back in none violent way (Dolan 45). Unfortunately, he has lost his life to the one thing that he strong did not believe in, true his effort did not be come unnoticed, but what was he really fighting for? Black Americans need to wa ke and realize that importance of status economic, political, and social and realize that they all depend on one another and that we must start with one to have all of them come to new heights.

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