Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Extracurricular Activities in School Essay Example for Free

Extracurricular Activities in School Essay An ideal school gives to students the scope and the spirit of healthy competition — to excel at all levels. Class work and the home work given by teachers have their academic importance; in this also one who excels wins the praise and appreciation from the teachers. But academic distinctions alone do not fulfill all the purpose for which the school exists. A school is the workshop of life-building in which the raw material is the nascent young pupils. The Principal, the teachers are molders of this raw material into the ideal mold. For this process, many more activities, other than vroom ones are needed to fulfill the purpose. A young pupil might have the potential and the natural Lent to excel in games and sports and he needs to go to play field and the sports ground for the purpose. There can be students whose natural bent of mind is towards creative art and the art room is his field where he needs to be given the chance to exhibit his potential. Even little children of the nursery or the primary classes can draw such lines and make such figures which may amaze an on-looker and may be led to exclaim —’What an idea, how could he imagine this?’ One cannot and does not know how much talent in what direction lies in a child’s brain. This can only come out when he or she is given that opportunity. The school has to provide such chances and explore out the pearls from the sea-depths of the young mind. Art competitions of different level of students are activities that need to be arranged and the excellence in that to be rewarded and encouraged. There are boys and girls who have a knack of oration. They have in them an amount of self-confidence that they can face spectators and audience. Elocution contests and debates offer them the chance to exhibit this latent talent of theirs. Such inter-class or inter-school competitions should regularly be held which would further them to become good debaters — who knows, they may one day become parliamentarians and what they have gained during their school days may place them in good stead in that field. Cultural shows; dramatics performances, mono- acting’s are events which schools generally hold and it so necessary for schools to hold them. That is also at of total education. Taking part in such events gives children a sense of self-confidence and embellishes their accomplishments which they possess or can even develop. Anything, any activity which helps in the development of the total personality of young boy or girl is a part of  education and competitions, the effort to excel from others, is an incentive which must be provided to a young mind. Such an opportunity is offered to them only through such cultural and extra-curricular activities Opening up of personality; developing the latent talents- promotion of the intellectual effort and an opportunity of healthy competition — all these are factors which an educational institution should always encourage — only when it does this, it fulfills its role in the total education of the young.

Tuesday, January 21, 2020

Arpanet :: essays research papers

The USSR launches Sputnik, the first artificial earth satellite. In the late 1960's the U.S. military was desperately afraid of a nuclear attack from the Soviet Union. The United States formed the Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA) within the Department of Defense to establish a bombproof network to connect military bases. ARPANET's physical network was established in 1969 to enable universities and research organizations to exchange information freely. The first two nodes that formed the ARPANET were UCLA and the Stanford Research Institute, shortly after the University of Utah was added to ARPANET. The Network Control Protocol (NCP) was initially used as the ARPANET protocol, beginning in 1970. By 1971, a total of 23 hosts at 15 locations were connected to the ARPANET. The following year, the first international connections occurred, linking the University College of London (UK) and the Royal Radar Establishment (Norway) to the ARPANET. The way ARPANET was set up is so that if one of the network links became disrupted by enemy attack, the traffic on it could automatically be rerouted to other links. Fortunately, the Net rarely has come under enemy attack. In the 1970s, ARPA also sponsored further research into the applications of packet switching technologies. This included extending packet switching to ships at sea and ground mobile units and the use of radio for packet switching. Ethernet was created during the course of research into the use of radio for packet switching, and it was found that coaxial cable could support the movement of data at extremely fast rates of speed. The development of Ethernet was crucial to the growth of local area computer networks. The success of ARPANET made it difficult to manage, particularly with the large and growing number of university sites on it. So it was broken into two parts. The two parts consisted of MILNET, which had the military sites, and the new, smaller ARPANET, which had the nonmilitary sites. On January 1,1983, every machine connected to ARPANET had to use TCP/IP. TCP/IP became the core Internet protocol and replaced NCP (old ARPANET language) completely. Thanks to TCP/IP MILNET and ARPANET remained connected through a technical scheme called IP (Internet Protocol); which enables traffic to be routed from one network to another as necessary. All the networks connected to the Internet speak IP, so they all can exchange messages. Although there were only two networks at that time, IP was designed to allow for tens of thousands of networks. An unusual fact about the IP design is that every computer on an IP network is just as capable as any other, so any

Monday, January 13, 2020

The Rain Horse

Explore how Hughes gradually builds up a sense of menace in The Rain Horse. In ‘The Rain Horse', Hughes reflects his emotions of disappointment, frustration and anger through imagery phrases of threat. He uses the horse as a symbolic source of his feelings and describes them in figures of speech. The return of the young man to the farm after twelve years made him a complete a stranger to the land which he didn't accept.The narrator manages to describe how this man is disillusioned, using the metaphor â€Å"so he waited, trying to nudge the right feelings alive† – depicting his disappointment towards the land that he had not visited for so long , and this is conveyed in the following quote â€Å"This land no longer recognized him , and he looked back at it coldly† The persona seems to have a strong sense of disconnection with the land surrounding him, and he appears with unease and frustration,†felt nothing but the dullness of feeling nothing, boredom and suddenly impatience† .The narrator described well the young man's mixed feelings of discomfort and frustration by using alliteration â€Å"so old and stiff and stupid† which lead him to an ultimate anger towards himself â€Å"anger against himself for blundering into this mud-trap †. The phrase â€Å"remembered or shouted at as a trespasser – deterred him† gives the idea of how the man did not have a good history with the farmer since he is mentioned as a trespasser. The writer used the horse to strengthen the idea of the land to the young man rejection .

Saturday, January 4, 2020

Many People Drink Alcohol For Different Reasons - 911 Words

Many people drink alcohol for different reasons. Then, there are those who abuse the substance of drinking it every opportunity that they get. Many of them having the same outcome each time, they continue drinking. They get drunk unaware of the danger they are getting into. People don’t realize the affect that alcohol can actually have on them not just affecting their lives, but the lives that are around them. Anyone who has gotten drunk can give their story of being hung over the next day. They might mention the symptoms that were present. For instance they would mention headache, dry mouth, fatigue, and the list can keep going. All of those symptoms can be cured. The headache and fatigue will go away eventually, and the dry mouth can be cured buy drinking water. A hangover can easily go away with time. But a hangover can be considered not as bad as what could have happened when the person was drunk. The person who abused it, and got drunk to the point where they black out, h e or she could be in big danger. They can possibly wake up in a place they have never been to, and have no idea on how to get home. That can consist of waking up in allies, unknown areas, or even in houses of complete strangers. That is not the only problem he or she could face they could have also misplaced their phone, keys, or wallet. When a person is drunk, so many things could happened. They could have gone home with a complet stranger that he or she would never consider going with if theyShow MoreRelatedAlcohol As A Dangerous Deadly Weapon1677 Words   |  7 Pagesamendment, which banned all alcohol from being manufactured, transported, and sold in the United States. But it is ironic how the prohibition just brought in more of what it was trying to outlaw. The American citizens of course did not like this law so they eventually opened more bars and kept drinking illegally. Even going back to indigenous roots of Latino/Hispanics, alcohol has been a huge component to celebrati ons, traditions and social upbringings. The use of alcohol can be seen as one of theRead MoreEffects Of Alcohol On Women s Drinking895 Words   |  4 Pages Alcohol is very popular amongst all ages of women whether they drink before or after 21 years old or. Women are seen as vulnerable and weak, which is a typical stereotype society defines. A reason why women may drink is indefinite. There is not an exact reason why women drink, but there are many reasons why may one drink. Reasons may consist of positivity and/ or negativity for alcohol; however, there are many negative effects on women. Women drink in order to have fun and get loose, or if theyRead MoreMany Causes of Alcoholism1290 Words   |  6 PagesThe Many Causes of Alcoholism Every story has two sides to it. Alcoholism is very complicated story in the â€Å"nature vs. nurture† debate. Alcoholism is uncontrollable and everybody has a different perception of what it is. A persons understanding of what alcoholism actually is can determine whether they think alcoholism is nature or nurture. From my own understanding, I think that alcoholism has multiple causes. Many people may think that alcoholics are people who drink often or drink everyday,Read MoreFactors That Influence Teenagers On Alcohol And Effects1570 Words   |  7 Pagesthat influence Teenagers in alcohol and Effects Introduction The teenage years are the time of searching ourselves, engaging in different activities, doing something to fit to our peers and trying to form what we want to be. They are usually under the pressure on the school activities and performance. Sometimes, pressure from their parents who has big expectations from them is the reason why they engaged alcohol. In the present, numerous teenagers are already engaging alcohol consumption. Despite ofRead MoreMotivational Model Of Alcohol Use A Drinking Consumption Of Over 5 Drinks926 Words   |  4 Pagesconsumption of over 5 drinks at a time (Presley, Meilman and Lyerla, 1995; Wechsler, Davenport, Dowdall, Moeykens, Castillo, 1994, cited in Fillmore, M.T. 2001), and there is an increase in frequent drinking and alcohol-related problems among students (Mohr et al 2005). With this severe impact, Kuntsche, Knibbe, Gmel and Engels (2006) points out that there is a long tradition about research on drinking motivations for young people. Broadly speaking, there are two motivational models of alcohol use (CooperRead More Consequences of Teen Alcohol Use Essay1089 Words   |  5 PagesWe live in a society that drinks heavily, and this influences teens. Most Americans use alcohol to celebrate wedding anniversaries, to welcome the New Year, and to enjoy many other special events. Alcohol is a legal drug for people over the age of twenty-one. By the time most teens reach senior high school, nearly all will have faced a choice about whether or not to take a drink. Although this drug is illegal for teenage use a large percentage of teens use alcohol. Many teens die in automobile accidentsRead MoreModerate Drinking Essay814 Words   |  4 Pagesallowed or not, forms an argument whether alcohol if drank in moderation is good for recovery or not. Many people drink in moderation to control their drinking problems, but the counter argument says its addictive. Not only are they destroying their liver, but they are also taking a risk of getting in trouble by the law. There are a lot of issues that come up about drinking, but maybe these people can not stop one day to the next. It doesnt make them bad people if they are trying to quit by drinkingRead MoreEssay on Causes of Underage Drinking930 Words   |  4 PagesCauses of Underage Drinking Today, many teenagers experience different things in the world. Whether it is their first date or first day in high school, teens are always eager to try something different or new. One of the things that teenagers try is drinking alcohol. Unfortunately, underage drinkers often abuse alcohol. In this paper, I will try to shed some light on some of the reasons why teenagers drink alcohol at such premature age. The causes of underage drinking include peer pressureRead MoreThe Issue Of The State Of Maryland851 Words   |  4 Pagesover $1.3 billion on teenagers that drink (udetc). This includes accidents that happens, medical hospitalizations, work loss and pain and sufferage. Youth violence including accidents, fights, suicides and homicides is the largest cost of the state of Maryland (udetc) this is a big problem in the state and we could be using this money for a different reason. Many teenagers who had their first drink by the age of 15 is more likely to becoming addicted to alcohol than someone who starts drinking atRead MoreDrinking Age1395 Words   |  6 Pagesmaximize the performance of athletes. Other debates involving drinking are not as simple, these debates involve alcohol drinking age. Both arguments can have different viewpoints, the difference is the significance in the argument. What should the legal drinking age in the United States be? Consuming alcohol has been done for many years. Unlike a typical beverage that hydrates the body alcohol is consumed for its positive side effects, but the negative effects are forgotten. Often these so called