Saturday, January 4, 2020

Many People Drink Alcohol For Different Reasons - 911 Words

Many people drink alcohol for different reasons. Then, there are those who abuse the substance of drinking it every opportunity that they get. Many of them having the same outcome each time, they continue drinking. They get drunk unaware of the danger they are getting into. People don’t realize the affect that alcohol can actually have on them not just affecting their lives, but the lives that are around them. Anyone who has gotten drunk can give their story of being hung over the next day. They might mention the symptoms that were present. For instance they would mention headache, dry mouth, fatigue, and the list can keep going. All of those symptoms can be cured. The headache and fatigue will go away eventually, and the dry mouth can be cured buy drinking water. A hangover can easily go away with time. But a hangover can be considered not as bad as what could have happened when the person was drunk. The person who abused it, and got drunk to the point where they black out, h e or she could be in big danger. They can possibly wake up in a place they have never been to, and have no idea on how to get home. That can consist of waking up in allies, unknown areas, or even in houses of complete strangers. That is not the only problem he or she could face they could have also misplaced their phone, keys, or wallet. When a person is drunk, so many things could happened. They could have gone home with a complet stranger that he or she would never consider going with if theyShow MoreRelatedAlcohol As A Dangerous Deadly Weapon1677 Words   |  7 Pagesamendment, which banned all alcohol from being manufactured, transported, and sold in the United States. But it is ironic how the prohibition just brought in more of what it was trying to outlaw. The American citizens of course did not like this law so they eventually opened more bars and kept drinking illegally. 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