Sunday, February 23, 2020

The Enhancing Community Health Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

The Enhancing Community Health - Essay Example Presently, the consumers have been deciphering a greater inclination towards eco-friendly products and are also willing to pay more for these products, deciphering a quality concerned attitude rather than a price-centric motive. On the global context, individuals are immensely attracted to eco-friendly commodities for safety and health concerns. Subsequently, increased consumptions of eco-friendly products have assisted in maintaining the health of the community, which denotes that there might be a linkage between community health and the purchase trends deciphered by consumers to favor eco-friendly products (Connolly & Prothero, 2010). Correspondingly, the essay emphasizes on determining the impact of individual decisions in relation to eco-friendly commodity choices towards the health of the community. The demand for products and/or services if often argued to be depending on the needs as well as preferences of individuals in the worldwide market segments. Reflecting on the same concern, the report published by the European Commission (2006) signified that decisions of individuals are based on different factors, which commonly include product information and product preferences. The consumers are thus concentrated towards social and environmental developments due to increased concern of climate changes. Moreover, individuals are also perceived to make their purchase decisions based on safety and health factors that are attached to products and/or services. In this regard, the consumers in the worldwide market segments are encouraged towards consuming healthier as well as quality products (European Commission, 2006). According to Ahmad & Juhdi (2008), in the recent era, individuals are identified to change their lifestyle and are decisive in making purchases of products and/or serv ices for self-fulfillment. Individuals make purchase decisions of eco-friendly products due to increased concern towards environmental factors and their accountability towards its stability.

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