Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Much Ado About Nothing †Benedick Analysis Essay

Benedick is almost a match for Beatrice as a memorable Shakespearean character. His apparent misogyny and unwillingness to make a commitment to a woman are almost stereotypes early in the play. His use of language, especially in his â€Å"merry war† with Beatrice, prevents him from being the clichà ©d male who refuses to commit to a relationship. Benedick has probably had a lot of experience with women, only one of whom was Beatrice. He vehemently declares his intent to remain a bachelor and disparages Claudio for wanting to marry Hero, â€Å"Leonato’s short daughter.† He restates his disdain of love and marriage in a monologue alone on stage — even more likely to express his true feelings than his teasing comments to a companion he will lose through marriage. Throughout the early scenes, his exchanges with Beatrice create a feeling that he â€Å"doth protest too much† — that is, he really harbors at least affection for Beatrice. It takes the â€Å"noting† scene near the arbor, arranged by Don Pedro, for Benedick to admit he may indeed be able to love Beatrice since she loves him so much. His subsequent meetings with Beatrice and with his friends show a marked change in his attitudes and demeanor from the early scenes. He recognizes that he may be opening himself up for ridicule at his reversal of his well-known attitudes, but he sees his opening up as a part of maturing. His support for Beatrice after the denunciation, including his confrontation with Claudio, demonstrates not only his commitment to Beatrice, but also the value he places on justice even at the risk of loyalty. He becomes single-minded about marrying Beatrice, probably speaking to Leonato about her immediately after the confrontation with Claudio and again just before the wedding. His new behavior finally culminates in his public proposal to her, risking not only her refusal and contempt, but also the ridicule of the assembled company. Has Benedick changed during the week of the play? Most certainly, both in his public and his private attitudes. That a dyed-in-the-wool bachelor is transformed into an eager bridegroom is extraordinary, yet Shakespeare makes it believable, with a little help from Benedick’s friends.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Moral Self-Knowledge in Kantian Ethics Essay

In the article titled, Moral Self-knowledge in Kantian Ethics, Emer O’Hagan discusses Kant’s views and ideas concerning self-knowledge and the role it plays in duty and virtuous action. O’Hagan first introduces a key feature of Kant’s ethical theory which is its recognition of the psychological complexity of human beings. O’Hagan uses this recognition of psychological complexity by Kant to dive into Kant’s feeling on self-knowledge. Once a basic understanding of Kant’s attitude towards self-knowledge has been established, O’Hagan then uses Kant’s ethical theory to show how self-knowledge can be used as a means to help determine the goodness of an action. The arguments presented by O’Hagan are logical and clearly supported and verified through the presented evidence. Kant is shown to have recognized the psychological complexity of the human being in recognizing that, â€Å"judgments concerning the rightness of actions are vulnerable to corruption from self-interested inclination† (O’Hagan 525-537). Kant is saying that that even though an action may start out as from duty, our internal feelings as human beings can create a beneficial end as a means for the action, thus rendering it not from duty. Kant also recognizes that our own judgments about us may not be accurate. Moral self-development is a practice to develop accuracy for our self-judgments and takes into consideration one’s motives for action. O’Hagan tells us that this moral practice requires moral self-knowledge which is a form of self-awareness disciplined by respect for autonomy, the theoretical foundation of Kantian ethics. According to Kant, the first command of the duties to oneself as a moral being is self-knowledge. This is the ability to know yourself in terms of whether your heart is for good or evil and whether your actions are pure or impure. Kant describes duties of virtue to be wide duties, in that there is not a clear standard for how one should go about performing action for an end that is also a duty. O’Hagan tells us that Kant’s duty of moral self-knowledge is the duty to know one’s own heart. Kant tells us that moral self-knowledge is quite difficult because it involves abstracting, or taking a non-biased analysis of one’s self. Because we are bound to our own feelings and inclinations, we cannot completely separate ourselves from our own bias. The power of self-knowledge is the power to see things in objectivity instead of subjectivity. The final step of the argument is relating self-knowledge to determining the goodness of an action. O’Hagan tells us that developing self-knowledge will develop one’s self-understanding and will develop guards against self-deception. Using these skills to truly understand one’s heart allows for one to know one’s motives, and thus practical stance in action. According to Kant, the goodness of an action is determined by one’s motives, so the goodness of one’s action can now be evaluated. O’Hagan clearly demonstrates the importance of self-knowledge in Kant’s theory of ethics and validates its importance by describing application for use of the practice of self-knowledge (O’Hagan 525-537).

Monday, July 29, 2019

Towards a Web-based Application to Resolve Physical Pulse Board Issues Thesis

Towards a Web-based Application to Resolve Physical Pulse Board Issues - Thesis Example For instance, in Scrum software development as well as in Lean product development, tools for planning a project using walls and boards have been developed. These methods have so far proved to be very efficient, in so far as the visualization of the work performed, as well as the prioritization of new tasks is concerned. However, there are notable challenges in synchronization, version control and traceability among a company’s different projects. This thesis, investigates how Physical Pulse Board is used and how it can be improved through the introduction of a web-based application for elimination of difficulties of using Pulse board especially in global environment where different people from various locations might need to join the meeting. The paper consists of three parts. In the first part one set of interviews were conducted along with an observation to figure out related difficulties with the use of Physical Pulse Board especially in global environment. Following this, another set of interviews were conducted to help find out how these issues can be eliminated or resolved. Considering that good principles can never be useful, unless they are applied and used in reality, the second part of this report, a web-based application was developed to help bring improvements using Pulse Board in global environment based on the finding from the first part. It was then that evaluation of implemented software was done through a workshop with person A and Person B. It is worth noting that the two persons are the Lean Product Development Specialist chosen for market analysis given that the two had implemented the Physical Pulse Board in their organization. Two major factors which increase complexity inside companies are the number of different products that are produced by these companies, as well as physical location of their teams. This complexity imposes extra waste in different areas like inventory, processes, maintenance, quality, suppliers,

Sunday, July 28, 2019

The role of the UN during the could war Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

The role of the UN during the could war - Essay Example mandate it was bestowed, Krasno (4) argues that the United States Charter allocated more power to five major states, which were further given veto powers and permanent representation in what was known as the upper chamber where exclusive jurisdiction were taken into consideration. Additionally, there were six nonpermanent members who later increased to ten. As such, the charter principle of sovereign equality expected all members to abstain in their international relations from threat or forceful use against territorial integrity or any state political independence. Thus, the United Nations issued the Security Council with the responsibility of ensuring that peace and security was maintained internationally (Krasno 5). Importantly, the United Nations first role during the Cold war happened in Korea when the Korean peninsula was divided through the occupation of the Soviet occupied territory in the Northern part while the Southern part was taken over by the United States. According to Sachleben (36) the state of unrest was thought to be between Communist and non communist states, and as such the United Nations was compelled to provide international legitimacy to the United States reaction on Korean peninsula although president Truman was determined to counter the threat until 1953 when the peace was finally restored. Similarly, the United Nations was engaged in the role of ensuring that Soviet Union was not involved in the unrest in Congo after the killing of the Secretary- General Dag Hammarskjold through a plane crash. During this unrest, there was conflict between the western powers and the then President Kasavubu who was supported by the United Nations through their peace keeping mandate (Downs 14). It is worth noting that the unrest in Korea and Congo were perfect examples of how the anticipated roles of the United Nations were influenced by the East- West divisions. As such, critics have argued that it is highly likely that the United

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Planning for coordination with federal entities regarding homeland Essay

Planning for coordination with federal entities regarding homeland security - Essay Example The Department of Homeland Security is the central agencies that to provide effective management resource within federal, state and local governments on security issues. Its primary responsibility as a security authority is to anticipate, preempt, detect and deter threats to the homeland and its people from terrorist attacks, natural disasters or any other emergency. Its goal is to coordinate different agencies and programs into a single agency for fast and efficient response to the crisis. Larry Ness states, ‘the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) is still consolidating most of the more than 40 federal entities’ (Ness, 2006, p. 49). Its security responsibilities are varied and related to the governmental jurisdictions at federal, state, and local level and acts as a complementary system that connects all levels of government. It is an independent agency reporting to the President and tasked with responding to, planning for, recovering from and mitigating against disaster. Its role has become all the more important after 9/11 and works with a vision of ‘A Nation Prepared’. It works under FEMA and forms integrated disaster response task forces, comprising of emergency service personnel, equipped with necessary skills, techniques and tools that can be deployed for rescuing victims of structural collapse. Its aim is to protect civilians and prevent the loss of property from natural hazards. It acts as an emergency management to protect lives and property through partnerships with governments at the State and local levels as well as the private sector. It helps to promulgate interior security of the nation and the reduction of crimes and potential threats to federal facilities throughout the nation, and require close coordination and intelligence sharing with the investigative functions within Immigration and custom enforcement (ICE). FPS is a full service agency with a comprehensive HAZMAT, WMD,

Friday, July 26, 2019

Enhancing Competitiveness through Strategic Marketing Term Paper

Enhancing Competitiveness through Strategic Marketing - Term Paper Example In the same vein, the organization will accomplish nothing if it spends less on the marketing of a product that requires more. The specific considerations include the newness or uniqueness of the product. If the product represents a market innovation or it is different from other products available in the target market, such a product has a built-in advantage, according to the so-called Porter generic strategy as posited by market analyst Michael Porter. Central to strategic marketing is the research data on how customers buy, what they buy, where they buy, how they buy. This elaborates the principle of the 4 Ps in marketing which are a product, price, place, and promotion. In the target market, the organization decides if it wants to be the industry leader, follower, challenger or niche-maker. Does it want to dominate this market or simply snag a share in it The scope and coverage of the market strategy depend on these choices based on conditions reflected in the market research? The company also determines if it wants to fast-track its sales effort by using aggressive methods or warfare-based tactics, which refer to defensive or offensive, flanking or guerrilla maneuvers.Before the actual market launch, a company prepares for the big event with its mind already made up on the mix of methods it will use. The marketing, promotion and advertising methods are already specified, along with the product packaging and physical distribution. Cost projections for sales and related activities are in place, while prices have been determined based on the end user's perspective. Also, the company must have determined the appropriate pricing and credit schemes as t o where introductory discounts would be offered. Equally important is the availability of plans to deal with competitors and some fallback measures in case the sales target is not reached.  Ã‚   Cost projections should be developed on the short-term, medium-term and long-term basis and drawn at least one year ahead of the product launch for good measure. This should be updated monthly at first and then quarterly or annually afterward.  

Firewall and Internet security Dissertation Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Firewall and Internet security - Dissertation Example The advancements in technology have almost pulled every individual on earth into the virtual world of cyber pace.As every day passes by, the rapidity with which internet grows has increased exponentially and the world is shrinking smaller and smaller. People living in extremities of the world could easily communicate just like they are doing it when they are in direct contact with each other. The distance is no more a matter of concern. Despite all the advantages of a networked world, the parallel increase in cyber threats has been an alarming factor. Information is the key to success of any individual or organization. When there is a threat to the security of such an important factor and the manner in which networked computers are hacked within seconds of time has put cyber security as one of the top priorities for technology developers. With the advent of these issues, the installation of firewalls has become a mandatory activity for every internet user. Every time a new level of s ecurity is proposed, a new mode of threat is ‘unearthed’ in this virtual world. So, as a precautionary measure, people protect themselves with having both personal as well as network firewalls. Although many kinds of research has been done on the levels of protection offered by network firewalls and personal firewalls, not much has been done on the perspective of providing a comparison between these two types of firewalls. (CHESWICK et. al, 2003) Continuing on these lines, the primary aim of this research is to examine the current literature comprehensively and produce a compare and contrast analysis of these two types of firewalls in regard to the increase in today's internet security. However, since the category of this itself provides a large scope for a complex and more time consuming analysis, the research question is further refined such that it focuses mainly on the following topic - why implementation of personal firewalls in every system in an enterprise is con sidered to be a difficulty when compared to the implementation of network firewalls. The reason that could be given for the choice of this topic is that irrespective of the number of advancements in firewall technologies, no proper solutions have been found yet, to understand the continued ignorance of affording personal firewalls to every system user in an enterprise instead of network firewalls, which are always considered as the preferred option. (Firewalls, 2003) Objectives of the research Based on the above research questions, the primary objectives of the research can be derived. The most common differences between personal and network firewalls (which are explained in the literature review section) are the architecture and design features, the working environment, technical features and other advantages and disadvantages of each type of firewall. Implementing a personal firewall seems to be a tougher task, as the configuration might not be similar for every system. This makes the process of implementation a difficult task. Each time a firewall is implemented; the system components and modules pose certain restrictions that in turn make the process tedious. The situation is entirely different in a network environment. Since the implementation is done on the network as a whole, the task of installing them in individual system is eradicated. In a network environment, the firewall controls the communication and network traffic. As the functions of a network firewall are composed of easier installation management process, it strikes a greater difference from that of a personal firewall. The disadvantage of a personal firewall strengthens the research question, as it indicates the importance of network firewalls. Hence, the analysis of the areas which were described above is considered to be the primary objectives of the research. Literature Review The progress of internet and development of technology has necessitated the need for

Thursday, July 25, 2019

The Russian-speaking communities in Portland and NorthWest Pacific Research Paper

The Russian-speaking communities in Portland and NorthWest Pacific - Research Paper Example The Russian Americans are currently reported to be about three million currently. Most Russian Americans no longer speak Russian. This is because they are born and raised by English-speaking Russian American parents. Statistics however suggest that by the year 2007, Russian was the principal language used by about eight hundred thousand Americans based on U.S. census results in that year (Spickard 2007). Further statistics by the Russian and Eurasian Studies at Harvard submit that by 1990 there were over seven hundred thousand ethnic Russian Americans in the U.S.A. The Ukrainians and Carpatho-Rusyns who trace their ancestry to Carpathian Ruthenia in the 19th century and early 20th century also identify themselves as Russian Americans. The recent emigres often refer to these people as the starozhili which when translated means â€Å"old residents†. These â€Å"old residents† were most instrumental in establishing the Russian Orthodoxy religion in America (Marrows 1997). These ethnic Russian Americans have in the recent decades been assimilated into the American society and culture but their ethnic traditions are still very much alive and are observable primarily around the Russian Orthodox Church. 3. ... The first wave begun around the 18th century during which time the Russians who were expanding their territory begun venturing into northwest America areas in search of furs. Fort Ross was established in 1812 by members of the Russian American company (Marrows 1997). This was where they established a hunting and trading company. This company was wholly owned by Russia’s elite society referred to as the tsar. This company had been in business for about a century before the fort was built. The conditions that necessitated the immigrations of the Russian Jews in the 1800’s were quite squalid and could be compared to Ireland’s â€Å"throes of famine†. There abodes were sparsely furnished and overly crowded with sickly elderly relatives and malnourished children who had to share meager rations of food. Some of the areas were so devastatingly poor that residents had to make do with bread and water. In areas such as Galicia for instance, many Jews starved to deat h annually. Basic human rights such as the freedom of worship and legal autonomy of citizens were revoked prompting the emigration by the Russian Jews. For most of the peasant Jewish immigrants, the journey to America was extremely trying and quite a life threatening adventure. The steamships they used to cross were rather small and large numbers of these poor Russian Jews were crammed into the limited space. The conditions in the ships were despicable and these travelers had to contend with little rations of food and disease (Spickard 2007). The normal procedure was that the husband went to America and got a job after which he would save up and send for his wife and children back

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Business ethics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words - 1

Business ethics - Essay Example Based on ethical theories and literature, this paper will attempt to show that it is important for companies to embrace the concept of sustainable development in order to grow their bottom line and ensure future growth. Companies are required to embrace sustainable development because by doing so, they will be fulfilling their ethical obligations to sustainability. In order to understand these ethical obligations, this paper analyses the ethical theories related to sustainability and how they apply. In an article by Mohamed Eid (2012) on sustainable development, the author relates the four major ethical theories to sustainability. These theories help understand how sustainable development is critical to any company. The first ethical theory supporting sustainable development is utilitarian ethics, a theory that focuses on the need to maximize good and the promotion of happiness. Based on this theory, sustainable development is approached by looking at the balance between economic, social and environmental welfare. Companies are thus required to engage in actions that will promote the overall good by striking a balance between these aspects. Companies have to focus not only on themselves and the maj ority in society but include the minorities as well. This requires that future generations are considered when making critical decisions. This also demands a focus on the economic gains of the company that meet the needs of all stakeholders (Najam, 1999 p. 70). The utilitarian theory requires companies to use approaches and methods that promote happiness from the individual level to the wider society. Companies thus need to create an environment that guarantees a better future for everyone. Secondly, sustainability is also tied to the deontological theory in which it is argued that actions are either right or wrong irrespective of their consequences. In this case, actions need to be justified by accepted universal principles. Currently,

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

No topic 1 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

No topic 1 - Essay Example inees through journal writing but there are other researchers who have shown that journal writing cannot assess how the practitioners will stop during an activity to frame the problem according to their past experiences and observations. Judging trainees through journal writing can impact their writing so it is not an effective assessment technique. However, reflective writing still is a great assessment mechanism in which the medical educators assess the writing both qualitatively and quantitatively and find out if the trainees have used reflective process in analyzing and solving a clinical problem by linking their knowledge with what should be done. Educators can assess whether trainees have tried to synthesize the information in the reflective process and have considered all perspectives to the solution. They can also assess whether the trainees have explored options other than what is needed or have made assumptions but do not know how to apply them. Thus, this way the educators can assess the trainees through the reflective

Monday, July 22, 2019

The Natural Key passage analyisis Essay Example for Free

The Natural Key passage analyisis Essay In this passage of Bernard Malamuds The Natural, Roy Hobbs is in a batting slump. Though at the end of the passage, he rises from his slump to once again hit a home run. This event occurs during his game in Chicago, right after the beginning of his batting slump which in turn occurs right after his first and only date with Memo. This game is the first encounter between Roy and Iris Lemon, the true vegetative goddess who is a suitable partner for Roy. This passage is located in the Falling Action of Freytags pyramid that starts off with a dark and gloomy mood as a result of the diction that is used, cursed, booed, harrowed, sick and miserable. The employments of these words introduce the passage as dark period of time which directly reflects to both the mental and physical state that Roy is in at the time. As mentioned above, at the end of this passage, Roy rises from his batting slump, which makes this a turning point for Roy that propels the book towards its climax. This passage could be considered a turning point for Roy not only because he rises from his slump, but also because he finally meets his rightful vegetative goddess who gives him strength to hit the homerun at the end of the passage. Although this passage is not only the turning point for Roy, but also a comparison between Memo Paris and Iris Lemon. His fate is determined by his final decision between the two women and this passage acts as a sign for both the reader and Roy that Iris Lemon is his true vegetative goddess who he must marry in order to achieve his full potential as a vegetative god who can rejuvenate the Fisher King, symbolizing Pop Fisher. In the first line of this passage, Wonderboy is compared to a sagging baloney. This comparison is ambiguous because one can interpret it as if Wonderboy physically looks like a sagging baloney or that Wonderboy like King Arthurs Excalibur which was powerful and firm, is now weak and soft. However, the comparison between Roys baseball bat and a sagging baloney has a greater meaning. When Wonderboy is compared to a sagging baloney, one can say that this is a reference to Wonderboys phallic representation. The comparison between Roys Excalibur as well as manhood, a symbol of his masculine strength and sagging baloney degrades Roys strength and power as a vegetative god. This further shows his loss of power during his slump, as he felt sick. The reason for his slump is directly related to Memo Paris. Following his first and only date with Memo, he is overjoyed, even though it was disastrous. She claims to be strictly a dead a mans woman. This man refers to the dead Bump Bailey, who symbolizes those without life. This indicates that she is not the destined and right woman for Roy, as he is the vegetative god, the god of life. His existence is contradictory to her ideal man, which means that they are not destined to be together. She further states that her breasts are sick and Dont touch it When he tries to touch them, a womans breast symbolizes her fertility and thus Memos womanhood is sick. Therefore, it would be contradictory for Roy to be with Memo because he is the vegetative god and his vegetative goddess must be a woman with a strong life force and fertility. After the date, Memo rejects Roy and claims that she is going to see Gus Sands. Following this, Roy becomes troubled and falls into a batting slump as a result of Memos negligence towards Roy. After the second strike that Roy hits, a lady in the stands hesitantly rose for the second time. This lady later on turns out to be Iris Lemon, Roys destined wife and vegetative goddess. When she rises again, Roy stole a quick look and gains hope, because he became aware that the night had spread out in all directions and was filled with an unbelievable fragrance. In the presence of Iris Lemon, Wonderboy regains its hardness and power and shoots the ball through the light and up into the dark, like a white star seeking an old constellation. When Iris, the vegetative goddess who like Roy is a force of life and rejuvenation stands up, a stranger next to her feels a strong sexual urge. This shows that Iris is a true vegetative goddess whose very presence causes a stranger to feel a strong sexual urge. Her very presence also rejuvenates Wonderboy, Roys metaphorical phallus. Iris, who has such a strong life force, brought a child into the world at an early age, becomes a grandmother at the age of thirty three and she also reveals at the end of the book that I am pregnant from their one and only encounter on the beach. This transfer of life and strength to Roy and Wonderboy from Iris allows Roy to hit the baseball so hard, that it metaphorically flies into space, towards a distant star. This description of the baseball that is hit into space is so implausible that it seems godly and brings a magic realism and supernatural touch into Roys abilities. Roy who smashes the baseball so hard was only able to do so due to Iriss help, because at the presence of his vegetative goddess, he can truly achieve his full potential as a vegetative god who is destined to revive the Knights and Pop Fisher like Sir Perceval who is destined to revive King Fisher and the wasteland. As mentioned earlier, Memo is a destructive force that sucks the life and energy out of Roy and as a result, he falls into a batting slump. Her surname, Paris, is a mythological allusion to the Greek mythology of the city Troy. Paris was a young prince of Troy who abducted the queen of Sparta, Helen who was considered to be the most beautiful woman on earth. Because of this, Menelaus, the king of Mycenaean Sparta along with his brother and the Greek army invaded Troy and tore it down into ruins. In the process, most of Pariss family was killed, all due to the fact that he fell in love with Helen. This mythological reference is a warning to both the reader and Roy that his childish lust for Memo will eventually lead to his ultimate downfall. This warning is also given out by Pop Fisher after Roys date with Memo, she is unlucky and always has been and I think that there is some kind of whammy in her that carries her luck to other people. Thats why I would like you to watch out and not get too tied up with her. In Greek mythology, the sirens are bird-women who sing songs to enchant sailors to their death through shipwreck. Memo is similar to the sirens in a way that she is the temptress who like the sirens lead Roy to his death, that is, the death of his baseball career. Memo is the temptress who leads Roy to his downfall, but Iris on the other hand can be seen as her direct opposite, the woman can lead Roy to fulfill his destiny, that is to heal Pop Fisher and the Knights. This healing to the Knights is accomplished when The long rain had turned the grass green and as the grass on the field grew, the team starts win games. When Iris hesitantly rose for the second time, she is seen wearing a red dress with dark hair. After Bump died Memo is seen wearing black mourning dress and black pyjamas with red hair. Iriss hair having the colour as Memos dress and Memos hair having the same colour of Iriss dress is a reference to the fact that Memo and Iris are complete opposites, while one sucks the energy and life out of Roy, the other rejuvenates and provides a life-giving force that gave him energy. Although towards the end of the book, Roy makes the wrong choice of choosing Memo instead of Iris due to his childish lust and sexual impulse. He continues to seek to break records instead of focusing on his true goals to rejuvenate Pop Fisher and the Knights. Despite Iriss gentleness, powers that helped him though his slump and dissimilarity from Memo as she is not the type of dame I always fell forthey werent like you. He ignores the hints that Iris is the one that he is destined to be with, because he is afraid of the responsibilities of being with Iris, as she is a grandmother, which in turn would make him a grandfather. Warned multiple times, by Pops warning, she weakens a man, her surname name Paris, her sick breast and her complete opposite nature to Iris, Roy does not realize that Memo is the temptress and his true goals as a vegetative god along with his potential destiny with Iris until it was too late.

The ethical issues regarding recreational hunting

The ethical issues regarding recreational hunting For well over a century, recreational hunting has been an activity pursued by millions of Americans (Eliason, 2008). Hunting is something that has occupied our young country since we got here. It is an outdoors sport that used to be the only way people acquired their food, and many depended on what hunting offered. In recent years, however, hunting has become a very controversial topic. This is in large part due to the overwhelming gun problem this country is facing. But it is also because many people, today, dont understand why people hunt. They do not see how you could find joy out of it anymore. There are others that believe completely otherwise. Some believe that hunting is a part of our culture, and we should continue to utilize the wildlife like we have for so many years. Hunting has become a very controversial topic, and many are not educated on the topic enough to make a decision one way or the other. Hunting, regarded to humans, is essentially the tracking of a certain animals with intentions on killing the animal. For a person that does not know very much about hunting, they may think that this sounds very cruel. However the hunter, usually, has no intentions on torturing the animal. Hunting is considered a sport to many here in the United Sates. That being said, many also do not consider this a sport. Paul Rodriguez, a Mexican Comedian, had this to say about hunting; Hunting is not a sport. In a sport, both sides should know theyre in the game. Even though this is a funny spin off of hunting, it is very relevant. For people that disagree with hunting, this would make a lot of sense. The animal obviously has no idea that it is in the game. However pro hunting advocates think that hunting is more than just a sport. They feel that it is our culture, and that people need to hunt to contain the wildlifes numbers. There are many different feelings on hunting, but the main two thought s either disagree or agree with hunting. There was a time when animals were not as domestically friendly as they are now. People often forget the importance animals played in the survival of humans. Hunting was a crucial component of hunter-gatherer societies, and is a theme of stories and myths, as well as many proverbs, aphorisms, adages and metaphors even today (History of Hunting). Many believe that a form of Persistence Hunting was the first type of hunting (History of Hunting). This type of hunting was used before people had any sort of weapons that could kill an animal from long distances. People would have had to stalk their prey for long periods of time, and get immaculately close to the animal in order to take down their prey. Throughout the ages man became more advanced and engineered guns, spears, and bows. These weapons were made in large part to assist in hunting animals, allowing people to gather food much easier. Times have progressed, and so has the view of hunting. It is important for both sides of the hun ting debate to remember that hunting is as old as the human kind. In todays world the hunting community has begun to decrease substantially, due to regulations and animal rights groups advocating for a change against hunters. However these groups often do not look at the consequences if there were no hunters. One of the greatest positives hunters can provide is this idea of Wildlife Management. This is simply keeping the numbers of animals down. Wildlife management would be severely weakened, in terms of economic and social support, with- out hunting (Peterson, 2004). Another important area of Wildlife Management is the safety of humans. A specific animal that is hunted here in the U.S. is the Whitetail deer. Whitetails are one of the most overpopulated animals in America. It is also important to know that this is among one of the most common animals hunted in the United States. Deer can cause a lot of harm to humans. Overpopulation of deer affects their food intake, and when it is low they venture out into areas they should not, one of these being roads and in turn come into contact with cars. Another negative aspect of numerous Whitetail Deer is that they tend to carry Lyme disease. The blacklegged tick has 3 active life stages (larva, nymph and adult)à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ most adults feed on white-tailed deer (USDA). If there are too many deer, then there is a greater chance for more widespread amounts of Lyme disease. Hunting is more than just Wildlife Management. For many it is a way of life. People that hunt; feel a certain connectedness to the Wildlife that people who have never hunted could never understand. These are mainly Utilitarianism points of view. They focus on the outcomes, and look at the consequences of the actions. When considering the debate about hunting it is important to understand the ethical dilemmas surrounding the situation. For this specific topic, hunting, there are three concrete ethical categories that can be associated with hunting. These categories that will be examined are; Anthropocentrism, Animal Rights, and Utilitarianism. All three of these ethical categories can be directly related to the hunting issue. All three have their strengths and weaknesses for the argument either against or for hunting. It is important when considering the ethical dilemmas, stemmed by hunting, to look at different ethical categories, because it can provide insight into why people either oppose or support different ethical problems. The first category that will be examined is Anthropocentrism. Anthropocentrism is the view that the only things valuable in themselves are: human beings; their desires, needs, and purposes; and the satisfaction of those (Donahue, 2010). An Anthropocentric perspective would believe that the only thing in this world that really matters, are humans. In this case, by hunting, we would keep the deer population down and prevent any risks that the deer pose to humans. This principle would suggest that hunting would benefit humans instead of benefiting the natural flow of an ecosystem. In contrast to Animal Rights activists views, an Anthropocentric would say that people hunting animals matters more than the wellbeing of the animals. They would say that if there are an abundance of animals, then they could intrude into the wellbeing of humans. They could harm us with disease, and injury. State Farm Auto Insurance does an annual report on how much damage is done between cars and deer collisio ns. The report says that there is an estimated 2.3 million collisions between deer and vehicles that occurred in the U.S. between July 2008 and June 2010, according to State Farm this was 21 percent more than the five years before. (State Farm) The report states that there is an average property damage amount of about $3 thousand per incident. (State Farm) If you do the math it is roughly $7 billion in property damage over the past two year, which is roughly $3.5 billion a year. The point is, if you did not control deer populations through hunting, deer-auto collisions would skyrocket even more, causing more property damage and more injuries and deaths. Anthropocentrism views would see this report and the statistics of it, as extremely harmful to humans. On the other end of the spectrum there are the people that disagree with hunting. In 1991 an animal rights activist, Wayne Pacelle, said Our goal is to get sport hunting in the same category as cock fighting and dog fighting. This is the category of Animal Rights. In the past few years, there has been an increasing amount of pressure from animal rights activists to stop hunting. Many feel that it is a form of animal cruelty. Hunting is increasingly viewed as an antisocial act in contemporary society (Eliason, 2008). Many animal activists work to reduce the amounts of hunting in the country; they also strive to explain to the people whose main concern is not hunting why they should oppose it as well. Animal movement activists seek to stigmatize and mark as deviant what many people perceive as normal, legitimate, mainstream activities such asà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦hunting wild animals for pleasure or profit.(Munro, 1999) Some major animal rights groups include: People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA), ASPCA, People for Animal Liberation, and many others. Animal Rights activists feel that killing any animal for food or recreation is wrong. It shouldnt matter if the animal is a deer, cow, or chicken. Animal Rights activists considered hunting to be unethical because the human and deer conflict is not the fault of the deer. However it is the fault of humans for taking the habitat away from deer. Animal Rights activists have also advocated for non-lethal methods in animal control. Most notable is Birth Control for deer. Animal Rights advocates believe that it is possible to somehow inject deer with birth control, and in turn they are not as easily able to reproduce. The last ethical category to observe is Utilitarianism. A Utilitarian would believe that hunting offers three benefits. One benefit would be that killing deer for their meat would benefit those who eat venison. Venison is also thought, by many, to be leaner and better for you than beef. It is also important to note that many living in rural areas of the United States need hunting in order to survive. In this tough economy many have expressed that they have lost their jobs, and they have to hunt deer and other wildlife in order to provide for their families. Throughout history hunting deer and other animals is what humans have had to do in order to survive. Another benefit would be that by limiting the population of deer the environment benefits. Overpopulation of deer can create overgrazing, crop reduction, and generally barren land. Utilitarianism would support hunting if it was used for, preserving stability and integrity of biotic communities (Peterson, 2004). Overpopulation of an imals, especially deer, can be very damaging to the ecosystem. With large numbers of deer and other animals, the environment could possibly be damaged by overgrazing. Lastly, a Utilitarian would see a benefit in the fact that deer harbor many diseases. By limiting the amounts of deer, would decrease the amounts of diseases that could possibly be spread to humans. Examining the background of hunting, the pros and cons of it, and the ethical dilemmas surrounding the topic; I believe that hunting should not only be allowed but be encouraged. Hunting does not only benefit the environment, but it also benefits humans. Not all hunting is just for bagging a big buck it is also about the relationship a hunter can acquire with nature. In the hunting world there is also a lot of camaraderie that comes with hunting in the outdoors. It can change the lives of people through spiritual, physiological, and physical means. My father is considered a pro-hunter, so I have some bias for the sport. I have seen how the sport has not only benefited him, but it has grown to be a part of our family. One of the most important things to note about hunting is the fact that these animals were put on Earth for a reason. It is even possible to look at this ethical dilemma in terms of Religious Ethics. As the Bible says in Genesis 9: 2, The fear and dread of you will fall on all the beasts of the earth, and on all the birds in the sky, on every creature that moves along the ground, and on all the fish in the sea; they are given into your hands. (Genesis 9:2). Being a Christian, this is a pretty hard statement to ignore when looking at the hunting dilemma. We have to realize that these animals were put here for a reason, and if we continue to advocate against hunting then we are not using the resources that God has provided us with. Even if you agree with hunting and participate in the hunting of animals, you are still able to understand why some disagree with hunting and what it entails. However many of these disagreements come from people being uneducated with the forms of responsible hunting. Somebody who goes out and hunts for deer and participates in other legal forms of hunting would agree with animal rights views that are against poaching and illegal forms of killing animals. But the fact remains that responsible hunting has more pros than cons. Nobody can deny that the deer population in America is able to grow at an unbelievable rate. The main reason for this is because Deer can adapt to any environment, this is why we see them in our neighborhoods, and in towns. It is also undeniable that overpopulation such as this can be a problem for the environment, and be a potential danger to humans. Responsible hunters can help solve many of these issues. Another thing to note is that in most cases hunting does not inflict any sort of torture on the animal. Animal rights activists have every right to try and defend animals; however they need to make the clear distinction between responsible and irresponsible forms of hunting. Many people are under the impression that hunting is only for red necks out to hurt animals. This could not be further from the truth. Hunting creates a form of camaraderie that some will never be able to understand. When looking at the ethical dilemmas, regarding hunting, it is easy to see why this has turned into such a controversial issue. With the heightened amount of Animal Rights groups, and hunters or supporters of hunters feeling the pressure from these groups there is an inevitable debate. Looking at Anthropocentrism, Animal Rights and Utilitarianism, each category brings something different to the debate. The idea of hunting will never go away. As long as there are people who disagree and agree with this issue, debates will continue to happen regarding hunting. It will also be hard for this debate to go away, because both sides of the spectrum feel very strongly about this particular issue. I will be a firm supporter of hunting until I die, because I have a firsthand take on how positively it can affect the people that participate in hunting. The debate on hunting has many sub sections such as, poaching and gun control. However if you just merely look at hunting and what it can offer hu mans and the environment, it is easy to see how useful hunting can be. As my dad says, I will do all I can to  sustain and grow our  blood sport  until I walk  the  deer woods no longer. (

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Personal development of employees within marks and spencer

Personal development of employees within marks and spencer Personal improvement or development involves the actions that enhance personal knowledge and individuals entity, improve the hidden talent potential, and develop talents. It improves the individuals life standards and makes him professional person that can easily convert his dreams into the reality. The word personal development is not only related to the individuals skills and attitude it also improves the behaviors, attitude and ethics of others. At the end we can say that personal development is also plays a vital role in the improvement of the organizations structure that can be a organizational strategies, evaluation methods, and provide help to improve the strategies of the organization. Personal development is vast topic and it provides a good help in the dynamic business environment because of personal development the individual can improve his skills and knowledge that helps to develop the strategical ambitions of the organization. And these improved skills like knowledge, attitude, and behavior are vary important and necessary to achieve the long term goals and ambitions of the organization in a real sense. The organization that I have chosen for this assignment is Marks Spencer that is doing business of retail out let in the United Kingdom (UK). Since the 1880s, it is doing business on the strict customs that is spread in all over the United Kingdom (UK). Now the Marks Spencer is considered as the one of the very famous in the retail outlets. Even in the services of food the Marks Spencer has created it good name in the eyes of the customer in the whole United Kingdom (U K). Particularly in 1990s there was bid decline in the sales of the Marks Spencer and as well as overall performance of the organization. But with a lot of changes now the Marks Spencer is offering the high quality products at very reasonable prices to attract and win the confidence of its customers. First of all in this assignment I tried to identify and evaluate the individuals skills and behaviour that is necessary to fulfil the aims and objectives of the Marks Spencer. And after that I am going to discuss the leadership development and personal development tools and techniques. Strategy is direction to achieve the goals and objectives of the organization. OR Strategy is track through the organization can achieve its long term plans. Strategy provides a way to organization through which organization can fulfill its objectives by using its resources in a dynamic environment to congregate the requirements of the market. The mission statement of the Marks Spencer is Making inspirational quality accessible to all And the vision statement of the Marks Spencer is The standard against which all others are measured The values of the Marks Spencer are Quality, value, service, innovation and trust Marks Spencer wishes to expend its business all over the world and it can be achieved by the companys strategies of to understand the global culture, to select the proper target market and by niche market and in a real sense this is the main objective and aims of the Marks Spencers to be achieved. Evaluate the strategic skills required of the leader to achieve the strategic ambitions The strategic goals of the Marks Spencer is to be the number one in United Kingdom (UK) market and as well as to expand it business activities. Leader plays a vital role in the progress of the organization because the leaders have the future vision and direction for the employees and for the whole organization to achieve its objectives and goals efficiently effectively. The headship has the ability to bring the change in the organization without the disturbance of the strategies and working of the organization. So the headship improvement/development is a necessary thing for Marks Spencer to achieve its objective and goals. This organization must have to render the opportunities for the leaders to enhance their skills by giving the headship training and this training can change the style of doing business of the organization. It is not necessary that every leader requires a same level of training. The training can be different for different leaders. So the headship development is a necessary tool for the Marks Spencer to achieve its strategic goal and objectives. Leadership skills and knowledge is necessary to achieve the ambitions of the organization without the competencies of the leaders it is very difficult for the organization to achieve the organizational objectives. Different skills are required for the leadership to achieve the goals are Communication skill is very important and plays a vital role fro the improvement of the itself leaders and for the organization as well because if the leaders have not the communication skill they can not make progress and even they are not able to communicate with the other peoples and colleagues as well. Hence the communication skill is necessary. Problem solving and decision making skills are also necessary for the headship. The leaders must have the problem solving skill and he is able to solve the issues of the currently facing by the organization and the leader must be able to take a good and favorable decision for the betterment of the Marks Spencer. The leaders must have the skill to adopt the changes and he will be able to bring a favorable change in the environment of the organization so that the organization can run its business activities efficiently and can make progress. The leaders must have the honesty and flexibility skill so that they can make the honest and fair decision for the improvement of the organization and to achieve the organizational goals. And the leaders must have the skill of providing direction to its staff and the skill to cover and solve the issues of the employees and organization. The current skills of the leaders of Marks Spencer leaders are: Communication skill, work value skill, skill of honesty truthfulness, the skill of self-assurance, headship ability and skill of listening The leaders must have the skill to critically scan the environment by using the PESTL factors. Interpersonal skill so that the leaders can exchange the information with one an other without any hesitation, the time management skill so that the leaders can manage the time between their personal and professional life and the leaders must have the ability to take initiative with out any fear and for the betterment of the organization. As well as the existing skill concern the leaders of the Marks Spencer have the communication skill, honesty skill, headship ability and listening skill but they dont have the skill to take initiative, skill to scan the environment, Time management skill, the skill of adoptive and flexibility skill. Proper evaluation process and proper training of the leadership will be required in near future to achieve the organizational aims and goals. 2.1 The opportunities those are necessary to support the leadership development. 360 degree response analysis 360 degree feedback is a tool to measure and analyze the leadership improvement. So because of this I choose 360 degree feedback to support the leadership development. This tool is used to exploit the skills and competencies of headship. 360 degree feedback includes the feedback or response from reports, managers, primary and secondary stakeholders and as well as self-response. This tool will provide the improved skills and enhance the attitude of the headship so in this regard it will be very helpful for the headship. This 360 degree provide response/feedback to the leaders on variety of skills like Decision-making teamwork setting up goals communiquà © and many other categories of headship The 360 degree feedback analysis wills also help the headship to recognize the strength and the places/areas of loop fall and ultimately provide help to the headship to make and improve the strategic plans of the organization. A strong 360 degree response/feedback identifies the internal behavior and skills of the leaders that how to communicate with others in the critical situation and how to face the challenges. Another excellent personal assessment tool for employees, managers, and executives is the Myers Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI), a popular and fascinating assessment tool that helps people self-identify: How they prefer to direct or conserve their energy How they process and organize information How they tend to make decisions How they prefer to interact with people What blind spots they have as a result of these preferences Another assessment tool is Myers Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) This is one of the best tool to analyze/assess the performance of the leaders/headship, workers etc. This tool helps the leadership to identify their skills like. How can leaders favor to save their vigor How can they flow information frequently How can they make influential decisions for the organization How can they communicate with others in a good way Some important opportunities that are helpful to promote the leadership development are as under Educational opportunities: Education is very important for the headship development of any organization. Education plays a vital role for development of leadership. So the educational opportunities are the key factor for headship improvement because without getting proper education no body can do any thing properly hence the leadership must have to identify the opportunities that are related to education and that can improve the performance of the organizations leaders. Training opportunities: Another opportunities that is very important for the organizations leaders that is to explore the training opportunities for the employees. Because of the training the leaders can improve the performance of the staff members and other low level employees. Development opportunities: To develop the staff and employees and as well as the leaders is very necessary for the organization and plays a vital role in the betterment and the success of the organization. Career planning opportunities: To explore opportunities that are in favor of the headship and as well as for the organization but with the opportunities of career planning this thing is no be neglected that the career of employees is very important so to identify opportunities that will not affect the career of the employees. 2.2 The example of one year personal development plan Skills are very important for the organization while conducting a kill audit of the Marks Spencer I as a manager identify the skills that are necessary for the headship development are as under Skill of communicate, flexibility skill, adoptive skill, work value skill, skill of honesty truthfulness, the skill of self-assurance, headship ability, skill of listening, the skill to cover the issues, the skill of good writing. These are very important skills for the improvement of headship of the organization The skills that need to be improved are: The skill of flexibility, adoptive skill, how to cover the management issues, headship issues, the skill of truthfulness and integrity, ability to watch the forecasted picture, multitask. These are the main parts of the organization where the loop falls are identified. How to improve the above skills: The above deficiencies of the skills can be improved by many ways. These skills can be improved through proper channel and by giving the proper training to the staff and the headship as well. By giving the some improvement and enhancement programs through the proper institute these loop falls can be improved and removed. But to remove these loop falls the headship requires the full attention and proper evaluation of the employees. To permanently remove these loop falls the organization needs the proper financial resources and to manage and allocate these resources is not an easy task. So the leaders needs to proper emphases on the management performance. Hence the leaders identified the financial resources and proper institutes where the employees can take training on the loop falls and can remove that loop falls. So the leaders can allocate the sufficient fund to perform this task efficiently and effectively. To record the progress I as a manager evaluate the organization by monthly or twice in a month in the initial stages either the employees are working better after getting the training or not. And with the passage of time I as a manager evaluate the performance of the employees and the result are very different from the previous performance. Hence the performance and working of the employees and management of the organization is improved very well. 2.3 Implementation process for the development plan Goals are very important for the success of the organization because without identifying the goals of the no any organization can make success. Total focus of the Marks Spencer of the retail outlet of United Kingdom (UK) is on some of the main important and key development goals are as following 100% have possession of Brand: The organizations (Marks Spencer) aim is to sell only own products and items so that the organization can give the guarantee to its consumers to provide the quality, value and after sale services that the organization promise to deliver. Expand High-Growth Areas of house magnificence: House basis business is growing rapidly with house fixtures and gifts are the faster improving sectors. Magnificence, although comparatively small, but it is also increasing day by day. Improve the Supply Chain: Marks Spencer whishes to watch the considerable benefits from the repute of the supply chain management. Marks Spencer also wishes to achieve the greater improvements in the quality, after sale services and easy accessibility. Marks Spencer also want to be the number one in the United Kingdom (UK) and as well as all over the world. By capturing response and feed back of the headship the Marks Spencer wants to improve the strategic goals and strategies. Because feedback is very important for the success of the organization and for the management as well so the Marks Spencer wishes to improve the feedback program of the leadership. And by taking response from the management. To achieve the organizational goal is the key task for the organization. So to achieve the strategic goals of the organization planning is very important. Marks Spencer is achieving his organizational goals by evaluating the performance of the employs and by making future strategies and to cut the long term strategic goals of the organization into the short term goals so that the goals can be achieved easily. Marks Spencer proper monitor the performance of the employees and staff against the task given to them and take decisions to make this thing possible and effective. The performance monitoring program is very good in Marks Spencer and this organization takes the possible measurements to achieve the strategic goals and break the long term goals into short term goals hence when the short term goals are achieved it means the long term goals are automatically achieved. The leadership of this organization is always busy in providing the superior tasks and good training but after that the leader wants the superior result in response. Assessment of the achievement of outcomes of the plan against original objectives: Yes all the things have achieved like development need, objectives and outcomes. Development needs of this organization are Decision-making, teamwork, setting up goals and how to communicate with other employees. And all the outcomes of the organization are achieved because the organization increases its profit by the end of this financial year. All the strategic aims and plans of the organization were well defined and organized properly. All these activities were monitored properly by the management so because of this all the goals of this organization achieved very well and according to plan. In next time I as a manger dont think about the changing of the strategies of the organization because organization is working properly and increases productivity day by day and the performance of the employees is also going good. The impact of the achievement of objectives on strategic ambitions: Objectives play a vital role in the success of the organizations success. The impact of the achievement is positive on the strategic goals o f the organization because if the organization achieves his goals step by step and go forward step by step then obviously it will put the best and positive effect on the aim of organization. The trust of the customers will increased by this thing and the brand equity will also be increased. Definitely when the performance and turn over ration of the organization will increase and the organization will achieved its defined strategic objectives than i will make a new mission statement of my organization. Now this organization is need to going globally and has to expend its business activities in all over the world. And after that obviously the Marks Spencer will make new strategic marketing plans to promote its business activities all over the world. While going globally the organization needs to improve its marketing plans and needs to diversify its recruitment process because work force diversity is very important for any organization to be successful in the global market. And the organization needs to know the culture of the other countries before going globally. After doing all these things effectively and efficiently the organization achieved its impact that was the organization looking for. The positioning and targeting of the organization was very effective and good and the strategies for going global were also proved that it was in favour of the organization. The vision statement of the organization was very nice and the customers were attracted by this new statement. Because of the new marketing strategies and target marketing the organization achieved the  £20K profit in the recent financial year. 3.3 Yes almost all the development needs achieved but this is not enough because the organization wants to be the number one in all over the world. And yes all the development objectives achieved by the organization and all the outcomes that were needed to the organization were achieved by the organization. Yes the achievement impact on strategic ambitions has been evaluated and analysed. Successful strategies and by the proper targeting marketing the strategic ambitions of the organization achieved and evaluated. No there is no need to auction the existing development of the organization. And yes of course the development needs that are required to the organization in future are identified properly that is organization needs to go global and for this it needs more finances are competent skills are required. As well as the concern about the new development objectives that are also be identified that the organization wants to be the number one in all over the world and wishes to expand it s business activities globally. 4.1 Employers have a lawful duty to make sure that the work surroundings and work practices are secure and that the fitness of their employees is not damage by the job that they perform. The managers persistent to contribute in Work Well a targeted anxiety management programme. The Marks Spencer also contributed in the business Health and recital business study Marks and Spencer introduced precautions for Fire, Health and Safety performance, based on a Combination of self-assessment and expert inspections every three months. An improved Asbestos management plan has also been introduced. So because of health and safety program the marks and Spencer decreases its cost of production in a long run and also minimize the uncertainty of the organization. It reduces the average rate of accidents due to negligence and due to safe environment the attendance of employees is improved. The marks Spencer is promoting its health Safety program by introduces a community investment program that emphasis on four areas employability, education, health and community safety. Hence because of the efficient health Safety program the Marks Spencer is successful in reducing the rate of accidents by 25 percent and adds the 8 percent increase in the profit. All these activities definitely helped the Marks Spencer to achieve the strategic goals and to expand its business activities into the new markets of the world. In this assignment I identified the different individual/personal skills of the leaders of the Marks Spencer to fulfill the objective and aims of the organization. And I also had made effort to explore and evaluate the current and future skills of the leaders to enhance the performance of the management and that can improve the productivity of the organization. And at the end I tried to make the personal development plan for the Marks Spencer for one financial year in which I audit the skills of the leaders and identified different skills that need to be improved and that helps the deliberate goals of the organization in the current dynamic business environment. Hence the marks Spencer is really needed to change in its strategies while going global up to some extant so that it can achieve its global objectives.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

moving away Essay -- essays research papers

Moving Away   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Moving away from all of your best friends can be a real tragedy in a sixteen-year-old teenagers life. It’s hard to get up and go eight hundred miles away from everyone you know and everything you grew up around. I had this happen to me about three years ago and it is the largest change I have ever had to adjust to in my life. It wasn’t the changes around me that I was bothered by; it was that I did not know one living soul for hundreds of miles and all I wanted was a friend.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Two days into the summer after sophomore year at Governor Mifflin High School in the little town of Shillington Pennsylvania I would find out the worse news that a sixteen year old could hear. I found out that in four days my family and I would be moving to a suburb outside of Chicago because of my dads recent job change. I was devastated, I ran to my room and cried for about an hour with thoughts of all my friends running through my head. It was like all the memories I had with all my friends were going through my head at the same time. It was beyond doubt one of the biggest challenges of my life. During the last few days I was there I went out with my friends every night having as much fun as I could have, but moving day spoiled all the fun I had. Moving day had come, but I wasn’t ready to go anywhere. I just couldn’t accept leaving all I know behind and moving to   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  &nbs...

Friday, July 19, 2019

Branzburg vs. Hayes Essay -- essays research papers fc

The case of Branzburg vs. Hayes all began in 1969, when a Louisville Kentucky reporter by the name of Branzburg wrote a story, in the Courier-Journal, which described how two local residences made hashish marijuana. The article went into great detail and revealed many facts, including the amount of money the two made on selling the hashish to the public. The article also featured pictures of the two individual’s hands working with a plant like substance and was identified for readers as hashish in the caption under the picture. Branzburg was in agreement with the drug dealers and promised them he would not reveal their real names or identities in the article.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   After the article was published, Branzburg was immediately subpoenaed by the Jefferson County Court system. The court demeaned that he name the two individuals featured in the article, but he stood strong and refused to give up their names like he had promised them. Branzburg argued that the Kentucky Privilege Statute passed in 1962 protected him from having to give up the names.(1) He also argued that the First Amendment and Kentucky constitution, (Sections 1,2, and 8) protected his right not to disclose the information of the two individual’s identities.(2) However, the Kentucky courts fought back arguing that the Kentucky Privilege Statute didn’t allow a reporter to refuse to testify about things they saw, or not disclose the names of people they were in contact with. Branzburg then took his case to the Kentucky appeals court, which ruled against him once again. He continued to fight the good fight for what he thought was true and right; the case finally ended up at the Supreme Court.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Branzburg’s decision not to disclose the information the court sought was due to the belief that his integrity and effectiveness as a reporter would be tarnished if he named names. Branzburg placed a high value on the confidentiality between him and the subjects he was investigating and reporting on. He felt that if he had released the two names in the article he published that subjects in the future would be unwilling to disclose information that was vital in writing the kind of stories he so desired. If people from the local area saw that Branzburg couldn’t keep his subjects identities anonymous as they had requested, than others in the future would be ve... ...t the law would eventually find him and force him to disclose the individual’s identities. I think his motives behind writing the story were to produce a thought provoking article that revealed the under ground operation of the drug manufacturing community. He wanted to shakes things up and report on something that was controversial and intriguing, however in the end he became a rat. Works Cited 1.) Kentucky Reporters’ Privilege Statute, KY. REV. STAT. SEC. 421.100 (1962), Section I, paragraph 2. 2.) Section I, paragraph 2. 3.) Section 2 Paragraph 1 4.) Section 2, paragraph 2 5.) In re Pappas - 408 U.S. 665 (1972) - Docket Number: 70-94 6.) U.S. Constitution: Fifth Amendment Fifth Amendment - Rights of Person

Essay --

I am mad. Wait, mad might not be the correct word. Perhaps I should have said angry, but does that truly evoke the complete image of my present emotional state? I think not. Exasperated, agitated, and resentful come to mind, but again, individually, they all fall short of expressing the complex set of emotions experienced when I feel I have been cheated or stolen from. What makes this even more emotionally demoralizing is the fact that those responsible for doing the cheating and stealing do not even recognize that is what they are doing. So who am I referring to, how are they cheating, and what have they stolen? They are the uninformed voters and they are cheating the system by having the same amount of control in election outcome as those who have taken the time to become involved and knowledgeable about the issues. But what are they stealing? In short my vote. Simply put, due to lack of interest, understanding, and participation in the electoral process, uninformed voters wh o should be awarding their support from a foundation of insight, preparation and knowledge are instead casting votes even they do not agree with. Ok, so what if a few people get confused and make a wrong vote, just how bad can it be? ‟According to political scientists Richard Lau and David Redlawsk in their book How Voters Decide, the authors find that, in the best case scenario of a choice of two candidates, approximately 70 percent of voters choose correctly†(Belt 643). Now take a minute to really think about the implications of that statement. In a best case scenario, 30 percent of the voter’s choice was for someone or something he or she did not even agree with but was too uninformed to know it. One might ask how could there possibly be this d... ...that regardless of which side of an issue one may support, award that support from a foundation of insight, preparation and knowledge. Somin in his book Democracy and Political Ignorance, and Their Ignorance is willful! states, ‟few will take the time and effort to assimilate more than a small amount of political information.† For this reason he states elsewhere in his book, we should be grateful that voter turnout is as low as it is, because increased turnout is often likely to increase the electoral effects of political ignorance by encouraging the unmotivated to vote (More Media 1). Realizing that all the time and effort I spend to discern the issues and candidates’ positions can be made futile by one uninformed voter, maybe our best hope is, come Election Day, the uniformed voter is so uninformed they will not be able to find the polling location.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Scm Micromaxx and Rim

SCM of Research In Motion & Micromaxx India An assignmemt of Supply Chain Management Submitted to Ms. Hemlata Madam Faculty (S. R. Luthra Institute Of Management) BY Farhan 118050592017 Asmita 118050592050 March 20, 2013 BlackBerry BlackBerry is committed to ensuring that the management of supply chain activities is socially and environmentally responsible. As a multinational company it recognizes that supply chain operations reach many parts of the globe and a diverse range of communities, each with their own culture and business normsThere are certain standards of employment and environmental performance that must be respected wherever they operate or have business relationships. These standards are encapsulated in our Supplier Code of Conduct Supplier compliance with the BlackBerry Supplier Code of Conduct and Responsible Minerals Policy is an expectation for doing business and is fundamental to supplier engagement activities. This Code is made up of five sections. Sections A, B, and C outline standards for Labor, Health and Safety, and the Environment, respectively.Section D outlines the elements of an acceptable system to manage conformity to this Code. Section E adds standards relating to business ethics. BlackBerry  continues to be an active participant in the Electronic Industry Citizenship Coalition (EICC) and the Global e-Sustainability Initiative (GeSI). Supply chain social responsibility Implementation BlackBerry  uses a risk-based approach for monitoring supplier conformance to Supplier Code of Conduct. In fiscal 2012, BlackBerry established an enhanced process for evaluating supplier social and environmental responsibility (SER) risk and prioritizing suppliers for assessments.The first step is a high-level risk assessment based on such factors as supplier location, commodity, relationship and history. The high-level risk assessment intended to be conducted annually on identified supplier list. The output of this assessment is a prioritized lis t of suppliers, who will be required to complete detailed self-assessments. BlackBerry  intends to use the EICC-ON system to gather this information. BlackBerry  supports a common industry solution to supplier SER management and is actively engaged in the continued development of the system through work with EICC.Freely chosen employment in our supply chains BlackBerry  supports the principle of freely chosen employment and does not support the use of slave labor in any of its forms, including forced labor and child labor. Supply chain carbon reporting BlackBerry  is participating in the EICC’s carbon reporting system. Through this system it will survey many of direct suppliers of materials, which will give insight into the carbon emissions associated with BlackBerry’s supply chain.It will help us to identify areas for improvement and opportunities to work with suppliers on projects to reduce carbon emissions. It will also help to raise awareness within supply chain of the impact of carbon emissions on the environment and the benefits that can be gained through reduction programs. Conflict minerals BlackBerry  does not support the use of minerals that are illegally mined, transported or traded, nor metals derived from such minerals, including gold, tantalum (columbite-tantalite), tin (cassiterite) and tungsten (wolframite).Learn more about BlackBerry work to address conflict minerals Supply chain conflict minerals due diligence BlackBerry  is an active participant in the piloting of the OECD Due Diligence Guidance for Responsible Supply Chains of Minerals from Conflict-Affected and High-Risk Areas. They launched program in early 2012 with a request sent to more than 170 direct suppliers of materials to provide information regarding their minerals sourcing practices. The results will enable to have a greater understanding about the sourcing practices of our suppliers.Public-Private Alliance for Responsible Minerals Trade In 2011 the US State Department launched the Public-Private Alliance for Responsible Minerals Trade. This is a joint initiative between governments, companies and civil society to support supply chain solutions to conflict minerals challenges in the DRC and the Great Lakes region of Africa. BlackBerry  has joined this initiative, which aims to help the governments of the DRC and other countries in the region break the link between the illicit minerals trade and ongoing violence and human rights abuses. Supplier diversityThe BlackBerry  Supplier Diversity Program works to create mutually beneficial business relationships with diverse suppliers that strengthen communities. The goal is to provide opportunities to diverse suppliers who satisfy purchasing and contractual standards. Diverse businesses include small businesses, businesses owned by veterans, minorities or women, and those in historically underutilized business zones. Sourcing areas of the corporation are encouraged to identify and in clude diverse suppliers and consultants in the procurement process. BlackBerry  Supplier Diversity ProgramBlackBerry's Supplier Diversity Program aims to achieve corporate diversity goals while enabling growth in the communities in which they operate by providing opportunities for qualified small, diverse and women-owned businesses. They strive to create vendor–buyer relationships that allow diverse organizations to continue to develop, while offering quality products at competitive prices. Included in program are: 1. Minority-owned businesses certified by the  National Minority Supplier Development Council  in the U. S. and by the  Canadian Aboriginal and Minority Supplier Council  in Canada 2.Women Business Enterprises certified by the  Women's Business Enterprise National Council  in the U. S. and by  WeConnect  in Canada 3. Small Businesses  certified by the U. S. Small Business Administration 4. Veteran-Owned and Service Disabled Veteran-Owned busines ses  certified by the U. S. Small Business Administration 5. Historically Underutilized Business (HUB) Zone businesses  certified by the U. S. Small Business Administration Objectives include: 1. Actively seeking out certified diverse suppliers that can provide competitive, high-quality goods and services with business models that align with our business strategy. . Seeking the inclusion of diverse suppliers as a part of our strategic sourcing and procurement process. 3. Communicating the value of supplier diversity both internally and externally to stakeholders. 4. Leveraging our supplier diversity results to help meet the supplier diversity expectations of our customers. Networking Project managers, commodity managers, buyers and contractors are encouraged to attend diverse supplier trade fairs and expositions to identify and establish business relationships.BlackBerry  endeavours to meet with diverse businesses at procurement conferences in order to explain purchasing proce sses and expectations and to communicate our needs for products and services. Mentoring BlackBerry  offers a mentoring program where employees have the opportunity to provide assistance to diverse suppliers in the areas of business planning, product/service pricing, financial planning, marketing, technical knowledge, brochures, the bidding process, paperwork simplification and workflow. We also encourage some of our largest suppliers to mentor diverse suppliers.Supplier diversity affiliations BlackBerry  is committed to growing our diverse supplier network through partnerships with the following organizations and other local diversity councils: 1. U. S. Small Business Adminstration (SBA) 2. National Minority Supplier Development Council (NMSDC) 3. Women Business Enterprise National Council (WBENC) 4. Canadian Aboriginal and Minority Supplier Council (CAMSC) 5. Women-Owned Enterprise Connect, CA (WeConnect – Canada) Value Chain Analysis (VCA) [pic] Primary Activities Inbou nd Logistic Automated Receiving SystemsRIM has implemented sophisticated automated receiving systems to speed up the receiving process and reduce facility footprint and storage space requirements. Delegate Raw Materials Acquisitions RIM works its OEM (Original Equipment Manufacturer) partners to delegate the raw materials acquisition process but provides some supervision for quality control purposes. Operations Utilize OEM’s Economic of Scale RIM outsources production to third-party OEM partners to utilize their economies of scale while removing the burden of production management from the firm. Internal DesignThe design and conceptualization of current and future product is done internally at RIM, utilizing industry-leading industrial design teams and engineering. Outbound Logistic Economical/Stylish Packaging In order to save money on shipment an entice customers Blackberry use eye-catching packaging that takes up less physical space and weight less. This reduces shipping c osts and environmental effect while attracting customers to the firm’s products, Worldwide Blackberry Store To control the firm’s brand image RIM sells Blackberry products through first-party retail establishments and through authorized retailers.Direct shipment Blackberry. com online orders are shipped directly to consumers form storage facilities in China. This minimizes inventory buildup in more costly warehouse locations in the Canada. Marketing and Sales RIM is marketing the company’s products and solutions in order to generate revenue, and increase the market and mind share for the organization. Planning, developing, implementing and executing the company’s go-to-market and sales strategies and programs, including product advertising/promotion; telemarketing; e-commerce marketing; specific product/product line marketing; and multiple channel  programs.Planning, developing and coordinating all internal and external communications programs. Building awareness of RIM services and  products in all key segments. Creating content, setting style and supporting all company websites. Assessing, analyzing and maintaining the supply to demand ratio. Services Creates the first and last impressions our customers have of our business. Deliver a consistently superior experience across all areas where the customer is engaged. Provide BlackBerry device, software, account, andtechnical support to millions of end-users. Support ActivitiesGeneral Administration RIM general administrator tracks and reconciles global benefits invoices, ensures financial guideline compliance, prepares monthly reports and participates in continuous improvements projects. Human Resource Management RIM Human Resources team consists of  dynamic, forward thinking professionals who are located in each region. Being passionate about RIM allows the team to be creative and resourceful when finding the right people to join our team. This passion also drives us to enhanc e our skills of driving employee engagement on a global scale.The Recruitment Specialist establishes and fosters a consultative relationship with RIM hiring managers through close working relationships with various business units. Research, Technology and System Development Research and Development BlackBerry smart phone plans to open a research and development operation. RIM has more than 30 million subscribers. In the third quarter of 2012, it shipped more than 10million devices. Patent Filling Blackberry believes in the importance of protecting its intellectual capital by filling patents in U. S and worldwide for its inventions and innovations. MICROMAXMicromax is one of the leading Indian Telecom Companies with 23domestic offices across the country and international offices in HongKong, USA, Dubai and now in Nepal. With a futuristic vision and an exhaustive R&D at its helm, Micromax has successfully generated innovative technologies that have revolutionized the telecom consumer space. Micromax is on a mission to successfully overcome the technological barriers and constantly engender life enhancing solutions The company’s vision is to develop path-breaking technologies and efficient processes that incubate newer markets, enliven customer aspirations.DISTRIBUTION STRATEGY Micromax managed to  make  dealers pay in  advance by offering them more margins. It offered higher margins of 15 %margin, which is higher than the industry average of 6-10%. Micromax managed this hurdle through strategy of more margins for advance payment. It is not a new strategy to offer such kind of discounts for advance payments (cash discounts), but to make a retailer accept such an offer is indeed a remarkable feat . To increase penetration in the Indian telecom market, Micromax is bundling with telecom operators such as Aircel.For better accessibly and prominence in the market, Micromax is coming up with 150 experience zones (exclusive stores)across the nation, in addi tion to ensuring bigger presence at the multi branded stores. Corporate Level strategies 1. Expansion strategy 2. Resource allocation: heavy investment in R&D, lately heavy investment in brand building. 3. Wide portfolio catering to diverse segments. 4. Business Level strategies: 5. Unique Fusion of Cost Leadership and Product Differentiation. 6. Following a Frontal and Flanking attack strategy. 7.Products are mostly in the embryonic and growth stages. Functional Level  Strategies 1. Product Innovation 2. Rapid channel expansion 3. Targeting widest customer base ( Rural + Youth) 4. 360 Degree advertising 5. Innovative advertising 6. Effective and accurate segmentation 7. Excellent Supply Chain management (Delivering value to each channel member). KEY ELEMENTS OF SCM 1. Easy access to rural markets in India by product innovation in form of dual sim phones and 30 day battery life phones 2. Offering margins and commissions to distributors 3.Lean, cash-based supply chain means Microma x has to be much more accurate and faster in its forecasting compared to its bigger competitors. 4. Time-to-market from the design to production stage is around 3 months as compared to the 18 months taken by larger guys 5. It puts new designs on the shelves by leveraging with China. Primary Activities Inbound Logistic Commission and Margin Offerings Micromaxx has implemented simple discounts and margins to distributors to speed up the receiving process and reduce facility footprint and storage space requirements.Delegate Raw Materials Acquisitions Micromaxx partners to delegate the raw materials acquisition process from China but provides some supervision for quality control purposes. Operations Utilize OEM’s Economic of Scale Micromaxx outsources production to third-party OEM partners to utilize their economies of scale while removing the burden of production management from the firm. Internal Design The design and conceptualization of current and future product is done inte rnally as well as externally , utilizing industry-leading industrial design teams and engineering.Outbound Logistic Economical Packaging Micromax uses a push mail service called easy mail. Idea was to package the phone pack like a parcel Worldwide Stores To control the firm’s brand image Micromaxx products through first-party retail establishments and through authorized retailers in India, China, Srilanka and Nepal Direct shipment Micromaxx. com online orders are shipped directly to consumers form storage facilities in China,gurgaon. This minimizes inventory buildup in more costly warehouse locations . Marketing and SalesMicromaxx is marketing the company’s products and solutions in order to generate revenue, and increase the market and mind share for the organization. Planning, developing, implementing and executing the company’s go-to-market and sales strategies and programs, including product advertising/promotion; telemarketing; e-commerce marketing; specifi c product/product line marketing; and multiple channel  programs. Planning, developing and coordinating all internal and external communications programs. Building awareness of services and  products in all key segments.Creating content, setting style and supporting all company websites. Assessing, analyzing and maintaining the supply to demand ratio. Support Activities General Administration Micromaxx general administrator tracks and ensures financial guideline compliance, prepares monthly reports and participates in continuous improvements projects. Human Resource Management Human Resources team consists of  dynamic, forward thinking professionals who are located in each region. Being passionate allows the team to be creative and resourceful when finding the right people to join our team.This passion also drives us to enhance our skills of driving employee engagement on a global scale. The Recruitment Specialist establishes and fosters a consultative relationship with hiring managers through close working relationships with various business units. Research, Technology and System Development Research and Development Plans to set up a research and development centre in China by the year-end at an investment of Rs 50 crore. The centre will help customise phones at the manufacturing level company, since we import from China. The software development will continue in Gurgaon. Scm Micromaxx and Rim SCM of Research In Motion & Micromaxx India An assignmemt of Supply Chain Management Submitted to Ms. Hemlata Madam Faculty (S. R. Luthra Institute Of Management) BY Farhan 118050592017 Asmita 118050592050 March 20, 2013 BlackBerry BlackBerry is committed to ensuring that the management of supply chain activities is socially and environmentally responsible. As a multinational company it recognizes that supply chain operations reach many parts of the globe and a diverse range of communities, each with their own culture and business normsThere are certain standards of employment and environmental performance that must be respected wherever they operate or have business relationships. These standards are encapsulated in our Supplier Code of Conduct Supplier compliance with the BlackBerry Supplier Code of Conduct and Responsible Minerals Policy is an expectation for doing business and is fundamental to supplier engagement activities. This Code is made up of five sections. Sections A, B, and C outline standards for Labor, Health and Safety, and the Environment, respectively.Section D outlines the elements of an acceptable system to manage conformity to this Code. Section E adds standards relating to business ethics. BlackBerry  continues to be an active participant in the Electronic Industry Citizenship Coalition (EICC) and the Global e-Sustainability Initiative (GeSI). Supply chain social responsibility Implementation BlackBerry  uses a risk-based approach for monitoring supplier conformance to Supplier Code of Conduct. In fiscal 2012, BlackBerry established an enhanced process for evaluating supplier social and environmental responsibility (SER) risk and prioritizing suppliers for assessments.The first step is a high-level risk assessment based on such factors as supplier location, commodity, relationship and history. The high-level risk assessment intended to be conducted annually on identified supplier list. The output of this assessment is a prioritized lis t of suppliers, who will be required to complete detailed self-assessments. BlackBerry  intends to use the EICC-ON system to gather this information. BlackBerry  supports a common industry solution to supplier SER management and is actively engaged in the continued development of the system through work with EICC.Freely chosen employment in our supply chains BlackBerry  supports the principle of freely chosen employment and does not support the use of slave labor in any of its forms, including forced labor and child labor. Supply chain carbon reporting BlackBerry  is participating in the EICC’s carbon reporting system. Through this system it will survey many of direct suppliers of materials, which will give insight into the carbon emissions associated with BlackBerry’s supply chain.It will help us to identify areas for improvement and opportunities to work with suppliers on projects to reduce carbon emissions. It will also help to raise awareness within supply chain of the impact of carbon emissions on the environment and the benefits that can be gained through reduction programs. Conflict minerals BlackBerry  does not support the use of minerals that are illegally mined, transported or traded, nor metals derived from such minerals, including gold, tantalum (columbite-tantalite), tin (cassiterite) and tungsten (wolframite).Learn more about BlackBerry work to address conflict minerals Supply chain conflict minerals due diligence BlackBerry  is an active participant in the piloting of the OECD Due Diligence Guidance for Responsible Supply Chains of Minerals from Conflict-Affected and High-Risk Areas. They launched program in early 2012 with a request sent to more than 170 direct suppliers of materials to provide information regarding their minerals sourcing practices. The results will enable to have a greater understanding about the sourcing practices of our suppliers.Public-Private Alliance for Responsible Minerals Trade In 2011 the US State Department launched the Public-Private Alliance for Responsible Minerals Trade. This is a joint initiative between governments, companies and civil society to support supply chain solutions to conflict minerals challenges in the DRC and the Great Lakes region of Africa. BlackBerry  has joined this initiative, which aims to help the governments of the DRC and other countries in the region break the link between the illicit minerals trade and ongoing violence and human rights abuses. Supplier diversityThe BlackBerry  Supplier Diversity Program works to create mutually beneficial business relationships with diverse suppliers that strengthen communities. The goal is to provide opportunities to diverse suppliers who satisfy purchasing and contractual standards. Diverse businesses include small businesses, businesses owned by veterans, minorities or women, and those in historically underutilized business zones. Sourcing areas of the corporation are encouraged to identify and in clude diverse suppliers and consultants in the procurement process. BlackBerry  Supplier Diversity ProgramBlackBerry's Supplier Diversity Program aims to achieve corporate diversity goals while enabling growth in the communities in which they operate by providing opportunities for qualified small, diverse and women-owned businesses. They strive to create vendor–buyer relationships that allow diverse organizations to continue to develop, while offering quality products at competitive prices. Included in program are: 1. Minority-owned businesses certified by the  National Minority Supplier Development Council  in the U. S. and by the  Canadian Aboriginal and Minority Supplier Council  in Canada 2.Women Business Enterprises certified by the  Women's Business Enterprise National Council  in the U. S. and by  WeConnect  in Canada 3. Small Businesses  certified by the U. S. Small Business Administration 4. Veteran-Owned and Service Disabled Veteran-Owned busines ses  certified by the U. S. Small Business Administration 5. Historically Underutilized Business (HUB) Zone businesses  certified by the U. S. Small Business Administration Objectives include: 1. Actively seeking out certified diverse suppliers that can provide competitive, high-quality goods and services with business models that align with our business strategy. . Seeking the inclusion of diverse suppliers as a part of our strategic sourcing and procurement process. 3. Communicating the value of supplier diversity both internally and externally to stakeholders. 4. Leveraging our supplier diversity results to help meet the supplier diversity expectations of our customers. Networking Project managers, commodity managers, buyers and contractors are encouraged to attend diverse supplier trade fairs and expositions to identify and establish business relationships.BlackBerry  endeavours to meet with diverse businesses at procurement conferences in order to explain purchasing proce sses and expectations and to communicate our needs for products and services. Mentoring BlackBerry  offers a mentoring program where employees have the opportunity to provide assistance to diverse suppliers in the areas of business planning, product/service pricing, financial planning, marketing, technical knowledge, brochures, the bidding process, paperwork simplification and workflow. We also encourage some of our largest suppliers to mentor diverse suppliers.Supplier diversity affiliations BlackBerry  is committed to growing our diverse supplier network through partnerships with the following organizations and other local diversity councils: 1. U. S. Small Business Adminstration (SBA) 2. National Minority Supplier Development Council (NMSDC) 3. Women Business Enterprise National Council (WBENC) 4. Canadian Aboriginal and Minority Supplier Council (CAMSC) 5. Women-Owned Enterprise Connect, CA (WeConnect – Canada) Value Chain Analysis (VCA) [pic] Primary Activities Inbou nd Logistic Automated Receiving SystemsRIM has implemented sophisticated automated receiving systems to speed up the receiving process and reduce facility footprint and storage space requirements. Delegate Raw Materials Acquisitions RIM works its OEM (Original Equipment Manufacturer) partners to delegate the raw materials acquisition process but provides some supervision for quality control purposes. Operations Utilize OEM’s Economic of Scale RIM outsources production to third-party OEM partners to utilize their economies of scale while removing the burden of production management from the firm. Internal DesignThe design and conceptualization of current and future product is done internally at RIM, utilizing industry-leading industrial design teams and engineering. Outbound Logistic Economical/Stylish Packaging In order to save money on shipment an entice customers Blackberry use eye-catching packaging that takes up less physical space and weight less. This reduces shipping c osts and environmental effect while attracting customers to the firm’s products, Worldwide Blackberry Store To control the firm’s brand image RIM sells Blackberry products through first-party retail establishments and through authorized retailers.Direct shipment Blackberry. com online orders are shipped directly to consumers form storage facilities in China. This minimizes inventory buildup in more costly warehouse locations in the Canada. Marketing and Sales RIM is marketing the company’s products and solutions in order to generate revenue, and increase the market and mind share for the organization. Planning, developing, implementing and executing the company’s go-to-market and sales strategies and programs, including product advertising/promotion; telemarketing; e-commerce marketing; specific product/product line marketing; and multiple channel  programs.Planning, developing and coordinating all internal and external communications programs. Building awareness of RIM services and  products in all key segments. Creating content, setting style and supporting all company websites. Assessing, analyzing and maintaining the supply to demand ratio. Services Creates the first and last impressions our customers have of our business. Deliver a consistently superior experience across all areas where the customer is engaged. Provide BlackBerry device, software, account, andtechnical support to millions of end-users. Support ActivitiesGeneral Administration RIM general administrator tracks and reconciles global benefits invoices, ensures financial guideline compliance, prepares monthly reports and participates in continuous improvements projects. Human Resource Management RIM Human Resources team consists of  dynamic, forward thinking professionals who are located in each region. Being passionate about RIM allows the team to be creative and resourceful when finding the right people to join our team. This passion also drives us to enhanc e our skills of driving employee engagement on a global scale.The Recruitment Specialist establishes and fosters a consultative relationship with RIM hiring managers through close working relationships with various business units. Research, Technology and System Development Research and Development BlackBerry smart phone plans to open a research and development operation. RIM has more than 30 million subscribers. In the third quarter of 2012, it shipped more than 10million devices. Patent Filling Blackberry believes in the importance of protecting its intellectual capital by filling patents in U. S and worldwide for its inventions and innovations. MICROMAXMicromax is one of the leading Indian Telecom Companies with 23domestic offices across the country and international offices in HongKong, USA, Dubai and now in Nepal. With a futuristic vision and an exhaustive R&D at its helm, Micromax has successfully generated innovative technologies that have revolutionized the telecom consumer space. Micromax is on a mission to successfully overcome the technological barriers and constantly engender life enhancing solutions The company’s vision is to develop path-breaking technologies and efficient processes that incubate newer markets, enliven customer aspirations.DISTRIBUTION STRATEGY Micromax managed to  make  dealers pay in  advance by offering them more margins. It offered higher margins of 15 %margin, which is higher than the industry average of 6-10%. Micromax managed this hurdle through strategy of more margins for advance payment. It is not a new strategy to offer such kind of discounts for advance payments (cash discounts), but to make a retailer accept such an offer is indeed a remarkable feat . To increase penetration in the Indian telecom market, Micromax is bundling with telecom operators such as Aircel.For better accessibly and prominence in the market, Micromax is coming up with 150 experience zones (exclusive stores)across the nation, in addi tion to ensuring bigger presence at the multi branded stores. Corporate Level strategies 1. Expansion strategy 2. Resource allocation: heavy investment in R&D, lately heavy investment in brand building. 3. Wide portfolio catering to diverse segments. 4. Business Level strategies: 5. Unique Fusion of Cost Leadership and Product Differentiation. 6. Following a Frontal and Flanking attack strategy. 7.Products are mostly in the embryonic and growth stages. Functional Level  Strategies 1. Product Innovation 2. Rapid channel expansion 3. Targeting widest customer base ( Rural + Youth) 4. 360 Degree advertising 5. Innovative advertising 6. Effective and accurate segmentation 7. Excellent Supply Chain management (Delivering value to each channel member). KEY ELEMENTS OF SCM 1. Easy access to rural markets in India by product innovation in form of dual sim phones and 30 day battery life phones 2. Offering margins and commissions to distributors 3.Lean, cash-based supply chain means Microma x has to be much more accurate and faster in its forecasting compared to its bigger competitors. 4. Time-to-market from the design to production stage is around 3 months as compared to the 18 months taken by larger guys 5. It puts new designs on the shelves by leveraging with China. Primary Activities Inbound Logistic Commission and Margin Offerings Micromaxx has implemented simple discounts and margins to distributors to speed up the receiving process and reduce facility footprint and storage space requirements.Delegate Raw Materials Acquisitions Micromaxx partners to delegate the raw materials acquisition process from China but provides some supervision for quality control purposes. Operations Utilize OEM’s Economic of Scale Micromaxx outsources production to third-party OEM partners to utilize their economies of scale while removing the burden of production management from the firm. Internal Design The design and conceptualization of current and future product is done inte rnally as well as externally , utilizing industry-leading industrial design teams and engineering.Outbound Logistic Economical Packaging Micromax uses a push mail service called easy mail. Idea was to package the phone pack like a parcel Worldwide Stores To control the firm’s brand image Micromaxx products through first-party retail establishments and through authorized retailers in India, China, Srilanka and Nepal Direct shipment Micromaxx. com online orders are shipped directly to consumers form storage facilities in China,gurgaon. This minimizes inventory buildup in more costly warehouse locations . Marketing and SalesMicromaxx is marketing the company’s products and solutions in order to generate revenue, and increase the market and mind share for the organization. Planning, developing, implementing and executing the company’s go-to-market and sales strategies and programs, including product advertising/promotion; telemarketing; e-commerce marketing; specifi c product/product line marketing; and multiple channel  programs. Planning, developing and coordinating all internal and external communications programs. Building awareness of services and  products in all key segments.Creating content, setting style and supporting all company websites. Assessing, analyzing and maintaining the supply to demand ratio. Support Activities General Administration Micromaxx general administrator tracks and ensures financial guideline compliance, prepares monthly reports and participates in continuous improvements projects. Human Resource Management Human Resources team consists of  dynamic, forward thinking professionals who are located in each region. Being passionate allows the team to be creative and resourceful when finding the right people to join our team.This passion also drives us to enhance our skills of driving employee engagement on a global scale. The Recruitment Specialist establishes and fosters a consultative relationship with hiring managers through close working relationships with various business units. Research, Technology and System Development Research and Development Plans to set up a research and development centre in China by the year-end at an investment of Rs 50 crore. The centre will help customise phones at the manufacturing level company, since we import from China. The software development will continue in Gurgaon.