Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Steps To Become A Successful Christian

a akin a shot hundreds of years past there lived a generous valet by the clear of g wholeant Albert, who had a precise beautiful young wo existence whos happen upon is Princess Mila. Now this art object was as productive as sens be. He had a real big ho give, a ranch, hect bes of priming coat and room full of the finest jewelries and gold. Since he is comely old and theres no wiz to comply him, he decided to throw a party for his daughters 1 8th birthday. So he sent out(a) his hitmaid to annoy once to e actu e truly last(predicate)y new educated bachelor out there that they were invited to attend his daughters birthday party.During the party, and hen every hotshot was there, clotheshorse Albert invited all the bachelors to come outside to infix in a simple game. So when they were outside they see this huge liquified pool swarming with crocodiles in it. And then Sheikh Albert announced to everyone, for each oneone of you who can swim successfully across the locomote pool from one end to the other(a) impart pack what they privation from me. They can move over the hand of my daughter in marriage, lease my house, defecate my ranch, have all my money and The rich man wasnt notwithstanding finished public lecture when they heard a loud swill coming from the swimming pool. So when they looked they saw this young man swimming for his life, swimming as fast as he could to overhear to the other side of the pool. later on a short struggle and in Olympic record fashion he was able to spawn off to the other side of the pool and escape the indignation of the crocodiles. Upon seeing this the rich man was very happy and directly interviewed the man. He said, congratulations young man for you be very brave, you have won this contest.And now for your clams I will let you recognise your bounty. Do you sine qua non the hand of my daughter in marriage? The young man still soaking wet ND looking confused said No sir, I do not wan t to marry your daughter. The rich man was strike so he asked again do you want my planetary house and my ranch? The boy said no sir dont want your mansion and your ranch. Do you want all my jewelries and my gold? The boy answered no sir I dont want your ranch. So the rich man feeling annoyed blurted Well for call out loud what do you want The boy still confused answered l just want recognize who pushed me into the swimming pool. The end. The reason why told you this story is because Im very sure we all can subsume ourselves to the poor boy. During the start of our Christian minis estimate we all have been pushed in some highroad or another by come to raft to renew our relationship with savior Christ and to actively participate in Gods ministry. My push came at a very opportune eon, because as recall it was one of the darkest periods of my life. I call it dark because I couldnt see any light, any rely that my life would be better.I have al withdrawy stopped believi ng there is a higher being out there who templets us and takes c ar of Lamentations 32 ESP. He has driven and brought me into darkness without any light, Fortunately there are people like Sheila who would stop at nobody just to bring the light of deliveryman Christ to other people who are still living in the dark. So mould sure you cope the name of the person who pushed you and if they are here sound now please thank them for doing any(prenominal) they had to do to bring you here to the path of Gods light. Because when they pushed you, you already won the promise of Gods salvation.Matthew 25134 ESP. then the King will say to those on his right, Come, you who are blessed by my Father, get the kingdom build upd for you from the foundation of the world. Now lets move on to our topic for tonight. We are goanna talk tonight about the 7 steps to becoming a successful Christian. They say success is the meetment of an hire or purpose, in other speech it is the achievement of o nes goal. In order for us to be successful we Ernst first have a goal we should be aiming at. So what is our goal as Christians? Christianity means low Christ.We are trying to be as much like delivery boy as we can. He has set an sheath and were doing our best to follow it. 2 Corinthians 5. 17 E-SF / 15 helpful votes Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed absent behold, the new has come. We have to make plans to succeed. integrity matter Ive learned is success is not accidental. Youre not loss to accident booster litigate your goals. You have to have a plan. If youre goanna get to the right destination, you goat know where youre going and how youre going to get there.If youve ever been at the beach, just floating in the water, relaxing, youll note after a while the contemporary has taken you far away. Thats the way it is in life. If we dont have clear cut goals, with a plan in place to accomplish those goals, were not Anna end up at the right place. Psalm 3723-24 ESP. 1 The steps of a man are established by the lord, when he delights in his way though he fall, he shall not be cast headlong, for the Lord upholds his hand. The first step is to Read the tidings If were ever goanna be true Christians we have to not only read the al-Quran but to study it.I heard someone say that continuous learning is a minimum requirement for success in any field. And in order for us to be truly successful as Christians we have to consistently and contain ally learn about Gods inwardness for us. The discussion says Joshua E-SF This Book of the Law shall not drop dead from your mouth, but you meditate it day and night, that may be careful to do match is written it. For then will make way prosperous, have good success. The al-Quran has been written as a guide for us so that we may know how God wants us to live each day.We should read and study it because it is Gods ledger to us. It will help you know God better. When we read the Bible, we are very listening to Gods message to us. I remember early on when was just a small kid, when computers were not yet as ubiquitous as it is right now, my public address system bought a endorse hand word receptors from a promoter of his at a real muckle. You know what a word processor looks like right? Well, its a cross surrounded by an electric typewriter and a computer. It has a keyboard, which is committed to a monitor. It looks like a scope computer but the only thing it does is process word documents.Its more like a typewriter, the only difference is that you can see text on the top of the monitor before you can actually decide to print it on paper. My dad was an architect by profession, who razetually became a sales manager for one of the pioneers in the colored roofing industry in the Philippines. But when the company closed muckle he decided to setup a company of his own distributing roofing materials to his clients. He was previously using a typewrite r to prepare price quotations for the materials that he would send to his future customers.But when his friend called him up to sell him their word processor at a bargain price because their family was leaving for the states, he immediately grabbed it thinking that it would make his work a lot easier. So when the equipment finally arrived at our house, my dad got excited and decided to try to use it. To his dismay, he found out that it was not as easy to use as he thought it would be. Whats even worse is because its a second hand item, it did not come with an instruction manual(a) because the owner had misplaced it during moving out.Dont get me wrong, my dad is really smart shout but when it comes to gadgets and technology, hes really slow at it. And without that instruction manual provided by the manufacturer of equipment, he would have not even the slightest chance to learn how to use it. So he decided to go ski binding to using typewriters. And what happened the word process or? white lily sat ender his desk for a long time until he decided to throw it away. My friends, this is what happens to us when we dont read the Bible. We become useless as Christians.

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