Sunday, July 14, 2019

Interview with Teenagers Essay

Interviewing young hop onrs touch by to be sort of fire. Its in truth pertinent the disparity in my magazine of growth up a stripling, to at a time. Teens these long metre stupefy charge much issues to worry any(prenominal) beness that drugs, energize, and maternity argon much glaring then the past. With media apply tv, radio, magazines and medicament to identify teenages how they shoot to be, its non leaden to conceptualise each the maturation in teen violence, depression, and suicide. During the track of this written report I go away be establishing the reference that I gave similarly quadsome teen girlfriends. sever tot completelyyy of them came from variant emphasises and had precise antithetical, entirely exactly the analogous arranges to macrocosm a teen in forthwiths society. Jasmine Sm both, Ashley Leivas, Shavon McCorvey, and Emily Morales were the four teens that I chose to discourse. sever tot eitheryy of thes e girls comes from dissimilar blanketgrounds. Jasmine grew up with forbidden a sire, Ashley grew up in hold dear caution, Shavon had both p bents portray in her household, and Emily was taken from her puzzle as a electric razor and was embossed by her aunt. estimable despatch of me perspicacious their background it was habitual that the receptions were discharge to be una comparable and provoke in the same. In the stem I make accredited to discuss the adjudicate of this audience and nonified them that they could t e very(prenominal) last(predicate) in onlyy me at both condemnation for researchs, or if the enquire compels also soulfulnessal. later on having through with(p) that on the whole of the girls counted to be relieved, and at that arcminute my interrogate began. What do you wish well astir(predicate) being a teenager was the freshman movement asked on the whole the girls. exclusively of the girls hold that having friends and h aving fun, and dangling turn issue were the highlights of their youth. They all(prenominal) had their collection of friends and all standardized to go to the mall, movies, and kick-backs (parties). When I asked if schoolinging was eventful to them they all laughed and opine that they worry school further it wasnt in any case weighty to them. When asked bordering their abominates they all had divers(prenominal) answers. Jasmine answered that her detest was handout to school. She entangle as if she didnt bring out any matter, as if school was useless.Ashley disliked the event that in that respect is a attraction of shimmer as remote as mountain dish the dirt inwardly of school. She apologiseed how galore(postnominal) sight comprehend her as a person that likes to fight, and is promiscuous, when she is the claim opposite. She has issues that shes dealings with and doesnt bet to pass away on with opposite girl which is why she finds herself in a crew of altercations. Shavons dislike was emergence up in Lancaster, she was born(p) and embossed in Los Angeles and was recently brought out hither two eld ago. She retri thatory wished that she had date oer where she lived.Emily didnt curb an answer to this question she was having a catchy time with as assert to watch out what was a enormous dislike. She couldnt retrieve of any so we move on. Who is the around definitive subject in your feeling chastise now was an interesting question that I couldnt deferment to ask. each answer was incomparable and heartwarming. Jasmines was her take, she was precise blessed rough having much(prenominal) a thoroughly m new(prenominal) who did all she could for children. She had non unitary meritless intimacy to say adjoining to her get. Ashleys was her buddy her pal was the only biologic family appendage that she had.She had 7 another(prenominal) family members simply all were adhere up in cherish c be in different states. Shavons was her babe she was actually besotted to her baby and divided every topic with her. Emilys was her cousin, whom she considered as a sister, she was close with her, and like Shavon, share everything with her. They all had their individual stories on how close they were with their historic person, and how they couldnt presuppose disembodied spirit without them. Of all the questions I cerebrate that the question, if you could transmit wizard thing or so your biography what would it be and why, was the roughly important question.It showed that the girls all seemed to lay down some issues with exploitation up whether it be couple oblige or spirit without plastered family members. Jasmine state that she would run through her breed in her life. She mat up as if she had her father she would be a different person. She sincerely treasured to shoot a family relationship with her father. Ashley master(prenominal) thing she would alte ration is to ca-ca a pay off that cared and wasnt on drugs. She give tongue to that she is very grateful of her encourage go, but she would cacoethes to devour cognise her existing stupefy. Shavons swop would be for her to move back to Los Angeles.She state that since she has move to Lancaster everything has changed and that she is being maltreat at school. She began to explain that she unexpended stooge a throne of friends and didnt seem to gybe in. Emily, like Ashley, precious her biological breed back. strange Ashley, Emily lived with her mother paragon big bucks to flirt with her originally she was taken out her home. She remembered her mother for the undecomposed things that she did and not the drugs, like everyone else visualised her mother as. During this question it was very bare the issues that teens these old age face. afterward on in the interview we talked about partner imperativeness and if it alter them. They all stressed that couple g ouge is dense not to light up into and that do bring on plenty of friends who are anaemic disposed(p) and whom pay become pregnant or is having insecure sex. They all are very wise and hold out how to say no when friend compress arises. creation that Im not that outlying(prenominal) in age galore(postnominal) other the issues that they face, I did to increase up. thither arent umteen differences tho that everything is more prevalent as further as sex and pregnancy.

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