Monday, September 30, 2019

Why Is Tobacco Bad for You

Peter Yang Andrea Charanduk English 20 January 23, 2012 How tobacco addictionseffect you and people around you? A tobacco addiction is the worst addiction you can do to your body. According to the Health Canada website, â€Å"every 11 minutes, a Canadian dies from tobacco use. Every 10 minutes, two Canadian teenagers start smoking cigarettes; one of them will lose his/her life because of it yearly, more than a thousand Canadians who never even smoked die – from exposure to tobacco smoke. Smoking affects every part of your body even to your sexual organs, as stated in Health Canada website â€Å"Sexual functioning needs the coordination of the nervous system, hormones and the vascular system which pumps blood into the muscle tissue that keeps the erection Smoking hinders every area. The effect? Impotence. † Now days teens start smoking because, they think it’s cool to look like an adult, or they get peer pressured. I agree that smoking does kind of look cool, but what’s hiding behind that smoke can kill you, and everyone else around you. There is strong medical evidence that smoking tobacco is related to more than two dozen diseases and conditions† (â€Å"Smoking and Your body†). Smokingaffects every part of your body even to your toes! The effect of smoking is terrible for your health; it is proven countless times by medical professionals and scientists. Smoking affects your lungs, cardiovascular system, and respiratory system the most (â€Å"Smoking and Your Body†). When you smoke a cigarette you are inhaling toxic chemicals and the most addictive drug. Nicotine. Nicotine is the drug responsible for making cigarettes so addictive. It makes your body crave more cigarettes and that means inhaling all those gross chemicals† (â€Å"Nicotine†). I know a person who had a throat cancer. He had to get a surgery to get his voice box removed to stop the spreading of cancer disease. Now, he can’t talk. He needs this little device on his throat to help him talk, which I have sympathy towards it. He made a mistake a long time ago, and now he is paying the price for it. Look around you, do you smoke? Or a friend? Tell yourself to quit, help a friend out. You just got to try. Smoking is bad, but starting as a teenager is the worst mistake you can make. As stated on the website smoking-facts. net â€Å"At least 3 million adolescents are smokers and roughly 6 million teens in the US today smoke despite the knowledge that it is addictive and leads to disease†. This is very true and it is happening right here, right now. I know several teenagers that smoke a pack a day. This will lead them to pre-mature death, lung cancer and various other diseases. Of the 3,000 teens that started smoking today, nearly 1,000 will eventually die as a result from smoking† (â€Å"Teen Smoking Facts†). I don’t expect people to read this article and quit, I just want them to know that, smoking as a teenager can definitely harm the health of your body. Then maybe you would be smart enough to quit smoking. â€Å"Second-hand smoke is what smokers exhale and what rises from an idle burning cigar ette. You can see smoke in the air but what may not be so obvious is that there are 4,000 chemicals in the smoke† (â€Å"Second Hand Smoke†). I have been in position where I was the second hand smoker. It is not the best place you would want to be when people are smoking around you. The smell of the smoke makes me frown, cough, and you just know that this can’t be good for your body. Back in the day’s people could smoke anywhere! In the restaurants, airplane, bar, and any public places. Now this was allowed because they had less knowledge of second hand smoking than we do now. There is a story where a woman died from a lung cancer when she was only 50. The worst part about the story is that she never had a single cigarette in her life, she was a waitress at a restaurant and she would be second hand smoking from everybody who would come into restaurant and smoke. How horrible is that? An innocent person is suffering from someone else’s mistake. Do you think that’s right? I am not going to lie, I have tried smoking, and it’s theworst thing I ever did. You can feel all the chemicals going through your body and affecting you internally. My personal opinion about smoking is that, it is totally fine if you want to smoke and hurt yourself, as long as you don’t smoke around people who does not smoke. Maybe you didn’t know that smoking affects not only you but people around you. I hope who ever reads this article figures out how it is effecting you and people around you and at least try quitting. In this article I talked about all most everything about why smoking is bad for you and second hand smokers. I hope this article awakened your urge to quit smoking for yourself and people you love. Smoking is bad, we all know that. Making a mistake is †¦ humane. We all make mistakes, but repeating that mistake with knowing the consequences is plain stupidity. About Tobacco Control. Health Canada, 2009. Web. 29 September 2009. Nicotine. Health Canada, 2008. Web. 24 January 2008. Second-hand Smoke. Health Canada, 2009. Web. 17 April 2009. Smoking and Your Body. Health Canada, 2011. Web. 01 November 2011. Teen Smoking Facts. Smoking-Facts. net, nd. Web. 23 January 2012.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Advantages of Living with Parents in College Essay

When we see graduation caps in the sky, accompanied with laughter, applause and cry, it is a signal that we just welcome ourselves to the new world after high school. As we step into a college world as a new and fresh collegian, there are many facets that we have to think and decide, especially accommodation. Some people choose to live in the college dorms – making new friends and having more social activities, some other choose to share a house with couple of housemates, or just simply rent a flat and live independently. But, there are some that just decide to stay in town and live with their family. This last choice has three main advantages that we can consider: expense, support, and facilities. The first basic advantage of living with family, or parents, is expense. Imagine hearing your door knocked in the morning, and facing your landlord who demands your rent paid as the start of the day? Or when you can’t dial any number in the phone because you haven’t paid the telephone bill? And, the worst, when you don’t even have enough money to buy yourself breakfast because your parents haven’t sent you any monthly money? Well, you won’t have that drove of problems when you live with your parents. Expenses like food (especially healthy and delicious food), telephone, electricity, and many other will be covered by your parents, so that you can still save your own personal money. You don’t even have to pay more for movies or other leisure things when you hang out with your family. This first aspect of living with family is very, very efficient and helpful to save money! Another important facet of living with your parents is support. Being with family and living in your own home help you a lot when you have your transition phase from high school or college. It would be easier not to face other transition major adaptations, like being lonely in your own room, feeling aloof from family, meeting new hostile roommate who you are not connected to and start to adjust your own finance. You will have your family right beside you, and you will always feel like home. You will also be discipline and controlled since you still have curfew and ‘parents rules’. You can also keep your old friends around you, and you won’t even have to give up your old routines like playing tennis with your dad every Saturday or working in the grotesque diner down the street. This second advantage can make you feel like you are still the old you and you don’t even have to give up a thing. Last but not least, facilities can also be another advantage of living with your parents. You will still have anything you need for college like computer, electricity, internet, printer, scanner, or even fax machine, and they are all for free! Yet again, no expenses wasted. You also don’t have to wait the jamming docket bus that comes late in the morning, because you have transportation that keeps you punctual – somehow going to college in your mum’s car is okay! There won’t be any piling laundry because they are all taken care of. You can also have your own bathroom with hot water and hairdryer, plus clean towels every night. The point is it will be much easier for you to have your needed facility when you’re at home, especially without spending any cent. Living outside your house, like in the dorms or flats, won’t give you this kind of comfort. These three advantages show us that living with parents might be embarrassing and less challenging, but it can be considered since it saves a lot of money and gives you a lot of comfort and support. It can even be less expensive than sharing a house with other housemates! From not paying much of expenses, living in your old room every night, and having more facilities, doesn’t it sound like fun?

Saturday, September 28, 2019

A Brief History of Hieroglyphics

The word hieroglyph has been applied to the scripts of the Indus civilization and of the Hittites, who also possessed other scripts, in addition to the Mayan, the Incan, and Easter Island writing forms, and also the signs on the Phaistos Disk on Crete, but the strict meaning of the word is used only to describe the carvings on Egyptian monuments. The most ancient hieroglyphs can be dated back to the end of the 4th millennium BC. They describe scenes and are cut in relief, or into the stone, mostly in chapels or tombs. Although it is impossible to know, but these early signs are probably based on the same system that the later set of hieroglyphics, known as classical hieroglyphics is based. Hieroglyphic signs were representations of living beings or inanimate objects by simplistic drawings. Over the years, some of the representations fell out of meaning, such as clubs, which at one time were used as weapons, and other weapons took their place. But they glyph stayed. Sometimes the object described by the glyph completely fell out of daily use and the meaning eventually became lost or it was distorted beyond recognition. Always only a few people in a limited circle understood the script. Only those who needed the knowledge in their professions were able to acquire the task of writing and reading the glyphs. These people were, for example, officials, doctors, and priests. Since the glyphs were too complex for everyday use, hieratic script was developed. Easier abbreviated script was developed for writing by brush stroke on a medium such as papyrus. Classical hieroglyphics evolved through the need to identify a pictorial representation of an event, such as a hunt or a particular battle. Hieroglyphs were added to scenes to signify that the work of art was not just an unknown war or such, but a specific one. This also one of the first times that we see people interested in preserving their history for others to learn about in later times. It was this new attitude toward time and toward history as unique events in time led to the invention of hieroglyphic writing. Hieroglyphics dominated monumental and sacred writings and was accepted in the Greece until the situation was altered with the conversion of the area to Christianity in the nd and 3rd centuries AD. The new religion fought against the Egyptian polytheism and traditions, and with its victory, the Greek script triumphed. The ability to understand the script was lost for many hundreds of years until the failure of Napoleon’s invasion of Egypt turned up the Rosetta Stone on which was written the same statement in three languages, Classical hieroglyphics, Hieratic script, and Greek. With the discovery of thi s asphalt tablet, archeologists were finally able to begin to unlock the key to understanding the long dead written language of hieroglyphics.

Friday, September 27, 2019

Economic Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Economic - Coursework Example A number of reasons are available for this. For example, the structure of the Icelandic economy makes independent monetary policy more difficult to implement, national and international economic and financial market conditions have been highly unusual, and the formulation of monetary policy, which did not succeed in gaining sufficient credibility, was somewhat imperfect. Moreover, increased globalization of the national financial system and its rapid growth are likely to have weakened the transmission channels of monetary policy and increase the underlying risk in the financial system, which magnified the volatility of the exchange rate. Sufficient co-ordination between monetary and fiscal policy was also lacking, which exacerbated the negative side effects of financial restraint. A fixed exchange rate regime has advantages and disadvantages. The main benefit is the uncertainty accompanying exchange rate fluctuation is reduced, particularly if the peg proves credible and speculative attacks can be avoided. If Iceland were to adopt a fixed exchange rate regime, it would be most obvious from an economic point of view to peg the krona to the euro. Such a regime could be implemented in different ways. Experience from the financial crisis, both in Iceland and elsewhere, indicates a need for further strengthening of monetary policy and macroeconomic policy in general. The experience of recent years highlights the importance of implementing stabilization policy so as to hinder rapid, unsustainable asset price inflation, which is usually accompanied by excessive credit expansion. It is also important to prevent the banking system from creating risks that are beyond the ability of the national authority to deal with it. The paper analyses policy adoption by monetary a nd fiscal authorities in the recent years as well as the coming years in Iceland. In the past two years, the formulation of monetary policy has reflected the capital

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Analyzing Rhetoric and Culture using Political Cartoons Essay

Analyzing Rhetoric and Culture using Political Cartoons - Essay Example Rhetoric and culture are two very different disciplines with different origins that however address specific and similar issues on culture, cultural practices and interpretation (ed. Rosteck 1999, p.1). The main argument of this essay is that the closed nature and in authenticity of society has led to the loss of human rights; the closed nature of course being influenced majorly by culture and traditional practices that should be shunned. The main aim of the essay is to establish the relationship between culture and rhetoric and use this connection to rhetorically analyze specific political cartoons, also known as editorial cartons. This analysis will be based on clarity/ explicitness of the characters and on the negative nature of a closed and inauthentic society. Rhetoric and culture are related in the sense that both are used to address specific and similar issues on culture, cultural practices and interpretation. A closed society is one in which the basic foundation is laid on class discrimination; the society is not open to freedom of thought. It is essentially not a free society as public affairs are not confined to the affairs of the government (Hayek vol.2 1976, p.151). A closed society usually leads to a violation of several human rights and can therefore not be termed democratic. Democracy is a key tool in the mental development of a people. A political cartoon or an editorial cartoon is basically a form of rhetorical criticism found on the editorial pages of magazines or newspapers and is usually a biased way of portraying individuals, events and a society at large. They are usually comical expressions of events at a particular point in time and convey contemporary issues in a particular society in a subtle manner but are meant to ex press the ideas of the cartoonist which usually represents that of the whole society. Rhetorical criticism basically uses symbolism but can also use words, phrases and gestures. The main aim of rhetorical criticism is to establish and understand how specific symbols affect people. The first political cartoon I will look is an Arabian one. In the picture is a woman her spouse and a goat. The man is kneeling down on the ground and a caption indicates that he is saying, â€Å"I hope you know you’re special to me and I’ll always care for you†. In response to the comment the woman is saying, â€Å"Thank you dear†. The man was however addressing the goat and blurts out, â€Å"I wasn’t talking to you†. We can’t see the expression on the woman’s face because it is covered in abayas, the traditional Black Muslim dress. The cartoon is in black and white and the ordeal takes place on a rocky area depictive of the dry and rough terrain of the Middle Eastern countries. The message is very basic and straight forward; a woman is just about as worthless as a goat, except a goat has more value to a man than a woman. The man is only and can only bow down to a man and not a woman. This is very ironical in that whereas the woman is statuesque and a much greater force than the goat, the goat is being treated with much more dignity, respect and care than the woman who is being shunned. This is how the cartoonist is challenging this discrimination. The worst part is that woman is helpless and there is nothing she can do about the situation in which she has been placed. The Middle East is home to Muslim Culture and with Muslim culture comes certain restrictions and reservations that are not common to Christians and other religious groups. This reservation of theirs leads to its society being considered a closed one where freedoms are not freely expressed and failure to which

How does Machiavelli reflect the values and idea of humanism and Research Paper

How does Machiavelli reflect the values and idea of humanism and religion in The Prince - Research Paper Example The ‘Powerful Chairs’ (Kings, politicians, top bureaucrats etc) are always there to outsmart the ‘Chair--less Powers.’ (The common people) Machiavelli did advise the princes on how to hold on to power but he also advised the citizens seeking to maintain their liberty and how to go about it. He showed a new path for them and cautioned how his native Florence was getting engulfed in tyranny. He explained how ancient Rome preserved its freedom better, as the ordinary citizens there were more responsible and were able to checkmate the power of the elite. As a state employee Machiavelli led by example. His public life was spotless and free from corrupt practices. He was investigated for embezzlement and he came out with a clean slate and he was reimbursed the amount that was due to him. He would often say about him, â€Å"my poverty is evidence of my honesty†. Machiavelli articulated for a free city, where the citizens lived freely without any restrictions , without being absolutely controlled by a particular individual or group. A tyrant who emerges from within the political system is as dangerous for the country like the external invader. In the absence of constant vigil by the citizen body as a whole, and without their being organized properly, tyrannical individuals are bound to take over the reins of power. In essence, this proves the humanism in the approach of Machiavelli to the societal issues of his era. What a destructive weapon corruption is from the societal point of view, how adversely it affects the free-life—understand the advice of Machiavelli. In such a corrupt system, public interest is sacrificed at the altar of private or factional interests. Arbitrary interference does the maximum damage to the mass of people, according to him. The rulers must consider themselves to be the servants of public interest, not masters. Machiavelli is prophetic when he asserts that the resources of the elite combined with extensi ve discretion enjoyed by political office holders is the principal threat to the society and the nation. The expectations of the ordinary citizens are simple and straightforward. They are neither like power-hungry politicians nor like the ambitious elites. They have no desire for power to rule over others. At the same time, they have self-respect and essential dignity and do not desire to be dominated and would not like the arbitrary power to subjugate them. They are perpetually fearful of such societal developments. The sterling qualities of Machiavelli’s humanism are revealed in his opinion that the key to the resilience of Rome was its system and institutions—how they ensured the participation of ordinary citizens. They were the final guardians of freedom, not the grandi. He paid hearty compliments for the â€Å"tribunes of the plebs† (an institution of only the lower class) for exercising check and control over the power-grabbing craze of the grandi. Machiav elli goes a step further. The tribunes are vested with powers to frame charges against the members of the senate and indict them for corruption publicly and the private citizens will be punished accordingly if they try to exert pressure on the politics of the republic. That was a model system of punishment where

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Prospective Analysis Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Prospective Analysis - Assignment Example The random walk model outlines that the stock price or earnings change have same distributions and are independent of each other thus past movements of stock price or earnings cannot be used to predict the future stock price movement. I disagree with John’s forecast strategy since the assumption of unchanging mean and variance is debatable. b. A merger or acquisition is will increase the future net income due to higher sales growth and more revenue generation from the acquisition. The merger or acquisition will reduce competition thus enhance the future net income. The best model that describes a better pattern of the earnings per share is the mean-reversion model since competition in the market will drive abnormal levels of profits to mean while reinvestment of the earnings will likely earn more levels of earnings. According to many analysts, the Earnings Factory is a ‘darling’ of the ASX. Its current market price $ 15 per share and its book value is $ 5 per share. Analysts forecast that the organisation’s book value will grow by 10 per cent per year indefinitely and the cost of equity is 15 per cent. The market’s expectation of the organisation’s long-term average ROE is calculated as follows; Companies with a high ROE can have a low PE ratio when the investors expect the firm will continue generate positive abnormal ROEs. The PE ratio is the market price per share divided by the earnings per

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Patient Confidentiality Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Patient Confidentiality - Essay Example The information being provided by the manufacturers are skewed towards giving positive data on the effectiveness of their products. Information-wise, patients lack the capabilities to properly assess the appropriateness of the medication being marketed to them by the manufacturers through the marketing company. 2. If patients give their health information voluntarily, it means that they are allowing the information to be used freely by whoever sent the questionnaire. They should realize that providing information especially through the web, makes the data public. In this case, the patient is given a choice whether to answer freely the questionnaire or not. They are not being forced to do so. Some questionnaires though would specify from the very beginning that any information submitted may be used in whatever way the website wishes. If a patient reads the said statement and still goes on to answer the questions about their health, then it is implied that they approve of the use of their health

Monday, September 23, 2019

Statistics Project Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Statistics Project Example Therefore, financial status and depression are critical factors in determining well-being of individual hence appropriate measures to the report. The frequency histogram shows an almost normally distributed curve. However, the explicit results show a negatively skewed distribution. The frequency for males is more than that of the female gender. This shows that more males suffer from post-traumatic stress disorder as compared to male. The number of people that experience from post-traumatic disorder-from the sample-are 230. Out of the 230, 130 are males while 100 are females as per the histogram. The distribution of subjective class identification closely matches the normal curve. This shows that 68% of the observations fall within one standard deviation of the mean 2.39. On the other hand, 99.7% of the observations fall within 3 standard deviation of the mean. The normal Q-Q plots also confirms the normal distribution of the subjective class identification. The confidence interval for Posttraumatic Stress Disorder is 12.35 and 14.73 for lower bound and upper bound respectively. This means that we are 95% confident that the true mean of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder is between 12.35 and 14.74. The corresponding ÃŽ ±=0.05. When testing for normality, the normality table and the normal Q-Q plots become important as the numerical and graphical methods respectively. The normality table represents the result for Shapiro-Wilk Test and the Kolmogorov-Smirnov Test. In this case, we will use Shapiro-Wilk Test because the data is less than 2000. The sig. value (0.000) of the Shapiro-Wilk Test is less than 0.05 hence the data is not normally distributed. The data significantly deviate from a normal distribution. We have also used the Q-Q plot to determine normality graphically. The data points stray from the line in a non-linear fashion hence the data is not normally distributed. To correct the distribution of age of the respondents, I have

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Communication Essay Example for Free

Communication Essay Companies often organize their departments into teams that support each other to complete tasks or projects. When working in groups, communication is vital to the success of the team. Teams must work well individually as well as a members of a team. Communication on an individual level differs from communication within a group. Individually, you must actively listen and insure accurate understanding, offer to help solve problems, and focus on not being distracted by your own emotions. You cannot allow your emotions to distract you or cause you to miss the key points or misinterpret information. As an individual you must attend all group meetings, provide feedback and input to the discussions, and be respectful to others input and views. It is important that everyone in the group understand their role and responsibilities to the group. Everyone must contribute to discussions and meetings, and there should not be any silent members. To promote group discussion, you can start by going around the group and allowing each person to speak. This will allow each person a chance to be involved in the discussion and will spark topics of discussion. When working in a group, conflicts usually arise and should be dealt with immediately and directly. Ignoring conflict or disagreements will cause the team to be lose focus, become less productive. Most conflicts result from poor communication and misinterpretations. To resolve conflicts, it is important to locate where the break-down in communication happened. By talking through the conflict with the members of the group, and redefining tasks and objectives, the team can resolve these types of issues. To foster good communication within a group every member must listen to each other, work collaboratively to make decisions, adapt to changes and communication styles, assign specific tasks, set clear deadlines and expectations, and conduct follow-up meetings to review.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Target Market And Projection Marketing Essay

Target Market And Projection Marketing Essay Ikatan Sdn Bhd that provide technology measured will be officially register and Headquarters is in Shah Alam, Selangor. Ikatan Sdn Bhd aims to be the most competitive and reliable company in provide technology product. Our business concept is basically to provide technology devices that mainly focus on ultrasonic distance measures. Besides that, we also provide services for the products especially for maintenance. Warranty for 1 year will be issued to the customer. To get to us, the customer can contact us directly to our office number, fax or by internet. Our customer services are ready to help you with accurate information. 1.1.2 Product Concept Our product is low cost, simple to use, heavy duty and environment friendly. Once an order is confirmed, we will send our staff to go over costumers place to deliver our product. All prices quoted are inclusive of relevant taxes in Malaysia. The customer may pay some amount of deposit before completing the payment. Transportation fees will be charge. Our product will base according to the customers land area. Our product also can be adjusted to the customers information on how frequent they can measure the distance. 1.1.3 We have already classified our target market which we think could bring a very high profit monthly. In our case, we had agreed to divide the target market into some categories which are target customers and target places. For the target customer, we have three types of people which are contractor, university and retailer. For different type of people, there would be different rate of charge since we consciously consider their economic ability and stability. 1.1.4 The Competitive Advantages As part of the marketing n business world, we cannot run and avoid from competitors. This is the challenge that we have to face. So in order to be constantly competitive, we decided to innovate the current availability of technology in measuring and making it for easier, user friendly, low cost and the most important thing is environmental friendly. Our product intelligent system will be developed by our research department which uses up to date technology and easy maintenance. With that, we are sure that our company can compete with other competitors at the highest level in technology. 2.0 PRODUCT DESCRIPTION A measuring tape is the common tool in measuring length and distance. However, the nature of the tool requires the user to pull out the tape according to the length that wanted to be measured. This can be problematic when the length is quite long or when measuring height and difficult places.    By replacing the tape with an ultrasonic pulse, the inconvenience can be overcome. Ultrasonic pulse greatly simplifies the process of straight line measurement. This ultrasonic pulse give benefit to user who want to measure at difficult place such as behind the cabinet that the tape cannot reach or measuring the height of ceiling Figure 2.1 : front view of Ultrasonic Distance Measure Figure 2.2 : Picture of Ultrasonic Distance Measure 2.1 Product specification Auto stop: switches off if you do not press any key for 4 min.   LCD screen on a luminous background. Memory: allows you to measure and to store 3 different measures Calculation of area and volume.   Addition and Subtraction function: allows you to add or subtract 2 measures.   Clearing of memory function: allow you to delete quickly all the measures stored.   Correction of errors: the distance measurer indicates that a distance measured is either too long, or too short.   Power supply: 1 x 9V Alkaline type Battery (Not included)   Units of Measure: Feet/Meters   Accuracy: +/-0.5%   Frequency: 40 kHz (ultrasonic pickup)   Range: 0.91m to 20m   Dimensions (H-P-l): 142 x 73 x 47mm   Weight (without battery): 144.6g   3.0 TECHNOLOGY DESCRIPTION Uses ultrasonic wave(40kHz) Generated in a particular direction. If there is an object in the path of this pulse, part or all of the pulse will be reflected back to the transmitter as an  echo  and can be detected through the receiver path. By  measuring the difference between the pulse being transmitted and the echo being received, it is possible to determine how far away the object is. The input of the product is the time of taken for the ultrasonic pulse bounce back from an object. Uses LCD to display measurement. Have backlight for easy reading of the measurement MARKET RESEARCH AND ANALYSIS Market size is the estimation how big our market can be in our market area. In order to determine the market size in the area, we might have one of our staff to stand with a clipboard and a sample menu in front of the space and ask pedestrians if they would frequent such an establishment. He will park himself on the corner one early morning and do the same at noon, evening and on a weekend to determine how many customers we can expect on a daily basis. This also will be particularly important when planning a budget. For every company, marketing plan is the most important part of the business. There are no uses of good quality product if the company fails to sell the product maximally. The good marketing plan should study about the customer behavior, what the customers needs and wants, which are the potential buyers and how to satisfy the customers. Customer For our business, we did some research for the targeting customers. We have classified our customers in some categories. They are contractors, university and retailer. Because of limited resources and competition in our market, we hesitant that we are able to sell our product with equal efficiency and services to the entire market. Therefore, before we decide which market to enter, we analyze the best potential buyers using market segmentation. We divided our market segmentation into three groups to offer our product with different market mix: Group 1: contractors. Group 2: university/college Group 3: retailer A contractor is a group or individual that contracts with another organization or individual (the owner) for the construction, renovation or demolition of a building, road or other structure. A general contractor is defined as such if it is the signatory as the builder of the prime construction contract for the project. Contractors conducting work for government agencies are typically referred to as prime contractors. The responsibilities of a prime contractors working under a contract are essentially identical to those outlined above. So that why we target our market to contractor, so that we can get many benefit from them. Our secondary customer is university/college. A university is an institution of higher education and research, which grants academic degrees in a variety of subjects. A university is a corporation that provides both undergraduate education and postgraduate education. We target university because their student maybe will use electronic devices for the certain courses such as engineering, architecture and many more. Next costumer is retailer. For retailer, we will deliver our products at them and they will promote and display it at costumer like civilian, student and anyone who wants to buy it. Primarily, we have planned a fine and efficient services to offer our customers. Our service is with respect to the customers demand. Customers can directly reach us by dropping by to our company at Shah Alam. We will strive in order to improve our services and meet our customers needs and satisfaction. 4.2 Market Size and Trends Figure 4.2 : Current Total Market Size for Three Consecutive Most Previous Years The size of the current total market is thoroughly taken consecutively since year 2008 until year 2010 and represented in a bar chart as above. As visualized, the size of the current total market in 2008 is 2850 units. For year 2009 and 2010, total market size is slightly increases to 2904 units. In the following year, the total size is much better among those after year 2008 when achieved to 2904 units. Competitors Strengths Weaknesses Techshop Enterprise high quality of materials most expensive Not have too much experience Kurnia Tech one year warranty most expensive Juana Sdn Bhd cheapest product among all no warranty iRaybull Enterprise good service They have many competitors even the location are strategicTable 4.2 : Major Competitors 4.3 Competition and Competitive Edge As we can see from comparison table above, there are four (4) main competitors with the same interest. The four main competitors are Techshop Enterprise, Kurnia Tech, Juana Sdn Bhd and iRaybull Enterprise. Many costumers are preferably to go among these four companies due to their strengths in marketing. However, there are some weaknesses for these companies. We successfully encountered their strengths and weaknesses as shown in the table above. This is to ensure that our company is different and far better than them. As for us we provide quality, affordable and reasonable price, on time schedule of installation, simple yet new and advanced technology, good service, friendly workers, and maintenance free. By providing all these features, we are not only giving benefits to our business but also to customers. They will find our new programmed product and service is better than others could offer. We do not need to hire foreign employees to work with us our own native is better than them. This will help to improve and to show others that we are also competent as we successfully create such technology which is the first in country. This will shake our competitors a bit. The fundamental value that had been added to our service is the main thing about customer satisfaction and guarantee. Customers are always right, that what we use. To make sure customer is always right, the review of our service and product is continuously. This can ensure customer feel good and happy with service given and product sell, also, increase marketing of company. 4.4 Estimated Market Share and Sales 4.4.1 Market Share Market share before Ikatan Sdn Bhd Market share after tree month Ikatan Sdn Bhd enter 4.5 Marketing Strategy 4.5.1 Strengths and Weakness of Competitors Our product has several competitors such as Techshop Enterprise, Kurnia Tech, Juana Sdn Bhd , iRaybull Enterprise and others. All competitors have their own strengths and weaknesses. In general, all the competitors strengths are: They have a stable financial with a good reserve of equity due to their amount of years the company has established in the market. Their company is well-known. They have regular customers. The qualities of their products are proven. They have good promotion strategies. They provide good services. They have good in take over the customer The competitors weaknesses are: They sell their product with higher price. They dont have any market plan for their customers. The location is not suitable. The working hours is not flexible From our researched, we decide that our marketing strategy is based on marketing mix. Below are the results of the research: Product Ikatan Sdn Bhd provides the product where the customers can get many benefit from using our product. Price We promote the product in a lower price compare to other competitor Location We locate our company at the strategic place that easily for customer to come and buy it. Promotion For the promotion, we use the pamphlet to approach our market target. Apart from that, we also uses our communication skills to persuade the customers and convince them that our product can give more benefit to them. 4.5.2 Overall Marketing Strategy For our product ultrasonic distance measurer, we have come out with some business strategies in order to deliver a convincing promotion: Signboard or signage at appropriate place and clearly visible. Provide delivery services to the costumer who has order the product and that will make easier for customer to take order. We will spread widely the pamphlet to the retailer and other customer to promote our product 4.5.3 Sales Tactics Ikatan Sdn Bhd sales tactics are enforced by its sales forces and direct mail. Marketing department has already assisted by sales forces hired by top management in order to distribute company information and to promote product specialties to customers. Moreover, Ikatan Sdn Bhd has developed its own website which initiated by those sales forces and company software engineers from Engineering Department. Through mail, it will be more convenience for customers to reach companys products and thus own them via internet purchasing which is easier, faster, and most importantly secured. 4.5.4 Advertising and Promotion à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Business Card All the board of company directors will be provide with business card as an advertising method when dealing with the customers. Pamphlet We use high quality and attractive pamphlets to give good perception to our customers together with the information about our company. Signboard We used high quality and coloring signboard at nearest area to attractive customers assumes them to visit and gain to try in our company. Website 4.5.6 Distribution 1. Distribution to Contractor 2. Distribution to University/College 3. Distribution to Retailer 5.0 MANAGEMENT TEAM Chief Executive Officer (CEO) MOHD ZULHIMI BIN ZAILANI 860605-56-6905 Administration Executive MUHAMMAD REDHUWAN BIN ZAINI 870120-10-5667 Operation Executive ABDUL MUID BIN MOHD SALEH 870103-03-5185 Finance Executive MOHAMAD ZULFADLI BIN MOHD ALI 870729-10-5333 Marketing Executive MOHD IZZUDDIN BIN MOHD YUNAN 860410-56-6163 5.1 Position Description Position Description 1 Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Provide leadership to ensure that the mission, ethical values and core guiding principles of the Company are put into practice. Lead the executive management team to be effective developers of solutions to business challenges thereby establishing credibility throughout the organization and with the Board. Responsible for driving the Company to achieve and surpass sales, profitability, cash flow, business goals and objectives. Motivate and lead a high-performance management team; attract recruit members of the executive team not currently in place and retain the executive leadership team; provide mentoring as a cornerstone to the management career development program. Represent the Company and its values with customers, vendors, shareholders, government and regulatory bodies, other stakeholders and the public generally. Support the recruitment, selection, individual development and monitoring of the executive management team and other senior management personnel to ensure the Company maintains a strong succession plan. Spearhead the development, communication and implementation of effective growth strategies and processes. Collaborate with the executive management team to develop and implement plans for the operational infrastructure of systems, processes and personnel designed to accommodate the growth objectives of the Company. 2 Administration Executive Provide secretarial / administrative support to the Company Senior Management Reporting to Operations Manager on the day to day operations related issues. Preparing operations reports and analyzing the effectiveness and efficiency of the overall operations functions Responsible for requisition and maintenance of office equipment including furniture and fixture, telephone system, keys Responsible for printing of office stationeries, including envelopes, letterhead, name card Coordinate documents for approval Communicate with internal and external parties on matters related to administration / office management activities Liaise with the building management on building management matters e.g. car park, maintenance, safety etc. Renewal of License, Insurance, Contract, Advertisement 3 Finance Executive Provides leadership for the entire sales and sales support organization in the sales, support and implementation of Company products and services. Develop and manage account plans/profiles Create and develop customer solutions and sales proposals. Lead in the negotiation of long-term contracts. Attain and exceed forecast sales objectives for Company products and services. Identify, understand and analyze product sales applications, new product opportunities and innovative new sales ideas. Develop sales forecasts and manage them on a bi-monthly basis and submit to management. 4 Marketing Executive Create marketing plans geared toward end users for each key product within portfolio, in line with strategy and targets and within budget. Work with the in-house designer to produce materials of visual impact and within brand guidelines. Work with the business innovations department to develop new ideas for reaching end user markets using the latest in electronic technologies. Communicate to rest of marketing team about new innovations and how they can be used to leverage marketing efforts. Write copy for each product, reflecting key messages, features and benefits. Involve key stakeholders for product at each stage of campaign, and report results once completed. Preparation delivery of marketing plan within key objective. Events planning, organization and execution. Copy writing of articles, marketing materials etc. Liaison with media and publishers as required Ensuring that all marketing materials do no deviate from the established Brand image of the business. Market research and competitor analysis. Maintains up to date with professional sector news. Supporting the development of the website. Focus on both business growth and client retention. Use email, ad words and other electronic marketing techniques to inform customers of new products and generate sales. 5 Operation Executive Responsible for smooth execution of training programmers and events Responsible for providing administrative support Accountable and responsible for the entire events and programmers from initiation to closing Willing to work flexible hours whenever necessary including weekends. 6.0 FINANCIAL PLAN The administration, marketing and operational is important in a business plan. However without any proper financial planning the implementation of a business is net worth it. From the data and information that included in the financial plan, it will help the company to evaluate their ability in managing their financial in order to run the business. Financial plan is the plan that shows the short term financial requirement in order to start a new business. It also shows how the requirement can finance the business using internal and external source. Beside that it can prove the reliable information about changes ion net resource resulting from profit directed activities. Financial planning is the last thing to prepare in this project to complete the business plan. It consists of total expenditure and budget to establish a good business. All the expenditure is such as administration, marketing, and operation budget. Actually, the basic objective of financial plan is to provide financial information which is important in determining some economic decision. Financial information is not information which is needed to be considered in making decision, but it is more important than that. We can say that, every decision make will base on financial information. 6.1 Purpose of financial plan To analyze the project and financial plan To ensure the initial capital are adequate, ability and sufficient To identify the purpose and relevant source of fund To determine the amount of loan re-payment and depreciation of fund fixed asset To appraise availability before actual investment is committed To evaluate how far or potential return on investment To make a party such as a financial institution to be confidence with the financial of the company in order to make a business loan 6.2 Strategies of financial plan Makes sure that company have sufficient amount of cash in order to take trade discount, to maintain credit rating and to meet unexpected cash needs Give advice and opinion to other department such as administration, marketing and operation in order to reach the business purpose Make sure the increase in business profit at the good stage and better performing Make sure that cash was used efficient and effectively without wastage in expenses Try to seek business opportunity in order to increase the financial strength or wealth of economy SALES AND PURCHASE PROJECTION PROJECT IMPLEMENTATION COST SCHEDULE ADMINISTRATIVE, MARKETING, AND OPERATION BUDGET Activities Start Deadlines Business registration 15 Oct 2010 2 Nov 2010 Trade mark registraton 20 Oct 2010 5 Nov 2010 Labours intake 15 December 2009 25 Feb 2010 Start production 1 Nov 2010 28 Nov 2010 Product promotion 15 Dec 2010 2 March 2011 Trial product 15 Dec 2010 1 Jan 2011 First sale 2 Feb 2011 31 August 20117.0 PROJECT MILESTONES Here are the project milestones for our company. 7.0 CONCLUSION It can be conclude that Ultrasonic Distance Measure has great potential to penetrate into the market due to low prize and high efficient usage. This was confidently proven by our experts through researches, surveys and development for more than two years. I believe this product will be successfully achieves our target sales. As a management team of Ikatan Sdn Bhd, we need to fulfill our customer needed. So, the good relationship between supplier and customer are very important. We are promise to give 100% commitment to our company. 9.0 APPENDICES Figure 9.1 Picture of Ultrasonic Distance Measure Figure 9.2 Technology used of our product Figure 9.3 Maps of our company located

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Present and Discuss the Views submitted by Socrates and Thrasymachius i

In the first book of the Republic Socrates and Thrasymachus argue about the nature of justice. Thrasymachus claims that justice is the advantage of the stronger. He also claims that Socrates’ arguments against that position stem from a naive set of beliefs about the real intentions of rulers, and an uncritical approach to the way words acquire their meaning. Present the arguments on both sides. Who do you think is right? Justify your position. In the first book of the Republic Plato orchestrates a dialogue between his teacher Socrates and one of his peers Thrasymachus in order to demonstrate the desirable nature of justice. In this essay I shall present Thrasymachus argument that justice is a tool of oppression wielded by the strong over the weak, whereas injustice provides a happy and fulfilled existence, and Socrates notion that justice is a desirable commodity and characteristic that benefits all individuals and is the only way to achieve any common goal. I believe that both philosophers have elements of truth in their arguments, however in the essay I intend to show that it is not possible to agree entirely with either party because of the underlying premise of their argument. I shall demonstrate that neither party has a correct view because they base their arguments on examples whose essence is incompatible with the concept of justice, and refute their claims due to the obvious fallacy of arguing two extremes when con sidering human nature. In the first book of the Republic, Thrasymachus states that justice is not desirable. He describes human behaviour as fundamentally self-interested, and states that justice is ‘an advantage of the stronger’ employed to suppress ‘the weaker’ . He submits the view that injustice is therefore preferable in relation to politics and to common living. Thrasymachus postulates that it is right and just to obey the rules of the state created by the ruling power, but that the ruling power will be making rules that benefit themselves. He supports his claim that the ruling power capitalise upon the weaker party by drawing a parallel between the profession of government and the profession of sheep herding: ‘The shepherd and the herdsman study the good of their flock and herds (for) the good of their masters and themselves’ . He considers that rulers rule with the objective of procuring some profit from them. On a basic level ... ... is in favour of ‘the weaker party’ and is a position of strength that provides a more fulfilling life. However, both arguments attempt to provide an explanation for the nature of justice without defining it and base their arguments on tangible concepts such as crafts and professions in order to give weight to their beliefs. Without a definition of the subject we cannot make a concrete comparison as it is unrealistic to try to prove that the nature of justice is the same as the nature of medicine. In addition, both arguments endeavour to confine human nature to extremes, just and unjust, knowledgeable and ignorant, and good and bad, without acknowledging the depth of the human experience and intermediate levels that we have. The conclusions of these arguments are incongruous with human nature and when we speak of justice, we are trying to define a concept that has distinct links with human nature. Therefore, I cannot say that either of the positions is ‘rightâ €™ as neither acknowledge my nature and have attempted to justify that justice is a commodity to desire or expel without explicating justice itself. Word Count: 2120 Bibliography Plato, The Republic, (Penguin Books, 2003)

How Musical Artist Attempt to Persuade their Audience :: Politics Artists Political Persuasion Essays

How Musical Artist Attempt to Persuade their Audience For years, musical artists have attempted to use their influence to push their audience towards certain political views. From Country Joe in the 1960’s to Eminem in the present day, artists have used lyrics and/or actions to try to persuade their listeners. Whether they were effective or not, is another question, and in most cases would be difficult prove. The four artists that we decided to focus on were Country Joe and the Fish, Eminem, and P. Diddy. The following paper is divided into sections to make it easier to focus on each artist separately because they are so different. Finally At the end we come together to explain how they are alike by sharing at common goal; to persuade their audiences. County Joe and the Fish and Artists of that Time Period In the 1960s, a combination of politics, music, and youth helped to make it one of the most memorable decades. Artists such as Bob Dylan, the Beatles, and Country Joe and the Fish, took advantage of their poetic license by writing lyrics full of love, peace, political progress, and hope for change. Concerts like the Monterey Pop Festival and Woodstock brought potential voters and youth together to unite their views and to voice freedom. Such performers as Crosby, Stills, Nash and Young and Country Joe and the Fish used their songs to present their political views. . According to Bill Belmont's research of the band, Country Joe and the Fish started as a political band for entertainment. In 1965, members of the Free Speech Movement of the University of California - Berkeley organized a number of demonstrations against the war in Vietnam. Using experience from the Civil Rights Movement, the organizers always provided entertainment before or after the march to grasp the public’s attention. At this time, folk music was making a comeback and bands were forming ( Belmont 1). Belmont goes to describe how Joe McDonald, the lead singer of Country Joe, was editing a magazine he had created, Rag Baby, and ran out of ideas for writing material. He then had an idea of creating an issue where the contents were voiced and eventually ended up recording a record. The record consisted of two songs by a group featuring Joe, named â€Å"Country Joe and the Fish†, and two songs by local singer, Peter Krug. One of the songs by Joe's group, â€Å"I Feel Like I’m Fixin To Die Rag† became so popular that Joe decided to form a rock band under the same name of â€Å"Country Joe and the Fish† ( Belmont).

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Humorous Wedding Speech - Some Advice for the Bridegroom (Groom)

Humorous Wedding Speech - Some Advice for the Bridegroom (Groom) Good evening Ladies and Gentlemen - If you didn't know already, my name is Alberto and I'm in the wedding party. That is the reason I?m dressed like this. What have I done to be blessed with such an honour? Who?s dropped out at the last minute? Had William?s other friends left the country? Could I turn the job down and still get an invite to eat and drink at William?s expense? I didn?t want to risk it, so lets get on with it. Sherry, you make a fine bride and looked absolutely stunning in the church this morning. William, you looked ? well ? a bit like me, but perhaps a touch thinner. But I think you'd all agree that it was a wonderful service. Mind you, those vows were interesting - William said, 'I do', to which Sherry said, 'You'd better'. Now, traditionally a wedding speech is not complete without a short anecdote, something that gives an insight into the bridegroom?s character. And I could stand here all evening telling you stories of ?boys nights out? or cricket club and rugby club tours. I could even recount the stag night (bachelor?s party), and that reminds me, William - you still owe me forty for those last two dances you had. But this is Sherry's day as well, and I don't want to ruin it with William's vulgarity. So I am going to stick to giving the bridegroom some advice. William, now that you are married, your level of d... ...uidance for the years ahead with William. So, - ?PLEASE SAY WHATEVER YOU HAVE TO SAY DURING THE AD BREAKS!? Which reminds me, William nearly didn't make it to the wedding today because of a minor operation. He was having the remote control removed from his hand. Well, that just about wraps things up - consider yourself advised! ? you?re on your own now William! As for me, I?ve known this man several years and I am extremely happy to see such a good friend get married to such a great girl. Ever since William and Sherry met, they have been inseparable. All that?s left is for you, ladies and gentlemen, to be upstanding and to raise your glasses in a toast to Sherry and William. To the bride and groom!

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Discuss the Importance of Visual Perception Essay

Sexual development is an important personal characteristic that contributes to ones self-worth. It is the way one sees him or her independent of one’s anatomic appearance. The way one feels and the way one is acknowledged by society and the environment can make the difference between being happy or unhappy. Whether or not one’s choice is accepted by others can also influence how one lives. Unfortunately, sexual development is often confused because it is most often assumed to agree with one’s appearance. Very often, it does but sometimes it differs. Simply because something seems or is supposed to be a certain way due to one’s societal expectations, does not mean that it always will be. Things are not always the way they appear and it takes much greater knowledge and understanding to accept people for what they are, even if it does not go along with what one learned. Keywords: Gender, male and female, hormones, environment Sexual Development Everyone possesses a gender identity, which most often matches one’s anatomic appearance. One’s sexual development can be either male or female or even something in between. Is sexual development truly so important or does it not play that significant of a role? Maybe this example will help everyone come to a better conclusion about this subject. A healthy baby boy was born to very happy parents. However, about eight months into his life, something happened and his genitals were horrifically destroyed. His biggest male appearance at that age, his penis, did not exist anymore. His parents, completely disturbed by the accident, heard about a psychologist who was able to assign sex to children whose genitals were destroyed or not there for another reason. According to Culbertson (2009), â€Å"If it is not created, then the child will be assigned a grammatical gender (in the Western world, all children must be either a boy or a girl), which may or may not match that childà ¢â‚¬â„¢s social gender as it evolves over the course of childhood† (para. 14). Very often, when a parent chooses the sex for his or her own child due to the circumstances, it seems to work very well. However, prenatal hormones also influence these factors in either working or not. Nevertheless, it did not work in this case and this boy began to live  an unhappy life as a girl. Time went by and many problems occurred until she saw another psychologist. Her parents finally told her what happened and she began the transformation into a male. It seems like being a male made him happier once again and he even married and became a stepfather. However, this story does not have a successful conclusion, as David Reimer committed suicide at the age of 38 (New York Times, 2004). This tragic story shows that one’s sexual development matters. It also explains that there is more than one factor that contributes to one’s sexual development. Therefore, the author of this paper will try to provide a better understanding into how gender identity and sexual development happens. The interaction between hormones and behavior will be explained and what role it plays in finding his or her own gender indentify in sexual development. As usual, it will also use the help of biopsychology and the environment to provide a better answer for the reader. The author hopes that the reader will not only establish a deeper knowledge about this subject but mostly that he or she will walk away with more understanding for individualism. Determination of Sexual Development Many different factors come into play determining one’s final sexual development. It is very important to acknowledge that not everything that appears a certain way also will perform as such. One’s anatomy might indicate being a male or female; however, this does not mean that this is actually how a person views him or herself. Chromosomes play a very important role in developing sexual organs. Sexual chromosomes, such as XX and XY, help determine sexual differentiation. For instance, XX chromosomes will lead to the development of a female while XY chromosomes develop a male. In addition, the sexual X chromosome and non-sexual chromosomes can do more and possess the ability of developing either sexual genitals. This is why the exposure to hormones before and after one is born is so significant. Hormones are responsible for one’s biological development. Therefore, it is very interesting to find out that the Y chromosome directs the glands to releases male sex hormones. Furthermore, hormones present during pregnancy will most likely affect the nervous system. It is important to acknowledge that every embryo is bisexual and has the ability to develop into a male or female until the end of the first trimester and  the ability of hormones, which will the determine the kind of system, the Mà ¼llerian system or Wolffian system, one develops (Carlson, 2007). It is clear that hormones influence sexual development and help one to not only view him or her as male or female but also feel as such. For instance, hormones also influence feminine and masculine characteristics. As stated by Berk (2004), â€Å"Masculine and androgynous children and adults have higher self-esteem, whereas feminine individuals often think poorly of themselves, perhaps because many of their traits are not highly valued by society†(p. 263). Children and Sexual Development One is not born knowing everything about him or herself. The way one is brought up, the environment, and different beliefs, just to mention few, all help one come to that conclusion. Children are not born with the knowledge of what his or her anatomy and gender identity is; they learn it at a certain age. To be even more exact and according to Rathus, Nevid, & Fichner-Rathus (2008) â€Å"Most children first become aware of their anatomic sex by about the age of 18 months. By 36 months, most children have acquired a firm sense of gender identity† (p.167). Therefore, one’s social learning and cognitive development also affect gender identity and sexual development. Children are influenced first by their parents and then by other authorities, peers and even the media. Another very important theory that should be considered in how one comes to their gender identity is the gender schema theory. This theory knows the strong influence one’s cognitive development and the environment play together. This happens by setting either masculine or feminine categories with which one can identify more. So for instance, boys play only with specific toys and girls do the same. Either gender is criticized by not following these rules or these rules are even pre-set by others. Parents buy gender specific toys and stores even categorize their sections by age and gender. These examples show how much other factors help one choose his and her gender identity and therefore influence one’s sexual development (Berk, 2004, p. 263). Still, even though one’s appearance normally goes along with one’s preference, there are times when this does not happen. Maybe this is one of the reasons why it takes so many to open up and let everyone know how he or she truly  feels. This may also be one of the reasons why so many never say anything and hurt themselves or even end their lives. This is why it is especially important for parents and other authorities’ roles to avoid stereotyping and allow the possibility of acceptance even if it does not go alone with one’s thin king and the social agreement. Furthermore, this can be explained by examining the behavior of intersexuals. Intersexuals’ gonads differ from their sexual appearance yet they are brought up by how they look. However, many express difficulty indentifying with being either male or female. This provides the clear evidence of the interplay of biological factors and the environment contributing to one’s sexual development (Rathus, Nevid, & Fichner-Rathus, 2008). However, indentifying with either one seems to be important. Quoted by Gross: Both males and females reported that gendered expectations at home involved educational success. For females, gendered expectations at school involved being interested in fashion and boys. For males, gendered expectations at school involved being interested in girls and participating in non-academic activities like sport (Gross, 2009). Biological Psychology Biological psychology plays an important role and considers different factors when explaining what and how sexual differentiation and sexual development is determine. It acknowledges that a person’s brain influences one’s behavior; this behavior resembles male or female characteristics and will be categorized as such. However, biological psychology also knows that it is not so simple explaining a human and there are many other important aspects in one’s life, which cause certain things to occur. Therefore, not only the brain but also, hormones, heredity, the environment, cultural upbringing, and one’s choices will determine either a traditional or a non-traditional role with which one can better identify. Determination of Greater Influence As everyone differs from each other, so too differ each individual’s influence. For instance, someone could have been exposed to prenatal hormones that normally would determine how one turns out to be, but then they were prone to the influences of his or her environment and turned out completely opposite. Therefore, saying which has the greater contribution  is a difficult decision to make. There is evidence for both such as, being raised as a male and resembling one should surely let one know that is how they should feel. That does not happen all the time. If the answer would be so clear, then one should be able to know what causes female homosexuals to have higher levels of testosterone, as human biology or a certain lifestyle can increase the level. This is why it is, most likely, the interplay of both that contribute to this occurrence, leading to uncertainty of the main cause. Conclusion One’s looks do not indicate how one feels and certain important factors contribute to one’s sexual differentiation, gender identity, and sexual development. Surely, it matters to try to find the correct answers because they may provide more understanding to human nature. So maybe one day, much clearer resolutions can be provided. However, in the mean time, one should always keep in mind that every individual tries to be his or her best and to be acknowledged is what, in the end, counts and makes a truly good person. One way of doing so is â€Å"by making it illegal to discriminate in employment, public accommodation, credit, housing and education based on a person’s sexual orientation or gender identity†( Journal of Property Management, 2007).

Monday, September 16, 2019

Hispanic in America Essay

America nowadays is knows as cultural diversity country and considered a home for many different cultures and races. The Hispanic term is not either a race or ethnicity, but is considered an American term use in USA to defined people who speak Spanish or their ancestors spoke Spanish at one point in their life. According to â€Å"U.S. Census 2000 State & County Statistical QuickFacts† â€Å"Hispanics or Latinos are those people who classified themselves in one of the specific Spanish, Hispanic, or Latino categories listed on the Census 2000 questionnaire† Therefore, sometimes people in general stereotype Hispanics in America as they all speak Spanish and have the same ethnic traits. Also People stereotype Hispanic as we are all from Mexico, uneducated with low wage job position, welfare recipients, have huge families and illegal immigrants. People in America stereotypes Hispanics as they all speak Spanish, but that isn’treally what I think it is. Hispanics are co nsidered very diverse groups where some speak just Spanish and not interest to learn a second language. Some others speak English only because they have been prohibited to speak their native language due to racism or they had not value their native language. Others speak indigenous languages. Moreover, the majority in these days speaks both languages. I think the last one is the most common nowadays because Hispanic people have realized the importance of the two languages in America for jobs and education. People have the general perception of Hispanics as they have the same traits as dark brown hair and eyes and tan or olive skin. In reality, not all Hispanics look or have those traits, not all look mestizos, a mix of Spanish and Indian. Some Hispanic look European, others look black. Others look Indian or mestizos. However the majority is considerate white Caucasian for the European influence in the colonization in Latin America. However, there are many other Spanish countries lik e Spain, Morocco, Nicaragua, Argentina, Islas Filipinas, Uruguay, Ecuador, Cuba, and some more. Even though they are Spanish speaking countries, their each have their own traits, ascent and heritage. According to the â€Å"The Crystal Reference Encyclopedia,† â€Å"Any person resident in the USA who comes from, or whose parents came from, Spanish-speaking countries in Central and South America, including the Caribbean.† Hispanic has been stereotype as uneducated or gave up school with low wage jobs. However, the reality was  that Hispanics were considered uneducated by Americansbecause they couldn’t speak English and they were focused on their jobs to give a better life for themselves and their families. However, the reality nowadays is different; Hispanics recognized the education as a key of success. They are now interested in learn English as a second language and take advantage of some many educational programs out there. Actually, there are some Hispanic people with higher education than don’t work as gardeners, housekeepers, nannies anymore. On the other hand, some Hispanics have already overcome this stereotype. For example, more Hispanics are now in Hollywood, in the Congress and much more; and also I can fit myself in this category even though I still have a long way to meet my professional goals. The United States is known for being a nation of immigrants; hence, the Hispanic groups are stereotype as illegal immigrants. However, the reality is that not every single Hispanic that immigrates to America is undocumented. Back in the history, Mexican territory was given to U.S. In addition, the treaty offered U.S. naturalization to Mexican citizens who remain in the border and U.S. residency for the ones who remain in south border of Mexico. I think that is one of the biggest reasons Americans think that all the undocumented people are Hispanic. Also the Mexican borders are considerate the busiest crossing for legal and illegal people that immigrate from everywhere. People from a lot of countries use them as an entrance to U.S. because it seems easy to cross to the other side and be in U.S. Also the fact that one country is next to the other divided just by a long, tall fence. However, not all undocumented immigrants are Mexican. Unfortunately, stereotypes are just assumptions made by people to classify others base on skin color, clothing, language and physical appearance. Hispanics seem to become more prevalent group in the U.S; there fore, many people still considered Hispanic as uneducated, welfare recipients and low wedge jobs, big families, just Spanish speakers, and illegal immigrants until these days. However, Hispanic people are deeply rooted in traditions; even though, they have changed their country living is hard to change their heritage because is very special to us or sometimes we just carry it naturally. Work Cited â€Å"Hispanic American.† The Crystal Reference Encyclopedia. West Chiltington: Crystal Semantics, 2005. Credo Reference. Wed. 23 Oct. 2013 â€Å"Hispanic Origin.† U.S. Census 2000 State & County Statistical Quick Facts. Washington: U.S. Census Bureau, 2000. Credo Reference. Wed. 22 Oct. 2013

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Faculty Member Participation in Decision-making of Universities Essay

Decisions encapsulate and encompass the people and system that make up any institution or organization. The decisions and those making them reflect one another to give an accurate and precise notion of how they want to be perceived generally. In this effect, those that are not accounted for in the decision making process are not reflected in the notion of perception by society. Therefore, I am proposing that the faculty member must be given ample respect and opportunity in the decisions of the university. This proposal shall thus center its attention at the teaching staff members of University of Nottingham in Australia and king Saud University in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. The main issue that is a stake here is the value and importance of including the decisions of a member of a teaching staff in the overall decisions in the university. The underlying implication here is to ask whether or not the decision of a faculty staff member will be beneficial or detrimental to the university. Moreover, pragmatically speaking, the decision process of any university must take into consideration the ideas and contributions of every staff and school official due to the fact that each of them knows what is happening in the university from their own point of view and at the same time, they will also be affected by the decisions they make. The decision that does not include other related aspects that can be attributed to it such as those that a faculty staff member can bring in making decisions will not be as encompassing as it should be. It is therefore a privilege to make this study and be able to promulgate this stand of revolutionizing the decision making process in the university so that it may truly encapsulate the very nature and purpose of what it really means to make the decisions. And at the same time, this research will draw the spotlight to where darkness has already made its niche; the unheard voices of the teaching staff members. Relevant Theories and Literature People say that making decisions is like speaking prose because they do it all the time knowingly and unknowingly. It is thus hardly surprising that the topic of decision making involves many disciplines, from mathematics to statistics, through economics and political science, to sociology and psychology (Kahneman and Tversky, 2000). Still, there are even some who liken and compare the nature of decision making to that of the game of chess analyzing the complex and multiple implications that it entails (Katsenelinboigen, 1997). While on the other hand, there are those who rely on statistical and mathematical facts administering decision theory (Berger, 1980). The responsibility of decision making and taking decisions are considered the essence of the administrative process as emphasized by Simon (AL Masri, 1989) since it forms an important part of the positions needed by humanitarian institutions including higher educational institutions. Academic sections in university faculties of different specialties are considered a means for satisfying universities basic objectives as 80% of administrative decisions are taken at the level of departments (Athuhaibti, 1981). The academic department, as seen by Anderson, is the academic unit that involves specialists in research, teaching and other academic aspects. Decision making in the administrative sphere consists of three basic pillars. The first one is about the availability of a human person in a position that has its special circumstances. Secondly, it also important to think in those circumstances to find an outlet to them. And lastly, it is vital to think right to be able to ensure an effective outlet or a suitable alternative. In another aspect, if this is seen from a statistical perspective, the decision making aspect of every problem can actually be formalized through an explicit specification covering the available decisions, the items of cost and gain involved in making the decisions and the relevant probability distributions (De Groot, 2004). Therefore, it is of great importance and of considerable value that a teaching staff member in a university’s department to be given the amount of respect in sharing the responsibilities in making the important decisions with regard to the university whether it is in a large scale level or in a small scale level. Such a person must be heard and be given significant attention for the very reason that the person who can make the best, most practical and most meaningful decisions are the very persons who are affected by the issues at hand and also the very persons for whom the decision will be made in the first place. How can anyone make a concrete and feasible decision if the very person making the decision does not even fully understand and feel the root and effects of the very decision itself? Moreover, it must be absolutely imperative that superiors deal with their subordinates under the bases of psycho humanitarian manners. What is essential to comprehend here is the fact that every person must be treated as a human being and not just a mere willing tool carrying out tasks. People must never be treated as a mere object disregarding their moral feelings and existence who are just as affected by the environment and the natural surroundings like everyone else regardless of their race, gender, color, ethnicity, educational attainment, and nationality. As a result, leadership should pay attention to the needs of their subordinates in a serious way. Thus, another essential thing is the value of loyalty. Loyalty here is not lopsided where in one side shall receive all the benefits while the other lifts the burdens of responsibility. The subordinates must be loyal to their leaders, and in the same way, the leaders must be loyal and even responsible for their subordinates. At the end of the day, both sides must work as one and realize that loyalty and responsibility does not only come through carrying out decisions, but more importantly, it is about the successful dialogue and participation in decision making by all. The subject matter of this study shall delve into the necessity and the relevancy of the involvement of the teaching staff members in the decision making process in the administrative arena qualifying and valuing their decision making contributions and capabilities not only for the betterment of the university but for the growth and development of the teaching staff members as well. This will then give credence and moral boosting performance and efficiency to their respective academic fields. This will further create more new and viable ideas that are usually unnoticed and ignored due to the massiveness of certain issues that are encountered in the decision making process. In addition, this will greatly lessen the burden of responsibility and the pressure of infallibility carried by the higher officials. Some institutions and organizations find the decision making process to be so relatively important that computer-based decision support systems have been invented to assist decision makers in considering the implications of various courses of thinking and help reduce risk in human errors (Flyvbjerg, 2006) Study Methodology This research shall depend in studying the subject and issues at hand through an analytical descriptive method. The research method will follow any deduction that takes this phenomenon from psychological and educational aspects as it is in present time for the purpose of diagnosing, revealing and identifying the relationships among its components or among educational, psychological or social aspects (Al-Ghanem, 1988). The focal point in this research method is seeing the interconnectedness and most importantly, the interdependence of every aspect and relationship that the faculty staff member has with the university. Empirical Work With regard to the empirical data that needs to be collected for this research, the primary source to look with respect to this proposal is the system of the university itself. This comprises of knowing who makes the decisions and how these people make them. The university structural hierarchy will give an ample specification of the decision making process in the university. Moreover, the opinions of the faculty staff members and school officials in relation to the decision making process will be a good foundation for this research. It is also of considerable value in tackling this issue by understanding the location and type of universities that will be assesses as well as the country or culture of the faculty staff members and school officials who will be involved. This research will concentrate on two universities as mentioned. The advantage of this is that the research will have a vast and diverse analysis on the matter and will not be limited by the boundaries that are set by the geographical location. The disadvantage of this research might be seen in the inconsistency in any information gathered. This may arise because of location of the universities and also the willingness of people to give truthful and relevant information. It is expected that this research may cause hesitancy to certain people due to the delicate issue it is asserting. Study Importance The importance of this study arises from the fact that it is going to: 1. Highlight the necessity of opening new horizons to a teaching staff member concerning the optimal method of participating in decision making so as to be an active member in promoting administrative work, which in turn also serves as an academic work done by the member himself. 2. Help the teaching staff member in employing and enhancing his various abilities and techniques in fields widening their knowledge aside from teaching, i. e. getting him outside the closed circle of academic work as well. 3. This study will transform and alter the terms of knowing the participation of a teaching staff member in decision making in University of Nottingham and King Saud University. 4. Add new information and recommendations that help and benefit in increasing the effective participation of a teaching staff member in decision making in those two universities. Study Objectives This study aims to identify teaching staff members’ points of view or perception regarding their participation in making decisions in University of Nottingham and King Saud University and in a way that is more defined; this current study aims at the following: 1. Identifying the extent of teaching staff members’ participation or contribution in university decision making in University of Nottingham and King Saud University. 2. Knowing the extent of difference in the points of view of the subjects of the study sample concerning participation in decision making with the difference of study variables. 3. Identifying the degree of importance of teaching staff member in university decision making by perceiving it through three dimensional studies: the academic dimension, the administrative dimension and the financial dimension. 4. Diagnose the obstacles that can lead a teaching staff member not to participate in making university decisions. Let it therefore be stated that this study tries to state out the motives and value of the teaching staff members in participating in decision making process at the level of the University of Nottingham in Australia and king Saud University in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia as well as the factors that hamper or hinder their participation in an effective and beneficial way. Study Questions: The researcher will discuss his study questions with respect to the objectives mentioned above, therefore, the study will revolve around the following four questions: Question (1) How far or to what extent can a teaching staff member of the University of Nottingham participate in the university’s decision making process from the point of view of the study sample individuals? Question (2) How far or to what extent can a teaching staff member of the King Saud University participate in the university’s decision making process from the point of view of the study sample individuals? Question (3) Are there any statistical differences among the points on view of the study sample subjects concerning the participation extent in university decision making in accordance with demographic variables (gender, nationality, academic degree and experience)? Question (4) Does the degree of extent of a teaching staff member’s participation in university decision making differs towards the three dimensional study: â€Å"the academic dimension, the administrative dimension and the financial dimension† with the demographic variables: â€Å"gender, nationality and the difference in job (administrative and non administrative)? Question (5) What are the obstacles or hindrances that lead the teaching staff member from refraining or from being prevented to participate in university decision making from the points of view of study sample individuals? Conclusion I am therefore optimistic that this research can revolutionize or change the traditional way of how faculty staff members, school officials and universities think and interact in their own school communities. This research can further foster dialogue with regard to the conflicts that may arise between faculty staff members and school officials. This research can also bring about beneficial and better improvements to the university as a whole through having a comprehensive decision making process. This research makes an original contribution in the issue at hand because of the diversity in the information and subjects that are discussed which are not limited to only one culture, system or location thereby filling the gaps of other related researches that have narrowly focused in a limited subject and area. Finally, this research can expand to improving educational systems as a whole and also foster a developmental analysis on faculty staff member or school officials as indivudals. References: 1. Al-Masri, Ahmad Mohammad. (1989) Communications, Decisions and their Effectiveness in Administration, Dubai, Dar Al-Kalam. 2. Berger, James O. (1980) Statistical Decision Theory and Bayesian Analysis. 2nd ed. Springer Series in Statistics. 3. Best John, translated by Abdullaziz Ghanem Al-Ghanem and revised by Adel Izziddin Al-Ashwal. (1988) Educational Research Methods. Al-Kuwait Institution for Scientific Development, The Directorate of writing, translation and publishing, Al-Kuwait. 4. De Groot, Morris. (2004) Optimal Statistical Decisions. Wiley Classics Library. 5. Flyvbjerg, Bent. (2006) From Nobel Prize to Project Management: Getting Risks Right. Project Management Journal, vol. 37, no. 3, August 2006, pp. 5-15. 6. Kahneman, Daniel and Tversky, Amos. (2000) Choice, Values, Frames. The Cambridge University Press. 7. Katsenelinboigen, Aron. (1997) The Concept of Indeterminism and Its Applications: Economics, Social Systems, Ethics, Artificial Intelligence, and Aesthetics Praeger: Westport, Connecticut.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Effective Working Knowledge of the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (Hipaa) Essay

In case of a late entry (addendum) in one, shadow chart or independent database, that is used to add information to a previous entry must have the title addendum, date, time, the reasons of creating the addendum referring back to the original entry (Legal Medical Records Standards). Information technology staff can help decrease incidents of security breaches by implementing screen protectors in all computers, by providing logging accreditation to all personnel, by using network security software and hardware, by monitoring the safety of the network and by educating, reporting and enforcing any HIPAA violation. In case of disclosure of unauthorized protected medical information such as providing a copy of medical records to a friend of a patient without written authorization from the patient may result in fines and imprisonment to the institution and individuals involved in such HIPAA violation. HIPAA defines as criminal the use or disclosure (by individuals or institutions) of confidential medical information of a patient for any other purposes than treatment, payment, or health care operations. Such violations carry fines and/or imprisonment (Privacy, Security, and Confidentiality). According to the Montana Code 41-1-402 the healthcare provider can obtain a legal consent for prevention, diagnosis or treatment from a minor (without adult supervision) if the minor is graduated from high school, have a child, lives alone and supports him (her) self, is pregnant, infected with a infectious disease, is under the influence of alcohol or drugs. In the case of pregnancy, sexually transmitted diseases or substance abuse the healthcare provider is obligated to provide counseling to the minor or refer the minor for counseling. Finally, in case of emergency the health provider can provide emergency care without consent and must inform the parents or legal guardians as soon as possible. One situation from Montana Code 50-16-603x which may result in a legal claim against the organization can be if the health care provider fails to report any communicable disease (such as tuberculosis) to the proper authorities; resulting in a potential health risk to the population and penalties to the organization and health care provider which committed such HIPAA violation. In the case of a minor unable to consent or make decisions (due to a mental condition or conscious state) and the absence of parents or legal guardians, two medical doctor must make all medical decisions on his behalf including cardio pulmonary resuscitation and termination of life support. Montana codes are in agreement with HIPAA laws in the following clauses regarding release of personal health information (PHI). According to HIPAA’s Privacy Rule the individual has the right to inspect and request a copy of his PHI upon a writing authorization. Under HIPAA law the healthcare provider can share PHI information with public health authorities for public health purposes such as prevention, statistics, research and education. Under HIPAA law the health care provider may share PHI to business associates for treatment, payment and healthcare operations (HIPAA Privacy Rule and Public Health). 2. (c) A health care provider may deny access to health care information by a patient mentally impaired by disease, medications, drugs or alcohol used at the moment of the request References Legal Medical Records Standards, Annotated 2008. Retrieved from www. ucop. edu/ucophome/coordrev/†¦ /legal-medical-record-policy. p†¦ Montana Code, Annotated 2009. Retrieved from http://data. opi. mt. gov/bills/MCA_toc/index. htm Privacy, Security, and Confidentiality. Retrieved from http://www. ahima. org/resources/psc. aspx HIPAA Privacy Rule and Public Health â€Å"Guidance from CDC and the U. S. Department of Health and Human Services â€Å"Annotated 2003. Retrieved from http://www. cdc. gov/mmwr/preview/mmwrhtml/m2e411a1. htm

Friday, September 13, 2019

P.O.S essay 2 Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

P.O.S 2 - Essay Example Benefits of the POS System The POS system being online will ensure that all across the Wal-Mat store there will be real and up dated POS solutions. In addition, since the POS system is custom made it will be custom made and thus compatible with most of the programs and hardware, which are to be installed. Furthermore, it will ensure that there is less inventory shrinkage. This is because through POS system it will be easier to keep track of obsolete and damaged inventories. Because of the effectiveness with which customers are served, it will ensure and lead to more customer service efficiency, customer satisfaction and customer retention and loyalty. It will facilitate timely and accurate reports as well as fast and effective analysis of sales date which is paramount to management information for decision-making process. In addition, the online POS software package will offer the advantage of management through remote access i.e. while in different store and while on leave. Moreover , having installed POS system Wal-Mat can easily expand in case of increased customers. This is because it only needs to mount new computers and other relevant hardware to create a new service station. The other minor benefits that Wal-Mat will get by setting up the POS will be prevention of theft, accuracy, and effective inventory management. ... Furthermore, with the retail POS system Wal-Mat will experience potential security risks with regard to software corruption by viruses, credit cards, and debit cards. Moreover, considering that the POS system is custom made, with the software applications used there will be need for regular updates to the system that may be done at an extra cost. POS Contingency Measures Since running of the POS system will be dependent on the electricity for smooth running, implies that in case of power outages the business will stop. These business standstill means loss of revenue, dissatisfaction of customers and under utilization of resources. Wal-Mat to combat electricity failures has bought and installed a diesel driven generator with the capacity to run the POS system for more than 12 hours. In addition, UPS s- uninterruptible power supply - have been fitted on every computer. This is to ensure smooth transition and business continuation while switching to the generator. Wal-mat has also set u p another back-up server computer in another independent location that store up real-time transactions happening in the main business stalls. This is meant to militate against any outages of the POS system in case of fire breakout in the main business area. In addition, after every 1 hr of the normal business hours, it is a requirement that there be a print out of sales receipts for every one hour. This is to ensure that in case of failure of the two back-up servers there can be hardcopy back up to mitigate it. Weakness and Recommendations to POS System Due to the continued high customer satisfaction, there has been an influx of new clients to our business, which has resulted to slower than normal

Thursday, September 12, 2019

ABSOLUT Vodka Brand Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

ABSOLUT Vodka Brand - Case Study Example Since its entry into the US market, Absolut Vodka became a global brand icon, which draws international recognition across the globe (Mooney and Dool 2010, p.1). The Absolut Company produces Absolut Vodka in Ahus, Skane in southern Sweden (Mooney and Dool 2010, p.2). By 2005, Absolut Vodka was synonymous in the global market where it deals with premium vodka as the third largest spirits brand across the globe. The spirits that Absolut Vodka sells includes all distilled alcohol beverages (Mooney and Dool 2010, p.2). Over the years, the company recorded immense success in its line of business where it is now the world’s number one premium vodka brand. Absolut Vodka Product Category Ideally, product category defines the mode of organizing products in the store by the type of products on sale. Indeed, customers of Absolut Vodka find the products that they want to buy through the company’s product categories. Most specifically, Absolut Vodka product category includes flavore d vodka products, which are vodkas infused with flavors like Vanilla, lemon, different types of berries or pepper (Mooney and Dool 2010, p.4). It also includes unflavored vodka and spirits, which includes all distilled alcohol beverages (Mooney and Dool 2010, p.2).... ompany, which manufactures the Absolut Vodka brands, has been selling its products to the distributor through Future Brands since ABSOLUT brand separated from Seagram and became ABSOLUT Spirits Company (ASCI) in the U.S (Mooney and Dool 2010, p. 7). Future Brands is an association between ASCI and Beam Global, which is a larger spirits manufacturer (Mooney and Dool 2010, p. 7). Moreover, Absolut Vodka sells durable products, which include premium vodka, and all distilled alcohol beverages. Water and winter wheat produces Absolut premium Vodka through a continuous distillation process that guarantees a durable and high quality product (Mooney and Dool 2010, p. 8). Absolut Vodka Product Stage There are four stages in a product life cycle, which include the introduction stage, growth stage, maturity stage, and decline stage where each stage has distinct characteristics. Notably, Absolut Vodka is in the maturity stage where there is saturation in the distribution of premium vodka brand i n the U.S market. Indeed, various distribution channels exist in the market where premium vodka brand enjoys market acceptance and the growth of Absolut Vodka is on a decline. Indeed, after 2004, the market share of Absolut premium vodka fell after 2004 despite its international recognition Mooney and Dool 2010, p. 9). This is because of the introduction of many vodka brands in the US market. In fact, despite its success, Absolut premium vodka is experiencing significant pressure from significant vodka brands like Grey Goose, Smirnoff, Ketel One, and Belvedere which overcrowd the market since 2006 (Mooney and Dool 2010, p. 1-4). Because of the competition pressure, Absolut Vodka has been trying to regain its market position since 2006 by launching a massive advertising campaign to woo young

Wednesday, September 11, 2019


EXPLAIN THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN DOMESTIC LAW AND THE EUROPEAN CONVENTION ON HUMAN RIGHTS 1950 WITH RESPECT TO THE PROTECTION OF - Essay Example The European Convention of human rights is a body in Europe that has the responsibility of ensuring the defence of individual privileges, the same responsibility exercised by the domestic law. The Convention is an international body that looks at the rights and freedoms of citizens in Europe. Its formation was aimed at ensuring that violation of human rights was a punishable offense, this is evident in the domestic law meaning that the two set of laws perform the same function. It aims at ensuring that there is no violation of human rights by the states or any other party (Barnett 50). The court handles such cases with guidance from articles under the convention for human rights in Europe. It ensures that people or states can take cases to courts regarding violation of human rights against another state. This makes the body an international body that protects individuals with a high degree.12 The European convention of human rights is a law making body that seeks to certify that indi vidual constitutional rights are not dishonoured by any person or body regardless of their position in the society. It ensures that courts handle cases regarding human rights properly without being bias. The domestic law relates closely with the European convention for human rights because the two aim at ensuring adherence to laws regarding human rights (Bates 477). The domestic law regards all laws regarding human rights that a state or non-governmental organization may violate and how such cases should be handled in the court. There is a notable relationship between domestic law and the European convention of human rights. This is because the European convention aims at protection laws including the domestic law. This is evident by some of the articles in the convention and sections of the human rights. Some of the articles that relate with the domestic law include article 1, 13, 34 and 35. This paper also analyzes the relation using some section of the human rights like section 2 , 3, 4, 6 and 8. In the case of Keenan v United Kingdom, the applicant was complaining about his son’s sentence. In this case, the applicant used article 2 and 3 as the basis of the case. The court only found out that article 3 was breached and not article 2 of the convention. Article 1 of the European convention regards respecting rights in regards to all the other articles. It works within its jurisdiction unless under certain situations where it does not confine itself to the jurisdiction. In the case of Loizidou v Turkey, the court made a ruling that its jurisdiction extends to foreign states with similar control. This was made possible by military action in the state (Aria-Takahashi 240). Article 13 of the convention involves effective remedy. The convention applies the article before any national authority that violates human rights that it protects. It is a free infringement under the convention to get a remedy in case of violation of a human right. Obtaining such a re medy involving human rights can only be through the court. The case of Pretty v United Kingdom is another example of a case that an applicant basis on article 2 and 3. However, the court ruled that nobody has the right under articles of the convention to take his life or another person’s life. Article 34 regards individual applications which state that no high party has the ability to prevent the court from