Friday, September 13, 2019

P.O.S essay 2 Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

P.O.S 2 - Essay Example Benefits of the POS System The POS system being online will ensure that all across the Wal-Mat store there will be real and up dated POS solutions. In addition, since the POS system is custom made it will be custom made and thus compatible with most of the programs and hardware, which are to be installed. Furthermore, it will ensure that there is less inventory shrinkage. This is because through POS system it will be easier to keep track of obsolete and damaged inventories. Because of the effectiveness with which customers are served, it will ensure and lead to more customer service efficiency, customer satisfaction and customer retention and loyalty. It will facilitate timely and accurate reports as well as fast and effective analysis of sales date which is paramount to management information for decision-making process. In addition, the online POS software package will offer the advantage of management through remote access i.e. while in different store and while on leave. Moreover , having installed POS system Wal-Mat can easily expand in case of increased customers. This is because it only needs to mount new computers and other relevant hardware to create a new service station. The other minor benefits that Wal-Mat will get by setting up the POS will be prevention of theft, accuracy, and effective inventory management. ... Furthermore, with the retail POS system Wal-Mat will experience potential security risks with regard to software corruption by viruses, credit cards, and debit cards. Moreover, considering that the POS system is custom made, with the software applications used there will be need for regular updates to the system that may be done at an extra cost. POS Contingency Measures Since running of the POS system will be dependent on the electricity for smooth running, implies that in case of power outages the business will stop. These business standstill means loss of revenue, dissatisfaction of customers and under utilization of resources. Wal-Mat to combat electricity failures has bought and installed a diesel driven generator with the capacity to run the POS system for more than 12 hours. In addition, UPS s- uninterruptible power supply - have been fitted on every computer. This is to ensure smooth transition and business continuation while switching to the generator. Wal-mat has also set u p another back-up server computer in another independent location that store up real-time transactions happening in the main business stalls. This is meant to militate against any outages of the POS system in case of fire breakout in the main business area. In addition, after every 1 hr of the normal business hours, it is a requirement that there be a print out of sales receipts for every one hour. This is to ensure that in case of failure of the two back-up servers there can be hardcopy back up to mitigate it. Weakness and Recommendations to POS System Due to the continued high customer satisfaction, there has been an influx of new clients to our business, which has resulted to slower than normal

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