Saturday, September 7, 2019

Liquid Based Cytology are they fail safe Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Liquid Based Cytology are they fail safe - Essay Example Infact, every nurse-patient encounter is unique and many nursing problems have no fixed solutions. Reflection is a very important and core part of nursing training and education. The current trends and advancements in the profession of nursing have forced the profession to look for effective measure of effective practice, the most important of which is reflective activity. Advances in the 21st century are seeing many new developments in the field of healthcare forcing the nursing faculty to reinforce effective and appropriate education. This becomes of primary importance by virtue of the nature of the profession nursing is. As such, the primary goal of nursing is to provide quality health care to patients. High standards of competence can be maintained by the nurses through appropriate evaluation and examinations of one's own activities and performance, through clinical reflection. Reflection is the process by which a person evaluates and examines one's own thoughts and actions. Refl ective practice is very essential for nursing clinical practice because it helps the nurse to understand, assess and learn through the experiences during clinical practice (Burns and Grove, 2005). ... Reflection using Gibb's model of reflection The frameworks make the process of reflection easy. There are many frameworks. Gibbs model is a reflective cycle which is a straight forward and recognized framework for reflection wherein it enables clear description of the situation of the patient, the analysis of feelings, evaluation of the experience, analysis to make sense of the experience, conclusion where other points are considered and reflection upon experience to examine what you would do if situation arose again. Description of the situation involves recollection of the condition of the patient, the signs and symptoms, and the initial evaluation parameters when the patient got admitted. Analysis of feelings involves evaluation of the feelings of the nurse towards the patient and also the feelings of the patient during the course of treatment. Evaluation of experience involves evaluation of the negative and positive actions of the nurse at that particular situation. Analysis invo lves evaluation of the impact of the actions of oneself on the condition of the patient, whether the actions cause improvement or deterioration of the condition of the patient. Description 40 year old Lucy (Name changed due to confidentiality reasons according to NMC code) was referred for cervical cancer screening. Lucy apparently had no health problems. She was mother of 3 children. She was accompanied by her husband. Lucy was apprehensive and nervous about the procedure. She had many doubts regarding the test. She asked me whether the test had any side effects, what were the benefits of the test, whether the test was fail safe and as to what would be the next step in case

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