Tuesday, May 26, 2020

black bear Essay - 1611 Words

Black Bears The black bear is the smallest North American bear. The adults are usually less than six feet long and stand about two to three feet tall at shoulders. The weight of a black bear varies between 125-500 ponds. They have small eyes and rounded ears. Also their snout is very long. Each paw has five very strong claws, which is used for tearing, digging, and climbing. One single hit from the front paw is enough to kill an adult deer. A black Bear is a true carnivore, but if not prevented the black bear could be a huge problem to humans. A black bear loves to eat fresh leaves, berries, fruits, nuts, roots and also Insects and small mammals. When fall comes near, a black bear must eat large amounts of food in order to gain enough†¦show more content†¦If the officer traps the bear, the officer has to fill out a form to tell where it was captured, and what the problem was. Then the officer tags the bears ear and fills out information about the bear itself. When the officer releases the black bear, he has to tell the date, county, and exact location. After this is done, the officer will be able to if it is the same bear when another black bear is caught and has a tag. The very last resort in getting rid of a black bear is shooting it. If this is the case, a conservation officer will have to be the one to kill the black bear. If any damage is done the person should check and see if the damage is covered by the bear damage compensation. Not all damage is covered. Sometimes no damage at all is covered (Houchins 2). Most problems with black bears are caused by human error. If a person gets ri d of their trash and edible products properly, they will most likely not have a problem with black bears (WV DNR). The mating season for a black bear differs from most animals. Most animal’s breed when they are in peak physical condition, but black bears when their body weight is at the lowest for the year and the food is scarce. This is usually in the spring. The birth of a cub usually takes place in the sow’s winter den. If it is the bear’s first litter, there will often be only one cub, but if it is not she may have two orShow MoreRelatedBlack Bear1233 Words   |  5 PagesBlack Bear Black bears  are one of the more common species in North America. They live in many different habitats are not picky about what they eat. Their keen sense of smell gives them much information about their environment and foods they eat. The American black bear is considered a threatened species in some areas. In fact they are protected in the states of Louisiana, Texas, and Mississippi. In other areas they are actively hunted and are subject to open hunting seasons. CHARACTERISTICS Read MoreThe Black Bear By Ursus Americanus2083 Words   |  9 Pages The black bear, ursus americanus, roams in different places in America including Texas. Its North America the black bears habitat ranges from Mexico all the way to Canada. In the state of Texas, the black bear is under threatened status, it also has the same status under the United States (Texas Parks and Wildlife Department). According to the Texas Parks Wildlife Department (2016) in the state of Texas they are usually found in the Western area in the Trans Pecos ecoregion. The Texas Parks andRead MoreMy Life At An Elusive Black Bear1114 Words   |  5 Pagesyears ago when I was younger, my father took me out one evening bear hunting. This evening was just like any other day because since I was small my dad had taken me with him on many of his hunting adventures. We gathered all of our needed gear such as the cross-bow, the mono pod, and our cushioned seats. Then we set off, leaving our comfort o f home for a relaxing evening together. I was hoping to get a chance at an elusive black bear. Unknowingly, this day became one of the most memorable days inRead MoreBlack Bears And The Black Bear1738 Words   |  7 Pagesnew likely species? A black bear. The imagination of seeing one of the most potentially dangerous species is actually becoming a reality in many locations all over the area. Many have reported aggressive tendencies from the black bear population. Reports of attacks are emerging throughout the state. Some experts say there is no trend of black bears migration to more southern areas of the state, yet others have projected that Indiana and Illinois will have some sort of black bear population. For theRead MoreThe American Black Bear ( Ursus Americanus )1882 Words   |  8 Pagesimportant for the future management of the species population and habitat. With this knowledge an individual could more efficiently manage their habitat to make it more suitable for the speci es to live under the given climatic conditions. The American black bear (Ursus americanus) is native to North America, more specifically Canada and northern and southeastern United States. Ursus americanus once ranged from Mexico and all throughout United States and into Canada, but as human population increased andRead More Illegal Killing and Trafficking of Black Bears Essay1115 Words   |  5 PagesIllegal Killing and Trafficking of Black Bears The illegal killing and trafficking of animal parts has long been a global concern. With trading at an estimated 6 billion dollars annually, poaching has become the world’s second most profitable crime activity behind illegal drug trade. In its prevalence, poaching has driven many species to the point of extinction. Animals around the world are killed each day for their body parts. In Africa, elephant tusks are a valuable source of ivory usedRead MoreHome Ranges And The Temporal Distribution Of That Use Is Essential For Understanding And Conserving Wildlife Populations1664 Words   |  7 PagesThis holds true for American black bears (Ursus americanus) which are classified as a game species in 28 of the 41 states in which they are present (Hristienko McDonald, 2007). Contemporary management programs often center on augmenting or maintaining high quality wildlife habitat, the definition of which has primarily depended on a basic understanding of the species’ general ecology. Black bears are the most widely distributed and smallest bodied North American bear. They are sexually dimorphicRead MoreEssay on Giant Panda534 Words   |  3 Pages What animal is black and white and loved all over the world? If you guessed the giant panda, youre right! The giant panda is also known as the panda bear, bamboo bear, or in Chinese as Daxiongmao, the quot;large bear cat.quot; Actually, its scientific name means quot;black and white cat-footed animal.quot; Giant pandas are found only in the mountains of central China. They live in dense bamboo and coniferous forests at altitudes of 5,000 to 10,000 feet. The mountains are covered in heavy cloudsRead MoreThe Ethical Treatment Of Animals1230 Words   |  5 Pagesthe schools can hold very dear to their heart as mascots come with much pride and tradition. Some schools will have the average mascot you’re used to seeing in high school, a person dressed up in a costume that’s designed to look like a tiger, eagl e, bear, etc. However, at many universities the use of live animal mascots is taking place. While some view this as exploitation of the animals, others see the royal treatment these animals get and carry a different opinion. People for the Ethical TreatmentRead MoreThe Grizzly Reality Of Trophy Hunting1619 Words   |  7 PagesGrizzly bear. As a matter of fact its subspecies the california grizzly has become extinct is some parts of the world, the california grizzly bear was declared extinct from California in 1924. Recently the rest of the species has been delisted from endangered to least concern in Wyoming, Montana, and Idaho. Even though the grizzly has been delisted and thus eligible for hunting they are still under federal protection as long as they stay in Yellowstone and Grand Teton national parks; however bears constantly

Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Physical Education Not Just Walking The Dog - 1576 Words

Physical Education: Not Just Walking the Dog A person might remember in elementary school a certified physical educator instructing the class, for example, on learning to run, balance, stretch, and climbing rope. Then, in spring, a big relay event would happen, and all the students were able to race, or show off the skills they learned through the year. At these events, every student won a prize, whether, first, second, third, or recognition of achievement for each race. Today, many people still have all of their ribbons to remember the achievements during physical education class in grades kindergarten through sixth. Today, children should have an opportunity to learn fitness in grade school, additionally, when physical education is paired with a healthy diet children will be able to develop into adulthood making essential life choices about fitness and wellness intuitively. Physical education is extremely important for our children in grades kindergarten through sixth in publ ic schools in California, specifically, the effects it has on psychological development, the effects it has on physical development, and the benefits into adulthood. Naturally, implementing mandatory physical education will help children in California grow-up to become adults whom are not only more physical active but they will make healthier choices in diet and managing stress. Many people remember the â€Å"good old days,† no worries, being taken care of by grown ups who always know best.Show MoreRelatedVeterans And Service Dogs : Veterans1658 Words   |  7 PagesIt’s called Dogs of War. This show is about a program called â€Å"Paws and Stripes† that connects veterans that are harshly affected on a daily basis to service dogs. I know that the concept of veterans and service dogs isnt a new concept, but what is different about this program is that they get the dogs from an animal shelter, then train them to be service dogs. I was also fascinated with the wa y that they gave so much care into matching these dogs with the veterans. They had different dogs lined up thatRead MoreSpecial Education Is An Instructional Program Essay1449 Words   |  6 PagesSpecial Education is an instructional program in schools that is developed to meet the unique needs of each individual student with disabilities. Special education modifies, accommodates, and offers teaching strategies, services, settings, and least but not limited to, materials. Some special education services include physical therapy, occupational therapy, speech therapy, interpretation services, psychological services, and so forth. The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act protects allRead MoreWauwatosa Wisconsin Is A Suburb Located Immediately West972 Words   |  4 Pageslarge majority of the population is considered upper middle class, and attends public schooling. The Wauwatosa School District is home to 15 public schools, a scattering of private schools, and also two colle ge universities. Both sex education and physical education are required to graduate. From my findings I noticed that a large number of the students enrolled in public schools attended art classes. In Wauwatosa there are a large number of interesting places and things to do. I feel this reallyRead MoreHow Nurses Can Improve Self Care Maintenance With Pets And Sleep1412 Words   |  6 Pagesactivities that can bring you back down to a certain level of relaxation and self-awareness. For me the two things that I enjoy doing to maintain self-care is getting adequate and proper sleep, as well as spending time with my dog. Now I know that not everyone may have a dog, but I think that self-care can come with owning any pet. These two things keep me centered, and are essential to my self-maintenance. The Importance of Sleep Sleep has always been an essential part of my individual self-careRead MorePrinciples for Population-Based Management2225 Words   |  9 Pagesreality is that more common conditions are the things which drain the public health sector in a more profound and debilitating manner. These are conditions like adult and childhood obesity, lung cancer from smoking, diabetes, and comparable conditions. Just as Glasgow and colleagues stress the importance of a multi-level approach when addressing these public health concerns so that one can address:   Ã¢â‚¬ ¦supportive and inhibitory social-environmental factors at multiple levels (personal, family, health careRead MoreChildhood Obesity : An Epidemic With The United States Essay804 Words   |  4 Pages2005 to 2008 16.1 percent of 2 to 19 year olds were considered obese. Now 17.2 percent are considered obese from 2013-2014 (Healthy People 2020, 2016). †¢ Factors that lead to Childhood Obesity o Inadequate Dietary Patterns (CDC, 2015). o Decreased Physical Activity (CDC, 2015). o Medication Uses (CDC, 2015). o Parental lack of knowledge (CDC, 2015). o Increased Fast Food Promotions (CDC, 2015). o No safe place for children to play (CDC, 2015). o Limited access and resources to healthy food (CDC, 2015)Read MorePhysical Activity And Mental Health1478 Words   |  6 Pages The topic physical activity and mental health is an under researched and unknown topic compared to many other topics in the healthcare field (Fox, 1999). Many factors play into the role of how well the body processes and functions. Physical activity can impact one s body in a variety of ways. Someone who exercises regularly can have an overall better mental health, relief of stress and anxiety, and a slimmer figure. For most people, exercise or working out is not the first thing that comes toRead MoreAnalysis Of The Book A Worn Path 1314 Words   |  6 PagesCaleb Clifford Dr. Vogel American Experience, period 6 1 Nov 2014 Racial Prejudice in America: Alive and Well In â€Å"A Worn Path† an old black woman is seen walking through the forest to get medicine for her grandson. Eudora Welty puts the hunter, the doctor’s office, and aspects of the journey itself in Phoenix’s path to symbolize the ongoing struggle of the African American community to gain freedom in post-slavery American society. At the end of her journey, Phoenix obtains medicine that admittedlyRead MoreEssay on The Case Against Civil Disobedience 929 Words   |  4 PagesCivil Disobedience is a deliberate violation against the law in order to invoke change against a government policy. Civil disobedience can come in the form of running a red light or j-walking, or in more noticeable methods such as riots. Coined by American author and poet Henry David Thoreau, the term has developed to define the act of disobeying a law one sees as unfit or unjust. Usually the purpose of civil disobedience is to gain public attention to a perceived injustice and appeal to or ga inRead MoreCanine Assisted Activities Within Special Education2142 Words   |  9 PagesRunning head: CANINE-ASSISTED ACTIVITIES WITHIN THE SPECIAL EDUCATION The ‘New’ â€Å"Man’s best friend†: The positive influences a Canine-Assisted Activities can have on special education students in the classroom Ally Kowalski Crown College The ‘New’ â€Å"Man’s best friend†: The positive influences a Canine-Assisted Activities can have on special education students in the classroom You’ve heard the saying countless times, â€Å"Man’s best friend.† Although what does it mean? In today’s growing

Friday, May 15, 2020

The Learning Style Inventory ( Lsi ) - 1486 Words

The Organizational Behaviour course has managed to properly accomplish teaching the concepts and theories in the curriculum due to the function of the interactive classes. The way the classes are run gives a fresh spin on the lessons learned from the lectures by getting the students to participate in activities and giving us a chance to self-reflect on how the teachings of the course can be applicable to our daily lives. The interactive teachers do a fantastic job of motivating us to better understand the material and ensure that the class stays integrative and comfortable. I need to focus on the concept of individual learning and how it is the building block on my education. In the course we learned about the adult learning process and how we can figure out what techniques and approaches are best suitable for each of us. In the interactive class, we were given worksheets that help us determine what learning style we relate to the most and the benefits that learning style has in an organization. The Learning Style Inventory (LSI) helped me conclude that I gear towards the Abstract Conceptualization (or â€Å"Thinking†) and Active Experimentation (or â€Å"Doing†) areas of learning, resulting in being assigned the learning style of converging. The converging learning style carries the characteristics of being able to solve problems, make decisions and use logical thinking in a task. This accurately portrays my approach to learning whether academically or in real-life situations as IShow MoreRelatedLearning Style Inventory ( Lsi )1679 Words   |  7 Pages Learning Style is a Term that has been of interest in the past few decades in the field of Organizational Behavior. It refers to the way individuals perceive to acquire new skills, knowledge, or education. Scholars of organizational behavior owe David Kolb who is the leading pioneer for the introduction of such term due to his work since 1970`s. David Kolb, a Professor of Organizational Behavior at Case Western Reserve University in Cleveland in the US, established an Experimental theory basedRead MoreThe Learning Styles Inventory ( Lsi )921 Words   |  4 PagesIn EDCL 5339, Understanding Self, I took the Learning Styles Inventory (LSI). The results showed that my confirmed strengths are Oppositional, Power, Competitive and Perfectionist. I do not demonstrate strong Oppositional self. I tend to keep an open mind and am willing to listen to others’ opinion. Sometimes, I feel I go along with what others want easily. In my close relationships, I am more opinionated than I am with my colleagues. I would like to develop the ability to be more analyticalRead MoreThe Learning Style Inventory ( Lsi )1289 Words   |  6 Pagesresearched on how to put together a project in order to identify the learning styles. The starting point of this scheme was supported by the Kolb learning style inventory (LSI). Finally, they came up with the idea of a questionnaire. They gathered eighty questions together, containing four different learning styles along with characteristics of the person/s that might fit in. The image below represents the theory along with the learning styles produced. (workpress.com, 2011) Many people will argue thatRead MoreTeaching Strategies For Learning Style Preferences853 Words   |  4 PagesIt is in this article that Beck matches three teaching strategies to learning style preferences. During which he attempts to link the 4MAT system, Dunn’s LSI, and the Renzulli Smith’s LSI to teaching strategies associated to display individual learning preferences linked to the brain’s hemispheres. The 4MAT system and Dunn’s LSI is teacher driven teaching strategies while the Renzulli Smith’s LSI allows student input into their teaching strategies. In linking the 4MAT system to teaching strategiesRead MoreKolb Learning Style Inventory7058 Words   |  29 PagesThe Kolb Learning Style Inventory—Version 3.1 2005 Technical Speciï ¬ cations Alice Y. Kolb Experience Based Learning Systems, Inc. David A. Kolb Case Western Reserve University May 15, 2005 Abstract The Kolb Learning Style Inventory Version 3.1 (KLSI 3.1), revised in 2005, is the latest revision of the original Learning Style Inventory developed by David A. Kolb. Like its predecessors, KLSI 3.1 is based on experiential learning theory (Kolb 1984) and is designed to help individuals identify the wayRead MoreEssay on Gm591 - Life Styles Inventory (Lsi) Results1486 Words   |  6 Pages[pic] GM 591: Life Styles Inventory – Survey results for John Hastings Instructor: Rick Roechnes Date: 09-JAN-2010 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.0 Introduction 3 2.0 Personal Thinking Styles (Part I) 3 2.1 Primary thinking Back up thinking style 4 2.2 Limiting thinking style 4 3.0 Impact on Management Style (Part II) 5 3.1 Planning 5 3.2 Organizing 6 3.3 Leading 6 3.4 Controlling 6 4.0 Genesis of Personal Styles (Part III) 6 5.0 ConclusionRead MoreThe Academic Success Patterns Of Each Individual Participant1350 Words   |  6 Pageswill be no restrictions on characteristics such as age, race or ethnicity. The learning styles of each participant will be measured at the beginning of each semester, therefore if any of the participant’s learning styles change by the end of semester one, their data will be excluded from the study. Since the study is looking at the academic success patterns of each individual participant, the change in learning style from first to second semester could cause a disruption in the data patterns, whichRead MoreLsi Paper1622 Words   |  7 PagesLSI PAPER Richard Timian Leadership and Organizational Behavior Friday, September 14, 2007 Introduction The Life Styles Inventory (LSI) is a self-assessment diagnostic instrument that measures 12 key thinking patterns, or styles. The LSI promotes performance change and improvement by increasing personal understanding of ones thinking and behavior. By responding to these 240 inventory items, individuals learn exactly where they need to focus their development efforts, without ambiguityRead MoreNotes On Life Styles Inventory979 Words   |  4 Pages Life Styles Inventory Jameka S. Carter Ms. Hallcom 9/14/14 â€Æ' Life Styles Inventory Introduction Individuals possess different skills that have an impact on their thinking and management style. The style varies from individual to individual depending on their opinions, perceptions, thoughts, and skills. The Life Style Inventory is a tool, which can be used to analyze and evaluate the management and leadership skills of an individual. The LSI has different styles and individuals can rateRead MoreLife Styles Inventory852 Words   |  3 Pagesplethora of work experience; therefore, I could not name all five characteristics corresponding to what she asked. Dr. John Doe created the Life Styles Inventory (LSI) assignment; the purpose of this assessment is for people to receive a better understanding of oneself. As stated form the LSI website, Life Styles Inventory (LSI) measures 12 specific styles of patterns of thinking that can either help or hinder a person from reaching his or her potential. The system provides a road map to properly

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Physics Of The Solar Flare - 1757 Words

The solar flare came at a very inopportune time, yet not unexpected considering the sun is currently at the peak of its 11 year sunspot cycle [11]. Somehow the station maintained all power and communications with the U.S., but the X-ray and radio waves from the flare impacted communications with Moscow, where their asteroid detection telescopes are located [11]. This is likely because the ionosphere above Moscow was affected the most by the flare’s x-rays, thereby disturbing its radio communications [11]. It is very hard to prepare for a solar flare though, considering it only takes around 8 minutes for the high energy photons to reach earth, which is why John was not surprised to have been caught unaware [11]. If it had happened at any other time, John wouldn’t have been too worried because the Planetary Defense Coordination Office branch of NASA is able to detect any imminent threats with at least a week or two advanced warning. This is plenty of warning for the high powered laser that obliterates smaller asteroids and alters the course of larger ones; however, the circumstances are different in this case. Just two days prior, John had received a transmission from the Russian base in Moscow that they had detected an incoming asteroid posed to strike Earth, but as they were about to transfer the coordinates of the asteroid to John, the solar flare’s radiation struck the Earth’s ionosphere and cut off the communication with Moscow. This asteroid was what people in John’sShow MoreRelatedAstronomy : The Field Of Study961 Words   |  4 Pageswhat in the solar system, galaxy, and universe (2) †¢ They study the evolution of planets and stars to more understand how our solar system works (2) †¢ Astronomers study physics at work throughout space (2) †¢ Astronomers study other stars and try to see what types of planets are around them (2) †¢ Solar astronomers study our sun to find cycles, holes, and other things that can help us understand the sun (2) †¢ Astronomers figure out the distance between our solar system and other solar systems, betweenRead More The Sun and Its Features Essay967 Words   |  4 Pagessun: sunspots, solar flares, and aurora borealis. At the beginning of the cycle, the magnetic field is weak and there are very few sunspots; later, at the peak of the cycle, the magnetic field is strong, and there are many sunspots. Sunspots are relatively cool areas that appear as dark patches on the face of the sun. They occur where magnetic field lines are twisted below the surface. The period of time when the magnetic field is strong and there are many sunspots is called a solar maximum. The sunRead MoreThe Effect Of Solar Flares On Our Future Essay1529 Words   |  7 Pagesevent that occurs within our solar system is the solar flare. Scientists have spent much time studying this solar phenomenon attempting to learn how to predict them. This in turn has caused a significant increase in understanding the anatomy of solar flares to include the phases of flares and what they emit. Bringing things closer to Earth, the emissions of solar flares can have a significant impact in today’s technological world. By far, the largest impact of solar flares to our technology is radioRead MoreEssay On Parker Space Challenger990 Words   |  4 Pagesseven flybys around Venus, this probe will achieve a speed of about 200 km/s and a distance of 8.5 solar radius from the surface.[1] The main objective of the mission is to expand our understanding of solar corona and solar winds which directly influences the space weather surrounding the Earth. This space weather affects the life and society on Earth and so it is important to understand these solar winds. HISTORY: The Sun has been a measure source of knowledge since the past century. Being the nearestRead MoreThe Science Of The Earth Essay1164 Words   |  5 Pagesapproaches in the science of the planet Earth. This discipline can cope with lithosphere, atmosphere, biosphere or hydrosphere. Quantitative understanding has been developed by the scientists to understand the ground systems with the tools by mathematics, physics, chronology, biology, chemistry alike that help to know how the universe is evolved. Deliberations According to a news release from NASA, coronal mass ejections caused by geomagnetic storms have been enhanced in strength; as from G1 to G5, theyRead MoreSolar Flares and Its Contribution to Global Warming3299 Words   |  13 Pagesï » ¿Abstract This paper talks about the solar flares and how they go on to cause global warming. Global warming has been an ongoing phenomenon and there are many reasons it has occurred. Apart from the green house effect, global warming could have been due to the solar flares that have occurred. Different researches and theories regarding this matter are discussed in the paper. Solar Flare Global warming is a phenomenon that has amazed and frightened everyone ever since it came into being. The consequencesRead MoreEssay On Physics Of Complex Systems722 Words   |  3 Pagesand fascinating research areas in physics nowadays is the physics of complex systems, or the theory of complexity. There is not a single and straightforward meaning associated with this buzzword due to its vagueness and polysemy, and very often it depends on the context and the authors. Nevertheless, one of the interesting points are the tools and methods that the theory provides that can be eventually applied to many different disciplines, ranging from physics, chemistry, biology, applied sciencesRead MorePersonal Experience: What I Know and What I Want to Learn About Space1124 Words   |  4 Pagesmy topic and one academic journal. The first article I read was very helpful. It had plenty of information on how the features of the sun affect Earth’s atmosphere and power grids. That article also explained what the sun cycle is and what solar minimums and solar maximums are. I read the second article that I found under the same keywords. This article was not as helpful as the first article I had read. It was about how scientists were sending out a spacecraft to take pictures of the sun to betterRead MoreEssay on The Great Debate on Global Warming1502 Words   |  7 Pagesgreenhouse effect has many natural causes. Others agree that the cause of the Earth’s increase in temperature is just part of a continuous cycle. These researchers argue that solar activity plays a huge role in the issue of global warming. Therefore, based upon the myth of the greenhouse effect, cyclical patterns, and research on solar activity, global warming is not a man-made dilemma. When greenhouse gases trap heat in the atmosphere, similar to the way greenhouse panes trap heat, it is called theRead MoreThe Feasibility of Prolonged Space Travel1363 Words   |  5 Pagesearth’s magnetic field [9]. In a typical spacecraft astronauts can be protected from the radiation caused by solar flares with shields [5]. However, there are other forms of cosmic radiation that cannot be as easily blocked which are caused by particles which are highly charged and high in mass, known as HZE particles [9]. These particles are unlike the hydrogen protons produced in solar flares due to their high energy and can damage the spacecraft and can also harm the astronauts inside, especially

Argumentative Essay - Smoking - 806 Words

Should cigarettes smoking be prohibited in pubs ? Michal Ã… ½Ãƒ ¡Ã„ ik Writing V. Rob Lee Argumentative Essay 6. 2. 2011 Unhealthy environment, smoke screens and empty wallets are a few problems someone might have when he enters a pub. On the one hand, it ´s required to have at least one non-smoking area in every pub, but on the other hand it ´s usually a small part of it. It could be a big problem for non-smokers, because they are bigger in number than seats for them. A good hopefulness for non-smokers is that smoking in pubs has been already prohibited in some developed countries. Currently, there are many reasons to ban smoking in pubs and one example is that non-smokers shouldn ´t risk their health unnecessarily. Every human, who is†¦show more content†¦It ´s a European Union action to curb smoking, but a result of this measure is not clear. There is still a high number of smokers. Prices aren ´t a good way to protect non-smokers because smokers will always find money for their habit. So a question is if prohibition of smoking in pubs can decrease the number of smokers. Maybe yes , maybe no, but it ´s totally clear that non-smokers will be protected from breathing smoke and destroying their health. There are tough anti-smoking laws in a whole in east of Europe, but people have accustomed by that. We live in a modern world so we should be aware of dangers of smoking and pay attention to non-smokers too. There are still many people, who think that smoking in pubs shouldn ´t be prohibited. They have an opinion that they should have a right to smoke at places where non-smokers are not forced to be. While this argument may be true, people should respect each other. We are all humans and we should learn how to be tolerant. It can ´t be very hard for smokers to stand up and go out of a pub and light a cigarette there. It ´s about people ´s mind, they should realize that they don ´t endanger only their health, but also everyone who is around them. As is known, smoking is the biggest killer of mankind. Unfortunately, there are still many people, who don ´t realize it. Finally, smokers are destroying their health by visiting smoky pubs.Show MoreRelatedArgumentative Essay Smoking845 Words   |  4 PagesSmoking is a silent killer. Smoking is the process of breathing in smoke from burning cigarette, tobacco and weed into the lungs, blood stream, and brain. Smoking does many dangerous things to the body of both smokers and nonsmokers that people are not aware of due to lack of education and social influence. Nonsmoker are affected just by inhaling the air filled with smoke from smoker. So even if I don’t smoke but have people around me that smoke can impact my health negatively. Generations unbornRead MoreArgumentative Essay on Cigarette Smoking1812 Words   |  8 Pagesâ€Å"Cigarette smoking in the Philippines should be banned because it poses a great threat to the health of the family members† Argumentative essay I. Introduction A. It has been an increasing concern about the effects of smoking in the family. B. Cigarette smoking not only affects the smoker but also the others around the smoker. II. Body (Discuss the issue) A. Smoking is mostly caused by sociocultural factors. * They smoke to gain adult status. * They smoke to conformRead MoreArgumentative Essay On Smoking Marijuana1001 Words   |  5 PagesA couple of weeks ago my aunt and I had a discussion. The discussion was about a tv character smoking marijuana, and I went on talking about the benefits and how it is a natural plant and not a natural plant mixed with many other things. There have been a very few negative issues with marijuana versus cigarettes which has been linked to deaths, illness, and addiction just to name a few things. It seems like marijuana would be the cure to the cancer and a few other illnesses that cigarettes can causeRead MoreArgumentative Essay About Why Smoking Should Be Banned1047 Words   |  5 PagesBan Smoking in Public Places Smoking is one of the leading causes of preventable deaths in the United States, and doing it in public is even worse because smokers not only harm themselves, but also those around them. I remember how my great uncle would always smoke in his house regardless of his surroundings. When his daughter visited him for a vacation, she brought her three year old daughter with her. The baby was healthy before coming to her grandpas house, but in less than two weeks, sheRead MoreShould Companies Refuse Smokers Hire?871 Words   |  4 Pagessmokers hire? The argumentative essay topic is â€Å"Should companies have the right to refuse to hire smokers† which is about social argumentative essay topics. There were smoking bans in bars and restaurants to create some backlash in the last decade, while now the policies about some hospitals and businesses refuse smokers hire that appeal to a new ethical issue. Therefore, people are arguing it—should companies refuse smokers hire? Additionally, the author of the argumentative essay disagrees the policiesRead MoreShould Companies Want Smokers Hire Smokers?931 Words   |  4 PagesThe argumentative essay topic is â€Å"Should companies have the right to refuse to hire smokers† which is about social argumentative essay topics. There were smoking bans in bars and restaurants to create some backlash in the last decade, while now the policies about some hospitals and businesses refuse smokers hire that appeal to a new ethical issue. Therefore, people are arguing it—sho uld companies refuse smokers hire? Additionally, the author of the argumentative essay disagrees the policies whatRead MoreThe Writing A Research Paper923 Words   |  4 Pagesthings through her research and writing. This handout will include the following sections related to the process of writing a research paper: Genre- This section will provide an overview for understanding the difference between an analytical and argumentative research paper. Choosing a Topic- This section will guide the student through the process of choosing topics, whether the topic be one that is assigned or one that the student chooses himself. Identifying an Audience- This section will help theRead MoreEssay Smoking Tobacco Smoking811 Words   |  4 PagesTobacco Smoking among the Students of Puntod National High School: A Basis for Preventative Measure To Deter Student from Smoking ï » ¿CHAPTER 1 The Problem Introduction The use of tobacco is not a recent phenomenon. It has been said that tobacco plants have grown in North and South America since 6,000 B.C.1. It was also believed that tobacco had many healing qualities which made its use widespread2. In the 17th... Premium 14136 Words 57 Pages Smoking Tobacco smoking FromRead More Thank You for Smoking? Essay1050 Words   |  5 Pagesâ€Å"Thank You for Smoking†¦?† Peter Brimelow brings to light an interesting idea in his essay â€Å"Thank You for Smoking†¦?† Brimelow’s purpose of his essay is to defend smoking. He provides the audience with information that is worthy of their consideration and valid enough to make them think twice about how they stand on the issue of smoking. Unfortunately, some flaws in Brimelow’s technique distract the audience from his message that smoking is not as unhealthy as it appears. A few mistakes transformRead MoreBanning The Advertising Of Tobacco Use906 Words   |  4 Pagesn this essay, I will discuss the positives and negatives related to countries banning the advertising of tobacco use, the complexities of the argument, finished with my own perspective. This is a highly argumentative debate that countries of the free world have argued for several decades. I’ll start by explaining the dangers of smoking tobacco. According to the Center of Disease Control (CDC) in the United States of America, tobacco use contributes cancers of and not limited to:

Negative Side Effects of a Low-Carb Diet free essay sample

Diet Low-carb diets can be a healthy and efficient weight-loss program, but they can be risky, as carbohydrates are the only sources of energy for your crucial body organs such as the brain, central nervous system and the kidneys. According to the Mayo Clinic, low-carb diets increase the levels of blood sugar and make your body use its fat stores. However, low-cab diets have some negative side effects associated with them. General Body Weakness When you make a transition from a crab-dependent diet to a low-carb diet, your body needs to adjust to the changes, according to Becky Hand, a licensed and registered dietitian. Low-carb diets cause lack of energy in your body because carbohydrates play a role in the burning of fats, which produce energy. Lack of energy in your body can cause dizziness, nausea, headaches and fatigue. Bad Breath Low-carb diets lead to incomplete burning of fats to produce energy in your body, and in the process, ketones are produced, says Anssi H Manninen, an exercise physiologist specializing in sports nutrition and ergogenic aids. We will write a custom essay sample on Negative Side Effects of a Low-Carb Diet or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Excess ketones in your body come out through your urine and saliva. This causes bad breath among people on low-carb diets. Though you cannot do much to stop bad breath, drinking water and chewing sugar-free gum can help you suppress bad breath, says Shannon Clark, a certified personal trainer and author of 8 Low-Carb Conundrums. Constipation Foods in low-carb diets such as beef have little fiber and cause reduction in body fiber, which can lead to constipation. However, constipation occurs due to lack of roughage in your body regardless your nutrition plan, says Clark. You can avoid constipation by including vegetables in your diet, since they have soluble fiber that slows the movement of food in the intestines to ensure complete digestion of food. Dehydration Low-carb diets burn glycogen stores in your body, which have water. Excretion of ketones through your urine causes frequent urination. This loss of water leads to dehydration when you are on a low-carb diet. Dehydration leads to headaches and fatigue. Take a lot of water to replenish the lost water as a remedy to dehydration caused by low-carb diet, reports the Mayo Clinic. Muscle Cramps Diets low in carbohydrates has an effect on your muscles. This is caused by the dehydration due to your low-carb diet and lack of vitamins that are important for the well-being of your muscles. Muscle cramps reduce your fitness and energy levels, says Doctor Arne Astrup. Consume fruits and vegetables with essential vitamins as a remedy for muscle cramps. Key Concepts * Low-carb diet * Effects of low-carb * Lack of carbohydrates References * US National Library of Medicine National Institutes of Health: Metabolic Effects of the Very-Low-Carbohydrate Diets: Misunderstood Villains of Human Metabolism [ http://www. cbi. nlm. nih. gov/pubmed/18500949 ] * The Mayo Clinic: Low Carb Diets [ http://www. mayoclinic. com/health/low-carb-diet/NU00279 ] * CBSNews. com: Low-Carb Side Effects Cited [ http://www. cbsnews. com/stories/2004/09/02/health/main640566. shtml ] * Bodybuilding. com: 8 Low-Carb Conundrums [ http://www. bodybuilding. com/fun/8-low-carb-conundrums. html ] * SparkPeople: The Tr uth About Carbohydrates [ http://www. sparkpeople. com/resource/nutrition_articles. asp? id=590 ] * The Mayo Clinic: Glycemic Index Diet; Whats Behind the Claims [ http://www. mayoclinic. com/health/glycemic-index-diet/MY00770 ]

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Say You Love Me free essay sample

In â€Å"Say You Love Me† Molly Peacock replays a particular incident from her childhood in her point of view with diction and simile to create imagery. She speaks about a time, when her father was intoxicated and when he abused her. The father violently asked her whether she loved him or not. Her younger sister was home, but she could not help because she feared his strength and demeanor. Although, the three family members were at home, a feeling of loneliness struck them all. Peacock tries to convey this frightening scenario to acknowledge that children and women are vulnerable to a man’s strength. Also, she reveals how the people who are being abused may feel in this type of situation. Her audience includes children and women who experience the same abusive relationship. Also, this poem is written for abusers. It forces them to recognize their own missteps and mistakes. People who know friends, family members, or coworkers that are in abusive relationships can relate as well. Her childhood incident teaches everyone else to understand the situation and to help prevent domestic violence. Through her diction, she uses words like â€Å"sob† (7), â€Å"hissed† (12), â€Å"rage† (14), and â€Å"screamed† (30, 37) to describe the hysterical moment that she was in with her father to elevate the reader’s pathos. The word â€Å"sob† in this poem is used when the father is begged Peacock to voice that she loved him. It describes the desperation and sadness that the father is feeling; he is feeling unloved and lonely. The sister â€Å"hissed† like a snake warning her that there would be danger, if she didn’t tell their father what he wanted to hear. The hiss indicated a sign of disapproval towards the father’s behavior and the sister acceptances of their father’s demands. However, for their safety, the sister told her to give in. The word â€Å"rage† in this poem expresses chao in the situation, but also the feeling for not having the power to control say no and being able to have a voice. The anger of her father and her own helplessness. The screams are natural reactions that people have when they are frighten or in danger. First, when her sister screamed because she saw the father’s eye â€Å"blurred† and â€Å"taurean† (30). It was like he was bull, charging forward without knowing any consequences of what it harms. The sister realized and soon was horrified to know that the father would do anything to get what he desired. The second time, the sister screamed to help Peacock escape from the father and divert his attention to the phone. All her diction expressed negative connotation of fear, anger, and sadness. Amongst those words, similes are used to create imageries: â€Å"His face looked like a ham on a hook† (3) implies that his face was red because of the intoxication. At the butcher, the meats that are on the hook are usually raw. Also, when the ham was on a hook, it is hanging down. This shows the position that the father was in, he was towering over on Peacock and his frightening face was up-close to her’s. It draws a picture of a scary, almost demon-like red faced person looking down on a little children. â€Å"Arms like jaws pried open† (5-6) shows the strengths of this arms. His arms are made of metal, something so strong and unbreakable. He’s clenching on the chairs, hunching over her, but not touching her. Connecting with the prior imagery, now the demon-like person has metal arms that is prisoning the girl from running away. It is a prison of hell. â€Å" Hysteria as a wet baby thing† (18) is connected to the previous lines of the poem: â€Å"to peel, as of live layers of skin, age from age from him† (16-17). The lines reveals his inner feelings and needs: He’s like a baby, vulnerable and little inside. He’s acting like a baby whose cries without the thoughts of others; the alcohol freeing him of his adult facade. His face is filled with tears mimicking that of a baby. Although, he’s old, his skin is peeling off revealing this baby inside of him. He’s lost and doesn’t know what to do. All three imageries connect and reveal a man whose monstrous, scary, and hysterical, but inside, he’s feeling helpless and unloved. The irony of this poem, depicted by the diction and imageries, is the loneliness. The father, sister, and Peacock are home together. The poem also indicates that the mother will come home after work. The phone symbolizes the outside world in this poem, but for all of them, it will never ring. â€Å"The phone was not ringing† (43-44) was the line that the father spoke. It expresses the hope that there can be salvation for him and the family, but it did not happen. There’s â€Å"no world out there† (44), therefore no one can call and she cannot call anyone. Consumed by all their fears, the family encapsulated themselves in their own imaginary world. In reality, they are not physically alone nor are they isolated by the outside world. The father fears of being unloved uses alcohol to lose himself and escape of reality. Peacock and her sister are imprisoned to their own fears of their father and the hatred they feel. Everyone cannot see light, the help of the world outside of their fears, sadness, and hatred. They are â€Å"completely alone† (45) within their thoughts because they think no one can understand them or see their pain. Peacock paints a realistic and heart-wrecking, yet thought provoking picture of how lonely an abused person can feel. The sorrow of having no one to rely on and no one who cares for their well-being. This pain is inevitable no matter the age. These feelings of despair leads to a dark world that is frightening and difficult to escape. She shares the traumatic experiences in her childhood to gain recognition for those in need. Domestic violence is always relevant because it happens in every era. This story informs others of such violence and those in an abusive relationship that amidst the pain there is hope. To talk about one’s experience is a step towards living a life without domestic violence.