Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Physics Of The Solar Flare - 1757 Words

The solar flare came at a very inopportune time, yet not unexpected considering the sun is currently at the peak of its 11 year sunspot cycle [11]. Somehow the station maintained all power and communications with the U.S., but the X-ray and radio waves from the flare impacted communications with Moscow, where their asteroid detection telescopes are located [11]. This is likely because the ionosphere above Moscow was affected the most by the flare’s x-rays, thereby disturbing its radio communications [11]. It is very hard to prepare for a solar flare though, considering it only takes around 8 minutes for the high energy photons to reach earth, which is why John was not surprised to have been caught unaware [11]. If it had happened at any other time, John wouldn’t have been too worried because the Planetary Defense Coordination Office branch of NASA is able to detect any imminent threats with at least a week or two advanced warning. This is plenty of warning for the high powered laser that obliterates smaller asteroids and alters the course of larger ones; however, the circumstances are different in this case. Just two days prior, John had received a transmission from the Russian base in Moscow that they had detected an incoming asteroid posed to strike Earth, but as they were about to transfer the coordinates of the asteroid to John, the solar flare’s radiation struck the Earth’s ionosphere and cut off the communication with Moscow. This asteroid was what people in John’sShow MoreRelatedAstronomy : The Field Of Study961 Words   |  4 Pageswhat in the solar system, galaxy, and universe (2) †¢ They study the evolution of planets and stars to more understand how our solar system works (2) †¢ Astronomers study physics at work throughout space (2) †¢ Astronomers study other stars and try to see what types of planets are around them (2) †¢ Solar astronomers study our sun to find cycles, holes, and other things that can help us understand the sun (2) †¢ Astronomers figure out the distance between our solar system and other solar systems, betweenRead More The Sun and Its Features Essay967 Words   |  4 Pagessun: sunspots, solar flares, and aurora borealis. At the beginning of the cycle, the magnetic field is weak and there are very few sunspots; later, at the peak of the cycle, the magnetic field is strong, and there are many sunspots. Sunspots are relatively cool areas that appear as dark patches on the face of the sun. 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