Tuesday, May 26, 2020

black bear Essay - 1611 Words

Black Bears The black bear is the smallest North American bear. The adults are usually less than six feet long and stand about two to three feet tall at shoulders. The weight of a black bear varies between 125-500 ponds. They have small eyes and rounded ears. Also their snout is very long. Each paw has five very strong claws, which is used for tearing, digging, and climbing. One single hit from the front paw is enough to kill an adult deer. A black Bear is a true carnivore, but if not prevented the black bear could be a huge problem to humans. A black bear loves to eat fresh leaves, berries, fruits, nuts, roots and also Insects and small mammals. When fall comes near, a black bear must eat large amounts of food in order to gain enough†¦show more content†¦If the officer traps the bear, the officer has to fill out a form to tell where it was captured, and what the problem was. Then the officer tags the bears ear and fills out information about the bear itself. When the officer releases the black bear, he has to tell the date, county, and exact location. After this is done, the officer will be able to if it is the same bear when another black bear is caught and has a tag. The very last resort in getting rid of a black bear is shooting it. If this is the case, a conservation officer will have to be the one to kill the black bear. If any damage is done the person should check and see if the damage is covered by the bear damage compensation. Not all damage is covered. Sometimes no damage at all is covered (Houchins 2). Most problems with black bears are caused by human error. If a person gets ri d of their trash and edible products properly, they will most likely not have a problem with black bears (WV DNR). The mating season for a black bear differs from most animals. Most animal’s breed when they are in peak physical condition, but black bears when their body weight is at the lowest for the year and the food is scarce. This is usually in the spring. The birth of a cub usually takes place in the sow’s winter den. If it is the bear’s first litter, there will often be only one cub, but if it is not she may have two orShow MoreRelatedBlack Bear1233 Words   |  5 PagesBlack Bear Black bears  are one of the more common species in North America. They live in many different habitats are not picky about what they eat. Their keen sense of smell gives them much information about their environment and foods they eat. The American black bear is considered a threatened species in some areas. In fact they are protected in the states of Louisiana, Texas, and Mississippi. In other areas they are actively hunted and are subject to open hunting seasons. CHARACTERISTICS Read MoreThe Black Bear By Ursus Americanus2083 Words   |  9 Pages The black bear, ursus americanus, roams in different places in America including Texas. Its North America the black bears habitat ranges from Mexico all the way to Canada. 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