Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Argumentative Essay - Smoking - 806 Words

Should cigarettes smoking be prohibited in pubs ? Michal Ã… ½Ãƒ ¡Ã„ ik Writing V. Rob Lee Argumentative Essay 6. 2. 2011 Unhealthy environment, smoke screens and empty wallets are a few problems someone might have when he enters a pub. On the one hand, it ´s required to have at least one non-smoking area in every pub, but on the other hand it ´s usually a small part of it. It could be a big problem for non-smokers, because they are bigger in number than seats for them. A good hopefulness for non-smokers is that smoking in pubs has been already prohibited in some developed countries. Currently, there are many reasons to ban smoking in pubs and one example is that non-smokers shouldn ´t risk their health unnecessarily. Every human, who is†¦show more content†¦It ´s a European Union action to curb smoking, but a result of this measure is not clear. There is still a high number of smokers. Prices aren ´t a good way to protect non-smokers because smokers will always find money for their habit. So a question is if prohibition of smoking in pubs can decrease the number of smokers. Maybe yes , maybe no, but it ´s totally clear that non-smokers will be protected from breathing smoke and destroying their health. There are tough anti-smoking laws in a whole in east of Europe, but people have accustomed by that. We live in a modern world so we should be aware of dangers of smoking and pay attention to non-smokers too. There are still many people, who think that smoking in pubs shouldn ´t be prohibited. They have an opinion that they should have a right to smoke at places where non-smokers are not forced to be. While this argument may be true, people should respect each other. We are all humans and we should learn how to be tolerant. It can ´t be very hard for smokers to stand up and go out of a pub and light a cigarette there. It ´s about people ´s mind, they should realize that they don ´t endanger only their health, but also everyone who is around them. As is known, smoking is the biggest killer of mankind. Unfortunately, there are still many people, who don ´t realize it. Finally, smokers are destroying their health by visiting smoky pubs.Show MoreRelatedArgumentative Essay Smoking845 Words   |  4 PagesSmoking is a silent killer. Smoking is the process of breathing in smoke from burning cigarette, tobacco and weed into the lungs, blood stream, and brain. Smoking does many dangerous things to the body of both smokers and nonsmokers that people are not aware of due to lack of education and social influence. Nonsmoker are affected just by inhaling the air filled with smoke from smoker. So even if I don’t smoke but have people around me that smoke can impact my health negatively. 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