Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Confucius Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

Confucius - Essay Example It is wrong to leave this path for instant since a path that you are free to leave can never be the true path (Waley & Allen, 2000). In this account, the superior man is cautious and careful with respect to where he focuses his attention and is regarded. Humankind must thus give their mind to what is worth listening to and is worth saying. That superior man should always be watchful even when alone (Wing-Tsit, 2005). He contends that, when there are no stirrings of pleasure, anger, sorrow, or joy, the mind is in a state of equilibrium. On the other hand, when these feelings are stirred, and act in their due degree, the resultant is the state of harmony. That equilibrium is the root where acts of humanity grow. On the other hand, harmony is the path that guides them, such that when equilibrium and harmony exists in perfection, a happy order prevails throughout heaven and earth, and all things are nourished (Waley & Allen, 2000). Confucius contends that, the path of learning is to illuminate the goodness in man, to bring out what is best in people and to achieve the highest excellence. That once the true point of departure on this path is found thoughts becomes clear. Calmness yields peace needed for deliberations and such deliberations yield desired goals. He proceeds on this line of thought that to exhibit goodness in kingdoms, first order well, the states, which are for rulers. That it will follow to families, then the person rectifies their hearts. To do this, they first sought to be sincere in their thoughts by first extending to the utmost of their knowledge, and this lay in investigation of things. With rounded knowledge, as he espouses, then sincere thoughts, and rectified hearts, persons rectified and cultivated, order is brought to their families, to states rightly governed, and the whole kingdom is tranquil and happy. Here, he contends that cultivation of

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