Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Police Ethics and Corruption Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Police Ethics and Corruption - Research Paper Example Police misconduct and indiscipline are a common phenomenon in the daily living of the police. Police should apply the integrity, which implies that when right decisions are made, the values of the society should be taken into consideration. However, the paradox is that conflicts within the set standards can lead to the so-called noble cause corruption. The police culture Police culture refers to the way of living of the police, the tasks they do, the hard work, and their relationship with their fellow officers. The police have a culture that emphasizes acting, not introspection (Pollock, 2011). In the local or international police training, the police engage in heart-felt tasks that are at times tearful. The kind of training that the police undergo totally demeans their human dignity, especially if there is a concomitant willingness to acknowledge the struggle for treatment with respect. These trainings the police undergo instill ethical conduct of a real police to them. Among the po lice, ethical standards and respect for human rights shape with time and place (Pollock, 2011). The police have influence and constrains from the broader ethical standards and expectations of the society. Therefore, they must be realistic on the limits of a human dignity-centered approach. Other factors leading to devilment of attitudes, behaviors, and perceptions that relate to the police culture reinforces their interactions. The general view of the police culture is negative. The police believe in the blue wall of silence which makes them free of being accountable of any misconduct. The professional codes of behavior or the ethical codes of the police intend to elicit the set of desired attitudes and responses to the members of the police department. The actions undertaken by the police remind us the expectation from them, that is, to provide a common vocabulary of difficult cases (Jetmore, 2005). The police reinforce and share values and militate against the adverse aspects of t heir occupation and influence. The police culture has adopted the general conduct of law enforcement. Policing the community Community policing promotes the organizational strategies, which support systemic partnership and problem solving techniques that address the immediate conditions like public safety issues, crime, disorders, and the fear of crime in the communities. The policing within the community aims to support the delivery of community confidence through personal and protective policing. It provides a strategy for future protection opportunities that build the foundations of security. The community policing reflects a collaborative efforts between the police and the community. It is founded in a close mutual benefit of the police and the community members. Generally, the community policing revolves around three factors, which are partnership between the police and the community, problem-solving methods that identify and address the concern of the community, and, lastly, t he change in the management in the police organization to accommodate the increased community involvement (Pollock, 2011). The community policing originates from the time when the citizens of the United States were themselves the police. However, this has transformed, and the police have taken these security provision roles. Value-based decision-making and the ethics of noble cause Police are the basic units of

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