Friday, August 9, 2019

Critical analysis of life of the species Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Critical analysis of life of the species - Essay Example And the affairs mentioned by the author are relation of the sexes, the generation, and the nourishment of the offspring. And it is through the significance of sexuality in the life of species and how this sexual impulse helps to establish the feeling of love and care for the offspring. So the major emphasis of the writer is on the importance of sexuality for procreation and the parental love for the preservation. According to the writer the excessive love of the parents for their offspring is the basic conception behind this excerpt. Physical intimacy and sexual affairs are supposed to be the most delicate part of all human relations. Man carefully selects his partner for the fulfillment of his sexual impulse and thus the passionate love takes place. While discussing about the two abstract nouns which are related to the subject i.e. will and the intellectuality, here the author compared the will with the root of the tree, and the intellectuality is compared with the crown. Of course these are the abstract conceptions which are inward and psychological. Outwardly and according to the physiologically the organs which are related to these abstract things are more important and they are the genitals and head. Thus the abstract thing that is will, is fulfilled by the means of the concrete organ such as genitals and the abstract intellectual thing is fulfilled by the head. Here human body is very important for fulfilling the psychological needs. So the author wants to say that the fulfillment of the psychological thin gs is only possible by the body. Here the importance of the body is revealed by the author. Thus the sexual impulse is to be regarded as the inner impulse. The author thus explains about the sexual desire and how it is harmful to castrate this craving. Such castration means degradation of his power of mind and body. Here the author opines that sexual impulse is very essential for the proper physical and psychological

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