Sunday, August 25, 2019

Contemporary Issues in Business Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Contemporary Issues in Business - Essay Example These approaches evidently require some changes in order to finally establish a relevant achievement rate on the part of an organisation. However, in implementing them, there are difficulties that organisations have had in the past when trying to implement new approaches to performance improvement in business management operations. The work at hand tries to provide TQM and BPR as common examples of modern business approaches which have had high failure rates with the discussion why this took place and its probable impact on the attempts of companies to become lean. In reality, organisations are very able to make changes in the way they operate or when they introduce new systems. This is evident in the idea that every organisation has relevant management system that they follow or initiate. In fact, in the presence of tough competition, organisations have felt the necessity to do the right thing, in order for them to establish a market share and remain in the competition. Doing the right thing, in modern time means embracing change. This allows the organisation to do what is essential. In fact, there are various organisations at present that try to implement new business approaches such as TQM and BPR. However, in implementing these, it is also evident that organisations face remarkable difficulties too. These difficulties in general are in line with how the organisations operate, how they will implement the actual new approaches or changes and how they will evaluate and initiate the necessary corrective measures or control. These are some of t he most important issues that the work at hand specifically emphasises. In the first place, some difficulties when organisations need to change the way they operate include finding the right actual approach on how the human resource should respond to change. For instance, changing the basic outlook and orientation of

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